Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
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Класс vector

Закрытые члены

proto string ToString (bool beautify=true)
 Vector to string.
proto float Normalize ()
 Normalizes vector. Returns length.
proto vector Normalized ()
 return normalized vector (keeps orginal vector untouched)
proto native float Length ()
 Returns length of vector (magnitude)
proto native float LengthSq ()
 Returns squared length (magnitudeSqr)
vector Perpend ()
 Returns perpendicular vector. Perpendicular vector is computed as cross product between input vector and up vector (0, 1, 0).
vector GetRelAngles ()
 Returns relative angles between -180 and 180, not 0 to 360.
proto float VectorToYaw ()
 Returns yaw of vector.
proto vector VectorToAngles ()
 Converts vector to spherical coordinates with radius = 1.
proto vector AnglesToVector ()
 Converts spherical coordinates (yaw, pitch, roll in degrees) to unit length vector.
proto void RotationMatrixFromAngles (out vector mat[3])
 Creates rotation matrix from angles.
proto vector Multiply4 (vector mat[4])
 Transforms position.
proto vector Multiply3 (vector mat[3])
 Transforms vector.
proto vector InvMultiply4 (vector mat[4])
 Invert-transforms position.
proto vector InvMultiply3 (vector mat[3])
 Invert-transforms vector.

Закрытые статические члены

static proto native float Distance (vector v1, vector v2)
 Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
static proto native float DistanceSq (vector v1, vector v2)
 Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
static vector Direction (vector p1, vector p2)
 Returns direction vector from point p1 to point p2.
static vector RandomDir ()
 Returns randomly generated unit vector.
static vector RandomDir2D ()
 Returns randomly generated XZ unit vector with the Y(up) axis set to 0.
static float Dot (vector v1, vector v2)
 Returns Dot product of vector v1 and vector v2.
proto static native vector YawToVector (float yaw)
 Returns vector of yaw.
static proto native vector Lerp (vector v1, vector v2, float t)
 Lerp between two vectors.
static vector RotateAroundZeroDeg (vector vec, vector axis, float angle)
 Rotate a vector around 0,0,0 by an angle in degrees.
static vector RotateAroundZeroRad (vector vec, vector axis, float angle)
 Rotate a vector around 0,0,0 by an angle in radians.
static vector RotateAroundZero (vector pos, vector axis, float cosAngle, float sinAngle)
 Rotate a vector around 0,0,0.
static vector RotateAroundPoint (vector point, vector pos, vector axis, float cosAngle, float sinAngle)
 Rotate a vector around point.
static vector ArrayToVec (float arr[])
 Convert static array of floats into a vector.

Закрытые статические данные

static const vector Up = "0 1 0"
static const vector Aside = "1 0 0"
static const vector Forward = "0 0 1"
static const vector Zero = "0 0 0"

Подробное описание


◆ AnglesToVector()

proto vector AnglesToVector ( )

Converts spherical coordinates (yaw, pitch, roll in degrees) to unit length vector.

normalized direction vector
vector v1 = "45 0 0";
vector v2 = "15 60 0";
Print( v1.AnglesToVector() );
Print( v2.AnglesToVector() );
>> <0.707107,0,0.707107>
>> <0.12941,0.866025,0.482963>
Definition EntityAI.c:95
Definition EnConvert.c:106
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.

◆ ArrayToVec()

static vector ArrayToVec ( float arr[])

Convert static array of floats into a vector.

arrvector in array format
vector resulting vector
503 {
504 return Vector(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]);
505 }
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.

Перекрестные ссылки Vector().

Используется в ArrowManagerPlayer::Load() и ObjectSpawnerHandler::SpawnObject().

◆ Direction()

static vector Direction ( vector p1,
vector p2 )

Returns direction vector from point p1 to point p2.

p1vector point from
p2vector point to
vector direction vector
221 {
224 dir_vec[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
225 dir_vec[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
226 dir_vec[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];
228 return dir_vec;
229 }

Используется в EntityLightSource::AttachOnMemoryPoint(), CarScript(), WeaponParticlesBase::CheckOrientationOverride() и UIScriptedMenu::Update().

