28 proto
void GetDate(out
int year, out
int month, out
int day, out
int hour, out
int minute);
46 proto native
void SetDate(
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute);
56 proto native
void StartFpsBenchmark(
int sectorsCount,
float preloadDistance,
float fpsLimitRed,
float fpsLimitGreen,
float fpsLimitBlue,
float minX,
float minY,
float maxX,
float maxY);
151 if (invDiameter <= 0)
157 float apertureArea = 1.0 / invDiameter;
236 proto native
void FlattenGrassSphere(
float x,
float z,
float radius,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01);
250 proto native
void FlattenGrassEllipse(
float x,
float z,
float sideX,
float sideZ,
float offset,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01);
262 proto native
void FlattenGrassBox(
float x,
float z,
float side,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01);
276 proto native
void FlattenGrassRect(
float x,
float z,
float sideX,
float sideZ,
float offset,
float angleRAD,
float centerLerp01,
float timeDown01,
float maxHeight01);
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
proto native void SetBuldozerWaterEnabled(bool enable)
proto native void SetObjectViewDistance(float distance)
proto native AIWorld GetAIWorld()
proto native bool Is3rdPersonDisabled()
proto native void ProcessMarkedObjectsForPathgraphUpdate()
proto native void UpdatePathgraphDoorByAnimationSourceName(notnull Object object, string animSourceName)
proto void GetGridCoords(vector pos, float gridSize, out int gridX, out int gridZ)
Translates world coordinates to a grid coordinates(map grid)
proto native bool DisableReceiveVoN(bool disable)
proto native void SetTimeMultiplier(float timeMultiplier)
Sets the world time acceleration, overriding config. Mostly used for debug purposes.
proto native bool IsCrosshairDisabled()
proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkWithMask(float preloadDistance, float fpsLimitRed, float fpsLimitGreen, float fpsLimitBlue)
proto native void StartFpsBenchmark(int sectorsCount, float preloadDistance, float fpsLimitRed, float fpsLimitGreen, float fpsLimitBlue, float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY)
proto native float GetSunOrMoon()
proto native void DisableTransmitVoN(bool disable)
proto native int GetPingCriticalThreshold()
proto native float GetMoonIntensity()
proto native void FlattenGrassRect(float x, float z, float sideX, float sideZ, float offset, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void FlattenGrassSphere(float x, float z, float radius, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void SetExplicitVolumeFactor_EnvSounds2D(float factor, float fadeTime)
proto native float GetServerFpsCriticalThreshold()
proto native void FlattenGrassEllipse(float x, float z, float sideX, float sideZ, float offset, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void AddEnvShootingSource(vector position, float shootingValDecrease)
Affects env sound controller value 'Shooting'.
proto native float GetEyeAccom()
proto native void LoadNewLightingCfg(string path)
proto native void SetEyeAccom(float eyeAccom)
proto native void FlattenGrassBox(float x, float z, float side, float angleRAD, float centerLerp01, float timeDown01, float maxHeight01)
proto native void LoadUserLightingCfg(string path, string name)
proto native bool IsDisabledTransmitingVoN()
proto native int GetPingWarningThreshold()
proto native void SetPreferredViewDistance(float distance)
Sets preferred view distance, which persists between game sessions.
proto native void SetDate(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute)
Sets actual ingame world time.
proto native bool IsMouseAndKeyboardEnabledOnServer()
proto native Material GetMaterial(string materialName)
proto native float GetLongitude()
proto native void MarkObjectForPathgraphUpdate(Object object)
proto native bool IsNight()
proto native float GetServerFpsWarningThreshold()
proto native void SetUserLightingLerp(float val)
proto native float GetLatitude()
proto native void SetViewDistance(float distance)
proto void SetVoiceOn(bool listening, bool toggled=false)
void SetAperture(float invDiameter)
proto native void SetCameraPostProcessEffect(int cam, int ppEffect, string effectName, string materialName)
proto native bool IsDisabledReceivingVoN()
proto void CheckSoundObstruction(EntityAI source, bool inSource, out float obstruction, out float occlusion)
proto native void StartFpsBenchmarkViews(string xmlFileName, float preloadDistance)
proto void GetDate(out int year, out int month, out int day, out int hour, out int minute)
Get actual ingame world time.
proto native void GetPlayerList(out array< Man > players)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.