DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
5static int GAME_STORAGE_VERSION = 141;
7class CGame
9 // enableDebugMonitor in server config
14 //Obsolete, port [Obsolete()] as well, maybe?
17 //analytics
23 ref array<ComponentEnergyManager> m_EnergyManagerArray;
24 void EnableEMPlugs(bool enable)
25 {
26 for (int i = 0; i < GetGame().m_EnergyManagerArray.Count(); ++i)
27 {
28 if (GetGame().m_EnergyManagerArray[i])
29 GetGame().m_EnergyManagerArray[i].SetDebugPlugs(enable);
30 }
31 }
32 #endif
34 void CGame()
35 {
36 Math.Randomize(-1);
41 m_ParamCache.Insert(null);
43 //analytics
47 //m_CharacterData = new MenuCharacrerData;
49 // actual script version - increase by one when you make changes
53 m_EnergyManagerArray = new array<ComponentEnergyManager>;
54 #endif
56 if (!IsDedicatedServer())
57 {
61 if (!IsMultiplayer())
62 {
64 }
65 }
66 else
67 {
69 }
70 }
72 private void ~CGame()
73 {
74 // Clean these up even if it is dedicated server, just to be safe
79 // Is initialized in StartupEvent
80 ParticleManager.CleanupInstance();
81 }
92 void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params)
93 {
94 }
96 //PLM Type: 0 == RESUMED, 1 == SUSPENDED
97 void OnProcessLifetimeChanged(int plmtype)
98 {
100 }
103 {
105 }
111 {
112 }
118 {
119 }
125 {
126 }
132 {
133 return false;
134 }
140 {
141 }
148 void OnUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice)
149 {
150 }
157 void OnPostUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice)
158 {
159 }
165 void OnKeyPress(int key)
166 {
167 }
173 void OnKeyRelease(int key)
174 {
175 }
181 void OnMouseButtonPress(int button)
182 {
183 }
189 void OnMouseButtonRelease(int button)
190 {
191 }
209 void OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, Object target, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
210 {
211 }
216 proto native void RequestExit( int code );
221 proto native void RequestRestart(int code);
226 proto native bool IsAppActive();
231 proto bool GetHostAddress( out string address, out int port );
236 proto owned string GetHostName();
250 proto native int Connect( UIScriptedMenu parent , string IpAddress, int port, string password );
255 proto native int ConnectLastSession( UIScriptedMenu parent , int selectedCharacter = -1 );
259 proto native void DisconnectSession();
264 proto native void DisconnectSessionForce();
266 // profile functions
277 proto native void GetProfileStringList(string name, out TStringArray values);
285 proto bool GetProfileString(string name, out string value);
292 proto native void SetProfileStringList(string name, TStringArray values);
299 proto native void SetProfileString(string name, string value);
304 proto native void SaveProfile();
310 proto void GetPlayerName(out string name);
317 proto void GetPlayerNameShort(int maxLength, out string name);
323 proto native void SetPlayerName(string name);
330 proto native Entity CreatePlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string name, vector pos, float radius, string spec);
338 proto native void SelectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, Object player);
347 proto void GetPlayerNetworkIDByIdentityID( int playerIdentityID, out int networkIdLowBits, out int networkIdHightBits );
354 proto native Object GetObjectByNetworkId( int networkIdLowBits, int networkIdHighBits );
361 proto native bool RegisterNetworkStaticObject(Object object);
369 proto native bool IsNetworkInputBufferFull();
377 proto native void SelectSpectator(PlayerIdentity identity, string spectatorObjType, vector position);
383 proto native void UpdateSpectatorPosition(vector position);
391 proto native void SendLogoutTime(Object player, int time);
397 proto native void DisconnectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string uid = "");
404 proto native void AddToReconnectCache(PlayerIdentity identity);
411 proto native void RemoveFromReconnectCache(string uid);
417 proto native void ClearReconnectCache();
423 proto native void StorageVersion( int iVersion );
428 proto native int LoadVersion();
433 proto native int SaveVersion();
438 proto native float GetDayTime();
440 // config functions
447 proto bool ConfigGetText(string path, out string value);
456 proto bool ConfigGetTextRaw(string path, out string value);
463 string ConfigGetTextOut(string path)
464 {
465 string ret_s;
466 ConfigGetText(path, ret_s);
467 return ret_s;
468 }
475 bool FormatRawConfigStringKeys(inout string value)
476 {
477 int ret;
478 ret = value.Replace("$STR_","#STR_");
479 return ret > 0;
480 }
488 {
489 if ( class_name != "" )
490 {
491 string cfg = "CfgVehicles " + class_name + " model";
492 string model_path;
493 if ( GetGame().ConfigGetText(cfg, model_path) )
494 {
495 int to_substring_end = model_path.Length() - 4; // -4 to leave out the '.p3d' suffix
496 int to_substring_start = 0;
498 // Currently we have model path. To get the name out of it we need to parse this string from the end and stop at the first found '\' sign
499 for (int i = to_substring_end; i > 0; i--)
500 {
501 string sign = model_path.Get(i);
502 if ( sign == "\\" )
503 {
504 to_substring_start = i + 1;
505 break
506 }
507 }
509 string model_name = model_path.Substring(to_substring_start, to_substring_end - to_substring_start);
510 return model_name;
511 }
512 }
514 return "UNKNOWN_P3D_FILE";
515 }
522 proto native float ConfigGetFloat(string path);
530 proto native vector ConfigGetVector(string path);
537 proto native int ConfigGetInt(string path);
544 proto native int ConfigGetType(string path);
556 proto native void ConfigGetTextArray(string path, out TStringArray values);
569 proto native void ConfigGetTextArrayRaw(string path, out TStringArray values);
576 proto native void ConfigGetFloatArray(string path, out TFloatArray values);
