DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
7 static ref ScriptInvoker m_MuteUpdateAsyncInvoker = new ScriptInvoker(); // DEPRECATED
13 protected static string m_InviteServerIP;
14 protected static int m_InviteServerPort;
15 protected static string m_CurrentServerIP;
16 protected static int m_CurrentServerPort;
21 protected static ref map<string, bool> m_MuteList;
24 protected static bool m_FirstFriendsLoad = true;
25 protected static bool m_MultiplayState = false;
26 protected static ref array<string> m_PendingInvites;
28 protected static ref BiosUser m_BiosUser;
30 static void Init()
31 {
33 #ifndef PLATFORM_WINDOWS // if app is not on Windows with -XBOX parameter
34 if ( !m_TrialService )
36 if ( !m_FriendsList )
38 if ( !m_MuteList )
40 if ( !m_PermissionsList )
43 m_FriendsList.Clear();
44 m_PermissionsList.Clear();
45 m_MuteList.Clear();
46 #endif
47 #endif
50 }
52 static bool IsInitialized()
53 {
54 return ( m_ClientServices != null );
55 }
57 static void GetClientServices()
58 {
59 BiosUserManager user_manager = GetGame().GetUserManager();
60 if ( user_manager )
61 {
62 BiosUser selected_user = user_manager.GetSelectedUser();
63 if ( selected_user )
64 {
65 m_ClientServices = selected_user.GetClientServices();
66 }
69 user_manager.GetUserList( user_list );
70 if ( user_list.Count() > 0 )
71 {
72 m_ClientServices = user_list.Get( 0 ).GetClientServices();
73 }
74 #endif
75 }
76 else
77 {
78 Error( "BiosClientServices Error: Usermanager does not exist." );
79 }
80 }
82 static bool ErrorCaught( EBiosError error )
83 {
84 switch ( error )
85 {
86 case EBiosError.OK:
87 {
88 return false;
89 }
90 }
92 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( string.Format("BiosClientServices Error: %1", ErrorModuleHandler.GetClientMessage(ErrorCategory.BIOSError, error)) );
93 return true;
94 }
96 static void LoadServers( notnull GetServersInput inputValues )
97 {
99 if ( m_ClientServices )
100 {
101 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetServers( inputValues );
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
106 }
107 }
109 static void GetFavoriteServers(TStringArray favServers)
110 {
111 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetFavoriteServers(favServers);
112 }
115 {
116 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetCachedFavoriteServerInfo(favServersInfoCache);
117 }
119 static void SetServerFavorited(string ipAddress, int port, int steamQueryPort, bool is_favorited )
120 {
122 if ( m_ClientServices )
123 {
124 if ( is_favorited )
125 {
126 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().AddServerFavorite( ipAddress, port, steamQueryPort );
127 }
128 else
129 {
130 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().RemoveServerFavorite( ipAddress, port, steamQueryPort );
131 }
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
136 }
137 }
139 static void GetCurrentServerInfo( string ip, int port )
140 {
144 m_CurrentServerPort = port;
146 GetServersInput inputValues = new GetServersInput;
148 inputValues.SetHostIp( ip );
149 inputValues.SetHostPort( port );
150 inputValues.m_Page = 0;
151 inputValues.m_RowsPerPage = 10;
152 inputValues.m_Platform = 1;
154 #ifdef PLATFORM_XBOX
155 inputValues.m_Platform = 2;
156 #endif
157 #ifdef PLATFORM_PS4
158 inputValues.m_Platform = 3;
159 #endif
161 if ( m_ClientServices )
162 {
163 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetServers( inputValues );
164 }
165 }
168 {
170 return m_CurrentServerInfo;
171 else
172 return g_Game.GetHostData();
173 }
176 {
177 m_CurrentServerInfo = null;
180 }
182 static void SetInviteServerInfo( string ip, int port )
183 {
184 m_InviteServerIP = ip;
