92 RoadSurfaceDetection
rsd = RoadSurfaceDetection.ABOVE;
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
@ Wait
wait for the data to be ready
@ NoWait
do not wait for the data, but refresh caches
@ NoLock
only return the data we have, do not touch any caches (MT safe mode)
bool includeWater
Include water in the surface detection, will return the water if it is higher than the surface.
SurfaceDetectionType type
Type of surface to detect.
RoadSurfaceDetection rsd
See RoadSurfaceDetection, SurfaceTraceType.Roadway only.
Object ignore
Object to ignore tracing against, SurfaceTraceType.Roadway only.
vector position
3D position to trace the surface from
UseObjectsMode syncMode
See UseObjectsMode, SurfaceTraceType.Roadway only.
float normalZ
Up normal - always set to 1, not necessary to expose.
SurfaceInfo surface
Returned SurfaceInfo, plain pointer.
float normalX
Right normal.
float height
Height position.
bool aboveWater
If water was the returned surface.
proto float GetDustness()
proto float GetTransparency()
proto string GetSoundEnv()
proto int GetLiquidType()
See 'LiquidTypes' in 'constants.c'.
proto float GetThickness()
proto float GetBulletPenetrability()
static proto SurfaceInfo GetByName(string name)
proto int GetStepParticleId()
proto int GetWheelParticleId()
static proto SurfaceInfo GetByFile(string name)
proto float GetRoughness()
proto string GetSurfaceType()
proto bool IsPassthrough()
proto string GetEntryName()
proto float GetAudability()
proto float GetDeflection()