Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Класс PluginDiagMenu
+ Граф наследования:PluginDiagMenu:

Дополнительные унаследованные члены

- Закрытые члены унаследованные от PluginBase
void PluginAdminLog ()
void ~PluginAdminLog ()
void LogPrint (string message)
string GetPlayerPrefix (PlayerBase player, PlayerIdentity identity)
string GetHitMessage (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int component, string zone, string ammo)
void PlayerKilled (PlayerBase player, Object source)
void PlayerHitBy (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, PlayerBase player, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo)
void UnconStart (PlayerBase player)
void UnconStop (PlayerBase player)
void OnPlacementComplete (Man player, ItemBase item)
void OnContinouousAction (ActionData action_data)
void Suicide (PlayerBase player)
void BleedingOut (PlayerBase player)
void TotemFlagChange (bool top, notnull PlayerBase player, notnull EntityAI totem)
void PlayerList ()
void DirectAdminLogPrint (string str)
override void OnInit ()
void ToggleCameraTools ()
void CursorHide ()
void CursorShow ()
void Save ()
void PlayPause ()
void AddKeyframe ()
void DeleteKeyframe ()
void PossesInfected ()
void CommandHandler (DayZInfected infected)
void Tick ()
void InitAttacks ()
void TeleportAtCursor ()
 Set Player position at his cursor position in the world.
void Teleport (PlayerBase player, vector position)
 Teleport player at position.
void ToggleFreeCameraBackPos ()
 Enable / Disable Free camera (Fly mod)
void ToggleFreeCamera ()
 Enable / Disable Free camera (Fly mod) - disable of camera will teleport player at current free camera position.
bool IsEnabledFreeCamera ()
void PluginDeveloper ()
override void OnInit ()
void OnRPC (PlayerBase player, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void PrintLogClient (string msg_log)
void SendServerLogToClient (string msg)
void OnRPCSyncSceneObject (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCPluginDayzCreatureDebug (PlayerBase player, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void HandleSetTime (PlayerBase player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void HandlePresetSpawn (PlayerBase player, string presetName, EntityAI target)
void OnRPCServerLogRecieved (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCClearInventory (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCSpawnEntityOnCursorDir (PlayerBase player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCSpawnEntityOnGround (PlayerBase player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCSpawnEntityOnGroundPatternGrid (PlayerBase player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCSpawnEntity (PlayerBase player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnSetFreeCameraEvent (PlayerBase player, FreeDebugCamera camera)
void OnSpawnErrorReport (string name)
void SetupSpawnedEntity (PlayerBase player, EntityAI entity, float health, float quantity=-1, bool special=false, string presetName="")
void SpawnEntityOnGroundPatternGrid (PlayerBase player, string item_name, int count, float health, float quantity, int rows, int columns, float gapRow=1, float gapColumn=1, bool special=false, bool withPhysics=false)
void SpawnItemOnCrosshair (notnull PlayerBase player, string itemName, float health, float quantity, float maxDist=100, bool allowFreeflight=false, bool special=false, bool withPhysics=false)
EntityAI SpawnEntityOnGroundPos (PlayerBase player, string item_name, float health, float quantity, vector pos, bool special=false, bool withPhysics=false)
 spawns entity on exact position
EntityAI SpawnEntityOnCursorDir (PlayerBase player, string item_name, float quantity, float distance, float health=-1, bool special=false, string presetName="", bool withPhysics=false)
 spawns entity in direction of cursor at specified distance
EntityAI SpawnEntityInInventory (notnull EntityAI target, string className, float health, float quantity, bool special=false, string presetName="", FindInventoryLocationType locationType=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY)
 tries to spawn item somewhere in inventory
