Boat's sound controller list. (native, do not change or extend)
speed of the boat in km/h
indicates if engine is ON
indicates if driver is controlled by player
Type of vehicle's fluid. (native, do not change or extend)
proto native bool HasEngine()
Returns if there is an engine.
proto native void Fill(BoatFluid fluid, float amount)
Adds to the specified fluid the specified amount.
proto native float PropellerGetAngularVelocity()
Returns the angular velocity of the propeller.
proto native void ShiftUp()
Shifts the future gear up, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native int GetCurrentGear()
Returns the index of the current gear, -1 if there is no engine.
proto native void Leak(BoatFluid fluid, float amount)
Removes from the specified fluid the specified amount.
proto native float EngineGetRPM()
Returns engine's rpm value.
proto native void ShiftDown()
Shifts the future gear down, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native vector PropellerGetPosition()
Returns the propeller position in local space.
override event GetMoveType()
proto native float EngineGetRPMIdle()
Returns engine's idle rpm before engine stalls.
proto native void LeakAll(BoatFluid fluid)
Removes all the specified fluid from vehicle.
proto native bool EngineIsOn()
Returns true when engine is running, false otherwise.
proto native int GetClutch()
Returns the value of how much the clutch is disengaged.
proto native int GetNeutralGear()
Returns the index of the neutral gear.
proto native void SetThrottle(float value)
Sets the future throttle value.
proto native void EngineStart()
Starts the engine.
proto native void ShiftTo(int gear)
Shifts the future gear to selected gear, triggering gearbox simulation.
proto native float EngineGetRPMMin()
Returns engine's min operating rpm.
float OnSound(BoatSoundCtrl ctrl, float oldValue)
proto native float GetFluidFraction(BoatFluid fluid)
proto native void EngineStop()
Stops the engine.
void OnFluidChanged(BoatFluid fluid, float newValue, float oldValue)
proto native float GetFluidCapacity(BoatFluid fluid)
override event GetOwnerStateType()
proto native float GetThrottle()
Returns the actual throttle value in range <0, 1>.
proto native void SetSteering(float value)
Sets the future steering value.
proto native int GetGear()
Returns the index of the future gear, -1 if there is no engine.
proto native float EngineGetRPMMax()
Returns engine's max rpm before engine blows up.
void OnGearChanged(int newGear, int oldGear)
bool OnBeforeEngineStart()
proto native float EngineGetRPMRedline()
Returns engine's maximal working rpm without damaging the engine.
proto native float GetSteering()
Returns the actual steering value in range <-1, 1>.
proto native int GetGearCount()
Returns the number of gears.
Base native class for all motorized wheeled vehicles.