185 m_InviteServerPort = port;
186 }
188 static void GetInviteServerInfo( out string ip, out int port )
189 {
190 ip = m_InviteServerIP;
191 port = m_InviteServerPort;
192 }
194 static void OnLoadServersAsync( GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response )
195 {
196 if ( !ErrorCaught( error ) )
197 {
198 if ( m_CurrentServerIP != "" && m_CurrentServerPort > 0 )
199 {
200 foreach ( GetServersResultRow result : result_list.m_Results )
201 {
202 if ( result.m_HostIp == m_CurrentServerIP && result.m_HostPort == m_CurrentServerPort )
203 {
204 m_CurrentServerInfo = result;
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 // todo: remove
212 //foreach( GetServersResultRow res : result_list.m_Results )
213 //{
214 // Print("OnLoadServersAsync: result id: " + res.m_Id + "modded: " + res.m_Modded);
215 //}
217 // just for example execute the retrieving of extended info for the first server entry in the list
218 //if (result_list.m_Results.Count() > 0)
219 //{
220 //GetServersResultRow re = result_list.m_Results[0];
221 //EBiosError er = m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetServerModList(re.m_Id);
222 //Print("OnLoadServersAsync GetServerModList returns:" + er);
223 //}
225 m_ServersAsyncInvoker.Invoke( result_list, error, response );
226 }
227 else
228 {
229 m_ServersAsyncInvoker.Invoke( null, error, "" );
230 }
231 }
234 static void LoadFriends()
235 {
237 if ( m_ClientServices )
238 {
239 m_ClientServices.GetSocialService().GetFriendsAsync();
240 }
241 else
242 {
243 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
244 }
245 }
247 static void ShowUserProfile( string uid )
248 {
250 if ( m_ClientServices )
251 {
252 m_ClientServices.GetSocialService().ShowUserProfileAsync( uid );
253 }
254 else
255 {
256 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
257 }
258 }
261 {
262 ErrorCaught( error );
263 }
265 static void OnFriendsAsync( BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error )
266 {
267 if ( !ErrorCaught( error ) )
268 {
269 m_FriendsAsyncInvoker.Invoke( friend_list );
271 array<string> friends_simple = new array<string>;
272 for ( int i = 0; i < friend_list.Count(); ++i )
273 {
274 string uid = friend_list[i].m_Uid;
275 BiosFriendInfo storedBfi = m_FriendsList[uid];
276 BiosFriendInfo newBfi = friend_list[i];
278 if (storedBfi)
279 {
280 if ( !BiosFriendInfo.Compare( storedBfi, newBfi ) )
281 {
282 friends_simple.Insert( newBfi.m_Uid );
283 }
284 m_FriendsList.Set( uid, newBfi );
285 }
286 else
287 {
288 m_FriendsList.Insert( uid, newBfi );
289 friends_simple.Insert( newBfi.m_Uid );
290 }
291 }
293 if ( !m_FirstFriendsLoad )
294 {
296 {
298 {
299 if ( m_FriendsList.Contains( player.m_UID ) )
300 {
301 NotificationSystem.AddNotification( NotificationType.FRIEND_CONNECTED, NotificationSystem.DEFAULT_TIME_DISPLAYED, player.m_PlayerName + " " + "#ps4_invite_has_joined_your_session" );
302 }
303 }
305 }
306 }
307 m_FirstFriendsLoad = false;
308 }
309 }
311 static void LoadPermissions( array<string> player_list )
312 {
314 if ( m_ClientServices )
315 {
317 perms.Insert( EBiosPrivacyPermission.COMMUNICATE_VOICE );
319 ErrorCaught( m_ClientServices.GetPrivacyService().GetPermissionsAsync( player_list, perms ) );
320 }
321 else
322 {
323 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
324 }
325 }
328 {
329 if ( !ErrorCaught( error ) )
330 {
333 for ( int i = 0; i < result_list.Count(); i++ )
334 {
335 BiosPrivacyUidResult result = result_list.Get( i );
336 string uid = result.m_Uid;
337 BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray result_array = m_PermissionsList.Get( uid );
