proto native void | ChangeGameFocus (int add, int input_device=-1) |
| Change game focus number.
proto native void | ResetGameFocus (int input_device=-1) |
| Reset game focus number (set to 0)
proto native bool | HasGameFocus (int input_device=-1) |
| Check if game should have focus.
proto native int | GetActionGroupsCount () |
proto native int | GetActionGroupSize (int group_index) |
proto int | GetActionGroupName (int group_index, out string name) |
proto int | GetActionDesc (int action_index, out string desc) |
proto native float | LocalValue_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true) |
| Get action state.
proto native float | LocalValue (string action, bool check_focus=true) |
proto native bool | LocalPress_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true) |
| Returns true just in frame, when action was invoked (button was pressed)
proto native bool | LocalPress (string action, bool check_focus=true) |
proto native bool | LocalRelease_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true) |
| Returns true just in frame, when release action happened (button was released)
proto native bool | LocalRelease (string action, bool check_focus=true) |
proto native bool | LocalHold_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true) |
| Returns true just in frame, when hold action invoked (button is hold)
proto native bool | LocalHold (string action, bool check_focus=true) |
proto native bool | LocalDbl_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true) |
| Returns true just in frame, when double click action invoked (button double clicked)
proto native bool | LocalDbl (string action, bool check_focus=true) |
proto native void | DisableKey (int key) |
| Disable key until end of frame.
proto native void | EnableMouseAndKeyboard (bool enable) |
| Enable mouse and keyboard (on consoles)
proto native bool | IsEnabledMouseAndKeyboard () |
proto native bool | IsEnabledMouseAndKeyboardEvenOnServer () |
proto native bool | IsMouseConnected () |
proto native bool | IsKeyboardConnected () |
proto native int | GetCurrentProfile () |
| gets currently selected profile
proto native void | GetCurrentProfileActionKeys (int action_index, out TIntArray keys) |
proto int | GetProfileName (int profile_index, out string name) |
| gets profile by index
proto native int | GetProfilesCount () |
| gets profile by name
proto native int | SetProfile (int index) |
| setting active profile
proto native int | GetDevicesCount () |
proto int | GetDeviceName (int device_index, out string name) |
proto native int | IsDeviceXInput (int device_index) |
proto native int | IsDeviceEnabled (int device_index) |
proto native void | SetDeviceEnabled (int device_index, bool enabled) |
proto bool | GetGamepadThumbDirection (GamepadButton thumbButton, out float angle, out float value) |
| return true if was deflected button.
proto native void | ResetActiveGamepad () |
| clears active gamepad
proto native void | SelectActiveGamepad (int gamepad) |
proto native void | GetGamepadList (out array< int > gamepads) |
proto void | GetGamepadUser (int gamepad, out BiosUser user) |
proto native void | IdentifyGamepad (GamepadButton button) |
| the on OnGamepadIdentification callback will return the first gamepad where the button was pressed
proto native bool | IsActiveGamepadSelected () |
| returns true if there is an active gamepad selected.
bool | IsAnyInputDeviceActive () |
| returns true if 'Gamepad' or 'Mouse and Keyboard' is connected
bool | AreAllAllowedInputDevicesActive (out array< int > unavailableDeviceList=null) |
| returns true if 'Gamepad' or if 'Mouse/Keyboard' control is allowed locally and on server, and the respective input devicse are connected. Gamepad takes priority.
void | FillUnavailableDeviceArray (int device, inout array< int > filler) |
void | UpdateConnectedInputDeviceList () |
| currently lists only available Gamepad, Mouse, and Keyboard. Extendable as needed.
proto native EInputDeviceType | GetCurrentInputDevice () |
proto native GamepadButton | GetEnterButton () |
void | OnGamepadConnected (int gamepad) |
| callback that is fired when a new gamepad is connected
void | OnGamepadDisconnected (int gamepad) |
| callback that is fired when gamepad is disconnected
void | OnGamepadIdentification (int gamepad) |
| callback that is fired when identification was requested
int | GetUserGamepad (BiosUser user) |
bool | IsInactiveGamepadOrUserSelected (int gamepad=-1) |
void | OnMouseConnected () |
void | OnMouseDisconnected () |
void | OnKeyboardConnected () |
void | OnKeyboardDisconnected () |
void | OnLastInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType inputDevice) |
| called from code on different input device use
См. определение в файле input.c строка 10