Структуры данных | |
class | IEntity |
class | ParamEnum |
class | Attribute |
Перечисления | |
Entity events for event-mask, or throwing event from code. Подробнее... | |
Entity flags. Подробнее... | |
Переменные | |
string | ParamEnum::m_Key |
string | ParamEnum::m_Value |
string | ParamEnum::m_Desc |
string | m_Key |
string | m_Value |
string | m_Desc |
string | Attribute::m_DefValue |
string | Attribute::m_UiWidget |
can be "editbox", "combobox", "spinbox", "slider", "font", "fileeditbox", "colorPicker", "flags", "resourceNamePicker" | |
string | Attribute::m_RangeScale |
defined as "MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE STEP" eg. "1 100 0.5" | |
string | Attribute::m_Desc |
ref ParamEnumArray | Attribute::m_Enums |
Only ints and floats are currently supported. Array can be defined this way: { ParamEnum("Choice 1", "1"), ParamEnum("Choicen 2", "2") }. | |
class Attribute | m_Style |
can be "box", "sphere", "cylinder", "pyramid", "diamond" or custom style name | |
string | m_Category |
folder structure eg. StaticEntities/Walls | |
string | m_Description |
class purpose description | |
vector | m_SizeMin |
min vector of a bounding box | |
vector | m_SizeMax |
max vector of a bounding box | |
string | m_Color |
string | m_Color2 |
bool | m_Visible |
bool | m_Insertable |
bool | m_DynamicBox |
Event methods | |
Event method stubs. Reimplement these in inherited entities to receive event calls | |
void | IEntity::EOnTouch (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.TOUCH. | |
void | IEntity::EOnInit (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.INIT. | |
void | IEntity::EOnExtra (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EXTRA. | |
void | IEntity::EOnNotVisible (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.NOTVISIBLE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnFrame (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
EntityEvent.FRAME. | |
int | IEntity::EOnVisible (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.VISIBLE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnPostFrame (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.POSTFRAME. | |
void | IEntity::EOnWorldProcess (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.WORLDPROCESS. | |
void | IEntity::EOnAnimEvent (IEntity other, AnimEvent extra) |
EntityEvent.ANIMEVENT. | |
void | IEntity::EOnSoundEvent (IEntity other, SoundEvent extra) |
EntityEvent.SOUNDEVENT. | |
void | IEntity::EOnSimulate (IEntity other, float dt) |
EntityEvent.SIMULATE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnPostSimulate (IEntity other, float timeSlice) |
EntityEvent.POSTSIMULATE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnJointBreak (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.JOINTBREAK. | |
void | IEntity::EOnPhysicsMove (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.PHYSICSMOVE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnContact (IEntity other, Contact extra) |
EntityEvent.CONTACT. | |
void | IEntity::EOnUser0 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+0. | |
void | IEntity::EOnUser1 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+1. | |
void | IEntity::EOnEnter (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.ENTER. | |
void | IEntity::EOnLeave (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.LEAVE. | |
void | IEntity::EOnUser4 (IEntity other, int extra) |
EntityEvent.EV_USER+4. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy020 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy021 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy022 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy023 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy024 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy025 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy026 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy027 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy028 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy029 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy030 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
void | IEntity::EOnDummy031 (IEntity other, int extra) |
Placeholder. | |
Transformation methods | |
Setting and getting of entity transformation | |
proto external void | IEntity::GetTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns transformation of Entity. It returns only so much vectors as array is big. | |
proto external void | IEntity::GetRenderTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns render transformation of Entity. Must pass in vector array size of 4. | |
proto external void | IEntity::GetLocalTransform (out vector mat[]) |
Returns local transformation of Entity. It returns only so much vectors as array is big. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetTransformAxis (int axis) |
Returns one row of Entity transformation matrix. | |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetTransform (vector mat[4]) |
Sets entity transformation. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetOrigin () |
Returns origin of Entity. | |
