DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл ItemBase.c

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class  ItemBase
class  InventoryItem

Определения типов

typedef ItemBase Inventory_Base
typedef map< typename, ref ActionOverrideDataTActionAnimOverrideMap


class ItemBase extends InventoryItem SpawnItemOnLocation (string object_name, notnull InventoryLocation loc, bool full_quantity)
void TransferModifiers (PlayerBase reciever)
 appears to be deprecated, legacy code
void ItemBase ()
override void InitItemVariables ()
override int GetQuickBarBonus ()
void InitializeActions ()
override void GetActions (typename action_input_type, out array< ActionBase_Basic > actions)
void SetActions ()
void SetActionAnimOverrides ()
void AddAction (typename actionName)
void RemoveAction (typename actionName)
void OverrideActionAnimation (typename action, int commandUID, int stanceMask=-1, int commandUIDProne=-1)
void OnItemInHandsPlayerSwimStart (PlayerBase player)
ScriptedLightBase GetLight ()
void LoadParticleConfigOnFire (int id)
void LoadParticleConfigOnOverheating (int id)
float GetOverheatingValue ()
void IncreaseOverheating (ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
void CheckOverheating (ItemBase weapon=null, string ammoType="", ItemBase muzzle_owner=null, ItemBase suppressor=null, string config_to_search="")
bool IsOverheatingEffectActive ()
void OnOverheatingDecay ()
void StartOverheating (ItemBase weapon=null, string ammoType="", ItemBase muzzle_owner=null, ItemBase suppressor=null, string config_to_search="")
void UpdateOverheating (ItemBase weapon=null, string ammoType="", ItemBase muzzle_owner=null, ItemBase suppressor=null, string config_to_search="")
void StopOverheating (ItemBase weapon=null, string ammoType="", ItemBase muzzle_owner=null, ItemBase suppressor=null, string config_to_search="")
void RegisterOverheatingParticle (Particle p, float min_heat_coef, float max_heat_coef, int particle_id, Object parent, vector local_pos, vector local_ori)
float GetOverheatingCoef ()
void UpdateAllOverheatingParticles ()
void KillAllOverheatingParticles ()
float GetInfectionChance (int system=0, Param param=null)
 Infection chance while/after using this item, originally used for wound infection after bandaging, params 'system' and 'param' can allow usage by other systems as well.
float GetDisinfectQuantity (int system=0, Param param1=null)
float GetFilterDamageRatio ()
bool HasMuzzle ()
 Returns true if this item has a muzzle (weapons, suppressors)
int GetMuzzleID ()
 Returns global muzzle ID. If not found, then it gets automatically registered.
int GetDamageSystemVersionChange ()
 Re-sets DamageSystem changes.
void ~ItemBase ()
static int GetDebugActionsMask ()
static bool HasDebugActionsMask (int mask)
static void SetDebugActionsMask (int mask)
static void AddDebugActionsMask (int mask)
static void RemoveDebugActionsMask (int mask)
static void ToggleDebugActionsMask (int mask)
void SetCEBasedQuantity ()
void LockToParent ()
 Locks this item in it's current attachment slot of its parent. This makes the "locked" icon visible in inventory over this item.
void UnlockFromParent ()
 Unlocks this item from its attachment slot of its parent.
override void CombineItemsClient (EntityAI entity2, bool use_stack_max=true)
bool IsLiquidPresent ()
bool IsLiquidContainer ()
int GetLiquidContainerMask ()
bool IsBloodContainer ()
bool IsNVG ()
bool IsExplosive ()
string GetExplosiveTriggerSlotName ()
bool IsLightSource ()
bool CanBeRepairedByCrafting ()
bool IsFacingPlayer (PlayerBase player, string selection)
bool IsPlayerInside (PlayerBase player, string selection)
override bool CanObstruct ()
override bool IsBeingPlaced ()
void SetIsBeingPlaced (bool is_being_placed)
void OnEndPlacement ()
override bool IsHologram ()
bool CanBeDigged ()
int GetOnDigWormsAmount ()
bool CanMakeGardenplot ()
void SetIsHologram (bool is_hologram)
override void OnMovedInsideCargo (EntityAI container)
override void EEItemLocationChanged (notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc)
override void EOnContact (IEntity other, Contact extra)
void RefreshPhysics ()
override void OnCreatePhysics ()
override void OnItemAttachmentSlotChanged (notnull InventoryLocation oldLoc, notnull InventoryLocation newLoc)
override void OnItemLocationChanged (EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner)
override void EEDelete (EntityAI parent)
override void EEKilled (Object killer)
override void OnWasAttached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override void OnWasDetached (EntityAI parent, int slot_id)
override string ChangeIntoOnAttach (string slot)
override string ChangeIntoOnDetach ()
void ExplodeAmmo ()
void DoAmmoExplosion ()
override void EEHitBy (TotalDamageResult damageResult, int damageType, EntityAI source, int component, string dmgZone, string ammo, vector modelPos, float speedCoef)
bool DamageItemInCargo (float damage)
bool DamageItemAttachments (float damage)
override bool IsSplitable ()
override bool CanBeSplit ()
override void SplitIntoStackMaxClient (EntityAI destination_entity, int slot_id)
void SplitIntoStackMax (EntityAI destination_entity, int slot_id, PlayerBase player)
override void SplitIntoStackMaxEx (EntityAI destination_entity, int slot_id)
void SplitIntoStackMaxToInventoryLocationClient (notnull InventoryLocation dst)
void SplitIntoStackMaxCargoClient (EntityAI destination_entity, int idx, int row, int col)
void SplitIntoStackMaxToInventoryLocation (notnull InventoryLocation dst)
ItemBase SplitIntoStackMaxToInventoryLocationEx (notnull InventoryLocation dst)
void SplitIntoStackMaxCargo (EntityAI destination_entity, int idx, int row, int col)
void SplitIntoStackMaxHandsClient (PlayerBase player)
void SplitIntoStackMaxHands (PlayerBase player)
void SplitItemToInventoryLocation (notnull InventoryLocation dst)
void SplitItem (PlayerBase player)
void OnQuantityChanged (float delta)
 Called on server side when this item's quantity is changed. Call super.OnQuantityChanged(); first when overriding this event.
void OnAttachmentQuantityChanged (ItemBase item)
 Called on server side when some attachment's quantity is changed. Call super.OnAttachmentQuantityChanged(item); first when overriding this event.
void OnAttachmentQuantityChangedEx (ItemBase item, float delta)
 Called on server side when some attachment's quantity is changed. Call super.OnAttachmentQuantityChanged(item); first when overriding this event.
override void EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone)
override void OnRightClick ()
override bool CanBeCombined (EntityAI other_item, bool reservation_check=true, bool stack_max_limit=false)
bool IsCombineAll (ItemBase other_item, bool use_stack_max=false)
bool IsResultOfSplit ()
void SetResultOfSplit (bool value)
int ComputeQuantityUsed (ItemBase other_item, bool use_stack_max=true)
float ComputeQuantityUsedEx (ItemBase other_item, bool use_stack_max=true)
override void CombineItemsEx (EntityAI entity2, bool use_stack_max=true)
void CombineItems (ItemBase other_item, bool use_stack_max=true)
void OnCombine (ItemBase other_item)
void GetRecipesActions (Man player, out TSelectableActionInfoArray outputList)
override void GetDebugActions (out TSelectableActionInfoArrayEx outputList)
override bool OnAction (int action_id, Man player, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnActivatedByTripWire ()
void OnActivatedByItem (notnull ItemBase item)
 Called when this item is activated by other.
bool CanExplodeInFire ()
bool CanEat ()
override bool IsIgnoredByConstruction ()
bool HasFoodStage ()
FoodStage GetFoodStage ()
 overridden on Edible_Base; so we don't have to parse configs all the time
bool CanBeCooked ()
bool CanBeCookedOnStick ()
void RefreshAudioVisualsOnClient (CookingMethodType cooking_method, bool is_done, bool is_empty, bool is_burned)
 cooking-related effect methods
void RemoveAudioVisualsOnClient ()
bool CanRepair (ItemBase item_repair_kit)
bool Repair (PlayerBase player, ItemBase item_repair_kit, float specialty_weight)
int GetItemSize ()
bool CanBeMovedOverride ()
void SetCanBeMovedOverride (bool setting)
void MessageToOwnerStatus (string text)
 Send message to owner player in grey color.
void MessageToOwnerAction (string text)
 Send message to owner player in yellow color.
void MessageToOwnerFriendly (string text)
 Send message to owner player in green color.
void MessageToOwnerImportant (string text)
 Send message to owner player in red color.
override bool IsItemBase ()
override bool KindOf (string tag)
override void OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
int NameToID (string name)
string IDToName (int id)
void OnSyncVariables (ParamsReadContext ctx)
 DEPRECATED (most likely)
override void SerializeNumericalVars (array< float > floats_out)
override void DeSerializeNumericalVars (array< float > floats)
override void WriteVarsToCTX (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool ReadVarsFromCTX (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version=-1)
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override void AfterStoreLoad ()
override void EEOnAfterLoad ()
bool CanBeDisinfected ()
override void OnVariablesSynchronized ()
override bool SetQuantity (float value, bool destroy_config=true, bool destroy_forced=false, bool allow_client=false, bool clamp_to_stack_max=true)
 Set item quantity[related to varQuantity... config entry], destroy_config = true > if the quantity reaches varQuantityMin or lower and the item config contains the varQuantityDestroyOnMin = true entry, the item gets destroyed. destroy_forced = true means item gets destroyed when quantity reaches varQuantityMin or lower regardless of config setting, returns true if the item gets deleted.
bool AddQuantity (float value, bool destroy_config=true, bool destroy_forced=false)
 add item quantity[related to varQuantity... config entry], destroy_config = true > if the quantity reaches varQuantityMin or lower and the item config contains the varQuantityDestroyOnMin = true entry, the item gets destroyed. destroy_forced = true means item gets destroyed when quantity reaches varQuantityMin or lower regardless of config setting, returns true if the item gets deleted
void SetQuantityMax ()
override void SetQuantityToMinimum ()
void SetQuantityNormalized (float value, bool destroy_config=true, bool destroy_forced=false)
 Sets quantity in normalized 0..1 form between the item's Min a Max values as defined by item's config(for Min 0 and Max 5000, setting 0.5 will result in value 2500)
override float GetQuantityNormalized ()
 Gets quantity in normalized 0..1 form between the item's Min a Max values as defined by item's config(for Min 0 and Max 5000, value 2500 will result in 0.5)
float GetQuantityNormalizedScripted ()
override int GetQuantityMax ()
override int GetTargetQuantityMax (int attSlotID=-1)
override int GetQuantityMin ()
int GetQuantityInit ()
override bool HasQuantity ()
override float GetQuantity ()
bool IsFullQuantity ()
override float GetSingleInventoryItemWeightEx ()
float GetSingleInventoryItemWeight ()
float GetWeightSpecialized (bool forceRecalc=false)
int GetNumberOfItems ()
 Returns the number of items in cargo, otherwise returns 0(non-cargo objects). Recursive.
float GetUnitWeight (bool include_wetness=true)
 Obsolete, use GetWeightEx instead.
override void ClearInventory ()
float GetEnergy ()
override void OnEnergyConsumed ()
override void OnEnergyAdded ()
void ConvertEnergyToQuantity ()
float GetHeatIsolationInit ()
float GetHeatIsolation ()
float GetDryingIncrement (string pIncrementName)
float GetSoakingIncrement (string pIncrementName)
override void SetWet (float value, bool allow_client=false)
override void AddWet (float value)
override void SetWetMax ()
override float GetWet ()
override float GetWetMax ()
override float GetWetMin ()
override float GetWetInit ()
override void OnWetChanged (float newVal, float oldVal)
override void OnWetLevelChanged (EWetnessLevel newLevel, EWetnessLevel oldLevel)
override EWetnessLevel GetWetLevel ()
override void SetStoreLoad (bool value)
override bool IsStoreLoad ()
override void SetStoreLoadedQuantity (float value)
override float GetStoreLoadedQuantity ()
float GetItemModelLength ()
float GetItemAttachOffset ()
override void SetCleanness (int value, bool allow_client=false)
override int GetCleanness ()
bool AllowFoodConsumption ()
int GetLockType ()
string GetLockSoundSet ()
override void SetColor (int r, int g, int b, int a)
override void GetColor (out int r, out int g, out int b, out int a)
 gets item's color variable as components
bool IsColorSet ()
string GetColorString ()
 Returns item's PROCEDURAL color as formated string, i.e. "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.15,0.15,0.15,1.0,CO)".
override void SetLiquidType (int value, bool allow_client=false)
int GetLiquidTypeInit ()
override int GetLiquidType ()
void OnLiquidTypeChanged (int oldType, int newType)
void UpdateQuickbarShortcutVisibility (PlayerBase player)
 To be called on moving item within character's inventory; 'player' should never be null.
void OnInventoryEnter (Man player)
 Event called on item when it is placed in the player(Man) inventory, passes the owner as a parameter.
void OnInventoryExit (Man player)
 Event called on item when it is removed from the player(Man) inventory, passes the old owner as a parameter.