338 BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray result_array2 = result.m_Results;
339 if ( result_array && result_array2 )
340 {
341 if ( !BiosPrivacyPermissionResult.Compare( result_array.Get( 0 ), result_array2.Get( 0 ) ) )
342 {
343 new_list.Insert( result );
344 m_PermissionsList.Set( uid, result_array2 );
345 }
346 }
347 else
348 {
349 m_PermissionsList.Insert( uid, result_array2 );
350 new_list.Insert( result );
351 }
352 }
353 m_PermissionsAsyncInvoker.Invoke( new_list );
354 }
355 }
357 static bool IsPlayerMuted( string id )
358 {
359 if ( m_MuteList.Contains( id ) )
360 {
361 return m_MuteList.Get( id );
362 }
363 return false;
364 }
366 static bool MutePlayer( string id, bool mute )
367 {
368 if ( m_MuteList.Contains( id ) )
369 {
370 m_MuteList.Set( id, mute );
371 }
372 else
373 {
374 m_MuteList.Insert( id, mute );
375 }
377 // notify server
380 ctx.Write( id );
381 ctx.Write( mute );
382 ctx.Send();
384 return true;
385 }
388 {
389 return m_MuteList;
390 }
392 static void ShowInviteScreen()
393 {
396 if ( m_ClientServices )
397 {
398 string addr;
399 int port;
400 if ( GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
401 {
402 ErrorCaught( m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().ShowInviteToGameplaySessionAsync( addr, port ) );
403 }
404 }
405 else
406 {
407 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
408 }
409 #endif
410 }
412 static void LoadMPPrivilege()
413 {
416 if ( m_ClientServices )
417 {
418 ErrorCaught( m_ClientServices.GetPrivacyService().GetPrivilegeAsync( EBiosPrivacyPrivilege.MULTIPLAYER_GAMEPLAY, true ) );
419 }
420 else
421 {
422 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
423 }
424 #else
426 #endif
427 }
429 static void LoadVoicePrivilege()
430 {
432 if ( m_ClientServices )
433 {
434 ErrorCaught( m_ClientServices.GetPrivacyService().GetPrivilegeAsync( EBiosPrivacyPrivilege.COMMUNICATE_VOICE, true ) );
435 }
436 else
437 {
438 DebugPrint.LogErrorAndTrace( "BiosClientServices Error: Service reference does not exist." );
439 }
440 }
442 static void OnLoadMPPrivilege( EBiosError err )
443 {
444 if ( !ErrorCaught( err ) )
445 {
446 g_Game.TryConnect();
447 }
448 else
449 {
450 if ( g_Game.GetGameState() != DayZGameState.MAIN_MENU )
451 {
452 g_Game.MainMenuLaunch();
453 }
454 else
455 {
456 g_Game.SetLoadState( DayZLoadState.MAIN_MENU_START );
457 g_Game.GamepadCheck();
458 }
459 }
460 }
463 {
464 if ( g_Game.GetGameState() == DayZGameState.IN_GAME )
465 {
466 #ifdef PLATFORM_PS4
468 #endif
470 }
471 }
473 static void SetSessionHandle( string handle )
474 {
476 if ( m_ClientServices )
477 {
478 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().m_CurrentHandle = handle;
479 }
480 }
482 static string GetSessionHandle()
483 {
485 if ( m_ClientServices )
486 {
487 return m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().m_CurrentHandle;
488 }
489 return "";
490 }
492 static void GetSession()
493 {
495 if ( m_ClientServices )
496 {
497 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().TryGetSession( GetSessionHandle() );
498 }
499 }
502 {
503 return m_BiosUser;
504 }
506 static void SetBiosUser(BiosUser user)
507 {
508 m_BiosUser = user;
509 }
512 static bool GetMultiplayState()
513 {
514 return m_MultiplayState;
515 }
517 static void SetMultiplayState( bool state )
518 {
519 m_MultiplayState = state;
520 bool is_multiplay;
522 is_multiplay = state && ( ClientData.GetSimplePlayerList().Count() > 1 );
524 if ( m_ClientServices )
525 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().SetMultiplayState(is_multiplay);
526 }
529 {
530 string addr;
531 int port;
532 if ( GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
533 {
