DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс WeatherPhenomenon

Закрытые члены

void WeatherPhenomenon ()
void ~WeatherPhenomenon ()
proto native EWeatherPhenomenon GetType ()
 Returns type of this phenomenon.
proto native float GetActual ()
proto native float GetForecast ()
 Returns a forecast value the phenomenon is heading towards.
proto native void Set (float forecast, float time=0, float minDuration=0)
 Sets the forecast.
proto native float GetNextChange ()
 Reads the time in seconds when the next forecast will be computed.
proto native void SetNextChange (float time)
 Sets the time in seconds when the next forecast will be computed.
proto void GetLimits (out float fnMin, out float fnMax)
 Reads limits of this phenomenon.
proto native void SetLimits (float fnMin, float fnMax)
 Sets limits of this phenomenon.
proto void GetForecastChangeLimits (out float fcMin, out float fcMax)
 Reads limits of change when forecast is computed.
proto native void SetForecastChangeLimits (float fcMin, float fcMax)
 Sets limits of change when forecast is computed.
proto void GetForecastTimeLimits (out float ftMin, out float ftMax)
 Reads time range in which next forecast can be computed.
proto native void SetForecastTimeLimits (float ftMin, float ftMax)
 Sets time range in which next forecast can be computed.
bool OnBeforeChange (float change, float time)
 Is called every time the Phenomenon computes new forecast.

Подробное описание

Weather phenomenon

См. определение в файле Weather.c строка 28