DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс WorldData

Keeps information about currently loaded world, like temperature. Подробнее...

+ Граф наследования:WorldData:

Защищенные члены

void WorldData ()
void Init ()
float GetApproxSunriseTime (float monthday)
float GetApproxSunsetTime (float monthday)
int GetDaytime ()
float CalcBaseEnvironmentTemperature (float monthday, float daytime)
void UpdateBaseEnvTemperature (float timeslice)
void UpdateWeatherEffects (Weather weather, float timeslice)
 Updates local weather effects.
float ComputeSnowflakeScale (Weather weather)
 Returns the desired snowflake scale based on weather simulation state.
float GetBaseEnvTemperature ()
float GetBaseEnvTemperatureAtObject (notnull Object object)
float GetBaseEnvTemperatureAtPosition (vector pos)
float GetBaseEnvTemperatureExact (int month, int day, int hour, int minute)
float GetLiquidTypeEnviroTemperature (int liquidType)
bool WeatherOnBeforeChange (EWeatherPhenomenon type, float actual, float change, float time)
array< vectorGetArtyFiringPos ()
float GetAgentSpawnChance (eAgents agent)
float GetColdAreaToolDamageModifier ()
void BaseTempDebug (int month, int day)
int GetPollution ()
float GetWindCoef ()
float GetUniversalTemperatureSourceCapModifier ()
float GetTemperature (Object object, EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent properties=EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent.BASE)
 Return actual temperature of environment based on provided parameters.
float GetTemperatureComponentValue (float temperatureIn, EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent properties=0)
 Return value of queried EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent which can be used in future calculation(s)
float WindEffectTemperatureValue (float temperatureInput)
void CalculateWind (int newWeather, bool suddenChange, out float magnitude, out float direction)
void CalculateVolFog (float lerpValue, float windMagnitude, float changeTime)
void CreateYieldBank ()
void InitYieldBank ()
 override this to properly register world-specific yields
void SetupWeatherSettings ()
void SetupLiquidTemperatures ()
CatchYieldBank GetCatchYieldBank ()
TStringArray GetDefaultPRAPaths ()
float GetDayTemperature ()
float GetNightTemperature ()
override void Init ()
override void SetupWeatherSettings ()
override bool WeatherOnBeforeChange (EWeatherPhenomenon type, float actual, float change, float time)
override void CalculateWind (int newWeather, bool suddenChange, out float magnitude, out float direction)
override void CalculateVolFog (float lerpValue, float windMagnitude, float changeTime)
bool LogWeatherData ()

Защищенные данные

Weather m_Weather
float m_EnvironmentTemperature
bool m_EnTempUpdated
float m_Timer
float m_MaxTemps [12]
float m_MinTemps [12]
float m_Sunrise_Jan
float m_Sunset_Jan
float m_Sunrise_Jul
float m_Sunset_Jul
ref array< vectorm_FiringPos
bool m_Pollution
ref CatchYieldBank m_YieldBank
ref WorldDataWeatherSettings m_WeatherDefaultSettings
ref WorldDataLiquidSettings m_LiquidSettings
ref TStringArray m_DefaultPlayerRestrictedAreas
int m_BadWeatherChance
 weather related
int m_ClearWeatherChance
bool m_IsSuddenChange
float m_WorldWindCoef
float m_UniversalTemperatureSourceCapModifier
int m_SameWeatherCnt = 0
int m_StepValue = 5
int m_Chance = 50
int m_ChoosenWeather = 1
int m_LastWeather = 0
float m_DayTemperature = 10
float m_NightTemperature = 6
const int CLEAR_WEATHER = 1
 DEPRECATED (see WorldDataWeatherConstants)
const int CLOUDY_WEATHER = 2
const int BAD_WEATHER = 3
const int OVERCAST_MIN_TIME = 600
 DEPRECATED (see WorldDataWeatherSettings)
const int OVERCAST_MAX_TIME = 900
const float RAIN_THRESHOLD = 0.6
const int RAIN_TIME_MIN = 60
const int RAIN_TIME_MAX = 120
const float STORM_THRESHOLD = 0.9
int m_clearWeatherChance = m_ClearWeatherChance
int m_badWeatherChance = m_BadWeatherChance
int m_sameWeatherCnt = m_SameWeatherCnt
int m_stepValue = m_StepValue
int m_chance = m_Chance
int m_choosenWeather = m_ChoosenWeather
int m_lastWeather = m_LastWeather

Статические защищенные данные

static const ref array< vectorCHERNARUS_ARTY_STRIKE_POS

Закрытые данные

float m_TemperaturePerHeightReductionModifier
 directly accesible (defined/overriden in Init())
float m_CloudsTemperatureEffectModifier
 amount of °C reduced for each 100 meteres of height above water level
float m_TemperatureInsideBuildingsModifier
 how many % of environment temperature can be lowered by clouds
float m_WaterContactTemperatureModifier

Подробное описание

Keeps information about currently loaded world, like temperature.

См. определение в файле WorldData.c строка 2