535 if ( m_ClientServices )
536 {
537 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().EnterGameplaySessionAsync( addr, port );
538 SetMultiplayState(true);
539 }
540 }
541 }
544 {
546 if ( m_ClientServices )
547 {
548 GetServersResultRow currentServerInfo = GetCurrentServerInfo();
550 if ( currentServerInfo )
551 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().LeaveGameplaySessionAsync(currentServerInfo.m_HostIp, currentServerInfo.m_HostPort);
552 else if ( m_CurrentServerIP != "" )
553 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().LeaveGameplaySessionAsync(m_CurrentServerIP, m_CurrentServerPort);
555 SetMultiplayState(false);
556 m_FirstFriendsLoad = true;
558 if ( m_FriendsList )
559 m_FriendsList.Clear();
560 }
561 }
564 {
565 string addr;
566 int port;
567 if ( GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
568 {
570 if ( m_ClientServices )
571 {
572 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().SetGameplayActivityAsync( addr, port );
573 }
574 }
575 }
577 static void SetPendingInviteList( array<string> invitees )
578 {
579 string addr;
580 int port;
581 if ( GetGame().GetHostAddress( addr, port ) )
582 {
584 if ( m_ClientServices )
585 {
586 m_PendingInvites = invitees;
587 m_ClientServices.GetSessionService().InviteToGameplaySessionAsync( addr, port, GetPendingInviteList() );
588 }
589 }
590 else
591 {
592 m_PendingInvites = invitees;
593 }
594 }
597 {
598 array<string> already_on_server = ClientData.GetSimplePlayerList();
599 if ( already_on_server && m_PendingInvites )
600 {
601 array<string> new_to_server = new array<string>;
602 foreach ( string invitee : m_PendingInvites )
603 {
604 if ( already_on_server.Find( invitee ) == -1 )
605 {
606 new_to_server.Insert( invitee );
607 }
608 }
609 return new_to_server;
610 }
611 else
612 {
613 return m_PendingInvites;
614 }
615 }
617 static void ClearPendingInviteList( array<string> invitees )
618 {
619 delete m_PendingInvites;
620 }
622 static int m_AutoConnectTries = 0;
624 {
627 {
630 input.SetOfficial( true );
631 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetFirstServerWithEmptySlot( input );
632 }
633 }
636 {
637 GetServersResultRow result;
640 if ( results && results.m_Result && results.m_Result.m_Results && results.m_Result.m_Results.Count() > 0 )
641 {
642 foreach ( GetServersResultRow result_temp : results.m_Result.m_Results )
643 {
644 if ( result_temp.m_FreeSlots > 0 )
645 {
646 results_free.Insert( result_temp );
647 }
648 }
649 }
651 return results_free.GetRandomElement();
652 }
655 {
656 if ( !ErrorCaught( error ) )
657 {
658 GetServersResultRow result = GetRandomFreeResult( result_list );
659 if ( result )
660 {
661 g_Game.ConnectFromServerBrowser( result.m_HostIp, result.m_HostPort );
663 return;
664 }
665 else
666 {
667 GetGame().GetUIManager().ShowDialog( "#str_xbox_authentification_fail_title", "#str_xbox_authentification_fail", 232, DBT_OK, DBB_NONE, DMT_INFO, GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu() );
668 }
669 }
671 if ( m_AutoConnectTries < 3 )
672 {
675 input.SetOfficial( true );
676 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetFirstServerWithEmptySlot( input );
677 }
678 else
679 {
680 GetGame().GetUIManager().ShowDialog( "#str_xbox_authentification_fail_title", "#xbox_authentification_fail", 232, DBT_OK, DBB_NONE, DMT_INFO, GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu() );
681 }
682 }
684 static void GetServerModList( string server_id )
685 {
687 if ( m_ClientServices )
688 {
689 m_ClientServices.GetLobbyService().GetServerModList( server_id );
690 }
691 }
693 static void OnGetServerModList( GetServerModListResult result_list, EBiosError error )
