526 proto native
void Cancel();
586 proto native
void Land(
int pLandType);
624 proto native
void WakeUp(
int targetStance = -1);
704 proto native
void SwitchSeat(
int pTransportPositionIndex,
int pVehicleSeat);
727 if (
object == transport ||
GetParent() == transport)
732 return transport.IsIgnoredObject(
741class SHumanCommandClimbResult
789 proto native
static bool DoClimbTest(Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult,
int pDebugDrawLevel);
794 proto native
static bool DoPerformClimbTest(Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult,
int pDebugDrawLevel);
866enum WeaponActionMechanismTypes
950 case WeaponActions.MECHANISM:
return typename.EnumToString(WeaponActionMechanismTypes, AT);
1178enum HumanRelativeHeadingMode
1215 proto native
void OverrideCorrectionType(AnimPhysCorrectionType correctionType);
1219 proto native
void SetHeading(
float yawAngle,
float filterDt = -1,
float maxYawSpeed = FLT_MAX);
1220 proto native
void AddHeadingRelativeTo(HumanRelativeHeadingMode mode,
float yawAngle,
float filterDt = -1,
float maxYawSpeed = FLT_MAX);
1256 SetHeading(pYawAngle, pFilterDt, pMaxYawSpeed);
1291enum HumanMoveCommandID
1307 CommandActionAdditive = 8192
1313class Human
extends Man
1318 proto native
void GetTransformWS(out vector pTm[4]);
1322 proto native
void PhysicsGetTransformWS(out vector pTm[4]);
1325 proto native
void PhysicsGetTransformLS(out vector pTm[4]);
1329 proto native vector PhysicsGetPositionWS();
1332 proto native vector PhysicsGetPositionLS();
1335 proto native
bool CheckFreeSpace(vector localDir,
float distance,
bool useHeading, vector posOffset = vector.Zero,
float xzScale = 1.0);
1338 proto
float CollisionMoveTest(vector dir, vector offset,
float xzScale, IEntity ignoreEntity, out IEntity hitEntity, out vector hitPosition, out vector hitNormal);
1342 proto native
void LinkToLocalSpaceOf(notnull IEntity child, vector pLocalSpaceMatrix[4]);
1343 proto native
void UnlinkFromLocalSpace();
1349 proto native
void AlignPositionWS(vector position);
1352 proto native
void AlignTranslationWS(vector translation);
1355 proto native
void AlignTranslationLS(vector translation);
1358 proto native
void AlignDirectionWS(vector direction);
1362 void OnPhysMove(
float dt, vector transform[4]) {}
1378 proto native
bool PhysicsIsFalling(
bool pValidate);
1381 proto native IEntity PhysicsGetFloorEntity();
1384 proto native IEntity PhysicsGetLinkedEntity();
1388 proto native
bool PhysicsWasSlidingOffLinkedEntity();
1391 proto native
void PhysicsGetVelocity(out vector pVelocity);
1393 proto native
void PhysicsEnableGravity(
bool pEnable);
1395 proto native
bool PhysicsIsSolid();
1396 proto native
void PhysicsSetSolid(
bool pSolid);
1399 proto native
void PhysicsSetRagdoll(
bool pEnable);
1405 proto native HumanInputController GetInputController();
1417 proto native
void GetMovementState(HumanMovementState pState);
1420 proto native
int GetCurrentCommandID();
1438 proto native
HumanCommandMelee2 StartCommand_Melee2(
EntityAI pTarget,
int pHitType,
float pComboValue, vector hitPos = vector.Zero);
1457 proto native
HumanCommandLadder StartCommand_Ladder(Building pBuilding,
int pLadderIndex);
1473 proto native HumanCommandVehicle StartCommand_Vehicle(Transport pTransport,
int pTransportPositionIndex,
int pVehicleSeat,
bool fromUnconscious =
1475 proto native HumanCommandVehicle GetCommand_Vehicle();
1481 proto native
HumanCommandClimb StartCommand_Climb(SHumanCommandClimbResult pClimbResult,
int pType);
1488 proto native HumanCommandDeathCallback StartCommand_Death(
int pType,
float pDirection,
typename pCallbackClass,
bool pKeepInLocalSpaceAfterLeave =
1490 proto native HumanCommandDeathCallback GetCommand_Death();
1524 proto native
int GetCommandModifierCount();
1527 proto native
int GetCommandModifierID(
int pIndex);
1559 proto native
HumanCommandDamage AddCommandModifier_Damage(
int pType,
float pDirection);
1570 proto native HumanCommandScript StartCommand_Script(HumanCommandScript pHumanCommand);
1571 proto native HumanCommandScript StartCommand_ScriptInst(
typename pCallbackClass);
1574 proto native HumanCommandScript GetCommand_Script();
1583 proto native owned
string DebugGetItemClass();
1586 proto native owned
