DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл MiscGameplayFunctions.c

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class  ReplaceItemWithNewLambda
 adds automatic QuickBar handling Подробнее...
class  TurnItemIntoItemLambda
class  DropEquipAndDestroyRootLambda
 this one is a bit special: it drops all items and destroys the ex-root of the hierarchy Подробнее...
class  DestroyItemInCorpsesHandsAndCreateNewOnGndLambda


enum  TransferInventoryResult { Ok , DroppedSome }
enum  ThrowEntityFlags


class TurnItemIntoItemLambdaAnimSysNotifyLambda extends TurnItemIntoItemLambda OnSuccess (EntityAI new_item)
void DropEquipAndDestroyRootLambda (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player)
override void CopyOldPropertiesToNew (notnull EntityAI old_item, EntityAI new_item)
void MoveEquipToExistingItemAndDestroyOldRootLambda (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player, EntityAI new_item)
void RemoveNetworkObjectInfo ()
void UndoRemoveNetworkObjectInfo ()
void CreateNetworkObjectInfo (EntityAI new_item)
enum ThrowEntityFlags Truncate (float value, int decimals=2)
 truncate float to specified precision
static string TruncateToS (float value, int decimals=2)
 truncate float to specified precision, output as string
static vector TruncateVec (vector value, int decimals=2)
 truncate float to specified precision
static string TruncateVecToS (vector value, int decimals=2, string delimiter=" ")
static string GetColorString (float r, float g, float b, float a)
static string ValueToBar (float value, string bar="[----------]", string mark="x")
 Produces ACII "progress bar" based on an 0..1 'value' input.
static string InsertAtPos (string base, string insert, int pos)
 Insert 'insert' behind index 'pos' of the 'base' string.
static void TransferItemProperties (EntityAI source, notnull EntityAI target, bool transfer_agents=true, bool transfer_variables=true, bool transfer_health=true, bool exclude_quantity=false)
 will transform variables, agents and other local scripted properties as well as any relevant non-scripted properties like health
static void TransferEntityVariables (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, bool exclude_quantity=false)
static void TransferItemVariables (ItemBase source, ItemBase target, bool exclude_quantity=false)
static TransferInventoryResult TransferInventory (EntityAI sourceItem, EntityAI targetItem, PlayerBase player)
static void TransferEntityHealth (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, array< string > healthTypes=null, bool transferZoneDamage=true)
static void UnlimitedAmmoDebugCheck (Weapon_Base weapon)
static void TurnItemIntoItem (notnull ItemBase old_item, string new_item_type, notnull PlayerBase player)
static void TurnItemIntoItemEx (notnull PlayerBase player, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda)
static void TurnItemInHandsIntoItem (notnull ItemBase old_item, string new_item_type, notnull PlayerBase player)
static void TurnItemInHandsIntoItemEx (notnull PlayerBase player, ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase lambda)
static array< ItemBaseCreateItemBasePiles (string item_name, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health, bool floaty_spawn=false)
 Spawns multiple piles of stackable ItemBase objects on ground (intended for generic use)
static array< ItemBaseCreateItemBasePilesDispersed (string item_name, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison)
 creation method using raycast-dispersed positioning; ECE_TRACE not used as a result
static array< Magazine > CreateMagazinePiles (string item_name, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health)
static array< Magazine > CreateMagazinePilesDispersed (string item_name, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison)
 creation method using raycast-dispersed positioning; ECE_TRACE not used as a result
static array< Magazine > CreateMagazinePilesFromBullet (string bullet_type, vector ground_position, float quantity, float health)
static array< Magazine > CreateMagazinePilesFromBulletDispersed (string bullet_type, vector starPos, vector targetPos, float radius, float quantity, float health, Object ignoreObjectCollison)
static int GetHealthLevelForAmmo (string class_name, float health)
static float GetTypeMaxGlobalHealth (string class_name, string health_type="Health")
static bool GetProjectedCursorPos3d (out vector position, Weapon_Base weapon)
