DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
1class PluginItemDiagnosticEventHandler extends ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
4 override bool OnMouseEnter(Widget w, int x, int y)
5 {
6 if( ButtonWidget.Cast(w))
7 {
9 }
10 return true;
12 }
14 override bool OnMouseLeave(Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
15 {
16 if( ButtonWidget.Cast(w))
17 {
19 }
21 return true;
22 }
24 override bool OnClick( Widget w, int x, int y, int button )
25 {
26 return m_Owner.OnClick( w, x, y, button );
27 }
29 override bool OnMouseButtonDown(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
30 {
31 return m_Owner.OnMouseButtonDown( w, x, y, button );
32 }
34 override bool OnMouseButtonUp(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
35 {
36 return m_Owner.OnMouseButtonUp( w, x, y, button );
37 }
42class PluginItemDiagnostic extends PluginDeveloper
53 bool m_IsActive = false;
56 ref PluginItemDiagnosticEventHandler m_EventHandler;
61 TextListboxWidget m_DebugAgentListWidget;
65 TextListboxWidget m_DebugClientVarsWidget;
69 ButtonWidget m_CloseButton;
75 {
76 #ifndef NO_GUI
78 ShowWidgets(false);
79 #endif
80 }
83 {
85 if (m_ItemLine)
86 {
87 m_ItemLine.Destroy();
88 m_ItemLine = null;
89 }
90 }
92 override void OnInit()
93 {
96 {
97 vector pos = m_ConfigDebugProfile.GetItemDebugPos();
98 if (m_DebugRootWidget && pos != vector.Zero)
99 {
100 float wx = pos[0];
101 float wy = pos[1];
102 m_DebugRootWidget.SetPos(wx, wy);
103 }
104 }
105 }
107 bool OnMouseButtonDown(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
108 {
109 if (button == 0)
110 SetDragging(true);
111 if (button == 1)
112 {
113 if (m_Entity)
114 {
115 float xx, yy;
116 m_DebugRootWidget.GetPos(xx,yy);
117 ContextMenu.DisplayContextMenu(x - xx, y - yy, EntityAI.Cast(m_Entity), m_DebugRootWidget, this);
118 }
119 }
120 return true;
121 }
123 bool OnMouseButtonUp(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
124 {
125 if (button == 0)
126 SetDragging(false);
127 return true;
128 }
130 void SetDragging(bool enable)
131 {
132 if(enable && !m_IsDragging)
134 else if (!enable && m_IsDragging)
136 m_IsDragging = enable;
137 }
140 {
141 int mx, my;
142 float wx, wy;
143 GetMousePos(mx,my);
144 m_DebugRootWidget.GetScreenPos(wx,wy);
145 m_DraggingOffset[0] = wx - mx;
146 m_DraggingOffset[1] = wy - my;
147 }
150 {
151 float wx, wy;
152 m_DebugRootWidget.GetScreenPos(wx,wy);
154 {
155 m_ConfigDebugProfile.SetItemDebugPos(Vector(wx,wy,0));
156 }
157 }
159 bool OnClick( Widget w, int x, int y, int button )
160 {
161 SetDragging(false);
163 if (w == m_CloseButton)
164 {
166 return true;
167 }
168 return true;
169 }
172 {
173 if(!myTimer1)
174 {
175 myTimer1 = new Timer();
176 myTimer1.Run(1, this, "Tick", NULL, true);
177 }
179 if(m_ObserversMap.Contains(player))
180 {
181 m_ObserversMap.Set(player,item);
182 }
183 else
184 {
185 m_ObserversMap.Insert(player,item);
186 }
187 #ifdef DEVELOPER
188 SetDebugDeveloper_item(item);
189 #endif
190 }
193 {
194 return m_ObserversMap.Get(player);
195 }
197 bool IsActive()
198 {
199 return m_IsActive;
200 }
202 void OnScriptMenuOpened(bool opened/*1 - opened , 0 - closed*/)
203 {
204 m_ScriptMenuOpened = opened;
205 }
207 void ShowWidgets(bool show)
208 {
209 m_IsActive = show;
212 m_DebugRootWidget.Show(show);
213 }
215 void OnSelectAction(EntityAI ent, int actionId)
216 {
218 PlayerBase player = PlayerBase.Cast( GetGame().GetPlayer() );
219 player.GetActionManager().OnInstantAction(ActionDebug,new Param2<EntityAI,int>(ent,actionId));
220 #endif
221 }
224 {
227 if (GetGame().GetUIManager())
228 {
229 if (GetGame().GetUIManager().IsDialogVisible())
230 {
232 }
233 }
234 }
237 {
238 if (m_IsActive)