string DebugGetItemSuperClass();
1589 proto native owned
string DebugGetItemAnimInstance();
1605 void OnCommandMoveStart();
1606 void OnCommandMoveFinish();
1608 void OnCommandMeleeStart();
1609 void OnCommandMeleeFinish();
1611 void OnCommandMelee2Start();
1612 void OnCommandMelee2Finish();
1614 void OnCommandFallStart();
1615 void OnCommandFallFinish();
1617 void OnCommandClimbStart();
1618 void OnCommandClimbFinish();
1621 void OnCommandDeathFinish();
1623 void OnCommandUnconsciousStart();
1624 void OnCommandUnconsciousFinish();
1626 void OnCommandDamageFullbodyStart();
1627 void OnCommandDamageFullbodyFinish();
1629 void OnCommandDamageAdditiveStart();
1630 void OnCommandDamageAdditiveFinish();
1632 void OnCommandLadderStart();
1633 void OnCommandLadderFinish();
1635 void OnCommandSwimStart();
1636 void OnCommandSwimFinish();
1638 void OnCommandVehicleStart();
1639 void OnCommandVehicleFinish();
1641 void OnCommandActionFullbodyStart();
1642 void OnCommandActionFullbodyFinish();
1644 void OnCommandActionAdditiveStart();
1645 void OnCommandActionAdditiveFinish();
1648 void OnStanceChange(
int previousStance,
int newStance);
1651 bool CanChangeStance(
int previousStance,
int newStance);
1657 void OnRollStart(
bool isToTheRight);
1658 void OnRollFinish();
1663 void OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter();
1664 void OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft();
proto native DayZCreatureAnimInterface GetAnimInterface()
class DayZCreatureAnimInterface RegisterAnimationEvent(string event_name, string function_name)
proto native bool IsDeathProcessed()
proto native int GetBoneIndexByName(string pBoneName)
returns bone index for a name (-1 if pBoneName doesn't exist)
proto native void ResetDeath()
proto native void StartDeath()
proto native void ResetDeathCooldown()
proto native bool IsDeathConditionMet()
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
proto native TAnimGraphTag BindTag(string pTagName)
proto native TAnimGraphEvent BindEvent(string pEventName)
void ~HumanAnimInterface()
proto native TAnimGraphVariable BindVariableInt(string pVariable)
proto native TAnimGraphVariable BindVariableFloat(string pVariable)
proto native TAnimGraphCommand BindCommand(string pCommandName)
returns command index -
void HumanAnimInterface()
proto native TAnimGraphVariable BindVariableBool(string pVariable)
override void OnStateChange(int pOldState, int pCurrentState)
override void OnFinish(bool pCanceled)
override bool IsSymptomCallback()
override void OnAnimationEvent(int pEventID)
proto static native bool DoClimbTest(Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel)
proto native int GetState()
returns the state of climb (enum value of ClimbStates);
proto static native bool DebugDrawClimb(Human pHuman, int pLevel)
void ~HumanCommandClimb()
proto native vector GetGrabPointWS()
returns world space position of climbing grab point
proto native vector GetClimbOverStandPointWS()
returns world space position of landspot after climbing over
proto static native bool DoPerformClimbTest(Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel)
bool ShouldSimulationBeDisabled()
'OnSimulationEnd' is called before this
proto native vector GetLogoutPosition()
proto static native bool DebugDrawLadder(Building pBuilding, int pLadderIndex)
debug draws any ladder
void HumanCommandLadder()
void ~HumanCommandLadder()
proto static native int DebugGetLadderIndex(string pComponentName)
proto native bool CanExit()
returns true if on exiting point
proto native bool IsFinisher()
proto native int GetComboCount()
proto native bool WasHit()
is true only once after hit event
static const int HIT_TYPE_FINISHER
static const int HIT_TYPE_HEAVY
static const int HIT_TYPE_LIGHT
proto native bool IsInComboRange()
returns true if hit is in range, where person can continue to combo
void ~HumanCommandMelee2()
proto native int GetCurrentHitType()
void HumanCommandMelee2()
proto native void ContinueCombo(bool pHeavyHit, float pComboValue, EntityAI target=null, vector hitPos=vector.Zero)
marks command to continue to combo
proto native void Cancel()
cancels command melee and goes to HumanCommandMove
proto native bool IsOnBack()
is on back in prone stance?
