DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Класс SpawnDataConverter

Utility class that converts init.c format type of spawn commands to a json file, fill in the SpawnInit() with your data and call SpawnDataConverter.SpawnObjects() through script editor console, result is a json file. Подробнее...

Закрытые статические члены

static void SpawnObjects ()
static void SpawnInit ()
static void AddSpawnData (string objectName, vector position, vector orientation)

Закрытые статические данные

static ref array< ref ITEM_SpawnerObjectObjects = new array<ref ITEM_SpawnerObject>
static string m_Path = "$mission:myspawndata.json"

Подробное описание

Utility class that converts init.c format type of spawn commands to a json file, fill in the SpawnInit() with your data and call SpawnDataConverter.SpawnObjects() through script editor console, result is a json file.

См. определение в файле ObjectSpawner.c строка 112