239 {
240 PlayerBase player = PlayerBase.Cast(GetGame().GetPlayer());
241 GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_ITEM_DIAG_CLOSE,null, true);
242 ShowWidgets(false);
243 ClearWidgets();
246 //m_IsActive = false;
247 SetDragging(false);
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 ShowWidgets(true);
252 //m_IsActive = true;
253 }
254 }
257 {
258 m_DebugAgentListWidget.ClearItems();
259 m_DebugOutputServer.SetText("");
260 m_DebugOutputClient.SetText("");
262 m_ItemPreviewWidget.SetItem(NULL);
263 m_ClassNameWidget.SetText("");
264 }
266 void Tick()
267 {
268 for(int i = 0; i < m_ObserversMap.Count();i++)
269 {
270 Object item = m_ObserversMap.GetElement(i);
271 PlayerBase player = m_ObserversMap.GetKey(i);
273 if (item && player)
274 {
276 SendRPC(item, player);
277 }
278 else
279 {
280 Debug.LogError("PluginItemDiagnostic: dead debug record, removing record");
281 m_ObserversMap.RemoveElement(i);
282 }
283 }
285 }
288 {
289 m_Properties.Clear();
290 }
298 void SendRPC(Object item, PlayerBase player)
299 {
300 Param1<Object> p1 = new Param1<Object>(item);
301 m_Properties.InsertAt(p1,0);
302 GetGame().RPC(player,ERPCs.RPC_ITEM_DIAG,m_Properties,true,player.GetIdentity());
304 if (!GetGame().IsMultiplayer())
305 {
306 m_Entity = item;
307 }
308 }
310 void StopWatchRequest(PlayerBase player)//called from player after an RPC call
311 {
312 if( m_ObserversMap.Contains(player) )
313 {
314 m_ObserversMap.Remove(player);
315 }
316 }
319 {
321 if (!GetGame().IsMultiplayer())
322 {
323 entity = m_Entity;
324 }
325 else
326 {
327 m_Entity = entity;
328 }
330 ItemBase item = ItemBase.Cast(entity);
331 #ifdef DEVELOPER
332 SetDebugDeveloper_item(entity);
333 #endif
334 if(!IsActive())
335 {
336 ShowWidgets(true);
337 }
340 string debug_output_server = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_STRING.param1;
341 array<ref Param> vars_client;
342 array<ref Param> vars_server;
343 if (item)
344 {
345 ctx.Read(CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_INT);//hardcoded to index 1
346 int agents_count = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_INT.param1;
348 ctx.Read(CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_INT);//hardcoded to index 2
349 int individual_items_count = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_INT.param1;
351 FillAgentArray(ctx, agents_count);
353 vars_server = new array<ref Param>;
354 FillServerFinalVars(individual_items_count, ctx, vars_server);
356 vars_client = new array<ref Param>;
357 GetLocalProperties(item, vars_client, true);
358 }
360 if (EntityAI.Cast(entity))
361 {
362 DisplayAll(EntityAI.Cast(entity), vars_server, vars_client, debug_output_server );
363 }
365 if (GetDayZGame().IsInventoryOpen() || GetGame().GetUIManager().FindMenu(MENU_SCRIPTCONSOLE))
366 {
367 m_DebugRootWidget.SetSort(-1);
368 }
369 else
370 {
371 m_DebugRootWidget.SetSort(10);
372 }
373 m_DebugRootWidget.Show(true);
374 }
377 {
378 for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
379 {
382 ctx.Read(p2);
383 /*
384 string name = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM2_STRING_FLOAT.param1;
385 float value = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM2_STRING_FLOAT.param2;
386 PrintString(name+","+value.ToString());
387 */
388 params.Insert(p2);
389 }
390 //PrintString("----------------------------------------------------");
391 }
394 {
395 m_EventHandler = new PluginItemDiagnosticEventHandler;
396 m_EventHandler.m_Owner = this;
399 m_DebugRootWidget = GetGame().GetWorkspace().CreateWidgets("gui/layouts/debug/debug_item.layout");
403 m_DebugAgentListWidget = TextListboxWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("AgentsList"));
