Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
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Класс ItemInventory
+ Граф наследования:ItemInventory:

Дополнительные унаследованные члены

- Закрытые члены унаследованные от GameInventory
proto native bool GetCurrentInventoryLocation (out notnull InventoryLocation loc)
 returns information about current item location
proto native bool FindFreeLocationFor (notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull InventoryLocation loc)
proto native bool FindFreeLocationForEx (notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull InventoryLocation exclude, out notnull InventoryLocation loc)
proto native bool FindFirstFreeLocationForNewEntity (string item_type, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull InventoryLocation loc)
proto native int FindFreeLocationsFor (notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags, out notnull array< ref InventoryLocation > locs)
 searches inventory for suitable location for @item
bool IsInCargo ()
 Returns true if this Inventory owner is in cargo of something.
bool IsAttachment ()
 Returns true if this Inventory owner is an attachment of something.
bool IsCargoInHiearchy ()
 Returns true if inventory owner or his hiearchy parents are in cargo.
bool AreChildrenAccessible ()
 Returns true if item is considered reachable within inventory.
bool GetCurrentAttachmentSlotInfo (out int slot_id, out string slot_name)
 Returns true if the item is currently attached and outputs attachment slot id and name.
proto native bool CanAddSwappedEntity (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
void OnInventoryFailure (InventoryCommandType type, InventoryValidationReason reason, InventoryLocation src, InventoryLocation dst)
bool TakeEntityToInventory (InventoryMode mode, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
 Put item anywhere into this entity (as attachment or into cargo, recursively)
bool TakeEntityToTargetInventory (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, FindInventoryLocationType flags, notnull EntityAI item)
 helper that finds location first, then moves the entity into it
bool TakeToDst (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
 move src to dst
bool TakeEntityToCargo (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item)
 moves item to cargo of this intentory
bool TakeEntityToTargetCargo (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
 Put item into into cargo of another entity.
bool TakeEntityToCargoEx (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item, int idx, int row, int col)
 moves item on specific cargo location
bool TakeEntityToTargetCargoEx (InventoryMode mode, notnull CargoBase cargo, notnull EntityAI item, int row, int col)
 Put item into into cargo on specific cargo location of another entity.
bool TakeEntityAsAttachmentEx (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item, int slot)
bool TakeEntityAsTargetAttachmentEx (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item, int slot)
 put item as attachment of target
bool TakeEntityAsAttachment (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item)
bool TakeEntityAsTargetAttachment (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI target, notnull EntityAI item)
bool SwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2)
bool ForceSwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation item2_dst)
bool DropEntity (InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item)
bool DropEntityWithTransform (InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, vector transform[4])
bool DropEntityInBounds (InventoryMode mode, EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, vector halfExtents, float angle, float cosAngle, float sinAngle)
bool LocalDestroyEntity (notnull EntityAI item)
bool ReplaceItemWithNew (InventoryMode mode, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda)
proto native bool GetFlipCargo ()
proto native void SetFlipCargo (bool flip)
proto native void FlipCargo ()
proto native void ResetFlipCargo ()
proto native EntityAI GetInventoryOwner ()
 Engine native functions.
proto native bool HasEntityInInventory (notnull EntityAI item)
 query inventory if item is somewhere
proto native bool EnumerateInventory (InventoryTraversalType tt, out array< EntityAI > items)
 enumerate inventory using traversal type and filling items array
proto native int CountInventory ()
 almost identical to EnumerateInventory except it does not return items
proto native CargoBase GetCargo ()
proto native CargoBase GetCargoFromIndex (int index)
proto native EntityAI CreateEntityInCargo (string typeName)
 Create Entity of specified type in cargo of entity.
proto native EntityAI CreateEntityInCargoEx (string typeName, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip)
 Create Entity of specified type in cargo of entity at coordinates (row, col)
proto native bool HasEntityInCargo (notnull EntityAI e)
proto native bool HasEntityInCargoEx (notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col)
proto native bool CanAddEntityInCargo (notnull EntityAI e, bool flip)
proto native bool CanAddEntityInCargoEx (notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip)
proto native bool CanAddEntityInCargoExLoc (InventoryLocation loc)
proto native bool TestAddEntityInCargoEx (notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col, bool flip, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check)
proto native bool TestAddEntityInCargoExLoc (notnull InventoryLocation loc, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check)
proto native bool CanRemoveEntityInCargo (notnull EntityAI e)
proto native bool CanRemoveEntityInCargoEx (notnull EntityAI e, int idx, int row, int col)
proto native int GetSlotId (int index)
proto native int GetSlotIdCount ()
proto native int GetAttachmentSlotId (int index)
proto native int GetAttachmentSlotsCount ()
bool HasAttachmentSlot (int slotId)
proto native bool HasInventorySlot (int slotId)
proto native int AttachmentCount ()
 Returns count of attachments attached to this item.