583 proto native void ConfigGetIntArray(string path, out TIntArray values);
592 proto bool ConfigGetChildName(string path, int index, out string name);
600 proto bool ConfigGetBaseName(string path, out string base_name);
609 proto native int ConfigGetChildrenCount(string path);
610 proto native bool ConfigIsExisting(string path);
612 proto native void ConfigGetFullPath(string path, out TStringArray full_path);
613 proto native void ConfigGetObjectFullPath(Object obj, out TStringArray full_path);
615 proto native void GetModInfos(notnull out array<ref ModInfo> modArray);
616 proto native bool GetModToBeReported();
627 {
628 string return_path = "";
629 int count = array_path.Count();
631 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
632 {
633 return_path += array_path.Get(i);
635 if ( i < count - 1 )
636 {
637 return_path += " ";
638 }
639 }
641 return return_path;
642 }
659 proto bool CommandlineGetParam(string name, out string value);
661 proto native void CopyToClipboard(string text);
662 proto void CopyFromClipboard(out string text);
664 proto native void BeginOptionsVideo();
665 proto native void EndOptionsVideo();
667 proto native void AdminLog(string text);
669 // entity functions
676 proto native bool PreloadObject( string type, float distance );
678 proto native Object CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D(string p3dFilename, vector position, vector orientation, float scale = 1.0, bool createLocal = false);
689 proto native Object CreateObject( string type, vector pos, bool create_local = false, bool init_ai = false, bool create_physics = true );
690 proto native SoundOnVehicle CreateSoundOnObject(Object source, string sound_name, float distance, bool looped, bool create_local = false);
691 proto native SoundWaveOnVehicle CreateSoundWaveOnObject(Object source, SoundObject soundObject, AbstractWave soundWave);
701 proto native Object CreateObjectEx( string type, vector pos, int iFlags, int iRotation = RF_DEFAULT );
703 proto native void ObjectDelete( Object obj );
704 proto native void ObjectDeleteOnClient( Object obj );
705 proto native void RemoteObjectDelete( Object obj );
706 proto native void RemoteObjectTreeDelete( Object obj );
707 proto native void RemoteObjectCreate( Object obj );
708 proto native void RemoteObjectTreeCreate( Object obj );
709 proto native int ObjectRelease( Object obj );
710 proto void ObjectGetType( Object obj, out string type );
711 proto void ObjectGetDisplayName( Object obj, out string name );
712 proto native vector ObjectGetSelectionPosition(Object obj, string name);
716 proto native vector ObjectModelToWorld(Object obj, vector modelPos);
717 proto native vector ObjectWorldToModel(Object obj, vector worldPos);
719 proto native bool IsObjectAccesible(EntityAI item, Man player);
722 proto native void ReloadShape(Object obj);
725 // input
726 proto native Input GetInput();
728 // camera
732 // sound
735 // noise
738 // inventory
739 proto native bool AddInventoryJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms);
741 bool AddInventoryJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms)
742 {
743 bool result = AddInventoryJuncture(player, item, dst, test_dst_occupancy, timeout_ms/*10000000*/);
746 {
747 Debug.InventoryReservationLog("STS = " + player.GetSimulationTimeStamp() + " result: " + result + " item:" + item + " dst: " + InventoryLocation.DumpToStringNullSafe(dst), "n/a" , "n/a", "AddInventoryJuncture",player.ToString() );
748 }
749 #endif
750 //Print("Juncture - STS = " + player.GetSimulationTimeStamp() + " item:" + item + " dst: " + InventoryLocation.DumpToStringNullSafe(dst));
751 return result;
752 }
754 //Has inventory juncture for any player
755 proto native bool HasInventoryJunctureItem(notnull EntityAI item);
757 proto native bool HasInventoryJunctureDestination(Man player, notnull InventoryLocation dst);
758 proto native bool AddActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms);
759 proto native bool ExtendActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms);
760 proto native bool ClearJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item);
762 bool ClearJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item)
763 {
766 {
767 Debug.InventoryReservationLog("STS = " + player.GetSimulationTimeStamp()+ " item:" + item, "n/a" , "n/a", "ClearJuncture",player.ToString() );
768 }
769 #endif
770 return ClearJuncture( player, item);
771 }
773 // support
775 proto native bool ExecuteEnforceScript(string expression, string mainFnName);
777 proto native void DumpInstances(bool csvFormatting);
779 proto native bool ScriptTest();
781 proto native void GetDiagModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names);
783 proto native void SetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode, bool enabled);
785 proto native bool GetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode);
788 proto native void GetDiagDrawModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names);
790 proto native void SetDiagDrawMode(int diag_draw_mode);
792 proto native int GetDiagDrawMode();
795 proto native bool IsPhysicsExtrapolationEnabled();
801 proto native float GetFps();
807 proto native float GetLastFPS();
814 proto native float GetAvgFPS(int nFrames = 64);
821 proto native float GetMinFPS(int nFrames = 64);
828 proto native float GetMaxFPS(int nFrames = 64);
837 void GetFPSStats(out float min, out float max, out float avg, int nFrames = 64)
838 {
839 min = GetMinFPS(nFrames);
840 max = GetMaxFPS(nFrames);
841 avg = GetAvgFPS(nFrames);
842 }
848 proto native float GetTickTime();
850 proto void GetInventoryItemSize(InventoryItem item, out int width, out int height);
857 proto native void GetObjectsAtPosition(vector pos, float radius, out array<Object> objects, out array<CargoBase> proxyCargos);
