41 super.OnGameplayDataHandlerSync();
static bool GetDisablePersonalLight()
static void CheckValues()
range 0..180, randomized offset of direction to make it less acurate
static bool m_PersonalLightIsSwitchedOn
static bool m_PersonalLightDisabledByDebug
static void CreatePersonalLight()
Creates PL if it doesn't exist already.
static void UpdateHitDirectionValues()
static void SwitchPersonalLight(bool state)
Controls the ON/OFF switch of the Personal Light. PL will still shine only if the server allows it.
static bool m_PersonalLightEnabledOnCurrentServer
override void OnGameplayDataHandlerSync()
static ScriptedLightBase m_PersonalLight
static void UpdatePersonalLight()
Updates state of PL.
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto bool GetCLIParam(string param, out string val)
Returns command line argument.