proto native EntityAI CreateAttachment (string typeName)
 Create Entity of specified type as attachment of entity.
proto native EntityAI CreateAttachmentEx (string typeName, int slotId)
 Create Entity of specified type as attachment of entity.
proto native EntityAI GetAttachmentFromIndex (int index)
proto native EntityAI FindAttachment (int slot)
 Returns attached entity in slot (you can use InventorySlots.GetSlotIdFromString(name) to get slot id)
proto native EntityAI FindAttachmentByName (string slotName)
 Returns attached entity in slot (you can use EntityAI.GetActionComponentName to get slot id)
proto native bool HasAttachment (notnull EntityAI e)
 brief Returns True if entity is attached to this
proto native bool HasAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI e, int slot)
 brief Returns True if entity is attached to this in slot
proto native bool CanAddAttachment (notnull EntityAI e)
 Check if attachment can be added to any slot.
proto native bool CanAddAttachmentEx (notnull EntityAI e, int slot)
 Check if attachment can be added to slot @NOTE: Note that slot index IS NOT slot ID! Slot ID is defined in DZ/data/config.cpp.
proto native bool CanRemoveAttachment (EntityAI attachment)
proto native bool CanRemoveAttachmentEx (EntityAI attachment, int slot)
proto native EntityAI FindPlaceholderForSlot (int slot)
 Returns placeholder entity for slot (naked arms, legs etc)
proto native bool IsPlaceholderEntity (notnull Object e)
proto native bool CanLockInventoryWithKey (notnull EntityAI key)
proto native bool CanUnlockInventoryWithKey (notnull EntityAI key)
proto native void LockInventoryWithKey (notnull EntityAI key)
proto native void UnlockInventoryWithKey (notnull EntityAI key)
proto native bool HasKeys ()
proto native void LockInventory (int lockType)
proto native void UnlockInventory (int lockType)
proto native int GetScriptLockCount ()
proto native bool IsInventoryUnlocked ()
proto native bool IsInventoryLocked ()
proto native bool IsInventoryLockedForLockType (int lockType)
proto native bool SetSlotLock (int slot, bool locked)
proto native bool GetSlotLock (int slot)
void Init ()
 script functions
bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
 db load hooks
void OnAfterStoreLoad ()
void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
 db store hook
void EEInit ()
void EEDelete (EntityAI parent)
EntityAI CreateInInventory (string type)
 creates entity somewhere in inventory
bool CanAddEntityToInventory (notnull EntityAI item, int flag=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY)
 ask inventory if item could be placed somewhere in inventory
bool AddEntityToInventory (notnull EntityAI item)
 add entity somewhere in inventory
bool CanRemoveEntity ()
 Returns if entity can be removed from its current location.
bool CanAddEntityInto (notnull EntityAI item, FindInventoryLocationType flags=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY)
 Asks inventory if item could be placed in inventory, hands, etc.
bool CanAddEntityIntoInventory (notnull EntityAI item)
 Test if entity can be put to the inventory (Cargo, ProxyCargo, Attachment)
bool CanAddEntityIntoHands (notnull EntityAI item)
 Test if entity can be put into hands.
bool OnInputUserDataProcess (ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool OnInventoryJunctureFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool OnInventoryJunctureRepairFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnInventoryJunctureFailureFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnServerInventoryCommand (ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool AddInventoryReservationEx (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms)
bool ExtendInventoryReservationEx (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms)
bool ClearInventoryReservationEx (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst)
proto native int GetAnyInventoryReservationCount ()
- Закрытые статические члены унаследованные от GameInventory
static proto native EntityAI LocationCreateEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, string type, int iSetupFlags, int iRotation)
 creates new item directly at location
static proto native EntityAI LocationCreateLocalEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, string type, int iSetupFlags, int iRotation)
 creates new local item directly at location @NOTE: the item is created localy, i.e. it's not registered to network
static proto native bool LocationCanAddEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
 queries if the entity contained in inv_loc.m_item can be added to ground/attachment/cargo/hands/...
static bool LocationCanAddEntityEx (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
static proto native bool LocationTestAddEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc, bool do_resevation_check, bool do_item_check, bool do_lock_check, bool do_occupancy_test, bool do_script_check, bool do_script_load_check)
 test if the entity contained in inv_loc.m_item can be added to ground/attachment/cargo/hands/...
static proto native bool LocationCanRemoveEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
 queries if the entity contained in inv_loc.m_item can be removed from ground/attachment/cargo/hands/...
