SpawnEntityInInventory queries future parent about free inventory location of the future item
503 {
504 if (target.IsPlayer())
505 {
507 }
509 {
510 InventoryLocation il = new InventoryLocation;
511 if (target.GetInventory() && target.GetInventory().FindFirstFreeLocationForNewEntity(className,
FindInventoryLocationType.ANY, il))
512 {
514 if ( eai && eai.IsInherited(
ItemBase) )
515 {
516 if ( health < 0 )
517 {
518 health = eai.GetMaxHealth();
519 }
522 if ( special )
523 {
524 auto debugParams = DebugSpawnParams.WithPlayer(null);
525 eai.OnDebugSpawnEx(debugParams);
526 }
527 }
528 return eai;
529 }
530 }
531 else
532 {
535 }
536 return null;
537 }
proto native void SpawnEntity(string sClassName, vector vPos, float fRange, int iCount)
Spawn an entity through CE.
class GP5GasMask extends MaskBase ItemBase
flags for searching locations in inventory
void SetupSpawnedItem(ItemBase item, float health, float quantity)
Param7< EntityAI, string, float, float, bool, string, FindInventoryLocationType > DevSpawnItemParams
proto native DayZPlayer GetPlayer()
EntityAI SpawnEntityInPlayerInventory(PlayerBase player, string item_name, float health, float quantity, bool special=false, string presetName="", FindInventoryLocationType locationType=FindInventoryLocationType.ANY)
proto native CGame GetGame()