404 m_DebugOutputServer = TextWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("DebugOutputServer"));
405 m_DebugOutputClient = TextWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("DebugOutputClient"));
406 m_DebugFloatsProperListWidget = TextListboxWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("FloatsProperList"));
407 m_ItemPreviewWidget = ItemPreviewWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("ItemPreview"));
408 m_ClassNameWidget = TextWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("ClassName"));
409 m_DistanceWidget = TextWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("Distance"));
410 m_CloseButton = ButtonWidget.Cast(m_DebugRootWidget.FindAnyWidget("CloseButton"));
411 }
413 override void OnUpdate(float delta_time)
414 {
415 super.OnUpdate(delta_time);
417 if (!m_Entity || !m_IsActive)
418 {
419 if (m_ItemLine)
420 {
421 m_ItemLine.Destroy();
422 m_ItemLine = null;
423 }
424 return;
425 }
429 if (m_IsDragging)
430 {
431 int x,y;
432 GetMousePos(x,y);
434 }
436 vector pts[2];
437 pts[0] = GetGame().GetPlayer().GetPosition();
438 pts[1] = m_Entity.GetPosition();
439 if (m_ItemLine)
440 {
441 m_ItemLine.Destroy();
442 m_ItemLine = null;
444 }
446 m_ItemLine = Shape.CreateLines(COLOR_BLUE, ShapeFlags.TRANSP|ShapeFlags.NOOUTLINE|ShapeFlags.NOZBUFFER, pts, 2);
447 m_DistanceWidget.SetText(vector.Distance(pts[0], pts[1]).ToString()+"m.");
448 }
450 void DisplayAll(EntityAI item, array<ref Param> vars_server, array<ref Param> vars_client, string debug_text_server)
451 {
452 m_ClassNameWidget.SetText( item.GetType() );
453 m_ItemPreviewWidget.SetItem(item);
455 //UpdateFloatWidget();
456 if (vars_server && vars_client)
457 UpdateNumericalVarsWidget(vars_server, vars_client);
458 m_DebugOutputServer.SetText(debug_text_server);
459 m_DebugOutputClient.SetText(item.GetDebugText());
460 }
462 void FillAgentArray(ParamsReadContext ctx, int agents_count)
463 {
464 m_Agents.Clear();
465 for(int i = 0; i < agents_count; i++)
466 {
468 {
469 string agent = CachedObjectsParams.PARAM1_STRING.param1;
470 m_Agents.Insert(agent);
471 }
472 }
473 }
476 {
477 m_DebugAgentListWidget.ClearItems();
478 for(int i = 0; i < m_Agents.Count(); i++)
479 {
480 string agent = m_Agents.Get(i);
481 m_DebugAgentListWidget.AddItem(agent,NULL,0);
482 }
483 }
486 {
488 for(int i = 0; i < vars_server.Count(); i++)
489 {
490 Param param_server = vars_server.Get(i);
491 Param2<string,float> p2_server = Param2<string,float>.Cast(param_server);
493 Param param_client = vars_client.Get(i);
494 Param2<string,float> p2_client = Param2<string,float>.Cast(param_client);
496 string name = p2_server.param1;
497 m_DebugFloatsProperListWidget.AddItem(name,NULL,0);
498 m_DebugFloatsProperListWidget.SetItem(i,p2_server.param2.ToString(),NULL,1);
499 m_DebugFloatsProperListWidget.SetItem(i,p2_client.param2.ToString(),NULL,2);
500 }
501 }
503 void PrintOut()
504 {
505 Debug.LogArrayString(m_Agents,"ItemDebug");
506 Debug.Log("----------------------","ItemDebug");
507 }
509 //-------------------------
511 //-------------------------
512 void GetLocalProperties(EntityAI entity, array<ref Param> properties, bool client = false)
513 {
514 if(!entity)
515 return;
516 ItemBase item = ItemBase.Cast(entity);
518 if(!client)
519 {
520 // -------- DEBUG OUTPUT ------
521 Param1<string> debug_output = new Param1<string>(entity.GetDebugText());
522 properties.Insert(debug_output);
523 if(!item)
524 return;
525 // -------- AGENTS ------------
526 int num_of_agents = FillWithAgents(item, properties);
527 Param1<int> agents_count = new Param1<int>(num_of_agents);
528 properties.InsertAt(agents_count,1);// hard coded index 1 !!
