150 {
151 Param3<string, EntityAI, Param> par = new Param3<string, EntityAI, Param>( "", NULL, new Param );
153 if ( ctx.
Read( par ) )
154 {
156 SceneData scene_data = module_scene_editor.GetLoadedScene();
160 }
161 }
PluginBase GetPlugin(typename plugin_type)
override ScriptCallQueue GetCallQueue(int call_category)
void PluginSceneManager()
SceneObject GetSceneObjectByEntityAI(EntityAI e)
proto void CallByName(Class obj, string fnName, Param params=NULL)
adds call into the queue with given parameters and arguments (arguments are held in memory until the ...
proto bool Read(void value_in)
proto native CGame GetGame()