694 {
695 if ( !ErrorCaught( error ) )
696 {
697 m_ServerModLoadAsyncInvoker.Invoke( result_list );
698 }
699 }
701 static bool IsGameTrial( bool sim )
702 {
703 #ifdef PLATFORM_XBOX
705 if ( m_TrialService )
706 return m_TrialService.IsGameTrial( sim );
707 #endif
708 #endif
709 return false;
710 }
712 static bool IsGameActive( bool sim )
713 {
714 #ifdef PLATFORM_XBOX
716 if ( m_TrialService )
717 return m_TrialService.IsGameActive( sim );
718 #endif
719 #endif
720 return false;
721 }
723 static bool CheckUpdate()
724 {
726 if ( m_ClientServices )
727 {
728 EBiosError error = m_ClientServices.GetPackageService().CheckUpdateAsync();
730 if ( !error )
731 {
732 return true;
733 }
734 }
736 return false;
737 }
739 static void PromptUpdate()
740 {
742 if ( m_ClientServices )
743 {
744 m_ClientServices.GetPackageService().PromptUpdateAsync();
745 }
746 }
Определения _constants.c:13
Possible Error codes for bios API. This is the list of errors that can be returned from bios API....
Определения BIOSErrorModule.c:7
array< ref BiosPrivacyUidResult > BiosPrivacyUidResultArray
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:49
EBiosPrivacyPermission represents possible privacy permissions.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:6
EBiosPrivacyPrivilege represents possible privacy privileges.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:18
array< ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResult > BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:39
array< ref BiosFriendInfo > BiosFriendInfoArray
Определения BiosSocialService.c:17
Определения ControlsXboxNew.c:4
DayZGame g_Game
Определения DayZGame.c:3868
ErrorCategory - To decide what ErrorHandlerModule needs to be called and easily identify where it cam...
Определения ErrorModuleHandler.c:5
DEPRECATED (moved into NotificationSystem)
Определения NotificationSystem.c:4
@ Count
Определения RandomGeneratorSyncManager.c:8
BiosClientServices class provides individual online services.
Определения BiosClientServices.c:10
string m_Uid
The Uid of the friend.
Определения BiosSocialService.c:6
static bool Compare(BiosFriendInfo a, BiosFriendInfo b)
Определения BiosSocialService.c:11
BiosFriendInfo represents friend information.
Определения BiosSocialService.c:5
static bool Compare(BiosPrivacyPermissionResult a, BiosPrivacyPermissionResult b)
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:32
BiosPrivacyPermissionResult represents the per permission result of the GetPermissionsAsync reqeust.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:28
string m_Uid
Uid of the target user.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:45
ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray m_Results
Array of permission results for this target user.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:46
BiosPrivacyUidResult represents the per user result of the GetPermissionsAsync request.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:44
proto native BiosClientServices GetClientServices()
Определения BiosUserManager.c:9
proto native EBiosError GetUserList(array< ref BiosUser > user_list)
Gets the currently present list of users.
proto native BiosUser GetSelectedUser()
Returns the currently selected user.
proto native UIManager GetUIManager()
proto native World GetWorld()
proto native BiosUserManager GetUserManager()
static array< string > GetSimplePlayerList()
Определения ClientData.c:92
static ref SyncPlayerList m_LastNewPlayers
Определения ClientData.c:9
Определения ClientData.c:2
static void LogErrorAndTrace(string msg)
Prints debug message as error message and prints stack trace of calls.