◆ Distance()

static proto native float Distance ( vector v1,
vector v2 )

Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.

v1vector 3D Vector 1
v2vector 3D Vector 2
float Distance
float dist = vector.Distance( "1 2 3", "4 5 6" );
>> dist = 5.19615
static proto native float Distance(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.

Используется в ActionFillBrakes::ActionCondition(), ActionFillCoolant::ActionCondition(), ActionFillOil::ActionCondition(), ActionCreateIndoorFireplace::ActionCondition(), ActionCreateIndoorOven::ActionCondition(), ActionPlaceFireplaceIndoor::ActionCondition(), ActionPlaceOvenIndoor::ActionCondition(), BotSelectNearestTarget(), Environment::CalcTemperatureFromTemperatureSource(), PluginBase::CalcTemperatureFromTemperatureSource(), PropertyModifiers::CalculateBarrelLength(), CalculateEyeAccoTarget(), CanReachSeatFromDoors(), DayZInfected::ChaseAttackLogic(), CheckAllowUpdate(), PoweredOptic_Base::DoMeasurement(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireMuzzleToHit(), UniversalTemperatureSourceLambdaBaseImpl::DryItemsInVicinity(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::EEOnCECreate(), InventoryItem::EOnContact(), EffBulletImpactBase::Event_OnStarted(), CGame::ExplosionEffects(), DayZInfected::FightAttackLogic(), GetCeilingHeight(), GetClosestCarWheel(), GetMeleeTargetEx(), GetMouseDistance(), ItemBase::GetNearestSlotIDByState(), Hologram::GetProjectionEntityPosition(), BaseBuildingBase::HasProperDistance(), HitZoneSelection(), AttachmentsOutOfReach::IsAttachmentReachable(), ComponentEnergyManager::IsEnergySourceAtReach(), IsObstructed(), ManBase::IsTargetInActiveRefresherRange(), Hit_MeatBones::OnEnterCalculations(), Grenade_Base::OnExplosionEffects(), Achievements::OnPlayerKilled(), AnalyticsManagerServer::OnPlayerToPlayerHit(), InventoryActionHandler::OnUpdate(), ActionPushCar::OnUpdate(), OnUpdate(), BotStateBase::OnUpdate(), PluginBase::PlayerHitBy(), PluginBase::PlayerKilled(), Environment::ProcessItemsDryness(), Pulling(), PluginRecipesManagerBase::RecipeSanityCheck(), Hud::RefreshPlayerTags(), DynamicMusicPlayer::RefreshTracksCache(), ScriptConsoleVicinityTab::RenderList(), UIScriptedMenu::SetCameraData(), Hologram::SetHologramPosition(), DeveloperTeleport::TeleportAtCursor(), EntityLightSource::TryShadowOptimization(), UpdateDistanceWidget() и PluginBase::UpdateStatWidget().

◆ DistanceSq()

static proto native float DistanceSq ( vector v1,
vector v2 )

Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.

v1vector 3D Vector 1
v2vector 3D Vector 2
float Squere distance
float dist = vector.DistanceSq( "0 0 0", "0 5 0" );
>> dist = 25
static proto native float DistanceSq(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.