EntityAI SpawnEntityInPlayerInventory (PlayerBase player, string item_name, float health, float quantity, bool special=false, string presetName="", FindInventoryLocationType locationType=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY)
EntityAI SpawnEntityAsAttachment (PlayerBase player, EntityAI parent, string att_name, float health, float quantity)
 tries to spawn item as attachment
EntityAI SpawnFromClipboard ()
void ClearInventory (EntityAI entity)
void ToggleHelpScreen ()
void ToggleScriptConsole ()
void ToggleMissionLoader ()
void PluginUniversalTemperatureSourceClient ()
override void OnInit ()
override void OnUpdate (float delta_time)
void InitWidgets ()
void DrawDebugs ()
void ProcessUniversalTemperatureSources ()
float CalcTemperatureFromTemperatureSource (notnull UTemperatureSourceDebug utsd)
void EnableWidgets (bool enable)
void UpdateStatWidgets ()
void UpdateStatWidget (int rowIndex, UTemperatureSourceDebug utsd)
void RequestUniversalTemperatureSources (PlayerBase player, int enable)
void PrintedDebug ()
void OnRPC (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void PluginUniversalTemperatureSourceServer ()
override void OnUpdate (float delta_time)
void GatherTemperatureSources (PlayerBase player)
void SendDebug ()
void OnRequestReceived (PlayerBase player, bool enable)
void OnRPC (ParamsReadContext ctx, PlayerBase player)
void PluginDeveloperSync ()
override void OnInit ()
void EnableUpdate (bool enable, int type, PlayerBase player)
void Update ()
void SetSystemInBitmask (PlayerBase player, int system_bit, bool state)
bool IsSetSystemInBitmask (PlayerBase player, int system_bit)
void RegisterPlayer (PlayerBase player)
bool IsPlayerRegistered (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPC (PlayerBase player, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool GetRPCUpdateState (ParamsReadContext ctx)
int GetRPCModifierID (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void GetRPCModifierLock (ParamsReadContext ctx, out int id, out bool lock)
void SendRPCStats (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCStats (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void UpdateStatsLocal ()
void OnRPCStatSet (ParamsReadContext ctx, PlayerBase player)
ref array< ref SyncedValueGetHealthZonesSynched ()
bool GetIsTargetChanged ()
void SetTargetChanged (bool state)
void SendRPCHealth (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCHealth (ParamsReadContext ctx, PlayerBase player)
void SetupZoneValues (inout array< ref Param > rpc_params, DamageZoneMap dmgZones, EntityAI target, string healthType, int typeID)
void OnRPCHealthSet (ParamsReadContext ctx, PlayerBase player)
void SendRPCLevels (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCLevels (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void SendRPCMods (PlayerBase player)
void SendRPCModsDetail (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCMods (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnRPCModsDetailed (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void RequestDetailedInfo (int id, notnull PlayerBase player)
void ActivateModifier (int id, PlayerBase player=NULL)
void DeactivateModifier (int id, PlayerBase player=NULL)
void LockModifier (int id, bool lock, PlayerBase player=NULL)
bool IsModifierLocked (int id, PlayerBase player=NULL)
void SendRPCTemp (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCTemp (ParamsReadContext ctx, PlayerBase player)
void SendRPCAgents (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCAgents (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void SendRPCStomach (PlayerBase player)
void OnRPCStomach (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void CaptureFocus ()
void ReleaseFocus ()
void ToggleFocus ()
void RegisterKeyBind (int ui_id, int key_code1, int key_code2, string plugin_name, string fnc_name, string info_shortcut, string info_description)
void RegisterMouseBind (int ui_id, int mouse_button, int mouse_event, string plugin_name, string fnc_name, string info_shortcut, string info_description)
bool IsCurrentUIPageValid (int ui_page_request)
