void | WorldData () |
void | Init () |
float | GetApproxSunriseTime (float monthday) |
float | GetApproxSunsetTime (float monthday) |
int | GetDaytime () |
float | CalcBaseEnvironmentTemperature (float monthday, float daytime) |
void | UpdateBaseEnvTemperature (float timeslice) |
void | UpdateWeatherEffects (Weather weather, float timeslice) |
| Updates local weather effects.
float | ComputeSnowflakeScale (Weather weather) |
| Returns the desired snowflake scale based on weather simulation state.
float | GetBaseEnvTemperature () |
float | GetBaseEnvTemperatureAtObject (notnull Object object) |
float | GetBaseEnvTemperatureAtPosition (vector pos) |
float | GetBaseEnvTemperatureExact (int month, int day, int hour, int minute) |
float | GetLiquidTypeEnviroTemperature (int liquidType) |
bool | WeatherOnBeforeChange (EWeatherPhenomenon type, float actual, float change, float time) |
array< vector > | GetArtyFiringPos () |
float | GetAgentSpawnChance (eAgents agent) |
float | GetColdAreaToolDamageModifier () |
void | BaseTempDebug (int month, int day) |
int | GetPollution () |
float | GetWindCoef () |
float | GetUniversalTemperatureSourceCapModifier () |
float | GetTemperature (Object object, EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent properties=EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent.BASE) |
| Return actual temperature of environment based on provided parameters.
float | GetTemperatureComponentValue (float temperatureIn, EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent properties=0) |
| Return value of queried EEnvironmentTemperatureComponent which can be used in future calculation(s)
float | WindEffectTemperatureValue (float temperatureInput) |
void | CalculateWind (int newWeather, bool suddenChange, out float magnitude, out float direction) |
void | CalculateVolFog (float lerpValue, float windMagnitude, float changeTime) |
void | CreateYieldBank () |
void | InitYieldBank () |
| override this to properly register world-specific yields
void | SetupWeatherSettings () |
void | SetupLiquidTemperatures () |
CatchYieldBank | GetCatchYieldBank () |
TStringArray | GetDefaultPRAPaths () |
float | GetDayTemperature () |
float | GetNightTemperature () |
override void | Init () |
override void | SetupWeatherSettings () |
override bool | WeatherOnBeforeChange (EWeatherPhenomenon type, float actual, float change, float time) |
override void | CalculateWind (int newWeather, bool suddenChange, out float magnitude, out float direction) |
override void | CalculateVolFog (float lerpValue, float windMagnitude, float changeTime) |
bool | LogWeatherData () |
Keeps information about currently loaded world, like temperature.
См. определение в файле WorldData.c строка 2