51 proto native
void LockDoor(
int index,
bool force =
54 proto native
void UnlockDoor(
int index,
bool animate =
68 float smallestDist =
72 for (
int i = 0; i < count; i++)
75 if (dist < smallestDist)
179 super.GetDebugActions(outputList);
184 if (super.OnAction(action_id, player, ctx))
Param1< int > DoorStartParams
Param2< int, bool > DoorFinishParams
Param1< int > DoorLockParams
Param4< int, int, string, int > TSelectableActionInfoWithColor
eBleedingSourceType GetType()
ref TIntArray m_InteractActions
proto native bool IsDoorClosed(int index)
When the phase is at the close phase target (0.0)
proto native vector GetLadderPosBottom(int ladderIndex)
override bool IsHealthVisible()
proto native bool IsDoorClosing(int index)
When the wanted phase is at the close phase target (0.0)
proto native int GetLaddersCount()
override bool CanObstruct()
void OnDoorCloseFinish(DoorFinishParams params)
Event for when the door finishes closing.
proto native void CloseDoor(int index)
Attempts to close the door.
proto native bool IsDoorOpening(int index)
When the wanted phase is at the open phase target (1.0)
int GetNearestDoorBySoundPos(vector position)
Gets the nearest door based on the sound position (quick and dirty function for debugging)
proto native bool IsDoorOpened(int index)
When the phase is at the open phase target (1.0)
int GetLockCompatibilityType(int doorIdx)
Which door is compatible with which key (door idx supplied). Bitwise.
void OnDoorCloseStart(DoorStartParams params)
Event for when the door starts closing.
proto native bool IsDoorLocked(int index)
When the door is locked.
override int GetMeleeTargetType()
proto native bool IsDoorOpeningAjar(int index)
When the wanted phase is at the ajar phase target (0.2)
proto native void OpenDoor(int index)
Attempts to open the door.
override bool IsBuilding()
void OnDoorOpenAjarStart(DoorStartParams params)
Event for when the door starts opening ajarred (usually after unlock)
void OnDoorLocked(DoorLockParams params)
Event for when the door is locked.
proto native void LockDoor(int index, bool force=false)
Locks the door if not already locked, resets the door health. 'force = true' will close the door if o...
proto native void OutputDoorLog()
Requires special build as logging is disabled even on internal builds due to memory usage....
override bool OnAction(int action_id, Man player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
proto native int GetDoorCount()
Returns the number of the doors in the building.
proto native void PlayDoorSound(int index)
Plays the appropriate sound at the door, based on animation phase and state.
void OnDoorOpenStart(DoorStartParams params)
Event for when the door starts opening.
proto native vector GetLadderPosTop(int ladderIndex)
void OnDoorOpenAjarFinish(DoorFinishParams params)
Event for when the door finishes opening ajarred (usually after unlock)
bool CanDoorBeOpened(int doorIndex, bool checkIfLocked=false)
proto native float GetDoorSoundDistance(int index)
Audible distance for the door sound.
proto native bool IsDoorOpenedAjar(int index)
When the phase is at the ajar phase target (0.2)
bool CanDoorBeLocked(int doorIndex)
Check if the door is closed and if the door is unlocked.
proto native bool IsDoorOpen(int index)
When the door is requested to be fully open (animation wanted phase is greater than 0....
override bool IsInventoryVisible()
bool CanDoorBeClosed(int doorIndex)
void OnDoorUnlocked(DoorLockParams params)
Event for when the door is unlocked.
proto native vector GetDoorSoundPos(int index)
Position in world space for where the door sounds are played from.
proto native int GetDoorIndex(int componentIndex)
Gets the index of the door based on the view geometry component index.
override void GetDebugActions(out TSelectableActionInfoArrayEx outputList)
void OnDoorOpenFinish(DoorFinishParams params)
Event for when the door finishes opening.
proto native void UnlockDoor(int index, bool animate=true)
Unlocks the door if locked, AJAR animation optional.
static proto native float DistanceSq(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
Serializer ParamsReadContext
proto native CGame GetGame()