static const int HIT_TYPE_FINISHER_NECK
proto native void StartMeleeEvadeA(float pDirAngle)
marks command to continue to combo, pDirAngle specifies angle
proto native bool IsMeleeEvade()
this is true when in melee evade
proto native float GetCurrentMovementSpeed()
0,1,2..3 idle, walk, run, sprint
proto native void SetTurnSpanModifier(float value)
sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingFilterSpan
proto native bool IsInRoll()
return true if character barrel rolling
proto native void SetTurnSpanSprintModifier(float value)
sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingSprintFilterSpan
proto native void SetDirectionFilterModifier(float value)
sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterTimeout
proto native bool IsLeavingUncon()
return true if character transitions out of uncon
proto native void ForceStance(int pStanceIdx)
proto native void SetRunSprintFilterModifier(float value)
sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fRunSpringTimeout
proto bool GetCurrentInputAngle(out float pAngle)
proto native bool IsOnBack()
return true if prone is on back
proto native void SetDirectionSprintFilterModifier(float value)
sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterSprintTimeout
proto native float GetCurrentMovementAngle()
proto native bool IsStandingFromBack()
return true if prone on back is chaning to crounch/stand
proto native void SetCurrentWaterLevel(float value)
sets water level (depth)
proto native void StartMeleeEvade()
marks command to continue to combo
proto native void SetMeleeBlock(bool pBlock)
this enables/disables block
proto native void ForceStanceUp(int pStanceIdx)
proto native bool IsChangingStance()
returns true if character is changing stance
bool PostPhysUpdate(float pDt)
void PreAnimUpdate(float pDt)
proto native void PreAnim_SetFloat(int pVar, float pFlt)
void OnActivate()
constructor must have 1st parameter to be Human
proto native void SetFlagFinished(bool pFinished)
this terminates human command script and shows CommandHandler( ... pCurrentCommandFinished == true );
proto native void PostPhys_GetRotation(out float pOutRot[4])
vec3 in world space
int GetCurrentStance()
Override this to return the current stance of the human.
proto native void PostPhys_LockRotation()
quaternion in world space
proto native void SetHeading(float yawAngle, float filterDt=-1, float maxYawSpeed=FLT_MAX)
sets character rotation (heading) (PreAnim/PrePhys only!)
proto native void PreAnim_SetBool(int pVar, bool pBool)
int GetCurrentMovement()
Override this to return the current movement state of the human.
proto native void PreAnim_CallCommand(int pCommand, int pParamInt, float pParamFloat)
function usable in PreAnimUpdate or in !!! OnActivate !!!
proto native void PrePhys_SetTranslation(vector pInTransl)
proto native bool PrePhys_IsTag(int pTag)
float GetCurrentLeaning()
Override this to return the current leaning state of the human. <-1, 1>
proto native void PrePhys_SetRotation(float pInRot[4])
proto native void PostPhys_SetRotation(float pInRot[4])
vec3 in world space
proto native bool PrePhys_GetTranslation(out vector pOutTransl)
proto native bool PrePhys_IsEvent(int pEvent)
script function usable in PrePhysUpdate
proto native void PostPhys_GetPosition(out vector pOutTransl)
script function usable in PostPhysUpdate
void PrePhysUpdate(float pDt)
proto native void PostPhys_SetPosition(vector pInTransl)
quaternion in world space
proto native void PreAnim_SetInt(int pVar, int pInt)
void PreAnim_SetFilteredHeading(float pYawAngle, float pFilterDt, float pMaxYawSpeed)
void OnDeactivate()
called when command ends
proto native bool PrePhys_GetRotation(out float pOutRot[4])
proto native void AddHeadingRelativeTo(HumanRelativeHeadingMode mode, float yawAngle, float filterDt=-1, float maxYawSpeed=FLT_MAX)
HumanCommandScript fully scriptable command.
