vector | m_CameraTM [4] |
| transformation matrix - pos + orient of the camera
float | m_fFovMultiplier |
| fov multiplier - 1.0 default - used for modifying fov -
float | m_fFovAbsolute |
| fov absolute value override - -1.0 default, if set - overrides absolute fov setting
float | m_fNearPlane |
| nearplane distance
float | m_fPositionModelSpace |
| 0.0 position is in heading space, 1.0 position is in model space
float | m_fDistance |
| camera distance (external cameras only)
float | m_fUseHeading |
| 0..1 (0 uses direct dir returned, 1 uses heading from player)
float | m_fPredictCollisionRadius |
| sphere radius used for collision prediction
int | m_iDirectBone |
| -1 no bone, >= 0 - bone index camera is bound to, m_CameraTM is offset to the bone
int | m_iDirectBoneMode |
float | m_fInsideCamera |
| 0 not used, 1 - pos, 2 - rot, 3 - pos+rot applied as a parent to m_CameraTM, 4 as 3 but cam aligned with Y
bool | m_bUpdateWhenBlendOut |
| true - camera is updated when blending to new camera (Ironsights == false)
float | m_fShootFromCamera |
| 1(default) - uses shoot from camera (+aiming sway), 0 pure weapon shoot (ironsights == 0)
float | m_fIgnoreParentRoll |
| 1 - resets base transforms roll
float | m_fIgnoreParentPitch |
| 1 - resets base transforms pitch
float | m_fIgnoreParentYaw |
| 1 - resets base transforms yaw
bool | m_bUpdateEveryFrame |
| Whether the camera updates the next frame or blends with next character update.
vector | m_OwnerTM [4] |
| override automatically calculated owner transform during rendering (default - false)
bool | m_bOwnerTMOverride |
| The world space transform of the owner to the camera.
IEntity | m_CollisionIgnoreEntity |
| ignore entity in 3rd person camera collision solver
См. определение в файле dayzplayer.c строка 11