checks 'this' if the incoming flag is present for the current state (slot behavior and others)
4507 {
4508 int slotId;
4513 int count = values.Count();
4514 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
4515 {
4516 if (currentSlotValuesAll.Find(values[i]) != -1)
4517 return true;
4518 }
4519 return false;
4520 }
PlayerSpawnPreset slotName
proto native GameInventory GetInventory()
set< int > GetAttachmentExclusionMaskAll(int slotId)
Slot-specific, children (attachments), and additional (state etc.) masks combined.
bool GetCurrentAttachmentSlotInfo(out int slot_id, out string slot_name)
Returns true if the item is currently attached and outputs attachment slot id and name.