DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ RequestTriggerEffect()

void ManBase::RequestTriggerEffect ( EffectTrigger trigger,
int ppeIdx = -1,
int aroundId = ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_AROUND,
int tinyId = ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_TINY,
string soundset = "",
bool partDynaUpdate = false,
int newBirthRate = 0,
bool forceUpdate = false )

См. определение в файле PlayerBase.c строка 620

621 {
622 //do note multiple triggers can be calling this method within a single frame depending on the contaminated area setup and dynamic gameplay events(such as gas grenades being deployed)
625 return;
626 bool allow = false;
628 {
629 allow = true;
630 }
631 else if (trigger == m_CurrentEffectTrigger && forceUpdate)
632 {
633 allow = true;
634 //Print("ON Enabling effect FORCED " + trigger);
635 }
636 else if (trigger.GetEffectsPriority() > m_CurrentEffectTrigger.GetEffectsPriority())
637 {
639 allow = true;
640 }
641 if (allow)
642 {
643 /*
644 Print("--------------------------------------------------");
645 Print("ON Enabling effect " + trigger);
646 Print("------------> soundset " + soundset);
647 Print("--------------------------------------------------");
648 */
649 m_CurrentEffectTrigger = trigger;
650 SetContaminatedEffectEx( true, ppeIdx, aroundId, tinyId, soundset,partDynaUpdate, newBirthRate );
651 }
652 }
int GetEffectsPriority()
Определения EffectTrigger.c:55
void RemoveCurrentEffectTrigger()
Определения PlayerBase.c:655
EffectTrigger m_CurrentEffectTrigger
Определения PlayerBase.c:166
bool m_InsideEffectArea
Определения PlayerBase.c:164
void SetContaminatedEffectEx(bool enable, int ppeIdx=-1, int aroundId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_AROUND, int tinyId=ParticleList.CONTAMINATED_AREA_GAS_TINY, string soundset="", bool partDynaUpdate=false, int newBirthRate=0)
Определения PlayerBase.c:5627

Перекрестные ссылки EffectTrigger::GetEffectsPriority(), m_CurrentEffectTrigger, m_InsideEffectArea, RemoveCurrentEffectTrigger() и SetContaminatedEffectEx().