864 proto native void GetObjectsAtPosition3D(vector pos, float radius, out array<Object> objects, out array<CargoBase> proxyCargos);
865 proto native World GetWorld();
866 proto void GetWorldName( out string world_name );
869 {
870 string world_name;
871 g_Game.GetWorldName(world_name);
872 return world_name;
873 }
875 proto native bool VerifyWorldOwnership( string sWorldName );
876 proto native bool GoBuyWorldDLC( string sWorldName );
878 proto void FormatString( string format, string params[], out string output);
879 proto void GetVersion( out string version );
880 proto native UIManager GetUIManager();
881 proto native DayZPlayer GetPlayer();
882 proto native void GetPlayers( out array<Man> players );
884 {
885 array<Man> players();
886 GetPlayers(players);
887 if (index >= players.Count())
888 return null;
889 return DayZPlayer.Cast(players[index]);
890 }
893 proto native void StoreLoginData(ParamsWriteContext ctx);
900 proto native vector GetScreenPos(vector world_pos);
902 proto native vector GetScreenPosRelative(vector world_pos);
905 proto native MenuData GetMenuData();
948 proto native void RPC(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array<ref Param> params, bool guaranteed,PlayerIdentity recipient = null);
950 proto native void RPCSingleParam(Object target, int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient = null);
952 proto native void RPCSelf(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array<ref Param> params);
953 proto native void RPCSelfSingleParam(Object target, int rpcType, Param param);
956 proto native void ProfilerStart(string name);
958 proto native void ProfilerStop(string name);
970 proto native void Chat(string text, string colorClass);
971 proto native void ChatMP(Man recipient, string text, string colorClass);
972 proto native void ChatPlayer(string text);
978 proto native void MutePlayer(string muteUID, string playerUID, bool mute);
985 proto native void MuteAllPlayers(string listenerId, bool mute);
992 proto native void EnableVoN(Object player, bool enable);
1000 proto native void SetVoiceEffect(Object player, int effect, bool enable);
1006 proto native void SetVoiceLevel(int level);
1011 proto native int GetVoiceLevel(Object player = null);
1017 proto native void EnableMicCapture(bool enable);
1022 proto native bool IsMicCapturing();
1027 proto native bool IsInPartyChat();
1029 // mission
1030 proto native Mission GetMission();
1031 proto native void SetMission(Mission mission);
1035 proto native void StartRandomCutscene(string world);
1037 proto native void PlayMission(string path);
1040 proto protected native void CreateMission(string path);
1041 proto native void RestartMission();
1043 proto native void AbortMission();
1044 proto native void RespawnPlayer();
1045 proto native bool CanRespawnPlayer();
1046 proto native void SetLoginTimerFinished();
1048 proto native void SetMainMenuWorld(string world);
1049 proto native owned string GetMainMenuWorld();
1052 proto native void LogoutRequestTime();
1053 proto native void LogoutRequestCancel();
1055 proto native bool IsMultiplayer();
1056 proto native bool IsClient();
1057 proto native bool IsServer();
1062 proto native bool IsDedicatedServer();
1065 proto native int ServerConfigGetInt(string name);
1067 // Internal build
1068 proto native bool IsDebug();
1070//#ifdef PLATFORM_XBOX
1071 static bool IsDigitalCopy()
1072 {
1073 return OnlineServices.IsGameActive(false);
1074 }
1077 /*bool IsNewMenu()
1078 {
1079 return m_ParamNewMenu;
1080 }*/
1083 {
1084 m_DebugMonitorEnabled = value;
1085 }
1088 {
1089 return IsServer() && m_DebugMonitorEnabled;
1090 }
1092 proto native void GetPlayerIndentities( out array<PlayerIdentity> identities );
1097 proto native float SurfaceY(float x, float z);
1098 proto native float SurfaceRoadY(float x, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd = RoadSurfaceDetection.LEGACY);
1099 proto native float SurfaceRoadY3D(float x, float y, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd);
1101 proto float SurfaceGetType(float x, float z, out string type);
1103 proto float SurfaceGetType3D(float x, float y, float z, out string type);
1104 proto void SurfaceUnderObject(notnull Object object, out string type, out int liquidType);
1105 proto void SurfaceUnderObjectEx(notnull Object object, out string type, out string impact, out int liquidType);
1106 proto void SurfaceUnderObjectByBone(notnull Object object, int boneType, out string type, out int liquidType);
1107 proto native float SurfaceGetNoiseMultiplier(Object directHit, vector pos, int componentIndex);
1108 proto native vector SurfaceGetNormal(float x, float z);
1109 proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevelMin();
1110 proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevelMax();
1111 proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevel();
1112 proto native bool SurfaceIsSea(float x, float z);
1113 proto native bool SurfaceIsPond(float x, float z);
1114 proto native float GetWaterDepth(vector posWS);
1116 proto native void UpdatePathgraphRegion(vector regionMin, vector regionMax);
1120 {
1121 float high = -9999999;
1122 float low = 99999999;
1124 for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count(); i++)
1125 {
1126 vector pos = positions.Get(i);
1127 pos[1] = SurfaceRoadY( pos[0], pos[2]);
1128 float y = pos[1];
1130 if ( y > high )
1131 high = y;
1133 if ( y < low )
1134 low = y;
1136 ;
1137 }
1139 return high - low;
1140 }
1144 {
1145 vector normal = GetGame().SurfaceGetNormal(x, z);
1146 vector angles = normal.VectorToAngles();
1147 angles[1] = angles[1]+270; // This fixes rotation of item so it stands vertically. Feel free to change, but fix existing use cases.
1149 //Hack because setorientation and similar functions break and flip stuff upside down when using exactly this vector ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (note: happens when surface is flat)
1150 if (angles == "0 540 0")
1151 angles = "0 0 0";
1152 return angles;
1153 }
1156 bool IsSurfaceDigable(string surface)
1157 {
1158 return ConfigGetInt("CfgSurfaces " + surface + " isDigable");
1159 }
1161 bool GetSurfaceDigPile(string surface, out string result)
1162 {
1163 return ConfigGetText("CfgSurfaces " + surface + " digPile", result);
1164 }
1167 bool IsSurfaceFertile(string surface)
1168 {
1169 return ConfigGetInt("CfgSurfaces " + surface + " isFertile");
1170 }
1172 int CorrectLiquidType(int liquidType)
1173 {
1174 if (liquidType == -1)
1175 return LIQUID_NONE;
1177 if (liquidType == 0)
1180 return liquidType;
1181 }
1183 void SurfaceUnderObjectCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, out string type, out int liquidType)
1184 {
1185 SurfaceUnderObject(object, type, liquidType);
1186 liquidType = CorrectLiquidType(liquidType);
1187 }
1188 void SurfaceUnderObjectExCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, out string type, out string impact, out int liquidType)
1189 {
1190 SurfaceUnderObjectEx(object, type, impact, liquidType);
1191 liquidType = CorrectLiquidType(liquidType);
1192 }
1193 void SurfaceUnderObjectByBoneCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, int boneType, out string type, out int liquidType)
1194 {
1195 SurfaceUnderObjectByBone(object, boneType, type, liquidType);
1196 liquidType = CorrectLiquidType(liquidType);
1197 }
1200 {
1201 if ( object )
1202 {
1203 vector pos = object.GetPosition();
1204 vector min_max[2];
1205 float radius = object.ClippingInfo ( min_max );
1206 vector min = Vector ( pos[0] - radius, pos[1], pos[2] - radius );
1207 vector max = Vector ( pos[0] + radius, pos[1], pos[2] + radius );
1208 UpdatePathgraphRegion( min, max );
1209 }
1210 }
1239 proto native bool IsBoxColliding(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, array<Object> excludeObjects, array<Object> collidedObjects = NULL);
1271 proto native bool IsBoxCollidingGeometry(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, int iPrimaryType, int iSecondaryType, array<Object> excludeObjects, array<Object> collidedObjects = NULL);
1273 proto native bool IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy(notnull BoxCollidingParams params, array<Object> excludeObjects, array<ref BoxCollidingResult> collidedObjects = NULL);
1276 proto native Weather GetWeather();
1279 proto native void SetEVUser(float value);
1281 proto native void OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset);
1283 proto native void AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur);
1285 proto native void ResetPPMask();
1294 proto native void OverrideInventoryLights(vector diffuse, vector ambient, vector ground, vector dir);
1301 proto native void NightVissionLightParams(float lightIntensityMul, float noiseIntensity);
1304 proto native void OpenURL(string url);
1307 proto native void InitDamageEffects(Object effect);
1310// persitence
1323 proto native EntityAI GetEntityByPersitentID( int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4 );
1339 bool IsKindOf(string cfg_class_name, string cfg_parent_name)
1340 {
1341 TStringArray full_path = new TStringArray;
1343 ConfigGetFullPath("CfgVehicles " + cfg_class_name, full_path);
1345 if (full_path.Count() == 0)
1346 {
1347 ConfigGetFullPath("CfgAmmo " + cfg_class_name, full_path);
1348 }
1350 if (full_path.Count() == 0)
1351 {
1352 ConfigGetFullPath("CfgMagazines " + cfg_class_name, full_path);
1353 }
1355 if (full_path.Count() == 0)
1356 {
1357 ConfigGetFullPath("cfgWeapons " + cfg_class_name, full_path);
1358 }
1360 if (full_path.Count() == 0)
1361 {
1362 ConfigGetFullPath("CfgNonAIVehicles " + cfg_class_name, full_path);
1363 }
1365 cfg_parent_name.ToLower();
1366 for (int i = 0; i < full_path.Count(); i++)
1367 {
1368 string tmp = full_path.Get(i);
1369 tmp.ToLower();
1370 if (tmp == cfg_parent_name)
1371 {
1372 return true;
1373 }
1374 }
1376 return false;
1377 }
1391 bool ObjectIsKindOf(Object object, string cfg_parent_name)
1392 {
1393 TStringArray full_path = new TStringArray;
1394 ConfigGetObjectFullPath(object, full_path);
1396 cfg_parent_name.ToLower();
1398 for (int i = 0; i < full_path.Count(); i++)
1399 {
1400 string tmp = full_path.Get(i);
1401 tmp.ToLower();
1402 if (tmp == cfg_parent_name)
1403 {
1404 return true;
1405 }
1406 }
1408 return false;
1409 }
1419 int ConfigFindClassIndex(string config_path, string searched_member)
1420 {
1421 int class_count = ConfigGetChildrenCount(config_path);
1422 for (int index = 0; index < class_count; index++)
1423 {
1424 string found_class = "";
1425 ConfigGetChildName(config_path, index, found_class);
1426 if (found_class == searched_member)
1427 {
1428 return index;
1429 }
1430 }
1431 return -1;
1432 }
1435 proto int GetTime();
1450 ScriptCallQueue GetCallQueue(int call_category) {}
1452 ScriptInvoker GetUpdateQueue(int call_category) {}
1454 ScriptInvoker GetPostUpdateQueue(int call_category) {}
1462 TimerQueue GetTimerQueue(int call_category) {}
1467 DragQueue GetDragQueue() {}
1479 {
1480 }
1489 {
1490 return (g_Game.GetMissionState() == DayZGame.MISSION_STATE_MAINMENU);
1491 }
1494 {
1495 //Print("GetMenuDefaultCharacterData");
1496 //DumpStack();
1497 //if used on server, creates an empty container to be filled by received data
1498 if (!m_CharacterData)
1499 {
1501 if (fill_data)
1502 GetGame().GetMenuData().RequestGetDefaultCharacterData(); //fills the structure
1503 }
1504 return m_CharacterData;
1505 }
1507 //Analytics Manager
const int RF_DEFAULT
Определения CentralEconomy.c:65
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
DayZGame g_Game
Определения DayZGame.c:3868
Mission mission
Определения DisplayStatus.c:28
Определения Game.c:5
Icon x
Icon y
string path
Определения OptionSelectorMultistate.c:142
class OptionSelectorMultistate extends OptionSelector class_name
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
Определения ParticleManager.c:88
Определения Sound.c:54
static void Cleanup()
Clean up the data.
Определения AmmoEffects.c:128
static void Init()
Initialize the containers: this is done this way, to have these not exist on server.
Определения AmmoEffects.c:121
Static data holder for certain ammo config values.
Определения AmmoEffects.c:6
Class that holds parameters to feed into CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto void ObjectGetDisplayName(Object obj, out string name)
proto native UIManager GetUIManager()
proto native vector GetScreenPosRelative(vector world_pos)
Transforms position in world to position in screen in percentage (0.0 - 1.0) as x,...
proto native void ConfigGetTextArrayRaw(string path, out TStringArray values)
Get array of raw strings from config on path.
proto bool ConfigGetChildName(string path, int index, out string name)
Get name of subclass in config class on path.
proto native void GetObjectsAtPosition(vector pos, float radius, out array< Object > objects, out array< CargoBase > proxyCargos)
Returns list of all objects in circle "radius" around position "pos".
proto GetServersResultRow GetHostData()
Gets the server data. (from client)
float GetHighestSurfaceYDifference(array< vector > positions)
Returns the largest height difference between the given positions.