Определения DebugPrint.c:124
Определения DebugPrint.c:2
static proto string GetClientMessage(ErrorCategory category, int code, string additionalInfo="")
Gets the Client Message for specified error.
The error handler itself, for managing and distributing errors to modules Manages the ErrorHandlerMod...
Определения ErrorModuleHandler.c:29
void SetOfficial(bool Official)
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:323
GetServersInput the input structure of the GetServers operation.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:314
GetServersResult m_Result
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:309
int m_RowsPerPage
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:356
void SetHostIp(string hostIp)
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:502
int m_Page
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:363
int m_Platform
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:361
void SetHostPort(int hostPort)
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:508
GetServersInput the input structure of the GetServers operation.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:354
ref GetServersResultRowArray m_Results
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:347
GetServersResult the output structure of the GetServers operation.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:344
int m_FreeSlots
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:160
int m_HostPort
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:150
string m_HostIp
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:149
GetServersResultRow the output structure of the GetServers operation that represents one game server.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:144
Определения NotificationSystem.c:71
static void AddNotification(NotificationType type, float show_time, string detail_text="")
Send notification from default types to local player.
Определения NotificationSystem.c:192
static ref ScriptInvoker m_PermissionsAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:4
static void GetClientServices()
Определения OnlineServices.c:57
static void PromptUpdate()
Определения OnlineServices.c:739
static void OnUserProfileAsync(EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:260
static void OnLoadServersAsync(GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response)
Определения OnlineServices.c:194
static bool IsPlayerMuted(string id)
Определения OnlineServices.c:357
static void LoadVoicePrivilege()
Определения OnlineServices.c:429
static void SetSessionHandle(string handle)
Определения OnlineServices.c:473
static void LeaveGameplaySession()
Определения OnlineServices.c:543
static void OnPermissionsAsync(BiosPrivacyUidResultArray result_list, EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:327
static string m_InviteServerIP
Определения OnlineServices.c:13
static void OnGetServerModList(GetServerModListResult result_list, EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:693
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServersAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:5
static ref GetServersResultRow m_CurrentServerInfo
Определения OnlineServices.c:17
static void SetPendingInviteList(array< string > invitees)
Определения OnlineServices.c:577
static bool GetMultiplayState()
Определения OnlineServices.c:512
static void AutoConnectToEmptyServer()
Определения OnlineServices.c:623
static void ShowInviteScreen()
Определения OnlineServices.c:392
static void LoadFriends()
Определения OnlineServices.c:234
static bool IsGameActive(bool sim)
Определения OnlineServices.c:712
static void ShowUserProfile(string uid)
Определения OnlineServices.c:247
static void GetServerModList(string server_id)
Определения OnlineServices.c:684
static GetServersResultRow GetCurrentServerInfo()
Определения OnlineServices.c:167
static int m_InviteServerPort
Определения OnlineServices.c:14
static void GetSession()
Определения OnlineServices.c:492
static BiosUser GetBiosUser()
Определения OnlineServices.c:501
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServerAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:6
static BiosClientServices m_ClientServices
Определения OnlineServices.c:10
static ref ScriptInvoker m_MuteUpdateAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:7