static proto native bool LocationCanMoveEntity (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
 queries if the entity contained in inv_loc.m_item can be moved to another location This is a shorthand for CanRemove + CanAdd query
static int GetInventoryCheckContext ()
static bool LocationCanMoveEntitySyncCheck (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
static proto native EntityAI LocationGetEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
static void OnServerInventoryCommandStatic (ParamsReadContext ctx)
static proto native bool LocationAddEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
 adds item to inventory location
static proto native bool LocationRemoveEntity (notnull InventoryLocation inv_loc)
 removes item from inventory location
static proto native bool LocationMoveEntity (notnull InventoryLocation src_loc, notnull InventoryLocation dst_loc)
 removes item from current inventory location and adds it to destination
static proto native bool LocationSyncMoveEntity (notnull InventoryLocation src_loc, notnull InventoryLocation dst_loc)
 synchronously removes item from current inventory location and adds it to destination no anims involved
static proto native bool LocationSwap (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
 swaps two entities
static proto native bool ServerLocationMoveEntity (notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx)
 removes item from current inventory location and adds it to destination + sync via inventory command
static proto native bool ServerLocationSyncMoveEntity (Man player, notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx)
 synchronously removes item from current inventory location and adds it to destination + sync via inventory command no anims involved
static proto native bool ServerLocationSwap (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2, ParamsWriteContext ctx)
 swaps two entities
static proto native bool ServerHandEvent (notnull Man player, notnull EntityAI item, ParamsWriteContext ctx)
 hand event to clients
static proto native bool PrepareDropEntityPos (EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out vector mat[4], bool useValuesInMatrix=false, int conflictCheckDepth=-1)
 Finds a transformation for the item to be dropped to If the initial transforation overlaps with another conflicting entity (i.e. car) then the transform will be snapped to the nearest outer edge. If no valid snapping transformation could be found, then the output from 'PlaceOnSurface' is used.
static proto native bool TestDropEntityPos (EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out vector mat[4], bool useValuesInMatrix=false, int conflictCheckDepth=-1)
static proto native bool CanSwapEntities (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2)
 test if ordinary swap can be performed.
static bool CanSwapEntitiesEx (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2)
static proto native bool CanForceSwapEntities (notnull EntityAI item1, InventoryLocation item1_dst, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation item2_dst)
 test if forced swap can be performed.
static bool CanForceSwapEntitiesEx (notnull EntityAI item1, InventoryLocation item1_dst, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation item2_dst)
static bool MakeDstForSwap (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, out InventoryLocation dst2)
 helper function for swap
static bool MakeSrcAndDstForSwap (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation src1, out InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, out InventoryLocation dst2)
 helper function for swap
static bool MakeSrcAndDstForForceSwap (notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, out InventoryLocation src1, out InventoryLocation src2, out InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
 helper function for ForceSwap
static bool SetGroundPosByOwner (EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground)
static bool SetGroundPosByTransform (EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground, vector transform[4])
static void SetGroundPosByOwnerBounds (EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground, vector halfExtents, float angle, float cosAngle, float sinAngle)
static proto native bool AddInventoryReservation (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms)
static proto native bool ExtendInventoryReservation (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, int timeout_ms)
static proto native bool ClearInventoryReservation (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst)
static proto native bool HasInventoryReservation (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst)
 Internally: HasInventoryReservationEx(item, dst, FindInventoryReservationMode.LEGACY, FindInventoryReservationMode.LEGACY)
static proto native bool HasInventoryReservationCanAdd (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst)
 Internally: !HasInventoryReservationEx(item, dst, FindInventoryReservationMode.ITEM, FindInventoryReservationMode.DST)
static proto native bool HasInventoryReservationEx (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, FindInventoryReservationMode itemMode, FindInventoryReservationMode parentMode)
 itemMode will iterate over item reservations, parentMode will iterate over parent reservations
static proto native bool GetInventoryReservationCount (EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst)
static proto native bool CheckRequestSrc (notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius)
static proto native bool CheckDropRequest (notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius)
static proto native bool CheckTakeItemRequest (notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst, float radius)
static proto native bool CheckMoveToDstRequest (notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst, float radius)
static proto native bool CheckSwapItemsRequest (notnull Man requestingPlayer, notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2, float radius)
static proto native bool CheckManipulatedObjectsDistances (notnull EntityAI e0, notnull EntityAI e1, float radius)
- Закрытые данные унаследованные от GameInventory
const int c_InventoryReservationTimeoutMS = 5000
const int c_InventoryReservationTimeoutShortMS = 3000
const float c_MaxItemDistanceRadius = 2.5
- Закрытые статические данные унаследованные от GameInventory
static int m_inventory_check_context = InventoryCheckContext.DEFAULT

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