529 }
530 if(!item)
531 return;
532 // ------ INDIVIDUAL VARS------
533 int number_of_items = 0;
534 Param2<string, float> quantity = new Param2<string, float>("quantity", item.GetQuantity() );
535 properties.Insert(quantity);
536 number_of_items++;
537 //-----------------------------
538 Param2<string, float> liquid_type = new Param2<string, float>("liquid_type", item.GetLiquidType() );
539 properties.Insert(liquid_type);
540 number_of_items++;
541 //-----------------------------
542 Param2<string, float> wetness = new Param2<string, float>("wetness", item.GetWet() );
543 properties.Insert(wetness);
544 number_of_items++;
545 //-----------------------------
546 Param2<string, float> temperature = new Param2<string, float>("temperature", item.GetTemperature() );
547 properties.Insert(temperature);
548 number_of_items++;
549 //-----------------------------
550 Param2<string, float> frozen = new Param2<string, float>("frozen", item.GetIsFrozen() );
551 properties.Insert(frozen);
552 number_of_items++;
553 //-----------------------------
554 Param2<string, float> FTProgress = new Param2<string, float>("F/T pgs", item.GetFreezeThawProgress() );
555 properties.Insert(FTProgress);
556 number_of_items++;
557 //-----------------------------
558 #ifdef DEVELOPER
559 Param2<string, float> FTChangeTime = new Param2<string, float>("LastChangeTime", item.m_LastFTChangeTime );
560 properties.Insert(FTChangeTime);
561 number_of_items++;
562 //-----------------------------
563 Param2<string, float> FTRemainingTime = new Param2<string, float>("FTTimeRemaining", item.m_PresumedTimeRemaining );
564 properties.Insert(FTRemainingTime);
565 number_of_items++;
566 #endif
567 //-----------------------------
568 Param2<string, float> OverheatPgs = new Param2<string, float>("Overheat pgs", item.GetItemOverheatProgress() );
569 properties.Insert(OverheatPgs);
570 number_of_items++;
571 //-----------------------------
572 Edible_Base food;
573 if (Class.CastTo(food,item) && food.GetFoodStage() != null)
574 {
575 Param2<string, float> CookingTime = new Param2<string, float>("CookingTime", food.GetCookingTime() );
576 properties.Insert(CookingTime);
577 number_of_items++;
578 //-----------------------------
579 Param2<string, float> DecayTime = new Param2<string, float>("DecayTime (remaining)", food.GetDecayTimer() );
580 properties.Insert(DecayTime);
581 number_of_items++;
582 //-----------------------------
583 Param2<string, float> DecayDelta = new Param2<string, float>("DecayDelta (last)", food.GetDecayDelta() );
584 properties.Insert(DecayDelta);
585 number_of_items++;
586 }
587 //-----------------------------
588 Param2<string, float> energy = new Param2<string, float>("energy", item.GetEnergy() );
589 properties.Insert(energy);
590 number_of_items++;
591 //-----------------------------
593 if(!client)
594 {
595 health = new Param2<string, float>("health", item.GetHealth("", "") );
596 }
597 else
598 {
599 health = new Param2<string, float>("NO SYNC",0 );
600 }
601 properties.Insert(health);
602 number_of_items++;
603 //-----------------------------
604 /*int r,g,b,a;
605 item.GetColor(r,g,b,a);
606 Param2<string, float> p2r = new Param2<string, float>("R",r);
607 properties.Insert(p2r);
608 number_of_items++;
609 Param2<string, float> p2g = new Param2<string, float>("G",g);
610 properties.Insert(p2g);
611 number_of_items++;
612 Param2<string, float> p2b = new Param2<string, float>("B",b);
613 properties.Insert(p2b);
614 number_of_items++;
615 Param2<string, float> p2a = new Param2<string, float>("A",a);
616 properties.Insert(p2a);
617 number_of_items++;*/
618 //-----------------------------
619 if(!client)
620 {
621 Param1<int> item_count = new Param1<int>(number_of_items);
622 properties.InsertAt(item_count,2);
623 }
624 }
627 {
628 if (!item)
629 {
630 return 0;
631 }
633 int agents = item.GetAgents();
634 if(agents == 0) return 0;
635 int num_of_agents = 0;
636 ref array<int> agents_aray = new array<int>;
637 PluginTransmissionAgents.BuildAgentArray(agents, agents_aray);
638 int agents_count = agents_aray.Count();
640 for(int i = 0; i < agents_count; i++)
641 {
642 //PluginTransmissionAgents mta = PluginTransmissionAgents.Cast(GetPlugin(PluginTransmissionAgents));
643 string agent_name = PluginTransmissionAgents.GetNameByID(agents_aray.Get(i));
644 Param1<string> param1 = new Param1<string>(agent_name);
645 properties.Insert(param1);
646 num_of_agents++;
647 }
649 return num_of_agents;
650 }
EntityAI m_Entity
Определения ActionDebug.c:11
int m_Agents
Определения ActionGiveBloodSelf.c:13
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
Определения ControlsXboxNew.c:4
DayZGame GetDayZGame()
Определения DayZGame.c:3870
override bool OnClick(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
buttons clicks
Определения DayZGame.c:151
void SendRPC()
Определения DisplayStatus.c:167
Определения ERPCs.c:2
Icon x
Icon y
bool m_IsActive
Определения ModifierBase.c:19
PlayerBase GetPlayer()
Определения ModifierBase.c:51
bool IsActive()
Определения ModifierBase.c:130
override void OnRPC(ParamsReadContext ctx)
Определения PlayerStatBase.c:69
void ShowWidgets(bool show)
Определения PluginDayzPlayerDebug.c:332
void ToggleDebugWindowEvent()