void HumanCommandUnconscious()
proto native bool IsWakingUp()
proto native bool IsInWater()
proto native void WakeUp(int targetStance=-1)
void ~HumanCommandUnconscious()
proto native bool IsOnLand()
proto native int GetVehicleType()
proto native Transport GetTransport()
proto native bool IsGettingIn()
void HumanCommandVehicle()
proto native void ProcessLeaveEvents()
bool IsObjectIgnoredOnGettingOut(IEntity entity)
proto native bool WasGearChange()
void ~HumanCommandVehicle()
proto native int GetVehicleSeat()
proto native void KeepInVehicleSpaceAfterLeave(bool pState)
proto native int GetVehicleClass()
proto native void GetOutVehicle()
proto native void SetVehicleType(int pVehicleType)
proto native bool IsSwitchSeat()
proto native bool ShouldBeKnockedOut()
proto native void JumpOutVehicle()
proto native bool IsGettingOut()
proto native void SwitchSeat(int pTransportPositionIndex, int pVehicleSeat)
proto native void KnockedOutVehicle()
proto native void SetClutchState(bool pState)
proto native bool IsActionFinished()
void ~HumanCommandWeapons()
proto native void DebugResetEvents()
proto native bool WasItemLeaveHandsEvent()
proto native int GetRunningAction()
returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, ....
proto static native void StaticSetInitState(Human pHuman, int pFrameIdx)
just static version of SetInitState
proto native void SetThrowingMode(bool pState)
proto native void LiftWeapon(bool pState)
command for lifting weapon near obstacled (works only when weapon is raised)
proto native void SetActionProgressParams(float pStart, float pEnd)
sets start and end animation position - f.e. for reload clip action
proto native float GetAimingHandsOffsetUD()
returns aiming hands up/down (y) offset angle
proto native bool IsInWeaponReloadBulletSwitchState()
returns true when clip visual change is needed for reload clip action
proto native bool IsThrowingMode()
proto native float GetBaseAimingAngleLR()
returns base aiming angle LR - without sway/offsets/...
proto native bool StartAction(WeaponActions pAction, int pActionType)
start reload,mechanism,chambering,unjam ...
proto native void SetADS(bool pState)
sets head tilt to optics
proto native int IsEvent()
return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native float GetAimingHandsOffsetLR()
returns aiming hands left/right (x) offset angle
void RegisterDefaultEvents()
proto native int DebugIsEvent()
return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native void ThrowItem(int throwType)
proto native void SetInitState(int pFrameIndex)
proto native int GetRunningActionType()
returns -1 when no action is running or appropriate action type
proto native float GetBaseAimingAngleUD()
returns base aiming angle UD - without sway/offsets/...
proto native void RegisterEvent(string pName, int pId)
register events
void HumanCommandWeapons()
int m_iMovement
current stance (DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_ERECT, ...), only if the command has a stance
int m_iStanceIdx
current command's id
int m_LocalMovement
leaning state (not all commands need to have all movements)
float m_fLeaning
current movement (0 idle, 1 walk, 2-run, 3-sprint), only if the command has a movement
Base native class for all motorized wheeled vehicles.