Используется в ActionFillBottleBase::ActionCondition(), ActionFillFuel::ActionCondition(), ActionEnterLadder::ActionCondition(), ActionTriggerRemotely::ActionCondition(), CCTCursor::Can(), CCTCursorNoObject::Can(), CCTCursorNoRuinCheck::Can(), CCTCursorParent::Can(), CCTMan::Can(), CCTNonRuined::Can(), CCTObject::Can(), CCTParent::Can(), CCTSurface::Can(), CCTTree::Can(), CCTWaterSurface::Can(), ActionTargets::ComputeUtility(), ComponentEnergyManager::DebugUpdate(), ActionTargets::DistSqrPoint2Line(), ActionRepackTentCB::DropDuringRepacking(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::EEOnCECreate(), EvaluateComponentEx(), DayZInfected::FightLogic(), FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping(), Environment::GatherTemperatureSources(), GetClosestDoor(), GetClosestSafePos(), GetMeleeTargetEx(), EntityAI::GetNearestDoorBySoundPos(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetOnScreenPosition(), Hologram::GetProjectionEntityPosition(), HitZoneSelectionRaycast(), IsInReach(), IsObjectObstructedEx(), IsPlaceable(), ItemBase::IsPlaceable(), IsShortDistance(), WeaponStateBase::OnAbort(), OnAbort(), RemoteDetonatorTrigger::OnActivatedByItem(), OnCEUpdate(), RemoteDetonatorTrigger::OnCEUpdate(), ActionEmptyMagazine::OnExecuteServer(), WeaponStateBase::OnExit(), Grenade_Base::OnExplosionEffects(), CGame::OnRPC(), FliesMdfr::OnTick(), PluginBase::ProcessUniversalTemperatureSources(), RefreshFireplaceVisuals(), VicinityItemManager::RefreshVicinityItems(), ResizeParticle(), FlareSimulation::Simulate(), SplitArrayIntoGroupsByDistance(), ManBase::SpreadAgentsEx(), TargetSelection() и AreaDamageTriggerBase::UpdateInsiders().

◆ Dot()

◆ GetRelAngles()

vector GetRelAngles ( )

Returns relative angles between -180 and 180, not 0 to 360.

float Relative angles
vector angles = "-45 190 160";
Print( angles.GetRelAngles() );
>> <-45,-170,160>
287 {
288 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
289 if(value[i] > 180)
290 value[i] = value[i] - 360;
291 if(value[i] < -180)
292 value[i] = value[i] + 360;
293 }
294 return value;
295 }

◆ InvMultiply3()

proto vector InvMultiply3 ( vector mat[3])

Invert-transforms vector.

matvector[3] transformation matrix
vecvector vector to transform
vector transformed vector
vector mat[3] = { "1.5 2.5 0", "0.1 1.3 0", "0 0 1" }; // rotation matrix
vector vec = "1 1 1";
Print( vec.InvMultiply3(mat) );
>> <4,1.4,1>

◆ InvMultiply4()

proto vector InvMultiply4 ( vector mat[4])

Invert-transforms position.

matvector[4] transformation matrix
vecvector position to transform
vector transformed position
vector mat[4] = { "1 0 0 0", "0 1 0 0", "0 0 1 1", "3 1 2 1" }; // translation matrix
vector pos = "1 1 1";
>> <-2,0,-1>
proto vector InvMultiply4(vector mat[4])
Invert-transforms position.

◆ Length()

proto native float Length ( )

Returns length of vector (magnitude)

float Length of vector
vector vec = "1 0 1";
float length = vec.Length();
>> length = 1.41421

Используется в Hologram::AlignProjectionOnTerrain(), CheckContactCache(), EffBulletImpactBase::EvaluateEffect(), EffBulletImpactBase::Event_OnStarted(), Hit_MeatBones::Event_OnStarted(), Entity::RegisterTransportHit() и ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::Update().

◆ LengthSq()

proto native float LengthSq ( )

Returns squared length (magnitudeSqr)

float Length of vector
vector vec = "1 1 0";
float length = vec.LengthSq();
>> length = 2

◆ Lerp()

static proto native vector Lerp ( vector v1,
vector v2,
float t )

Lerp between two vectors.

vector v1 = Vector(0,0,0);
vector v2 = Vector(5,6,1);
Print( vector.Lerp(v1, v2, 0.5) );
static proto native vector Lerp(vector v1, vector v2, float t)
Lerp between two vectors.

Используется в Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck().

◆ Multiply3()

proto vector Multiply3 ( vector mat[3])

Transforms vector.

matvector[3] transformation matrix
vecvector vector to transform
vector transformed vector
vector mat[3] = { "2 0 0", "0 3 0", "0 0 1" }; // scale matrix
vector vec = "1 1 1";
Print( vec.Multiply3(mat) );
>> <2,3,1>

◆ Multiply4()

proto vector Multiply4 ( vector mat[4])

Transforms position.

matvector[4] transformation matrix
vecvector position to transform
vector transformed position
vector mat[4] = { "1 0 0 0", "0 1 0 0", "0 0 1 1", "3 1 2 1" }; // translation matrix
vector pos = "1 1 1";
>> <4,2,3>
proto vector Multiply4(vector mat[4])
Transforms position.

