class TurnItemIntoItemLambdaAnimSysNotifyLambda extends TurnItemIntoItemLambda | OnSuccess (EntityAI new_item) |
void | DropEquipAndDestroyRootLambda (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player) |
override void | CopyOldPropertiesToNew (notnull EntityAI old_item, EntityAI new_item) |
void | MoveEquipToExistingItemAndDestroyOldRootLambda (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player, EntityAI new_item) |
void | RemoveNetworkObjectInfo () |
void | UndoRemoveNetworkObjectInfo () |
void | CreateNetworkObjectInfo (EntityAI new_item) |
enum ThrowEntityFlags | Truncate (float value, int decimals=2) |
| truncate float to specified precision
static string | TruncateToS (float value, int decimals=2) |
| truncate float to specified precision, output as string
static vector | TruncateVec (vector value, int decimals=2) |
| truncate float to specified precision
static string | TruncateVecToS (vector value, int decimals=2, string delimiter=" ") |
static string | GetColorString (float r, float g, float b, float a) |
static string | ValueToBar (float value, string bar="[----------]", string mark="x") |
| Produces ACII "progress bar" based on an 0..1 'value' input.
static string | InsertAtPos (string base, string insert, int pos) |
| Insert 'insert' behind index 'pos' of the 'base' string.
static void | TransferItemProperties (EntityAI source, notnull EntityAI target, bool transfer_agents=true, bool transfer_variables=true, bool transfer_health=true, bool exclude_quantity=false) |
| will transform variables, agents and other local scripted properties as well as any relevant non-scripted properties like health
static void | TransferEntityVariables (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, bool exclude_quantity=false) |
static void | TransferItemVariables (ItemBase source, ItemBase target, bool exclude_quantity=false) |
static TransferInventoryResult | TransferInventory (EntityAI sourceItem, EntityAI targetItem, PlayerBase player) |
static void | TransferEntityHealth (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, array< string > healthTypes=null, bool transferZoneDamage=true) |
static void | UnlimitedAmmoDebugCheck (Weapon_Base weapon) |
static void | TurnItemIntoItem (notnull ItemBase old_item, string new_item_type, notnull PlayerBase player) |
static void | TurnItemIntoItemEx (notnull PlayerBase player, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda) |
static void | TurnItemInHandsIntoItem (notnull ItemBase old_item, string new_item_type, notnull PlayerBase player) |
static void | TurnItemInHandsIntoItemEx (notnull PlayerBase player, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda) |
static array< ItemBase > | CreateItemBasePiles (string item_name, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health, bool floaty_spawn=false) |
| Spawns multiple piles of stackable ItemBase objects on ground (intended for generic use)
static array< ItemBase > | CreateItemBasePilesDispersed (string item_name, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison) |
| creation method using raycast-dispersed positioning; ECE_TRACE not used as a result
static array< Magazine > | CreateMagazinePiles (string item_name, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health) |
static array< Magazine > | CreateMagazinePilesDispersed (string item_name, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison) |
| creation method using raycast-dispersed positioning; ECE_TRACE not used as a result
static array< Magazine > | CreateMagazinePilesFromBullet (string bullet_type, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health) |
static array< Magazine > | CreateMagazinePilesFromBulletDispersed (string bullet_type, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison) |
static int | GetHealthLevelForAmmo (string class_name, float health) |
static float | GetTypeMaxGlobalHealth (string class_name, string health_type="Health") |
static bool | GetProjectedCursorPos3d (out vector position, Weapon_Base weapon) |
static void | GetHeadBonePos (notnull PlayerBase player, out vector pos) |
static vector | GetHeadingVector (notnull PlayerBase player) |
static float | GetHeadingAngle (notnull DayZPlayerImplement player) |
static float | GetEnergyMetabolicSpeed (int movement_speed) |
static float | GetWaterMetabolicSpeed (int movement_speed) |
static string | ObtainRestrainItemTargetClassname (notnull EntityAI entity) |
static void | TransformRestrainItem (EntityAI current_item, EntityAI tool, PlayerBase player_source, PlayerBase player_target, bool destroy=false) |
static bool | IsValueInRange (float value, float from, float to) |
static bool | IsPlayerOrientedTowardPos (notnull DayZPlayerImplement player, vector target_pos, float cone_angle) |
| Check if player direction(based on cone of defined angle) is oriented to target position.