override void OnCommandDeathStart()
defined in C++
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
enum WeaponActions HumanCommandFullBodyDamage
class HumanCommandScript CommandSwim
class HumanCommandScript CommandVehicle
proto static native vector WaterLevelCheck(Human pHuman, vector pPosition)
static const int STATE_NONE
undef state - not running anymore
class HumanCommandScript CommandLadder
static const int STATE_LOOP_END2
proto native void CancelModifier()
cancels modifier
proto native bool IsModifierActive()
is modifier active
enum WeaponActionReloadClipTypes MECHANISM_CLOSED_UNCOCKED
IEntity m_ClimbOverStandPointParent
class HumanCommandMove HumanCommandMelee()
static const int STATE_NORMAL
one time state
proto native bool WasHit()
is true only once after hit event
void ~HumanCommandMelee()
static const int STATE_LOOP_IN
looped state
class HumanCommandVehicle m_bIsClimb
result from static test
class HumanCommandLadder HumanCommandSwim()
proto native void SetTalking(bool pValue)
sets talking
vector m_ClimbGrabPointNormal
grab point for climb && climb over (in local space of it's parent)
proto native void StopSwimming()
static const int LANDTYPE_NONE
static const int LANDTYPE_LIGHT
static const int STATE_LOOP_END
proto native void SetInjured(float pValue, bool pInterpolate)
sets injury level 0..1, interpolate == false -> resets the value, otherwise it's interpolating toward...
class HumanCommandUnconscious HumanCommandDamage()
class HumanCommandScript CommandDamageFullbody
void HumanAnimInterface()
proto native void SetExhaustion(float pValue, bool pInterpolate)
sets exhaustion level 0..1, interpolate == false -> resets the value, otherwise it's interpolating to...
void ~HumanCommandDamage()
static const int LANDTYPE_MEDIUM
proto native void SetAligning(vector pPositionWS, vector pDirectionWS)
enables character aligning to desired position and direction in world space
chambering action types
class HumanCommandScript CommandUnconscious
class HumanCommandScript CommandDeath
proto native bool PhysicsLanded()
this is true when fall has physically landed - need to call Land after this is true
proto native void EnableCancelCondition(bool pEnable)
class HumanCommandDeathCallback HumanCommandDeath()
bool IsUserActionCallback()
string WeaponActionTypeToString(int A, int AT)
void ~HumanCommandActionCallback()
class HumanMovementState INPUT
Actual input value.
class HumanCommandScript CommandClimb
void HumanCommandLadder()
static const int STATE_LOOP_ACTION
enum WeaponActionReloadClipTypes MECHANISM_OPENED
mechanism action types
proto native void InternalCommand(int pInternalCommandId)
class HumanCommandScript CommandMove
proto native void EnableStateChangeCallback()
enables state change callback OnStateChange
enum WeaponActionReloadClipTypes MECHANISM_CLOSED
class HumanAnimInterface HumanCommandActionCallback()
proto native void ContinueCombo()
marks command to continue to combo
class HumanCommandScript CommandActionFullbody
class HumanCommandScript CommandFall
string GetStateString()
returns debug string of current state
void ~HumanCommandDeath()
proto native void ResetAligning()
disables character aligning
proto native void Cancel()
cancels action
class HumanCommandScript CommandMelee2
proto native bool IsLanding()
returns true if fall is in landing state
void ~HumanCommandFullBodyDamage()
static const int LANDTYPE_HEAVY
enum WeaponActionReloadClipTypes MECHANISM_SPECIAL
static const int STATE_LOOP_LOOP
void ~HumanCommandAdditives()
proto native void Land(int pLandType)
end fall with land
class HumanInputController TAnimGraphCommand
reload action types - rifles
proto native int GetState()
returns one of STATE_...
proto native void StartModifier(int pType)
starts modifier
static const int STATE_LOOP_LOOP2
Permenantly active until DISABLED is passed.
proto native Human GetHuman()
get the human this cb belongs to
class HumanCommandScript CommandDamageAdditive
IEntity m_ClimbStandPointParent
parent of grabpoint
class HumanCommandMelee2 HumanCommandFall()
vector m_ClimbStandPoint
normal to grabpoint position (used for character orientation)
state of climb command
proto native bool IsInComboRange()
returns true if hit is in range, where person can continue to combo
unjam action types
proto native bool IsOnBack()
return true if prone is on back
vector m_ClimbOverStandPoint
where climb ends (in local space of it's parent)
void HumanCommandWeapons()
IEntity m_GrabPointParent
where climb over ends (in local space of it's parent)
proto native bool DefaultCancelCondition()
system implemented cancel condition (now raise or sprint cancels action)
void HumanCommandUnconscious()
class HumanCommandScript CommandMelee
void HumanCommandMelee2()
class HumanMovementState CURRENT
From the last value that was set.
class HumanCommandWeapons HumanCommandAdditives()