◆ Normalize()

proto float Normalize ( )

Normalizes vector. Returns length.

float Length of origin vector
vector vec = "1 0 1";
float length = vec.Normalize();
>> vec = <0.707107,0,0.707107>
>> length = 1.41421

Используется в CreateArrow(), CreateBridgeArrow(), ComponentEnergyManager::DrawArrow(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), MeleeTargetSettings(), CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInObject(), CGame::OnProjectileStoppedInTerrain() и PluginBase::OnUpdate().

◆ Normalized()

◆ Perpend()

vector Perpend ( )

Returns perpendicular vector. Perpendicular vector is computed as cross product between input vector and up vector (0, 1, 0).

vector perpendicular vector
vector vec = "1 0 0";
Print( vec.Perpend() );
>> <0,0,1>
210 {
211 return value * vector.Up;
212 }
static const vector Up
Definition EnConvert.c:107

Перекрестные ссылки Up.

Используется в CreateArrow(), CreateBridgeArrow() и ComponentEnergyManager::DrawArrow().

◆ RandomDir()

static vector RandomDir ( )

Returns randomly generated unit vector.

randomly generated unit vector
>> <-0.179424,0.966825,0.181816>
>> 1
static vector RandomDir()
Returns randomly generated unit vector.
Definition EnConvert.c:243
244 {
246 }
Definition EnMath.c:7
static float RandomFloatInclusive(float min, float max)
Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Definition EnMath.c:106

Перекрестные ссылки Normalized(), Math::RandomFloatInclusive() и Vector().

◆ RandomDir2D()

static vector RandomDir2D ( )

Returns randomly generated XZ unit vector with the Y(up) axis set to 0.

randomly generated XZ unit vector
>> <0.631697,0,0.775216>
>> 1
261 {
262 return Vector(Math.RandomFloatInclusive(-1,1),0,Math.RandomFloatInclusive(-1,1)).Normalized();
263 }

Перекрестные ссылки Normalized(), Math::RandomFloatInclusive() и Vector().

Используется в SpookyEventBase::GetSoundPos() и ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::SpawnItems().

◆ RotateAroundPoint()

static vector RotateAroundPoint ( vector point,
vector pos,
vector axis,
float cosAngle,
float sinAngle )

Rotate a vector around point.

pointpoint to rotate around
posvector to rotate
axisaxis to rotate around
cosAnglecos of angle
sinAnglesin of angle
vector transformed vector
492 {
493 vector offsetPos = pos - point;
495 }
static vector RotateAroundZero(vector pos, vector axis, float cosAngle, float sinAngle)
Rotate a vector around 0,0,0.
Definition EnConvert.c:477

Перекрестные ссылки RotateAroundZero().

◆ RotateAroundZero()

static vector RotateAroundZero ( vector pos,
vector axis,
float cosAngle,
float sinAngle )

Rotate a vector around 0,0,0.

posvector to rotate
axisaxis to rotate around
cosAnglecos of angle
sinAnglesin of angle
vector transformed vector
478 {
479 return (pos * cosAngle) + ((axis * pos) * sinAngle) + (axis * vector.Dot(axis, pos)) * (1 - cosAngle);
480 }
static float Dot(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns Dot product of vector v1 and vector v2.
Definition EnConvert.c:271

Перекрестные ссылки Dot().

Используется в FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping(), EffectArea::PlaceParticles(), RotateAroundPoint() и GameInventory::SetGroundPosByOwnerBounds().