static int m_AutoConnectTries
Определения OnlineServices.c:622
static bool CheckUpdate()
Определения OnlineServices.c:723
static ref ScriptInvoker m_ServerModLoadAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:8
static void SetServerFavorited(string ipAddress, int port, int steamQueryPort, bool is_favorited)
Определения OnlineServices.c:119
static void GetCurrentServerInfo(string ip, int port)
Определения OnlineServices.c:139
static string GetSessionHandle()
Определения OnlineServices.c:482
static bool IsGameTrial(bool sim)
Определения OnlineServices.c:701
static void SetBiosUser(BiosUser user)
Определения OnlineServices.c:506
static ref TrialService m_TrialService
Определения OnlineServices.c:11
static ref map< string, ref BiosPrivacyPermissionResultArray > m_PermissionsList
Определения OnlineServices.c:22
static ref map< string, bool > m_MuteList
Определения OnlineServices.c:21
static GetServersResultRow GetRandomFreeResult(GetFirstServerWithEmptySlotResult results)
Определения OnlineServices.c:635
static void LoadPermissions(array< string > player_list)
Определения OnlineServices.c:311
static bool IsInitialized()
Определения OnlineServices.c:52
static void LoadServers(notnull GetServersInput inputValues)
Определения OnlineServices.c:96
static string m_CurrentServerIP
Определения OnlineServices.c:15
static map< string, bool > GetMuteList()
Определения OnlineServices.c:387
static array< string > GetPendingInviteList()
Определения OnlineServices.c:596
static void EnterGameplaySession()
Определения OnlineServices.c:528
static ref ScriptInvoker m_FriendsAsyncInvoker
Определения OnlineServices.c:3
static ref array< string > m_PendingInvites
Определения OnlineServices.c:26
static ref map< string, ref BiosFriendInfo > m_FriendsList
Определения OnlineServices.c:20
static bool m_MultiplayState
Определения OnlineServices.c:25
static int m_CurrentServerPort
Определения OnlineServices.c:16
static bool ErrorCaught(EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:82
static void OnLoadVoicePrivilege(EBiosError err)
Определения OnlineServices.c:462
static void ClearPendingInviteList(array< string > invitees)
Определения OnlineServices.c:617
static void SetMultiplayState(bool state)
Определения OnlineServices.c:517
static bool m_FirstFriendsLoad
Определения OnlineServices.c:24
static void LoadMPPrivilege()
Определения OnlineServices.c:412
static void Init()
Определения OnlineServices.c:30
static void OnAutoConnectToEmptyServer(GetFirstServerWithEmptySlotResult result_list, EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:654
static void GetInviteServerInfo(out string ip, out int port)
Определения OnlineServices.c:188
static void SetGameplayActivity()
Определения OnlineServices.c:563
static bool MutePlayer(string id, bool mute)
Определения OnlineServices.c:366
static void OnFriendsAsync(BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error)
Определения OnlineServices.c:265
static void OnLoadMPPrivilege(EBiosError err)
Определения OnlineServices.c:442
static void GetFavoriteServers(TStringArray favServers)
Определения OnlineServices.c:109
static ref BiosUser m_BiosUser
Определения OnlineServices.c:28
static void ClearCurrentServerInfo()
Определения OnlineServices.c:175
static void GetCachedFavServerInfo(array< ref CachedServerInfo > favServersInfoCache)
Определения OnlineServices.c:114
static void SetInviteServerInfo(string ip, int port)
Определения OnlineServices.c:182
Определения OnlineServices.c:2
proto native void Send()
Определения gameplay.c:121
ScriptInvoker Class provide list of callbacks usage:
Определения tools.c:116
proto bool Write(void value_out)
string m_PlayerName
Определения SyncPlayer.c:11
string m_UID
Keeping for backwards compatability with mods.
Определения SyncPlayer.c:8
Определения SyncPlayer.c:2
ref array< ref SyncPlayer > m_PlayerList
Определения SyncPlayerList.c:3
TrialService is used to query if the game is trial version or not.
Определения TrialService.c:4
proto native void ShowDialog(string caption, string text, int id, int butts, int def, int type, UIScriptedMenu handler)
Shows message dialog.
proto native bool DisableReceiveVoN(bool disable)
proto native void DisableTransmitVoN(bool disable)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
Определения EnDebug.c:90
array< string > TStringArray
Определения EnScript.c:685