8 SetVisibleDuringDaylight(
11 SetFlareVisible(
12 SetAmbientColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.3);
13 SetDiffuseColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.3);
15 SetDisableShadowsWithinRadius(-1);
52 RegisterNetSyncVariableBool(
53 RegisterNetSyncVariableBool(
66 super.OnExplosionEffects(source, directHit, componentIndex, surface, pos, surfNormal, energyFactor, explosionFactor, isWater, ammoType);
71 if (GetHierarchyParent())
73 parent = GetHierarchyParent();
89 super.EEDelete(parent);
102 super.EEKilled(killer);
114 if (!IsRuined() &&
GetArmed() && GetPairDevice())
133 GetPairDevice().UnpairRemote();
142 super.OnPlacementComplete(player, position, orientation);
146 SetOrientation(orientation);
164 super.InitItemSounds();
169 handler.AddSound(SoundConstants.ITEM_EXPLOSIVE_ARM,
193 for (
int i = 0; i < count; i++)
219 if (!super.IsInventoryVisible())
224 return GetAnimationPhase(
"Visibility") == 0;
229 return super.IsTakeable() && GetAnimationPhase(
"Visibility") == 0;
279 if (!super.CanPutInCargo(parent))
289 if (!super.CanPutIntoHands(parent))
334 if (GetHierarchyParent())
344 if (GetHierarchyParent())
352 super.OnStoreSave(ctx);
359 if (!super.OnStoreLoad(ctx, version))
365 if (!ctx.
423 extraSurfaceeffect.Insert(surface, effectID);
432 if (extraSurfaceeffect.Find(surface, particleID))
AttachActionData ActionData ActionAttach()
void AddAction(typename actionName)
class PASBroadcaster extends AdvancedCommunication IsInventoryVisible
override void EEDelete(EntityAI parent)
exposed from C++ (do not change)
override void OnExplosionEffects(Object source, Object directHit, int componentIndex, string surface, vector pos, vector surfNormal, float energyFactor, float explosionFactor, bool isWater, string ammoType)
void UnlockExplosivesSlots()
string GetDisarmSoundset()
override void OnCEUpdate()
void AddExplosionEffectForSurface(string surface, int effectID)
void SetArmed(bool state)
void InitSpecificsExplosionEffectForSurface()
void DestroyParticle(Particle p)
ref array< string > m_AmmoTypes
override void EEKilled(Object killer)
override bool CanPutInCargo(EntityAI parent)
Particle m_ParticleExplosion
void SetDefused(bool state)
override void OnPlacementComplete(Man player, vector position="0 0 0", vector orientation="0 0 0")
void SetAmmoTypes(array< string > pAmmoTypes)
override bool IsExplosive()
void SetParticleExplosion(int particle)
ref map< string, ref map< string, int > > m_TypeToSurfaceParticleIDMap
void SetParticlePosition(vector local_pos)
set position for smoke particle - needs to be in Local Space
void UnlockTriggerSlots()
void OnDisarmed(bool pWithTool)
void LockExplosivesSlots()
override bool CanPutIntoHands(EntityAI parent)
ref array< ParticleSource > m_ParticleExplosionArr
override void UnpairRemote()
override bool IsTakeable()
int m_ParticleExplosionId
vector m_ParticleOrientation
void SetAmmoType(string pAmmoType)
bool HasLockedTriggerSlots()
void SetParticleOrientation(vector local_ori)
override bool CanRemoveFromHands(EntityAI parent)
override void InitItemSounds()
vector m_ParticlePosition
int GetParticleExplosionID(string surface)
ItemSoundHandler GetItemSoundHandler()
void ItemSoundHandler(ItemBase parent)
class Land_Buoy extends House m_Light
void UpdateLED(string selection, string color)
void OnStoreSave(ParamsWriteContext ctx)
bool OnStoreLoad(ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
override RemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour GetRemotelyActivatedItemBehaviour()
override void Explode(int damageType, string ammoType="")
static float m_DefaultBrightness
static float m_DefaultRadius
void Stop()
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.14 and below.
Legacy way of using particles in the game.
Entity which has the particle instance as an ObjectComponent.
proto bool Write(void value_out)
proto bool Read(void value_in)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
static proto native float DistanceSq(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the square distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
Serializer ParamsReadContext
proto native CGame GetGame()
Serializer ParamsWriteContext
proto native void SetPosition(vector position)
Set the world position of the Effect.
static proto float SqrFloat(float f)
Returns squared value.
class JsonUndergroundAreaTriggerData GetPosition
static const string Empty