DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс Input

Закрытые члены

proto native void ChangeGameFocus (int add, int input_device=-1)
 Change game focus number.
proto native void ResetGameFocus (int input_device=-1)
 Reset game focus number (set to 0)
proto native bool HasGameFocus (int input_device=-1)
 Check if game should have focus.
proto native int GetActionGroupsCount ()
proto native int GetActionGroupSize (int group_index)
proto int GetActionGroupName (int group_index, out string name)
proto int GetActionDesc (int action_index, out string desc)
proto native float LocalValue_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true)
 Get action state.
proto native float LocalValue (string action, bool check_focus=true)
proto native bool LocalPress_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true)
 Returns true just in frame, when action was invoked (button was pressed)
proto native bool LocalPress (string action, bool check_focus=true)
proto native bool LocalRelease_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true)
 Returns true just in frame, when release action happened (button was released)
proto native bool LocalRelease (string action, bool check_focus=true)
proto native bool LocalHold_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true)
 Returns true just in frame, when hold action invoked (button is hold)
proto native bool LocalHold (string action, bool check_focus=true)
proto native bool LocalDbl_ID (int action, bool check_focus=true)
 Returns true just in frame, when double click action invoked (button double clicked)
proto native bool LocalDbl (string action, bool check_focus=true)
proto native void DisableKey (int key)
 Disable key until end of frame.
proto native void EnableMouseAndKeyboard (bool enable)
 Enable mouse and keyboard (on consoles)
proto native bool IsEnabledMouseAndKeyboard ()
proto native bool IsEnabledMouseAndKeyboardEvenOnServer ()
proto native bool IsMouseConnected ()
proto native bool IsKeyboardConnected ()
proto native int GetCurrentProfile ()
 gets currently selected profile
proto native void GetCurrentProfileActionKeys (int action_index, out TIntArray keys)
proto int GetProfileName (int profile_index, out string name)
 gets profile by index
proto native int GetProfilesCount ()
 gets profile by name
proto native int SetProfile (int index)
 setting active profile
proto native int GetDevicesCount ()
proto int GetDeviceName (int device_index, out string name)
proto native int IsDeviceXInput (int device_index)
proto native int IsDeviceEnabled (int device_index)
proto native void SetDeviceEnabled (int device_index, bool enabled)
proto bool GetGamepadThumbDirection (GamepadButton thumbButton, out float angle, out float value)
 return true if was deflected button.
proto native void ResetActiveGamepad ()
 clears active gamepad
proto native void SelectActiveGamepad (int gamepad)
proto native void GetGamepadList (out array< int > gamepads)
proto void GetGamepadUser (int gamepad, out BiosUser user)
proto native void IdentifyGamepad (GamepadButton button)
 the on OnGamepadIdentification callback will return the first gamepad where the button was pressed
proto native bool IsActiveGamepadSelected ()
 returns true if there is an active gamepad selected.
bool IsAnyInputDeviceActive ()
 returns true if 'Gamepad' or 'Mouse and Keyboard' is connected
bool AreAllAllowedInputDevicesActive (out array< int > unavailableDeviceList=null)
 returns true if 'Gamepad' or if 'Mouse/Keyboard' control is allowed locally and on server, and the respective input devicse are connected. Gamepad takes priority.
void FillUnavailableDeviceArray (int device, inout array< int > filler)
void UpdateConnectedInputDeviceList ()
 currently lists only available Gamepad, Mouse, and Keyboard. Extendable as needed.
proto native EInputDeviceType GetCurrentInputDevice ()
proto native GamepadButton GetEnterButton ()
void OnGamepadConnected (int gamepad)
 callback that is fired when a new gamepad is connected
void OnGamepadDisconnected (int gamepad)
 callback that is fired when gamepad is disconnected
void OnGamepadIdentification (int gamepad)
 callback that is fired when identification was requested
int GetUserGamepad (BiosUser user)
bool IsInactiveGamepadOrUserSelected (int gamepad=-1)
void OnMouseConnected ()
void OnMouseDisconnected ()
void OnKeyboardConnected ()
void OnKeyboardDisconnected ()
void OnLastInputDeviceChanged (EInputDeviceType inputDevice)
 called from code on different input device use

Подробное описание

См. определение в файле input.c строка 10