proto external vector | IEntity::GetLocalPosition () |
Returns local position of Entity. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetYawPitchRoll () |
Returns orientation of Entity in world space (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetAngles () |
Same as GetYawPitchRoll, but returns rotation vector around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetLocalYawPitchRoll () |
Returns local orientation when it's in hierarchy (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::GetLocalAngles () |
Same as GetLocalYawPitchRoll, but returns rotation vector around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetYawPitchRoll (vector angles) |
Sets angles for entity (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) | |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetAngles (vector angles) |
Same as SetYawPitchRoll, but sets rotation around X, Y and Z axis. | |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetOrigin (vector orig) |
Sets origin for entity. | |
proto native external float | IEntity::GetScale () |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetScale (float scale) |
proto native external vector | IEntity::VectorToParent (vector vec) |
Transforms local vector to world space. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::CoordToParent (vector coord) |
Transforms local position to world space. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::VectorToLocal (vector vec) |
Transforms world space vector to local space. | |
proto native external vector | IEntity::CoordToLocal (vector coord) |
Transforms world space position to local space. | |
Name/ID methods | |
proto native int | IEntity::GetID () |
Return unique entity ID. | |
proto native void | IEntity::SetID (int id) |
Set unique entity ID. | |
proto native void | IEntity::SetName (string name) |
proto native external owned string | IEntity::GetName () |
Hierarchy methods | |
Scene hierarchy management | |
proto native external bool | IEntity::AddChild (notnull IEntity child, int pivot, bool positionOnly=false) |
Adds child entity to this entity. | |
proto native external bool | IEntity::RemoveChild (notnull IEntity child, bool keepTransform=false) |
Removes child entity from hierarchy. | |
proto native bool | IEntity::IsHierarchyPositionOnly () |
Returns if the hierarchy component was created with positionOnly. | |
proto native int | IEntity::GetHierarchyPivot () |
Returns the hierarchy component pivot. | |
proto native IEntity | IEntity::GetParent () |
Returns pointer to parent Entity in hierarchy. | |
proto native IEntity | IEntity::GetChildren () |
Returns pointer to first child Entity in hierarchy. | |
proto native IEntity | IEntity::GetSibling () |
Returns pointer to next child Entity on the same hierarchy. | |
proto external void | IEntity::GetBounds (out vector mins, out vector maxs) |
Returns local bounding box of model on Entity. | |
proto external void | IEntity::GetWorldBounds (out vector mins, out vector maxs) |
Returns quantized world-bound-box of Entity. | |
Simulation/handling properties | |
Flags that affects simulation and entity handling behavior | |
proto native external EntityFlags | IEntity::GetFlags () |
Returns Entity flags. | |
proto native external bool | IEntity::IsFlagSet (EntityFlags flags) |
Test if one or more of specified flags are set. | |
proto native external EntityFlags | IEntity::SetFlags (EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) |
Sets Entity flags. It's OR operation, not rewrite. Returns previous flags. | |
proto native external EntityFlags | IEntity::ClearFlags (EntityFlags flags, bool recursively) |
Clear Entity flags. Returns cleared flags. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | IEntity::GetEventMask () |
Returns current event mask. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | IEntity::SetEventMask (EntityEvent e) |
Sets event mask. | |
proto native external EntityEvent | IEntity::ClearEventMask (EntityEvent e) |
Clears event mask. | |
proto external volatile void | IEntity::SendEvent (notnull IEntity actor, EntityEvent e, void extra) |
Dynamic event invokation. Parameters are the same as in IEntity::EOnXXXX() methods. | |
Visual component methods | |
Manipulation with visual component - model, particle effect etc | |
proto native external void | IEntity::SetObject (vobject object, string options) |
proto native vobject | IEntity::GetVObject () |
Returns visual object set to this Entity. No reference is added. | |
proto native external int | IEntity::Animate (float speed, int loop) |
Updates animation (either xob, or particle, whatever) | |
proto native external int | IEntity::AnimateEx (float speed, int loop, out vector lin, out vector ang) |
Updates animation (either xob, or particle, whatever) | |
proto native external int | IEntity::SetCameraMask (int mask) |
Sets visibility mask for cameras, where Entity will be rendered. | |
proto native external void | IEntity::FilterNextTrace () |
When called, the Entity is excluded from consequent TraceMove/TraceLine. | |
proto native external int | IEntity::Update () |