class HumanAnimInterface | HumanCommandActionCallback () |
void | HumanAnimInterface () |
void | ~HumanAnimInterface () |
proto native TAnimGraphCommand | BindCommand (string pCommandName) |
| returns command index -
proto native TAnimGraphVariable | BindVariableFloat (string pVariable) |
proto native TAnimGraphVariable | BindVariableInt (string pVariable) |
proto native TAnimGraphVariable | BindVariableBool (string pVariable) |
proto native TAnimGraphTag | BindTag (string pTagName) |
proto native TAnimGraphEvent | BindEvent (string pEventName) |
void | ~HumanCommandActionCallback () |
proto native Human | GetHuman () |
| get the human this cb belongs to
proto native void | Cancel () |
| cancels action
proto native void | InternalCommand (int pInternalCommandId) |
proto native void | SetAligning (vector pPositionWS, vector pDirectionWS) |
| enables character aligning to desired position and direction in world space
proto native void | ResetAligning () |
| disables character aligning
proto native void | EnableCancelCondition (bool pEnable) |
proto native bool | DefaultCancelCondition () |
| system implemented cancel condition (now raise or sprint cancels action)
proto native void | RegisterAnimationEvent (string pAnimationEventStr, int pId) |
| registers animation event, when event registered and received - it sends OnAnimationEvent with registered id
proto native void | EnableStateChangeCallback () |
| enables state change callback OnStateChange
proto native int | GetState () |
| returns one of STATE_...
static string | GetStateString (int pState) |
| returns debug string of current state
string | GetStateString () |
| returns debug string of current state
void | OnAnimationEvent (int pEventID) |
| calls animation event -> must be registered with RegisterAnimationEvent
void | OnFinish (bool pCanceled) |
| called ALWAYS! when action is finished (normal finish or cancel -> pCanceled)
void | OnStateChange (int pOldState, int pCurrentState) |
| called when enabled by EnableStateChangeCallback and state changes, call GetState() to get actual state
bool | IsUserActionCallback () |
bool | IsGestureCallback () |
bool | IsSymptomCallback () |
class HumanCommandMove | HumanCommandMelee () |
void | HumanCommandMove () |
void | ~HumanCommandMove () |
proto native float | GetCurrentMovementAngle () |
proto bool | GetCurrentInputAngle (out float pAngle) |
proto native float | GetCurrentMovementSpeed () |
| 0,1,2..3 idle, walk, run, sprint
proto native bool | IsChangingStance () |
| returns true if character is changing stance
proto native bool | IsOnBack () |
| return true if prone is on back
proto native bool | IsInRoll () |
| return true if character barrel rolling
proto native bool | IsLeavingUncon () |
| return true if character transitions out of uncon
proto native bool | IsStandingFromBack () |
| return true if prone on back is chaning to crounch/stand
proto native void | StartMeleeEvade () |
| marks command to continue to combo
proto native void | StartMeleeEvadeA (float pDirAngle) |
| marks command to continue to combo, pDirAngle specifies angle
proto native bool | IsMeleeEvade () |
| this is true when in melee evade
proto native void | SetMeleeBlock (bool pBlock) |
| this enables/disables block
proto native void | ForceStance (int pStanceIdx) |
proto native void | ForceStanceUp (int pStanceIdx) |
proto native void | SetRunSprintFilterModifier (float value) |
| sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fRunSpringTimeout
proto native void | SetDirectionFilterModifier (float value) |
| sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterTimeout
proto native void | SetDirectionSprintFilterModifier (float value) |
| sets the multiplier for SHumanCommandMoveSettings::m_fDirFilterSprintTimeout
proto native void | SetTurnSpanModifier (float value) |
| sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingFilterSpan
proto native void | SetTurnSpanSprintModifier (float value) |
| sets the multiplier for HumanItemBehaviorCfg::m_fMoveHeadingSprintFilterSpan
proto native void | SetCurrentWaterLevel (float value) |
| sets water level (depth)
void | ~HumanCommandMelee () |
proto native void | ContinueCombo () |
| marks command to continue to combo
proto native bool | IsInComboRange () |
| returns true if hit is in range, where person can continue to combo
proto native bool | WasHit () |
| is true only once after hit event
class HumanCommandMelee2 | HumanCommandFall () |
void | HumanCommandMelee2 () |
void | ~HumanCommandMelee2 () |
proto native void | ContinueCombo (bool pHeavyHit, float pComboValue, EntityAI target=null, vector hitPos=vector.Zero) |
| marks command to continue to combo
proto native int | GetComboCount () |
proto native int | GetCurrentHitType () |
proto native bool | IsFinisher () |
void | ~HumanCommandFall () |