Определения Game.c:1119
proto native void MuteAllPlayers(string listenerId, bool mute)
Mute all players for listenerId.
proto void SurfaceUnderObjectByBone(notnull Object object, int boneType, out string type, out int liquidType)
proto native void CopyToClipboard(string text)
void OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, Object target, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
Called after remote procedure call is recieved for this object.
Определения Game.c:209
proto native void ConfigGetFullPath(string path, out TStringArray full_path)
proto native int GetDiagDrawMode()
Gets current debug draw mode.
proto native void RestartMission()
proto native bool AddInventoryJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms)
proto native void RPCSelfSingleParam(Object target, int rpcType, Param param)
proto native void ResetPPMask()
proto native bool IsBoxCollidingGeometry(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, int iPrimaryType, int iSecondaryType, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< Object > collidedObjects=NULL)
Finds all objects with geometry iType that are in choosen oriented bounding box (OBB)
proto native bool IsMicCapturing()
Returns whether mic is currently capturing audio from user.
proto native NoiseSystem GetNoiseSystem()
proto native bool HasInventoryJunctureDestination(Man player, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
proto native int LoadVersion()
Returns actual storage version - loading.
void SurfaceUnderObjectByBoneCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, int boneType, out string type, out int liquidType)
Определения Game.c:1193
proto native vector ConfigGetVector(string path)
Get vector value from config on path.
proto native bool IsInPartyChat()
Returns whether user is currently in a voice party (currently only supported on xbox)
proto void GetWorldName(out string world_name)
proto native float SurfaceY(float x, float z)
proto native float GetTickTime()
Returns current time from start of the game.
proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevelMax()
proto native void GetObjectsAtPosition3D(vector pos, float radius, out array< Object > objects, out array< CargoBase > proxyCargos)
Returns list of all objects in sphere "radius" around position "pos".
proto void GetInventoryItemSize(InventoryItem item, out int width, out int height)
proto native bool VerifyWorldOwnership(string sWorldName)
proto native void AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur)
proto native float ConfigGetFloat(string path)
Get float value from config on path.
proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevel()
proto native void GetPlayers(out array< Man > players)
proto native void RPCSingleParam(Object target, int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null)
see CGame.RPC
proto native void EnableVoN(Object player, bool enable)
Enable/disable VoN for target player.
proto native float GetWaterDepth(vector posWS)
proto native void GetPlayerIndentities(out array< PlayerIdentity > identities)
proto native WorkspaceWidget GetLoadingWorkspace()
proto owned string GetHostName()
Gets the server name. (from client)
void OnMouseButtonPress(int button)
Called when mouse button is pressed.
Определения Game.c:181
proto native void PlayMission(string path)
Starts mission (equivalent for SQF playMission). You MUST use double slash \.
void OnPostUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice)
Called on World update after simulation of entities.
Определения Game.c:157
proto native void SetVoiceEffect(Object player, int effect, bool enable)
Enable/disable VoN effect (only on server)
proto native void SelectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, Object player)
Selects player's controlled object.
proto native void ProfilerStop(string name)
Use for profiling code from start to stop, they must match have same name, look wiki pages for more i...
void OnAfterCreate()
Called after creating of CGame instance.
Определения Game.c:110
string CreateDefaultPlayer()
returns class name of first valid survivor (TODO address confusing naming?)
Определения Game.c:1470
proto native void SetPlayerName(string name)
Sets current player name.
proto native void SetProfileString(string name, string value)
Sets string to profile variable.
proto native void AddToReconnectCache(PlayerIdentity identity)
Add player to reconnect cache to be able to rejoin character still existing in the world.
proto native World GetWorld()
void CGame()
Определения Game.c:34
string ConfigPathToString(TStringArray array_path)
Converts array of strings into single string.
Определения Game.c:626
proto native float GetAvgFPS(int nFrames=64)
Returns average framerate over last n frames.
proto native void ConfigGetIntArray(string path, out TIntArray values)
Get array of integers from config on path.
proto native vector GetScreenPos(vector world_pos)
Transforms position in world to position in screen in pixels as x, y component of vector,...
proto native Object CreateObject(string type, vector pos, bool create_local=false, bool init_ai=false, bool create_physics=true)
Creates object of certain type.
proto native bool GoBuyWorldDLC(string sWorldName)
proto native vector ObjectGetSelectionPositionMS(Object obj, string name)
proto native void BeginOptionsVideo()
proto native vector GetWorldDirectionFromScreen(vector world_pos)
Transforms position in world to position in screen in pixels as x, y component of vector,...
proto native bool IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy(notnull BoxCollidingParams params, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< ref BoxCollidingResult > collidedObjects=NULL)
proto native bool IsMultiplayer()
string GetModelName(string class_name)
Get name of the p3d file of the given class name.
Определения Game.c:487
proto native float SurfaceRoadY(float x, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd=RoadSurfaceDetection.LEGACY)
proto native void MutePlayer(string muteUID, string playerUID, bool mute)
Mutes voice of source player to target player.
proto native void RequestRestart(int code)
Sets exit code and restart in the right moment.
DayZPlayer GetPlayerByIndex(int index=0)
Определения Game.c:883
proto native bool SurfaceIsSea(float x, float z)
proto native vector ObjectGetSelectionPositionWS(Object obj, string name)
DragQueue GetDragQueue()
Определения Game.c:1467
bool IsKindOf(string cfg_class_name, string cfg_parent_name)
Returns is class name inherited from parent class name.
Определения Game.c:1339
proto native int SaveVersion()
Returns actual storage version - saving.
proto bool GetHostAddress(out string address, out int port)
Gets the server address. (from client)
proto native SoundWaveOnVehicle CreateSoundWaveOnObject(Object source, SoundObject soundObject, AbstractWave soundWave)
proto native Entity CreatePlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string name, vector pos, float radius, string spec)
Assign player entity to client (in multiplayer)
proto native void UpdateSpectatorPosition(vector position)
Updates spectator position on server = position of network bubble.
void OnKeyPress(int key)
Called when key is pressed.