Определения PluginDayzPlayerDebug.c:387
void RegisterDebugItem(ItemBase item, PlayerBase player)
Определения PluginDayzPlayerDebug.c:322
void ReleaseFocus()
Определения PluginDayzPlayerDebug.c:374
void UpdateNumericalVarsWidget(array< ref Param > vars_server, array< ref Param > vars_client)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:485
Widget m_DebugRootWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:60
ref map< string, float > m_Floats
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:49
void PrintOut()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:503
ref map< string, float > m_VarsNumbersFinalServer
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:50
void GeneratePropertiesObject(EntityAI item)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:292
void GetLocalProperties(EntityAI entity, array< ref Param > properties, bool client=false)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:512
TextWidget m_ClassNameWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:66
void OnDraggingStart()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:139
ref map< string, float > m_VarsFinalClient
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:51
ButtonWidget m_CloseButton
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:69
void ClearWidgets()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:256
PluginConfigDebugProfile m_ConfigDebugProfile
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:58
TextListboxWidget m_DebugFloatsProperListWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:64
TextListboxWidget m_DebugClientVarsWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:65
void SetDragging(bool enable)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:130
bool m_ScriptMenuOpened
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:54
void FillServerFinalVars(int count, ParamsReadContext ctx, array< ref Param > params)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:376
void OnSelectAction(EntityAI ent, int actionId)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:215
TextWidget m_DebugOutputClient
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:63
Shape m_ItemLine
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:71
ItemPreviewWidget m_ItemPreviewWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:68
void InitializeWidgets()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:393
void PluginItemDiagnostic()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:74
int FillWithAgents(ItemBase item, array< ref Param > properties)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:626
TextListboxWidget m_DebugAgentListWidget
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:61
void UpdateAgentWidget()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:475
void OnScriptMenuOpened(bool opened)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:202
ref PluginItemDiagnosticEventHandler m_EventHandler
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:56
bool m_IsDragging
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:57
void FillAgentArray(ParamsReadContext ctx, int agents_count)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:462
ref map< PlayerBase, Object > m_ObserversMap
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:47
Object GetWatchedItem(PlayerBase player)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:192
void StopWatchRequest(PlayerBase player)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:310
string m_NoteClient
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:55
TextWidget m_DebugOutputServer
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:62
void ClearProperties()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:287
void DisplayAll(EntityAI item, array< ref Param > vars_server, array< ref Param > vars_client, string debug_text_server)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:450
void OnDraggingEnd()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:149
vector m_DraggingOffset
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:72
void ~PluginItemDiagnostic()
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:82
ref array< ref Param > m_Properties
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:52
ref Timer myTimer1
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:46
bool OnMouseButtonDown(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:107
PluginBase GetPlugin(typename plugin_type)
Определения PluginManager.c:316
ref TextWidget m_DistanceWidget[MAX_SIMULTANIOUS_PLAYERS]
Определения PluginRemotePlayerDebugClient.c:18
override bool OnMouseButtonUp(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения RadialMenu.c:668
void Tick()
Определения SoundEvents.c:107
proto native UIManager GetUIManager()
proto native void RPCSingleParam(Object target, int rpc_type, Param param, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null)
see CGame.RPC
override ScriptCallQueue GetCallQueue(int call_category)
Определения DayZGame.c:1187
proto native void RPC(Object target, int rpcType, notnull array< ref Param > params, bool guaranteed, PlayerIdentity recipient=null)
Initiate remote procedure call. When called on client, RPC is evaluated on server; When called on ser...