proto native bool | PhysicsLanded () |
| this is true when fall has physically landed - need to call Land after this is true
proto native void | Land (int pLandType) |
| end fall with land
proto native bool | IsLanding () |
| returns true if fall is in landing state
class HumanCommandDeathCallback | HumanCommandDeath () |
void | OnSimulationEnd () |
bool | ShouldSimulationBeDisabled () |
| 'OnSimulationEnd' is called before this
void | ~HumanCommandDeath () |
class HumanCommandUnconscious | HumanCommandDamage () |
void | HumanCommandUnconscious () |
void | ~HumanCommandUnconscious () |
proto native void | WakeUp (int targetStance=-1) |
proto native bool | IsWakingUp () |
proto native bool | IsOnLand () |
proto native bool | IsInWater () |
void | ~HumanCommandDamage () |
class HumanCommandLadder | HumanCommandSwim () |
void | HumanCommandLadder () |
void | ~HumanCommandLadder () |
proto native bool | CanExit () |
| returns true if on exiting point
proto native void | Exit () |
proto static native bool | DebugDrawLadder (Building pBuilding, int pLadderIndex) |
| debug draws any ladder
proto static native int | DebugGetLadderIndex (string pComponentName) |
proto native vector | GetLogoutPosition () |
void | ~HumanCommandSwim () |
proto native void | StopSwimming () |
proto static native vector | WaterLevelCheck (Human pHuman, vector pPosition) |
void | HumanCommandClimb () |
void | ~HumanCommandClimb () |
proto native vector | GetGrabPointWS () |
| returns world space position of climbing grab point
proto native vector | GetClimbOverStandPointWS () |
| returns world space position of landspot after climbing over
proto static native bool | DoClimbTest (Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel) |
proto static native bool | DoPerformClimbTest (Human pHuman, SHumanCommandClimbResult pResult, int pDebugDrawLevel) |
proto static native bool | DebugDrawClimb (Human pHuman, int pLevel) |
void | ~HumanCommandFullBodyDamage () |
string | WeaponActionTypeToString (int A, int AT) |
class HumanCommandWeapons | HumanCommandAdditives () |
void | HumanCommandWeapons () |
void | ~HumanCommandWeapons () |
proto native bool | IsActionFinished () |
proto native int | GetRunningAction () |
| returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, ....
proto native int | GetRunningActionType () |
| returns -1 when no action is running or appropriate action type
proto native void | SetActionProgressParams (float pStart, float pEnd) |
| sets start and end animation position - f.e. for reload clip action
proto native bool | StartAction (WeaponActions pAction, int pActionType) |
| start reload,mechanism,chambering,unjam ...
proto native void | RegisterEvent (string pName, int pId) |
| register events
proto native int | IsEvent () |
| return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native bool | IsInWeaponReloadBulletSwitchState () |
| returns true when clip visual change is needed for reload clip action
proto native void | SetADS (bool pState) |
| sets head tilt to optics
proto native void | LiftWeapon (bool pState) |
| command for lifting weapon near obstacled (works only when weapon is raised)
proto native float | GetAimingHandsOffsetUD () |
| returns aiming hands up/down (y) offset angle
proto native float | GetAimingHandsOffsetLR () |
| returns aiming hands left/right (x) offset angle
void | RegisterDefaultEvents () |
proto native void | SetInitState (int pFrameIndex) |
proto static native void | StaticSetInitState (Human pHuman, int pFrameIdx) |
| just static version of SetInitState
proto native float | GetBaseAimingAngleUD () |
| returns base aiming angle UD - without sway/offsets/...
proto native float | GetBaseAimingAngleLR () |
| returns base aiming angle LR - without sway/offsets/...
proto native void | SetThrowingMode (bool pState) |
proto native bool | IsThrowingMode () |
proto native void | ThrowItem (int throwType) |
proto native bool | WasItemLeaveHandsEvent () |
proto native int | DebugIsEvent () |
| return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native void | DebugResetEvents () |
void | ~HumanCommandAdditives () |
proto native void | SetInjured (float pValue, bool pInterpolate) |
| sets injury level 0..1, interpolate == false -> resets the value, otherwise it's interpolating towards the new value
proto native void | SetExhaustion (float pValue, bool pInterpolate) |
| sets exhaustion level 0..1, interpolate == false -> resets the value, otherwise it's interpolating towards the new value
proto native void | SetTalking (bool pValue) |
| sets talking
proto native void | StartModifier (int pType) |
| starts modifier
proto native void | CancelModifier () |
| cancels modifier
proto native bool | IsModifierActive () |
| is modifier active
this file is interface to Human
См. определение в файле human.c