bool CheckMask (int source_mask, int target_mask)
void OnMouse (int event_id, int button)
MouseButtonInfo GetMouseButtonInfo (int button)
bool IsKeyPressed (int key)
void EditorUpdate ()
float GetAgentTransferabilityIn (int agent_id)
bool GrowDuringAntibioticsAttack (int agent_id, PlayerBase player)
float GetAgentDieOffSpeedEx (int agent_id, PlayerBase player)
EStatLevels GetAgentPotencyEx (int agent_id, PlayerBase player)
float GetAgentInvasibilityEx (int agent_id, PlayerBase player)
float GetAgentAntiboticsResistance (int agent_id)
float GetAgentAntiboticsResistanceEx (int agent_id, PlayerBase player)
float GetAgentTransferabilityOut (int agent_id)
float GetAgentTransferabilityAirOut (int agent_id)
float GetAgentInvasibility (int agent_id)
float GetAgentDigestibility (int agent_id)
float GetDieOffSpeed (int agent_id)
EStatLevels GetPotency (int agent_id)
float TransmitAgentsEx (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, int pathway, int dose_size=1000, int agents=0)
void TransmitAgents (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, int pathway, int dose_size=1000)
void InjectAgentsWithoutPlayer (EntityAI target, int agents)
void InjectAgentsWithPlayer (EntityAI target, int agents, float protection, int dose_size, int inject_type)
 will add agents to a given target, using chance of transmission and full dose size if chance succeeds
void InjectAgentsWithPlayerCount (EntityAI target, int agents, float protection, int dose_size, int inject_type)
 will add agents to a given target, with no probability, but the dose size is modified by m_TransferabilityOut of the agent
float InjectAgentWithPlayerDose (EntityAI target, int agent, float protection, float dose_size, int inject_type)
 will add agent to a given target
float GetProtectionLevel (int type, int slot, Man player)
float CalculateAgentsToTransmit (int agent_id, float protection, int dose_size, int inject_type)
bool DetermineChanceToTransmit (int agent_id, float protection, int inject_type)
- Закрытые статические члены унаследованные от PluginBase
static int GetPlayerListTimer ()
static PluginCameraTools GetInstance ()
static PluginDeveloper GetInstance ()
static int GetAgentMaxCount (int agent_id)
static void BuildAgentArray (int agents, array< int > agents_out)
static float GetProtectionLevelEx (int type, int slot, Man player, bool consider_filter=true, int system=0)
- Закрытые данные унаследованные от PluginBase
int m_HitFilter
int m_PlacementFilter
int m_ActionsFilter
int m_PlayerListFilter
ref Timer m_Timer
autoptr array< Man > m_PlayerArray
const int TIMER_PLAYERLIST = GetPlayerListTimer()
bool m_IsWinHolding
int m_FeaturesMask
UIScriptedMenu m_ScriptConsole
float m_UTSAverageTemperature
ref array< ref UTemperatureSourceDebugm_UTemperatureSourceDebugs
ref Widget m_RootWidget [MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_UTS]
TextListboxWidget m_StatListWidgets [MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_UTS]
TextWidget m_HeaderWidget [MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_UTS]
ref array< ref SyncedValuem_TargetHealthSynced
bool m_IsTargetChanged
ref map< PlayerBase, boolm_HealthObserverMode
ref map< PlayerBase, EntityAIm_HealthObserverEntity
bool m_StatsUpdateStatus
bool m_LevelsUpdateStatus
bool m_ModsUpdateStatus
bool m_AgentsUpdateStatus
bool m_StomachUpdateStatus
const int CLICK_TIME = 200
const int DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME = 300
const int HOLD_CLICK_TIME_MIN = 300
ref array< ref KeyBindingm_KeyBindings
ref array< ref MouseButtonInfom_MouseButtons
ref array< ref MouseBindingm_MouseBindings
PluginConfigScene m_ModuleConfigScene
PluginConfigDebugProfile m_ModuleConfigDebugProfile
float m_TimeLastClickRelease
float m_TimeLastClickPress
int m_PressedMouseID
bool m_IsDragging
ref array< Shapem_ShapesSceneObjects
ref map< int, KeyBindingm_KeyBindings
ref SceneData m_SceneData
SceneObject m_SelectedObject
string m_ClassBrowserSelected
bool m_IsOpen
- Закрытые статические данные унаследованные от PluginBase
static PluginCameraTools m_Instance
static bool m_IsOpen

Подробное описание

Объявления и описания членов класса находятся в файле: