Searches object's config for the given animation name. Returns true if it was found, or false if not.
См. определение в файле Object.c строка 428
429 {
430 string cfg_path_vehicles =
"CfgVehicles " +
GetType() +
" ";
432 {
433 return true;
434 }
436 string cfg_path_weapons =
"CfgWeapons " +
GetType() +
" ";
438 {
439 return true;
440 }
442 string cfg_path_magazines =
"CfgMagazines " +
GetType() +
" ";
444 {
445 return true;
446 }
448 return false;
449 }
proto native bool ConfigIsExisting(string entryName)
Checks if given entry exists.
string GetType()
Get config class of object.
proto native CGame GetGame()
Перекрестные ссылки ConfigIsExisting(), GetGame() и GetType().