29 string particleFileName;
33 if ( particleFileName !=
"" )
52 return ParticleManager.GetInstance().PlayInWorld(particleID, pos) != null;
80 if ( effectName !=
"" )
82 typeName = effectName.
103 eff.SetAutodestroy(
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
static bool PlayAmmoEffect(string ammoType, vector pos)
Attempt to play the ammo effect at pos if found, returns true on success.
static ref map< string, typename > m_AmmoEffects
Key: Ammo class name; Data: ParticleList ID.
static ref map< string, int > m_AmmoParticles
Key: Ammo class name; Data: ParticleList ID.
static GetAmmoEffectTypename(string ammoType)
Get the typename for the effect for this ammoType.
static void Cleanup()
Clean up the data.
static bool PlayAmmoParticle(string ammoType, vector pos)
Attempt to play the ammo particle at pos if found, returns true on success.
static void Init()
Initialize the containers: this is done this way, to have these not exist on server.
static int GetAmmoParticleID(string ammoType)
Get the ParticleList ID for the particle for this ammoType.
Static data holder for certain ammo config values.
proto bool ConfigGetText(string path, out string value)
Get string value from config on path.
static int GetParticleIDByName(string name)
Returns particle's ID based on the filename (without .ptc suffix)
static bool IsValidId(int id)
Purely checks for an invalid number, does NOT mean it is actually registered.
static int PlayInWorld(notnull Effect eff, vector pos)
Play an Effect.
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto native ToType()
Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for fas...