Закрытые члены | |
void | WeatherPhenomenon () |
void | ~WeatherPhenomenon () |
proto native EWeatherPhenomenon | GetType () |
Returns type of this phenomenon. | |
proto native float | GetActual () |
proto native float | GetForecast () |
Returns a forecast value the phenomenon is heading towards. | |
proto native void | Set (float forecast, float time=0, float minDuration=0) |
Sets the forecast. | |
proto native float | GetNextChange () |
Reads the time in seconds when the next forecast will be computed. | |
proto native void | SetNextChange (float time) |
Sets the time in seconds when the next forecast will be computed. | |
proto void | GetLimits (out float fnMin, out float fnMax) |
Reads limits of this phenomenon. | |
proto native void | SetLimits (float fnMin, float fnMax) |
Sets limits of this phenomenon. | |
proto void | GetForecastChangeLimits (out float fcMin, out float fcMax) |
Reads limits of change when forecast is computed. | |
proto native void | SetForecastChangeLimits (float fcMin, float fcMax) |
Sets limits of change when forecast is computed. | |
proto void | GetForecastTimeLimits (out float ftMin, out float ftMax) |
Reads time range in which next forecast can be computed. | |
proto native void | SetForecastTimeLimits (float ftMin, float ftMax) |
Sets time range in which next forecast can be computed. | |
bool | OnBeforeChange (float change, float time) |
Is called every time the Phenomenon computes new forecast. | |