DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ IsExclusionFlagPresentRecursive()

bool Entity::IsExclusionFlagPresentRecursive ( set< int > values,
int targetSlot )

Gets flag from what is effectively an owner.

См. определение в файле EntityAI.c строка 4523

4524 {
4525 if (values && values.Count() != 0)
4526 {
4527 InventoryLocation lcn = new InventoryLocation();
4529 EntityAI parent = GetHierarchyParent();
4530 set<int> passThis;
4531 if (CheckExclusionAccessCondition(lcn.GetSlot(),targetSlot, values, passThis))
4532 {
4533 if (parent && parent != this) //we reached root if false
4534 {
4535 return parent.IsExclusionFlagPresentRecursive(passThis,lcn.GetSlot());
4536 }
4537 }
4538 return IsExclusionFlagPresent(passThis);
4539 }
4541 return false;
4542 }
proto native EntityAI GetHierarchyParent()
Returns direct parent of current entity.
proto native GameInventory GetInventory()
void EntityAI()
cache blood infection chance (cfgVehicles-><entity>->Skinning->BloodInfectionSettings)
Определения EntityAI.c:202
bool CheckExclusionAccessCondition(int occupiedSlot, int targetSlot, set< int > value, inout set< int > adjustedValue)
Определения EntityAI.c:4545
bool IsExclusionFlagPresent(set< int > values)
checks 'this' if the incoming flag is present for the current state (slot behavior and others)
Определения EntityAI.c:4506
proto native bool GetCurrentInventoryLocation(out notnull InventoryLocation loc)
returns information about current item location
proto native int GetSlot()
returns slot id if current type is Attachment

Перекрестные ссылки CheckExclusionAccessCondition(), EntityAI(), GetHierarchyParent(), GetInventory(), InventoryLocation::GetSlot() и IsExclusionFlagPresent().

Используется в CheckAttachmentReceiveExclusion().