74 proto native
void SetFocus(
float distance,
float blur);
static proto native FreeDebugCamera GetInstance()
Returns reference to FreeDebugCamera (it's singleton, thus only one instance is present)
proto native bool IsFreezed()
Returns if camera is freezed (you can't move it)
proto native void SetFreezed(bool freezed)
Sets cameras freeze state.
proto native Object GetCrosshairObject()
Gets object that free camera is currently pointing at.
proto native void SetNearPlane(float nearPlane)
proto native void SetFOV(float fov)
Field of View settings.
static proto native void InterpolateTo(Camera targetCamera, float time, int type)
Interpolation between camera instances (current camera becomes targetCamera at the end of interpolati...
proto native float GetNearPlane()
proto native bool IsActive()
Is this camera active?
proto native void StopInterpolation()
static proto native float GetCurrentFOV()
Returns FOV of current camera object.
proto native void SetFocus(float distance, float blur)
Depth of Field settings.
static proto native Camera GetCurrentCamera()
Returns active Camera instance (note: player's camera is not Camera instance - thus it return null)
proto native void LookAt(vector targetPos)
Orientation change by lookAt point.
static proto native bool IsInterpolationComplete()
proto native void SetActive(bool active)
Sets this camera as active.
proto native void EnableSmooth(bool enable)
Enables the smoothing in interpolation.