◆ RotateAroundZeroDeg()

static vector RotateAroundZeroDeg ( vector vec,
vector axis,
float angle )

Rotate a vector around 0,0,0 by an angle in degrees.

vecvector to rotate
axisaxis to rotate around
cosAngleangle in degrees
vector transformed vector
451 {
452 return (vec * Math.Cos(angle * Math.DEG2RAD)) + ((axis * vec) * Math.Sin(angle * Math.DEG2RAD)) + (axis * vector.Dot(axis, vec)) * (1 - Math.Cos(angle * Math.DEG2RAD));
453 }
static proto float Cos(float angle)
Returns cosinus of angle in radians.
static const float DEG2RAD
Definition EnMath.c:17
static proto float Sin(float angle)
Returns sinus of angle in radians.

Перекрестные ссылки Math::Cos(), Math::DEG2RAD, Dot() и Math::Sin().

Используется в Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck().

◆ RotateAroundZeroRad()

static vector RotateAroundZeroRad ( vector vec,
vector axis,
float angle )

Rotate a vector around 0,0,0 by an angle in radians.

vecvector to rotate
axisaxis to rotate around
cosAngleangle in radians
vector transformed vector
464 {
465 return (vec * Math.Cos(angle)) + ((axis * vec) * Math.Sin(angle)) + (axis * vector.Dot(axis, vec)) * (1 - Math.Cos(angle));
466 }

Перекрестные ссылки Math::Cos(), Dot() и Math::Sin().

◆ RotationMatrixFromAngles()

proto void RotationMatrixFromAngles ( out vector mat[3])

Creates rotation matrix from angles.

angvector which contains angles
[out]matvector created rotation matrix
vector ang = "70 15 45";
ang.RotationMatrixFromAngles( mat );
>> <0.330366,0.0885213,-0.939693>,<0.458809,0.854988,0.241845>,<0.824835,-0.511037,0.241845>

◆ ToString()

proto string ToString ( bool beautify = true)

Vector to string.

beautifyIf true verbose vector in more human readable form "<1, 1, 1>" instead of simple form "1 1 1"
string Converted vector as parsed string
vector v = "1 0 1";
Print( v.ToString() );
Print( v.ToString(false) );
>> '<1, 0, 1>'
>> '1 0 1'

Используется в RecoilBase::ApplyMouseOffset(), PluginBase::CheckInit(), PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix(), PluginConfigHandler::SetItemDebugPos(), UIScriptedMenu::SetPosition() и HudDebugWinBase::Update().

◆ VectorToAngles()

proto vector VectorToAngles ( )

Converts vector to spherical coordinates with radius = 1.

vector spherical coordinates (yaw, pitch, roll in degrees)
vector v1 = "1 0 1";
vector v2 = "1 1 1";
Print( v1.VectorToAngles() );
Print( v2.VectorToAngles() );
>> <45,-0,0>
>> <45,35.2644,0>

Используется в ActionEnterLadder::ActionCondition() и EffBulletImpactBase::Event_OnStarted().

◆ VectorToYaw()

proto float VectorToYaw ( )

Returns yaw of vector.

vecvector Vector to convert yaw
float Yaw of vector
vector v1 = "0 1 0";
vector v2 = "0.7 0.7 0";
Print( v1.ToYaw() );
Print( v2.ToYaw() );
>> 90
>> 45

◆ YawToVector()

proto static native vector YawToVector ( float yaw)

Returns vector of yaw.

yawfloat Value of yaw
vector Yaw converted in vector
Print( vector.Yaw2Vector(90) );
Print( vector.Yaw2Vector(45) );
>> <0,1,0>
>> <0.707107,0.707107,0>

Используется в RecoilBase::PostInit().


◆ Aside

const vector Aside = "1 0 0"

Используется в FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping().