override void OnPlacementStarted (Man player)
override void OnPlacementComplete (Man player, vector position="0 0 0", vector orientation="0 0 0")
bool ContainsAgent (int agent_id)
override void RemoveAgent (int agent_id)
override void RemoveAllAgents ()
override void RemoveAllAgentsExcept (int agent_to_keep)
override void InsertAgent (int agent, float count=1)
void TransferAgents (int agents)
 transfer agents from another item
override int GetAgents ()
bool LoadAgents (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
void SaveAgents (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override void CheckForRoofLimited (float timeTresholdMS=3000)
 Roof check for entity, limited by time (anti-spam solution)
float GetProtectionLevel (int type, bool consider_filter=false, int system=0)
override void EEOnCECreate ()
 Called when entity is being created as new by CE/ Debug.
void Open ()
 Implementations only.
void Close ()
bool IsOpen ()
override bool CanDisplayCargo ()
override bool CanPutInCargo (EntityAI parent)
override bool CanPutAsAttachment (EntityAI parent)
override bool CanReceiveItemIntoCargo (EntityAI item)
override bool CanReceiveAttachment (EntityAI attachment, int slotId)
override bool CanReleaseAttachment (EntityAI attachment)
static void PlayFireParticles (ItemBase weapon, int muzzle_index, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
static void PlayBulletCasingEjectParticles (ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
static void PlayOverheatingParticles (ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
static void UpdateOverheatingParticles (ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
static void StopOverheatingParticles (ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search)
override bool IsHeavyBehaviour ()
override bool IsOneHandedBehaviour ()
override bool IsTwoHandedBehaviour ()
bool IsDeployable ()
float GetDeployTime ()
 how long it takes to deploy this item in seconds
override void SetTakeable (bool pState)
override bool IsTakeable ()
bool IsActionTargetVisible ()
void PreLoadSoundAttachmentType ()
 Attachment Sound Type getting from config file.
override string GetAttachmentSoundType ()
string GetPlaceSoundset ()
string GetLoopDeploySoundset ()
string GetDeploySoundset ()
ItemSoundHandler GetItemSoundHandler ()
void InitItemSounds ()
void StartItemSoundServer (int id)
void StopItemSoundServer (int id)
void ClearStartItemSoundServer ()
void ClearStopItemSoundServer ()
void PlayAttachSound (string slot_type)
 Plays sound on item attach. Be advised, the config structure may slightly change in 1.11 update to allow for more complex use.
void PlayDetachSound (string slot_type)
void OnApply (PlayerBase player)
float GetBandagingEffectivity ()
array< stringGetHeadHidingSelection ()
bool HidesSelectionBySlot ()
WrittenNoteData GetWrittenNoteData ()
void StopItemDynamicPhysics ()
void PerformDamageSystemReinit ()
void SetZoneDamageCEInit ()
 Sets zone damages to match randomized global health set by CE (CE spawn only)
bool IsCoverFaceForShave (string slot_name)
 DEPRECATED in use, but returns correct values nontheless. Check performed elsewhere.
void ProcessItemWetness (float delta, bool hasParent, bool hasRootAsPlayer, ItemBase refParentIB)
void ProcessItemTemperature (float delta, bool hasParent, bool hasRootAsPlayer, ItemBase refParentIB)
void HierarchyCheck (out bool hasParent, out bool hasRootAsPlayer, out ItemBase refParentIB)
void ProcessDecay (float delta, bool hasRootAsPlayer)
bool CanDecay ()
bool CanProcessDecay ()
bool CanHaveWetness ()
bool CanBeConsumed (ConsumeConditionData data=null)
 Items cannot be consumed if frozen by default. Override for exceptions.
override void ProcessVariables ()
float GetTemperaturePerQuantityWeight ()
 Used in heat comfort calculations only!
override float GetTemperatureFreezeThreshold ()
override float GetTemperatureThawThreshold ()
override float GetItemOverheatThreshold ()
override float GetTemperatureFreezeTime ()
override float GetTemperatureThawTime ()
void AffectLiquidContainerOnFill (int liquid_type, float amount)
 from enviro source
void AffectLiquidContainerOnTransfer (int liquidType, float amount, float sourceLiquidTemperature)
 from other liquid container source
bool IsCargoException4x3 (EntityAI item)
void CopyScriptPropertiesFrom (EntityAI oldItem)
void AddLightSourceItem (ItemBase lightsource)
 Adds a light source child.
void RemoveLightSourceItem ()
ItemBase GetLightSourceItem ()
array< intGetValidFinishers ()
 returns an array of possible finishers
bool GetActionWidgetOverride (out typename name)
 If we need a different (handheld)item action widget displayed, the logic goes in here.
bool PairWithDevice (notnull ItemBase otherDevice)
float GetBaitEffectivity ()
 generic effectivity as a bait for animal catching
bool CanBeUsedForSuicide ()
void ProcessItemWetnessAndTemperature (float delta, bool hasParent, bool hasRootAsPlayer, ItemBase refParentIB)
string GetDeployFinishSoundset ()
void PlayDeploySound ()
void PlayDeployFinishSound ()
void PlayPlaceSound ()
void PlayDeployLoopSoundEx ()
void StopDeployLoopSoundEx ()
void SoundSynchRemoteReset ()
void SoundSynchRemote ()
bool UsesGlobalDeploy ()
bool CanPlayDeployLoopSound ()
bool IsSoundSynchRemote ()
bool IsPlaceSound ()
bool IsDeploySound ()
void SetIsPlaceSound (bool is_place_sound)
void SetIsDeploySound (bool is_deploy_sound)
void SetupSpawnedItem (ItemBase item, float health, float quantity)


static ref map< typename, ref TInputActionMapm_ItemTypeActionsMap = new map<typename, ref TInputActionMap>
TInputActionMap m_InputActionMap
static ref map< typename, ref TActionAnimOverrideMapm_ItemActionOverrides = new map<typename, ref TActionAnimOverrideMap>
bool m_ActionsInitialize
static int m_DebugActionsMask
bool m_RecipesInitialized
float m_VarQuantity
float m_VarQuantityPrev
int m_VarQuantityInit
int m_VarQuantityMin
int m_VarQuantityMax
int m_Count
float m_VarStackMax
float m_StoreLoadedQuantity = float.LOWEST
float m_VarWet
float m_VarWetPrev
float m_VarWetInit
float m_VarWetMin
float m_VarWetMax
int m_Cleanness
int m_CleannessInit
int m_CleannessMin
int m_CleannessMax
bool m_WantPlayImpactSound
bool m_CanPlayImpactSound = true
float m_ImpactSpeed
int m_ImpactSoundSurfaceHash
float m_HeatIsolation
float m_ItemModelLength
float m_ItemAttachOffset
int m_LiquidContainerMask
int m_VarLiquidType
int m_ItemBehaviour
int m_QuickBarBonus
bool m_IsBeingPlaced
bool m_IsHologram
bool m_IsTakeable
bool m_ThrowItemOnDrop
bool m_ItemBeingDroppedPhys
bool m_CanBeMovedOverride
bool m_FixDamageSystemInit = false
bool can_this_be_combined
bool m_CanThisBeSplit
bool m_IsStoreLoad = false
bool m_CanShowQuantity
bool m_HasQuantityBar
bool m_CanBeDigged
bool m_IsResultOfSplit string m_SoundAttType
 distinguish if item has been created as new or it came from splitting (server only flag)
int m_ColorComponentR
int m_ColorComponentG
int m_ColorComponentB
int m_ColorComponentA
ItemBase m_LightSourceItem
ref TIntArray m_SingleUseActions
ref TIntArray m_ContinuousActions
ref TIntArray m_InteractActions
int m_AttachedAgents
static ref map< int, ref array< ref WeaponParticlesOnFire > > m_OnFireEffect
static ref map< int, ref array< ref WeaponParticlesOnBulletCasingEject > > m_OnBulletCasingEjectEffect
ref map< int, ref array< ref WeaponParticlesOnOverheating > > m_OnOverheatingEffect
static ref map< string, intm_WeaponTypeToID
static int m_LastRegisteredWeaponID = 0
bool m_IsOverheatingEffectActive
float m_OverheatingShots
ref Timer m_CheckOverheating
int m_ShotsToStartOverheating = 0
int m_MaxOverheatingValue = 0
float m_OverheatingDecayInterval = 1
ref array< ref OverheatingParticlem_OverheatingParticles
ref TStringArray m_HeadHidingSelections
bool m_HideSelectionsBySlot
PluginAdminLog m_AdminLog
ref Timer m_PhysDropTimer
ref array< intm_CompatibleLocks
int m_LockType
ref EffectSound m_LockingSound
string m_LockSoundSet
const int ITEM_SOUNDS_MAX = 63
int m_SoundSyncPlay
int m_SoundSyncStop
ref ItemSoundHandler m_ItemSoundHandler
float m_TemperaturePerQuantityWeight
EffectSound m_SoundDeployFinish
EffectSound m_SoundPlace
EffectSound m_DeployLoopSoundEx
EffectSound m_SoundDeploy
bool m_IsPlaceSound
bool m_IsDeploySound
bool m_IsSoundSynchRemote