static string | SanitizeString (string input) |
static bool | ComplexBuildCollideCheckClient (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, string partName="") |
static bool | ComplexBuildCollideCheckClient (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, int constraction_index) |
static bool | BuildCondition (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, bool camera_check) |
static bool | BuildCondition (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, bool camera_check, int constraction_index) |
static void | IsUnderRoofFromToCalculation (EntityAI entity, out vector from, out vector to, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST) |
static bool | IsUnderRoof (EntityAI entity, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST) |
static bool | IsUnderRoofEx (EntityAI entity, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST, int geometry=ObjIntersectView) |
static vector | GetSteamPosition (EntityAI parent) |
static vector | GetRandomizedPosition (vector targetPos, float radius) |
static vector | GetRandomizedPositionVerified (vector startPos, vector targetPos, float radius, Object ignore=null) |
static vector | GetRandomizedPositionVerifiedPlayer (Man player, float distance, float radius, Object ignore) |
static void | DropAllItemsInInventoryInBounds (ItemBase ib, vector halfExtents) |
static void | ThrowAllItemsInInventory (notnull EntityAI parent, int flags) |
static void | ThrowEntityFromInventory (notnull EntityAI entity, vector position, float direction[4], vector force, int flags) |
static float | GetCurrentItemHeatIsolation (ItemBase pItem) |
static void | FilterObstructingObjects (array< Object > potentiallyObstructingObjects, out array< Object > obstructingObjects) |
static bool | CanIgnoreDistanceCheck (Object obj) |
static void | FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping (vector origin, float range, float distanceDelta, array< Object > objects, array< Object > obstructingObjects, out array< Object > filteredObjects, bool doDistanceCheck=false, bool checkIfDistanceCanBeIgnored=false, float maxDist=0) |
| group objects that are close to each other together
static void | SplitArrayIntoGroupsByDistance (array< Object > objects, array< ref array< Object > > objectGroups, float squaredDistanceDelta) |
static bool | IsObjectObstructed (Object object, bool doDistanceCheck=false, vector distanceCheckPos="0 0 0", float maxDist=0) |
static bool | IsObjectObstructedEx (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, bool doDistanceCheck=false, vector distanceCheckPos="0 0 0", float maxDist=0) |
static bool | IsObjectObstructedProxy (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player) |
static bool | IsObjectObstructedFilter (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player) |
static bool | IsObjectObstructedFilterEx (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player, int geometryTypeOverride=-1) |
| groups 'RaycastRVProxy' and 'RaycastRV' approaches into one method, allowes for comprehensive geometry override, if desired
static void | DealEvinronmentAdjustedDmg (ItemBase item, PlayerBase player, float baseDamage) |
static void | DealAbsoluteDmg (ItemBase item, float dmg) |
static float | Normalize (int val, int maxVal) |
static float | Bobbing (float period, float amplitude, float elapsedTime) |
static float | FModulus (float x, float y) |
static void | RemoveSplint (PlayerBase player) |
static void | TeleportCheck (notnull PlayerBase player, notnull array< ref array< float > > safe_positions) |
| checks if we should teleport the player to a safe location and if so, performs the teleportation
static vector | GetClosestSafePos (vector to_pos, notnull array< ref array< float > > positions) |
static bool | TeleportPlayerToSafeLocation3D (notnull PlayerBase player, vector safePos) |
| 'stupider' teleport method, does not touch flag management. Applies Y from the position as well!
static void | GenerateAINoiseAtPosition (vector position, float lifeTime, NoiseParams noiseParams) |
static float | GetMinValue (array< float > pArray) |
static float | GetMaxValue (array< float > pArray) |
static string | GetItemDisplayName (string type) |
static bool | IsComponentInSelection (array< Selection > pSelection, string pCompName) |
static int | GetComponentIndex (array< Selection > pSelection, string pCompName) |
static void | RemoveAllAttachedChildrenByTypename (notnull EntityAI parent, array< typename > listOfTypenames) |
static void | DeleteAttachedChildrenByTypename (notnull EntityAI parent, array< typename > listOfTypenames) |
static void | GetAttachedChildren (IEntity parent, array< IEntity > outputObjects) |
| Fills the provided array with all children entities in hierarchy of this entity.
static void | SoakItemInsideParentContainingLiquidAboveThreshold (notnull ItemBase item, notnull ItemBase parent, float liquidQuantityThresholdPercentage=0.05) |
static float | GetCombinedSnowfallWindValue () |
void | IsObjectObstructedCache (vector rayCastStart, int totalObjects) |
void | ClearCache () |