void | ZombieBase () |
void | Init () |
override void | OnVariablesSynchronized () |
| synced variable(s) handler
override void | EOnInit (IEntity other, int extra) |
override bool | IsZombie () |
override bool | IsDanger () |
override bool | IsZombieMilitary () |
bool | IsMale () |
override bool | CanBeBackstabbed () |
override AnimBootsType | GetBootsType () |
override bool | CanBeSkinned () |
override bool | IsHealthVisible () |
override bool | IsRefresherSignalingViable () |
override bool | IsSelfAdjustingTemperature () |
override string | GetHitComponentForAI () |
| returns hit component for attacking AI
override string | GetDefaultHitComponent () |
| returns default hit component (fallback)
override vector | GetDefaultHitPosition () |
vector | SetDefaultHitPosition (string pSelection) |
override array< string > | GetSuitableFinisherHitComponents () |
| returns suitable hit components for finisher attacks; DEPRECATED
int | GetMindStateSynced () |
int | GetOrientationSynced () |
| returns rounded zombie yaw for sync purposes
void | CommandHandler (float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished) |
void | CommandHandlerDebug (float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished) |
void | HandleMove (int pCurrentCommandID) |
void | HandleOrientation (float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID) |
bool | HandleDeath (int pCurrentCommandID) |
bool | EvaluateDeathAnimationEx (EntityAI pSource, ZombieHitData data, out int pAnimType, out float pAnimHitDir) |
bool | EvaluateDeathAnimation (EntityAI pSource, string pComponent, string pAmmoType, out int pAnimType, out float pAnimHitDir) |
int | GetVaultType (float height) |
bool | HandleVault (int pCurrentCommandID, DayZInfectedInputController pInputController, float pDt) |
bool | HandleMindStateChange (int pCurrentCommandID, DayZInfectedInputController pInputController, float pDt) |
void | HandleSoundEvents () |
AbstractWave | ProcessVoiceFX (string pSoundSetName) |
override void | OnSoundVoiceEvent (int event_id, string event_user_string) |
void | ProcessSoundVoiceEvent (AnimSoundVoiceEvent sound_event, out AbstractWave aw) |
bool | FightLogic (int pCurrentCommandID, DayZInfectedInputController pInputController, float pDt) |
bool | ChaseAttackLogic (int pCurrentCommandID, DayZInfectedInputController pInputController, float pDt) |
bool | FightAttackLogic (int pCurrentCommandID, DayZInfectedInputController pInputController, float pDt) |
int | GetAttackPitch (EntityAI target) |
bool | HandleCrawlTransition (int pCurrentCommandID) |
bool | EvaluateCrawlTransitionAnimation (EntityAI pSource, string pComponent, string pAmmoType, out int pAnimType) |
bool | HandleDamageHit (int pCurrentCommandID) |
bool | EvaluateDamageHitAnimation (EntityAI pSource, string pComponent, string pAmmoType, out bool pHeavyHit, out int pAnimType, out float pAnimHitDir) |
| selects animation type and direction based on damage system data
float | ComputeHitDirectionAngle (EntityAI pSource) |
float | ComputeHitDirectionAngleEx (EntityAI pSource, int invertHitDir=0) |
override void | EEHitBy (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef) |
override void | EEHitByRemote (int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos) |
void | DebugSound (string s) |
| sound debug messages
void | EOnContact (IEntity other, Contact extra) |
override bool | CanReceiveAttachment (EntityAI attachment, int slotId) |
override vector | GetCenter () |
override bool | IsBeingBackstabbed () |
| returns true if backstab is in progress; used for suspending of AI targeting and other useful things besides
override void | SetBeingBackstabbed (int backstabType) |
bool | IsCrawling () |
| returns true if crawling; 'DayZInfectedCommandCrawl' is only for the transition, after that it remains 'DayZInfectedCommandMove' (unreliable)
void | OnRecoverFromDeath () |
override void | AddArrow (Object arrow, int componentIndex, vector closeBonePosWS, vector closeBoneRotWS) |
override bool | IsManagingArrows () |
override ArrowManagerBase | GetArrowManager () |
См. определение в файле ZombieBase.c строка 1