Определения Game.c:165
void SetDebugMonitorEnabled(int value)
Определения Game.c:1082
proto native void GetProfileStringList(string name, out TStringArray values)
Gets array of strings from profile variable.
ref array< ref Param > m_ParamCache
Определения Game.c:15
proto native void SelectSpectator(PlayerIdentity identity, string spectatorObjType, vector position)
Creates spectator object (mostly cameras)
proto native BiosUserManager GetUserManager()
proto native void DumpInstances(bool csvFormatting)
Delevoper only: Dump all script allocations.
proto native bool IsDebug()
proto native void ConfigGetObjectFullPath(Object obj, out TStringArray full_path)
string ConfigGetTextOut(string path)
Get string value from config on path.
Определения Game.c:463
proto native float GetMinFPS(int nFrames=64)
Returns minimum framerate over last n frames.
bool IsSurfaceFertile(string surface)
Checks if the surface is fertile.
Определения Game.c:1167
proto native void GetDiagModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names)
Get list of all debug modes.
ScriptCallQueue GetCallQueue(int call_category)
Определения Game.c:1450
proto native void GetModInfos(notnull out array< ref ModInfo > modArray)
proto bool ConfigGetTextRaw(string path, out string value)
Get raw string value from config on path.
int CorrectLiquidType(int liquidType)
Определения Game.c:1172
proto native bool GetModToBeReported()
proto native vector SurfaceGetNormal(float x, float z)
proto native void SetMainMenuWorld(string world)
proto native bool IsBoxColliding(vector center, vector orientation, vector edgeLength, array< Object > excludeObjects, array< Object > collidedObjects=NULL)
Finds all objects that are in choosen oriented bounding box (OBB)
proto native void RequestExit(int code)
Sets exit code and quits in the right moment.
void OnLicenseChanged()
Определения Game.c:102
proto native bool IsNetworkInputBufferFull()
Returns the state of the buffer for network inputs (UAInterface)
proto float SurfaceGetType3D(float x, float y, float z, out string type)
Y input: Maximum Y to trace down from; Returns: Y position the surface was found.
bool ClearJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item)
Определения Game.c:762
proto native vector GetPointerDirection()
Returns the direction where the mouse points, from the camera view.
bool ObjectIsKindOf(Object object, string cfg_parent_name)
Returns is object inherited from parent class name.
Определения Game.c:1391
proto native void ClearReconnectCache()
Remove all player from reconnect cache.
bool FormatRawConfigStringKeys(inout string value)
Changes localization key format to script-friendly format.
Определения Game.c:475
proto native MenuData GetMenuData()
Return singleton of MenuData class - at main menu contains characters played with current profile.
proto native bool ConfigIsExisting(string path)
proto native AbstractSoundScene GetSoundScene()
proto native void ChatMP(Man recipient, string text, string colorClass)
proto native vector ObjectGetSelectionPositionLS(Object obj, string name)
proto native bool AddActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms)
proto native void RemoteObjectTreeDelete(Object obj)
RemoteObjectDelete - deletes only remote object (unregisters from network). do not use if not sure wh...
proto native void UpdatePathgraphRegion(vector regionMin, vector regionMax)
void OnProcessLifetimeChanged(int plmtype)
Определения Game.c:97
proto native void InitDamageEffects(Object effect)
Initialization of damage effects.
proto native int ConfigGetInt(string path)
Get int value from config on path.
proto native bool IsServer()
proto native void DisconnectPlayer(PlayerIdentity identity, string uid="")
Destroy player info and disconnect.
proto native void SetMission(Mission mission)
void OnActivateMessage()
Called when recieving focus (windows)
Определения Game.c:117
bool IsSurfaceDigable(string surface)
Checks if the surface is digable.
Определения Game.c:1156
UIScriptedMenu CreateScriptedMenu(int id)
create custom main menu part (submenu)
Определения Game.c:196
proto native void ObjectDeleteOnClient(Object obj)
proto bool ConfigGetBaseName(string path, out string base_name)
Get name of base class of config class on path.
proto native bool RegisterNetworkStaticObject(Object object)
Static objects cannot be replicated by default (there are too many objects on the map)....
void UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject(Object object)
Определения Game.c:1199
proto native void ConfigGetTextArray(string path, out TStringArray values)
Get array of strings from config on path.
proto native bool IsPhysicsExtrapolationEnabled()
If physics extrapolation is enabled, always true on retail release builds.
proto native bool ClearJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item)
proto void FormatString(string format, string params[], out string output)
proto native void AdminLog(string text)
proto native int GetVoiceLevel(Object player=null)
Get voice level of VoN (on both client and server) (VoiceLevelWhisper = 0, VoiceLevelNormal = 1,...
bool IsDebugMonitor()
Определения Game.c:1087
bool IsMissionMainMenu()
Returns true when current mission is Main Menu.
Определения Game.c:1488
proto float SurfaceGetType(float x, float z, out string type)
Returns: Y position the surface was found.
proto native void OverrideInventoryLights(vector diffuse, vector ambient, vector ground, vector dir)
proto native void LogoutRequestTime()
Logout methods.
proto native bool SurfaceIsPond(float x, float z)
proto native void LogoutRequestCancel()
proto native float GetLastFPS()
Returns current framerate.
proto bool ConfigGetText(string path, out string value)
Get string value from config on path.
void DayZGame()
Определения DayZGame.c:992
proto bool GetProfileString(string name, out string value)
Gets string from profile variable.
proto native float SurfaceGetSeaLevelMin()
proto native void Chat(string text, string colorClass)
Prints text into game chat.
void ~CGame()
Определения Game.c:72
int m_DebugMonitorEnabled
Определения Game.c:10
proto native float GetMaxFPS(int nFrames=64)
Returns maximum framerate over last n frames.
ScriptInvoker GetUpdateQueue(int call_category)
Определения Game.c:1452
proto native float GetFps()
Returns average FPS of last 16 frames.
void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params)
Called when some system event occur.
Определения Game.c:92
proto native owned string GetMainMenuWorld()
proto native bool ScriptTest()
proto native void RPC(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null)
Initiate remote procedure call. When called on client, RPC is evaluated on server; When called on ser...
proto native DayZPlayer GetPlayer()
proto native void StorageVersion(int iVersion)
Set actual storage version - for next save.
proto native void ProfilerStart(string name)
Use for profiling code from start to stop, they must match have same name, look wiki pages for more i...
proto native WorkspaceWidget GetWorkspace()
UIScriptedWindow CreateScriptedWindow(int id)
create custom window part
Определения Game.c:201
proto native void RemoteObjectDelete(Object obj)
bool IsInventoryOpen()
Определения Game.c:1478
proto native void EndOptionsVideo()
void GetFPSStats(out float min, out float max, out float avg, int nFrames=64)
Outputs framerate statistics.
Определения Game.c:837
proto native void OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset)
proto native void SendLogoutTime(Object player, int time)
Inform client about logout time (creates logout screen on specified client)
AnalyticsManagerServer GetAnalyticsServer()
Определения Game.c:1508
proto native Object CreateObjectEx(string type, vector pos, int iFlags, int iRotation=RF_DEFAULT)
Creates object of certain type.
proto native void SaveProfile()
Saves profile on disk.
bool AddInventoryJunctureEx(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, InventoryLocation dst, bool test_dst_occupancy, int timeout_ms)
Определения Game.c:741
proto native Weather GetWeather()
Returns weather controller object.
proto native bool GetSurface(SurfaceDetectionParameters params, SurfaceDetectionResult result)
API for surface detection.
proto native void EnableMicCapture(bool enable)
Enable microphone to locally capture audio from user. Audio heard does NOT automatically get transmit...
TimerQueue GetTimerQueue(int call_category)
Определения Game.c:1462
proto native bool IsDedicatedServer()
Robust check which is preferred than the above, as it is valid much sooner.
bool GetSurfaceDigPile(string surface, out string result)
Определения Game.c:1161
proto native bool IsAppActive()
Returns if the application is focused on PC, returns true always on console.
proto native vector GetCurrentCameraPosition()
void OnKeyRelease(int key)
Called when key is released.
Определения Game.c:173
proto native bool IsObjectAccesible(EntityAI item, Man player)
returns true if player can access item's cargo/attachments (check only distance)
proto void GetPlayerNameShort(int maxLength, out string name)
Gets current player name. If length of player name is grater than maxLength, then it is omitted and a...
proto native float SurfaceRoadY3D(float x, float y, float z, RoadSurfaceDetection rsd)
proto int GetTime()
returns mission time in milliseconds
bool OnInitialize()
Called once before game update loop starts, ret value indicates if init was done in scripts,...
Определения Game.c:131
proto native void SetVoiceLevel(int level)
Set voice level of VoN (only on client) (VoiceLevelWhisper = 0, VoiceLevelNormal = 1,...
proto native void NightVissionLightParams(float lightIntensityMul, float noiseIntensity)
proto native bool IsClient()
proto native int ObjectRelease(Object obj)
RemoteObjectTreeCreate - postponed registration of network object tree (and creation of remote object...
proto native int ConfigGetType(string path)
Returns type of config value.
proto native vector ObjectWorldToModel(Object obj, vector worldPos)
proto void SurfaceUnderObject(notnull Object object, out string type, out int liquidType)
proto native Object CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D(string p3dFilename, vector position, vector orientation, float scale=1.0, bool createLocal=false)
ScriptModule GameScript
Определения Game.c:12
proto native void SetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode, bool enabled)
Set specific debug mode.
proto native void RespawnPlayer()
vector GetSurfaceOrientation(float x, float z)
Returns tilt of the ground on the given position in degrees, so you can use this value to rotate any ...
Определения Game.c:1143
proto native int Connect(UIScriptedMenu parent, string IpAddress, int port, string password)
Connects to IsServer.
proto native void SetProfileStringList(string name, TStringArray values)
Sets array of strings to profile variable.
proto native void RemoveFromReconnectCache(string uid)
Remove player from reconnect cache.
native void CreateMission(string path)
Create only enforce script mission, used for mission script reloading.
proto native void DisconnectSessionForce()
Forces disconnect from current multiplayer session even if not yet in the game.
AnalyticsManagerClient GetAnalyticsClient()
Определения Game.c:1513
void SurfaceUnderObjectCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, out string type, out int liquidType)
Определения Game.c:1183
proto native int ConnectLastSession(UIScriptedMenu parent, int selectedCharacter=-1)
Connects to last success network session.
proto native void RemoteObjectTreeCreate(Object obj)
RemoteObjectCreate - postponed registration of network object (and creation of remote object)....
proto native void SetDiagDrawMode(int diag_draw_mode)
Set debug draw mode.
void OnDeactivateMessage()
Called when loosing focus (windows)
Определения Game.c:124
proto native float SurfaceGetNoiseMultiplier(Object directHit, vector pos, int componentIndex)
proto void GetPlayerName(out string name)
Gets current player name.
proto native int ConfigGetChildrenCount(string path)
Get count of subclasses in config class on path.
ref AnalyticsManagerServer m_AnalyticsManagerServer
Определения Game.c:18
proto native vector GetCurrentCameraDirection()
proto void GetVersion(out string version)
string GetWorldName()
Определения Game.c:868
proto native bool ExecuteEnforceScript(string expression, string mainFnName)
Delevoper only: Executes Enforce Script expression, if there is an error, is printed into the script ...
void OnUpdate(bool doSim, float timeslice)
Called on World update.
Определения Game.c:148
proto native bool HasInventoryJunctureItem(notnull EntityAI item)
proto native EntityAI GetEntityByPersitentID(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4)
proto native void OpenURL(string url)
proto bool CommandlineGetParam(string name, out string value)
Get command line parameter value.
string CreateRandomPlayer()
returns class name of random survivor (TODO address confusing naming?)
Определения Game.c:1473
static bool IsDigitalCopy()
Определения Game.c:1071
proto native void ConfigGetFloatArray(string path, out TFloatArray values)
Get array of floats from config on path.
void OnDeviceReset()
Called when inputs is not possible (Steam overlay active or something), all internal script variables...
Определения Game.c:139
void OnMouseButtonRelease(int button)
Called when mouse button is released.
Определения Game.c:189
proto native float GetDayTime()
Returns current daytime on server.
proto void CopyFromClipboard(out string text)
proto native void SetLoginTimerFinished()
int ConfigFindClassIndex(string config_path, string searched_member)
Определения Game.c:1419
proto native void SetEVUser(float value)
Sets custom camera camera EV. range: -50.0..50.0? //TODO.
proto native bool PreloadObject(string type, float distance)
Preload objects with certain type in certain distance from camera.
ref AnalyticsManagerClient m_AnalyticsManagerClient
Определения Game.c:19
void SurfaceUnderObjectExCorrectedLiquid(notnull Object object, out string type, out string impact, out int liquidType)
Определения Game.c:1188
proto native void AbortMission()
Returns to main menu, leave world empty for using last mission world.
proto native int ServerConfigGetInt(string name)
Server config parsing. Returns 0 if not found.
proto native SoundOnVehicle CreateSoundOnObject(Object source, string sound_name, float distance, bool looped, bool create_local=false)
proto void SurfaceUnderObjectEx(notnull Object object, out string type, out string impact, out int liquidType)
proto native void ChatPlayer(string text)
proto native vector ObjectGetSelectionPosition(Object obj, string name)
proto native bool GetDiagModeEnable(int diag_mode)
Gets state of specific debug mode.
proto void GetPlayerNetworkIDByIdentityID(int playerIdentityID, out int networkIdLowBits, out int networkIdHightBits)
returns player's network id from identity id in out parameters
proto native Input GetInput()
proto native ContentDLC GetContentDLCService()
Return DLC service (service for entitlement keys for unlock content)
proto native void StartRandomCutscene(string world)
Starts intro.
proto native bool ExtendActionJuncture(Man player, notnull EntityAI item, int timeout_ms)
ScriptInvoker GetPostUpdateQueue(int call_category)
Определения Game.c:1454
proto native Mission GetMission()
MenuDefaultCharacterData GetMenuDefaultCharacterData(bool fill_data=true)
Определения Game.c:1493
TStringArray ListAvailableCharacters()
outputs array of all valid survivor class names
Определения Game.c:1476
proto native Object GetObjectByNetworkId(int networkIdLowBits, int networkIdHighBits)
Returns entity identified by network id.
proto native bool CanRespawnPlayer()
proto native void DisconnectSession()
Disconnects from current multiplayer session.
proto native void ObjectDelete(Object obj)
proto native void RemoteObjectCreate(Object obj)
RemoteObjectDelete - deletes only remote object tree (unregisters from network). do not use if not su...
proto void ObjectGetType(Object obj, out string type)
proto native vector ObjectModelToWorld(Object obj, vector modelPos)
proto native void RPCSelf(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array< ref Param > params)
Not actually an RPC, as it will send it only to yourself.
proto native void GetDiagDrawModeNames(out TStringArray diag_names)
Get list of all debug draw modes.
ref MenuDefaultCharacterData m_CharacterData
Определения Game.c:20
proto native void StoreLoginData(ParamsWriteContext ctx)
Stores login userdata as parameters which are sent to server.
Определения DayZGame.c:890
ContentDLC is for query installed DLC (only as entitlement keys, not content)
Определения ContentDLC.c:11
static void InventoryReservationLog(string message=LOG_DEFAULT, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
Определения Debug.c:142
Определения Debug.c:2
Определения Building.c:6
Определения Camera.c:2
GetServersResultRow the output structure of the GetServers operation that represents one game server.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:144
Определения input.c:11
Определения ItemBase.c:15
static string DumpToStringNullSafe(InventoryLocation loc)
Определения InventoryLocation.c:226
Определения InventoryLocation.c:29
static void Init()
Определения Debug.c:608
static bool IsInventoryReservationLogEnable()
Определения Debug.c:658
Определения Debug.c:594
Определения EnMath.c:7
proto bool RequestGetDefaultCharacterData()
Определения gameplay.c:918
Mission class.
Определения gameplay.c:687
Определения Noise.c:2
Определения ObjectTyped.c:2
static bool IsGameActive(bool sim)
Определения OnlineServices.c:712
Определения OnlineServices.c:2
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...
Определения param.c:12
The class that will be instanced (moddable)
Определения gameplay.c:389
static void Cleanup()
Cleanup method to properly clean up the static data.
Определения EffectManager.c:518
static void InitServer()
Определения EffectManager.c:508
static void Init()
Initialize the containers.
Определения EffectManager.c:498
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
Определения EffectManager.c:6
ScriptCallQueue Class provide "lazy" calls - when we don't want to execute function immediately but l...
Определения tools.c:53
ScriptInvoker Class provide list of callbacks usage:
Определения tools.c:116
Module containing compiled scripts.
Определения EnScript.c:131
Определения Sound.c:112
Определения UIManager.c:2
Определения DayZGame.c:64
static void CleanupInstance()
Uninitializes VONManager, runs when user disconnects from server.
Определения VONManager.c:309
static void Init()
Initializes VONManager, runs when user first connects to a server.
Определения VONManager.c:300
Manager class which handles Voice-over-network functionality while player is connected to a server.
Определения VONManager.c:285
Определения Weather.c:165
Определения EnWidgets.c:177
Определения World.c:2
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto vector VectorToAngles()
Converts vector to spherical coordinates with radius = 1.
Определения EnConvert.c:106
Serializer ParamsReadContext
Определения gameplay.c:15
proto native CGame GetGame()
Serializer ParamsWriteContext
Определения gameplay.c:16
array< float > TFloatArray
Определения EnScript.c:686
array< string > TStringArray
Определения EnScript.c:685
array< int > TIntArray
Определения EnScript.c:687
const int LIQUID_NONE
Определения constants.c:527
Определения constants.c:548
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.
static proto int Randomize(int seed)
Sets the seed for the random number generator.
void AbstractWave()
Определения Sound.c:167
proto native int Length()
Returns length of string.
proto string Get(int index)
Gets n-th character from string.
static proto string ToString(void var, bool type=false, bool name=false, bool quotes=true)
Return string representation of variable.
proto string Substring(int start, int len)
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.
proto int ToLower()
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.
TypeID EventType
Определения EnWidgets.c:55