◆ Forward

◆ Up

◆ Zero

const vector Zero = "0 0 0"

Используется в AddLightSource(), AreaDamageManager(), AreaDamageTriggerBase::AreaDamageTrigger(), ATCCachedObject::ATCCachedTarget(), CCTSurface::Can(), CCTWaterSurface::Can(), SpookyEventBase::CanPerform(), ActionManagerClient::CanPerformActionFromInventory(), ActionManagerClient::CanPerformActionFromQuickbar(), ActionManagerClient::CanSetActionFromInventory(), ManBase::CommandHandler(), CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), Particle::CreateParticleEffect(), Weapon::CreateWeaponWithAmmo(), DeployableContainer_Base(), EOnPostSimulate(), ExplosivesBase(), ActionManagerClient::FindActionTarget(), CGame::FirearmEffects(), FireplaceBase(), ActionManagerClient::ForceTarget(), GameplayEffectsData::GenerateSequenceRandomPosition(), DayZInfected::GetAttackPitch(), GetCurrentLocalPosition(), EffectSound::GetCurrentLocalPosition(), ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::GetCurrentLocationPos(), EffectParticle::GetCurrentOrientation(), GetCurrentPosition(), Entity::GetDefaultHitPosition(), GetDefaultHitPosition(), Hologram::GetDefaultOrientation(), GetHeadingVector(), AITargetCallbacks::GetHeadPositionWS(), SpookyEventBase::GetMatchingSurfacePos(), GetMemoryPointPosition(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetOnScreenPosition(), Hologram::GetProjectionEntityPosition(), Hologram::GetProjectionOrientation(), Hologram::GetProjectionPosition(), AreaDamageComponentRaycasted::GetRaycastedHitZone(), GetValveAligningPointsWS(), Selection::GetVertexPosition(), AITargetCallbacks::GetVisionPointPositionWS(), Container_Base::GiftBox_Base(), UIScriptedMenu::HandleLights(), UIScriptedMenu::HandleNVG(), HandleReciveData(), ActionWorldCraft::HandleReciveData(), FirearmActionAttachMagazine::HandleReciveData(), FirearmActionAttachMagazineQuick::HandleReciveData(), HitZoneSelectionRaycast(), Init(), InternalResetTarget(), ATCCachedObject::Invalidate(), Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck(), PluginConfigHandler::LoadScenePlayer(), Math3D::MatrixIdentity4(), OnActivate(), OnCenterPanelDropReceived(), BotWaitForChangeInHands::OnEntry(), CGame::OnEvent(), ActionCreateIndoorFireplace::OnExecuteServer(), ActionCreateIndoorOven::OnExecuteServer(), OnInit(), DayZPlayer::OnInputUserDataProcess(), ManBase::OnParticleEvent(), Trigger::OnRPC(), CGame::OnRPC(), DayZPlayerCameraBase::OnUpdate(), OnUpdate(), ActionManagerClient::PerformActionFromInventory(), ActionManagerClient::PerformActionFromQuickbar(), ManBase::PhysicalPredictiveDropItem(), EffectArea::PlaceParticles(), ManBase::PlacingCancelLocal(), ManBase::PlacingCancelServer(), ManBase::PlacingCompleteLocal(), ManBase::PlacingCompleteServer(), ContaminatedArea_Dynamic::PlayFX(), PlaySmokeParticle(), SEffectManager::PlaySoundOnObject(), FirearmActionAttachMagazineQuick::Post_SetupAction(), ManBase::PredictiveForceSwapEntities(), ManBase::PredictiveSwapEntities(), ManBase::PredictiveTakeEntityToHands(), ReadFromContext(), ManBase::ReloadWeapon(), RemoveLightSource(), InventoryActionHandler::SetAction(), ActionManagerClient::SetActionFromInventory(), DeveloperTeleport::SetPlayerPosition(), ActionFishingNew::SetupAction(), SetupAction(), PluginBase::SpawnItemOnCrosshair(), UndergroundTriggerCarrierBase::SpawnTrigger(), StandUp(), ItemBase::TentBase(), TestOwnership(), PMTPlayback::TestStopping(), TrySelectFinisherType(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Update(), ActionManagerServer::Update(), CarHornShortActionInput::UpdatePossibleActions(), ToggleLightsActionInput::UpdatePossibleActions(), ToggleNVGActionInput::UpdatePossibleActions(), WeaponParticlesBase::WeaponParticlesBase() и WriteToContext().

Объявления и описания членов класса находятся в файле: