70 if ( user_list.Count() > 0 )
78 Error(
"BiosClientServices Error: Usermanager does not exist." );
116 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetCachedFavoriteServerInfo(favServersInfoCache);
126 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().AddServerFavorite( ipAddress, port, steamQueryPort );
130 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().RemoveServerFavorite( ipAddress, port, steamQueryPort );
172 return g_Game.GetHostData();
272 for (
int i = 0; i < friend_list.Count(); ++i )
274 string uid = friend_list[i].m_Uid;
282 friends_simple.Insert( newBfi.
m_Uid );
289 friends_simple.Insert( newBfi.
m_Uid );
333 for (
int i = 0; i < result_list.Count(); i++ )
336 string uid = result.
339 if ( result_array && result_array2 )
343 new_list.Insert( result );
350 new_list.Insert( result );
400 if (
GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
450 if (
g_Game.GetGameState() != DayZGameState.MAIN_MENU )
456 g_Game.SetLoadState( DayZLoadState.MAIN_MENU_START );
464 if (
g_Game.GetGameState() == DayZGameState.IN_GAME )
532 if (
GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
537 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().EnterGameplaySessionAsync( addr, port );
550 if ( currentServerInfo )
567 if (
GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
572 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().SetGameplayActivityAsync( addr, port );
581 if (
GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
604 if ( already_on_server.Find( invitee ) == -1 )
606 new_to_server.Insert( invitee );
609 return new_to_server;
646 results_free.Insert( result_temp );
651 return results_free.GetRandomElement();
667 GetGame().
"#str_xbox_authentification_fail", 232, DBT_OK, DBB_NONE, DMT_INFO,
GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu() );
680 GetGame().
"#xbox_authentification_fail", 232, DBT_OK, DBB_NONE, DMT_INFO,
GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu() );
Possible Error codes for bios API. This is the list of errors that can be returned from bios API....
array< ref BiosPrivacyUidResult > BiosPrivacyUidResultArray
EBiosPrivacyPermission represents possible privacy permissions.
EBiosPrivacyPrivilege represents possible privacy privileges.
array< ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResult > BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray
array< ref BiosFriendInfo > BiosFriendInfoArray
ErrorCategory - To decide what ErrorHandlerModule needs to be called and easily identify where it cam...
DEPRECATED (moved into NotificationSystem)
BiosClientServices class provides individual online services.
string m_Uid
The Uid of the friend.
static bool Compare(BiosFriendInfo a, BiosFriendInfo b)
BiosFriendInfo represents friend information.
static bool Compare(BiosPrivacyPermissionResult a, BiosPrivacyPermissionResult b)
BiosPrivacyPermissionResult represents the per permission result of the GetPermissionsAsync reqeust.
string m_Uid
Uid of the target user.
ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray m_Results
Array of permission results for this target user.
BiosPrivacyUidResult represents the per user result of the GetPermissionsAsync request.
proto native BiosClientServices GetClientServices()
proto native EBiosError GetUserList(array< ref BiosUser > user_list)
Gets the currently present list of users.
proto native BiosUser GetSelectedUser()
Returns the currently selected user.
proto native UIManager GetUIManager()
proto native World GetWorld()
proto native BiosUserManager GetUserManager()
static array< string > GetSimplePlayerList()
static ref SyncPlayerList m_LastNewPlayers
static void LogErrorAndTrace(string msg)
Prints debug message as error message and prints stack trace of calls.
static proto string GetClientMessage(ErrorCategory category, int code, string additionalInfo="")
Gets the Client Message for specified error.
The error handler itself, for managing and distributing errors to modules Manages the ErrorHandlerMod...
GetServersResult m_Result
ref GetServersResultRowArray m_Results
GetServersResult the output structure of the GetServers operation.
GetServersResultRow the output structure of the GetServers operation that represents one game server.
static void AddNotification(NotificationType type, float show_time, string detail_text="")
Send notification from default types to local player.
static ref ScriptInvoker m_PermissionsAsyncInvoker
static void GetClientServices()
static void PromptUpdate()
static void OnUserProfileAsync(EBiosError error)
static void OnLoadServersAsync(GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response)
static bool IsPlayerMuted(string id)
static void LoadVoicePrivilege()
static void SetSessionHandle(string handle)
static void LeaveGameplaySession()
static void OnPermissionsAsync(BiosPrivacyUidResultArray result_list, EBiosError error)
static string m_InviteServerIP
static void OnGetServerModList(GetServerModListResult result_list, EBiosError error)
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServersAsyncInvoker
static ref GetServersResultRow m_CurrentServerInfo
static void SetPendingInviteList(array< string > invitees)
static bool GetMultiplayState()
static void AutoConnectToEmptyServer()
static void ShowInviteScreen()
static void LoadFriends()
static bool IsGameActive(bool sim)
static void ShowUserProfile(string uid)
static void GetServerModList(string server_id)
static GetServersResultRow GetCurrentServerInfo()
static int m_InviteServerPort
static BiosUser GetBiosUser()
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServerAsyncInvoker
static BiosClientServices m_ClientServices
static ref ScriptInvoker m_MuteUpdateAsyncInvoker
static int m_AutoConnectTries
static bool CheckUpdate()
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServerModLoadAsyncInvoker
static void SetServerFavorited(string ipAddress, int port, int steamQueryPort, bool is_favorited)
static void GetCurrentServerInfo(string ip, int port)
static string GetSessionHandle()
static bool IsGameTrial(bool sim)
static void SetBiosUser(BiosUser user)
static ref TrialService m_TrialService
static ref map< string, ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray > m_PermissionsList
static ref map< string, bool > m_MuteList
static GetServersResultRow GetRandomFreeResult(GetFirstServerWithEmptySlotResult results)
static void LoadPermissions(array< string > player_list)
static bool IsInitialized()
static void LoadServers(notnull GetServersInput inputValues)
static string m_CurrentServerIP
static map< string, bool > GetMuteList()
static array< string > GetPendingInviteList()
static void EnterGameplaySession()
static ref ScriptInvoker m_FriendsAsyncInvoker
static ref array< string > m_PendingInvites
static ref map< string, ref BiosFriendInfo > m_FriendsList
static bool m_MultiplayState
static int m_CurrentServerPort
static bool ErrorCaught(EBiosError error)
static void OnLoadVoicePrivilege(EBiosError err)
static void ClearPendingInviteList(array< string > invitees)
static void SetMultiplayState(bool state)
static bool m_FirstFriendsLoad
static void LoadMPPrivilege()
static void OnAutoConnectToEmptyServer(GetFirstServerWithEmptySlotResult result_list, EBiosError error)
static void GetInviteServerInfo(out string ip, out int port)
static void SetGameplayActivity()
static bool MutePlayer(string id, bool mute)
static void OnFriendsAsync(BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error)
static void OnLoadMPPrivilege(EBiosError err)
static void GetFavoriteServers(TStringArray favServers)
static ref BiosUser m_BiosUser
static void ClearCurrentServerInfo()
static void GetCachedFavServerInfo(array< ref CachedServerInfo > favServersInfoCache)
static void SetInviteServerInfo(string ip, int port)
ScriptInvoker Class provide list of callbacks usage:
proto bool Write(void value_out)
string m_UID
Keeping for backwards compatability with mods.
ref array< ref SyncPlayer > m_PlayerList
TrialService is used to query if the game is trial version or not.
proto native void ShowDialog(string caption, string text, int id, int butts, int def, int type, UIScriptedMenu handler)
Shows message dialog.
proto native bool DisableReceiveVoN(bool disable)
proto native void DisableTransmitVoN(bool disable)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
array< string > TStringArray