proto native DayZPlayer GetPlayer()
proto native WorkspaceWidget GetWorkspace()
proto native Input GetInput()
proto native Mission GetMission()
static ref Param1< int > PARAM1_INT
Определения UtilityClasses.c:11
static ref Param1< string > PARAM1_STRING
Определения UtilityClasses.c:14
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Определения EnScript.c:11
static void LogError(string message=LOG_DEFAULT, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
Prints debug message as error message.
Определения Debug.c:245
static void Log(string message=LOG_DEFAULT, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
Prints debug message with normal prio.
Определения Debug.c:122
static void LogArrayString(array< string > arr=NULL, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
Определения Debug.c:260
Определения Debug.c:2
float GetDecayDelta()
Определения Edible_Base.c:1055
float GetDecayTimer()
Определения Edible_Base.c:1050
float GetCookingTime()
Определения Edible_Base.c:657
override FoodStage GetFoodStage()
Определения Edible_Base.c:361
Определения Edible_Base.c:2
Определения Building.c:6
proto native void ResetGameFocus(int input_device=-1)
Reset game focus number (set to 0)
Определения InventoryItem.c:731
Определения gameplay.c:277
void AddActiveInputExcludes(array< string > excludes)
void RemoveActiveInputExcludes(array< string > excludes, bool bForceSupress=false)
Определения ObjectTyped.c:2
Определения PPEConstants.c:68
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...
Определения param.c:12
Определения PlayerBaseClient.c:2
proto void CallLater(func fn, int delay=0, bool repeat=false, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
adds call into the queue with given parameters and arguments (arguments are held in memory until the ...
override bool OnMouseButtonUp(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:34
PluginItemDiagnostic m_Owner
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:3
override bool OnMouseLeave(Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:14
override bool OnClick(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:24
override bool OnMouseEnter(Widget w, int x, int y)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:4
override bool OnMouseButtonDown(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения PluginItemDiagnostic.c:29
map: item x vector(index, width, height)
Определения EnWidgets.c:651
proto bool Read(void value_in)
Определения EnWidgets.c:220
Определения DayZPlayerImplement.c:63
void ShowUICursor(bool visible)
Определения UIManager.c:244
proto native void CloseDialog()
Определения EnWidgets.c:190
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto string ToString(bool simple=true)
static const vector Zero
Определения EnConvert.c:110
static proto native float Distance(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
Определения EnConvert.c:106
Serializer ParamsReadContext
Определения gameplay.c:15
proto native CGame GetGame()
const int COLOR_BLUE
Определения constants.c:66
Определения EnDebug.c:126
class DiagMenu Shape
don't call destructor directly. Use Destroy() instead
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.
Определения constants.c:185
proto void GetMousePos(out int x, out int y)
void OnInit()
Callback for user defined initialization. Called for all suites during TestHarness....
Определения FreezeState.c:81
proto native void OnUpdate()
Определения tools.c:349
Определения tools.c:9
proto native external Widget CreateWidgets(string layout, Widget parentWidget=NULL, bool immedUpdate=true)
Create widgets from *.layout file.