static void GetHeadBonePos (notnull PlayerBase player, out vector pos)
static vector GetHeadingVector (notnull PlayerBase player)
static float GetHeadingAngle (notnull DayZPlayerImplement player)
static float GetEnergyMetabolicSpeed (int movement_speed)
static float GetWaterMetabolicSpeed (int movement_speed)
static string ObtainRestrainItemTargetClassname (notnull EntityAI entity)
static void TransformRestrainItem (EntityAI current_item, EntityAI tool, PlayerBase player_source, PlayerBase player_target, bool destroy=false)
static bool IsValueInRange (float value, float from, float to)
static bool IsPlayerOrientedTowardPos (notnull DayZPlayerImplement player, vector target_pos, float cone_angle)
 Check if player direction(based on cone of defined angle) is oriented to target position.
static string SanitizeString (string input)
static bool ComplexBuildCollideCheckClient (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, string partName="")
static bool ComplexBuildCollideCheckClient (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, int constraction_index)
static bool BuildCondition (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, bool camera_check)
static bool BuildCondition (PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item, bool camera_check, int constraction_index)
static void IsUnderRoofFromToCalculation (EntityAI entity, out vector from, out vector to, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST)
static bool IsUnderRoof (EntityAI entity, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST)
static bool IsUnderRoofEx (EntityAI entity, float height=GameConstants.ROOF_CHECK_RAYCAST_DIST, int geometry=ObjIntersectView)
static vector GetSteamPosition (EntityAI parent)
static vector GetRandomizedPosition (vector targetPos, float radius)
static vector GetRandomizedPositionVerified (vector startPos, vector targetPos, float radius, Object ignore=null)
static vector GetRandomizedPositionVerifiedPlayer (Man player, float distance, float radius, Object ignore)
static void DropAllItemsInInventoryInBounds (ItemBase ib, vector halfExtents)
static void ThrowAllItemsInInventory (notnull EntityAI parent, int flags)
static void ThrowEntityFromInventory (notnull EntityAI entity, vector position, float direction[4], vector force, int flags)
static float GetCurrentItemHeatIsolation (ItemBase pItem)
static void FilterObstructingObjects (array< Object > potentiallyObstructingObjects, out array< Object > obstructingObjects)
static bool CanIgnoreDistanceCheck (Object obj)
static void FilterObstructedObjectsByGrouping (vector origin, float range, float distanceDelta, array< Object > objects, array< Object > obstructingObjects, out array< Object > filteredObjects, bool doDistanceCheck=false, bool checkIfDistanceCanBeIgnored=false, float maxDist=0)
 group objects that are close to each other together
static void SplitArrayIntoGroupsByDistance (array< Object > objects, array< ref array< Object > > objectGroups, float squaredDistanceDelta)
static bool IsObjectObstructed (Object object, bool doDistanceCheck=false, vector distanceCheckPos="0 0 0", float maxDist=0)
static bool IsObjectObstructedEx (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, bool doDistanceCheck=false, vector distanceCheckPos="0 0 0", float maxDist=0)
static bool IsObjectObstructedProxy (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player)
static bool IsObjectObstructedFilter (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player)
static bool IsObjectObstructedFilterEx (Object object, IsObjectObstructedCache cache, PlayerBase player, int geometryTypeOverride=-1)
 groups 'RaycastRVProxy' and 'RaycastRV' approaches into one method, allowes for comprehensive geometry override, if desired
static void DealEvinronmentAdjustedDmg (ItemBase item, PlayerBase player, float baseDamage)
static void DealAbsoluteDmg (ItemBase item, float dmg)
static float Normalize (int val, int maxVal)
static float Bobbing (float period, float amplitude, float elapsedTime)
static float FModulus (float x, float y)
static void RemoveSplint (PlayerBase player)
static void TeleportCheck (notnull PlayerBase player, notnull array< ref array< float > > safe_positions)
 checks if we should teleport the player to a safe location and if so, performs the teleportation
static vector GetClosestSafePos (vector to_pos, notnull array< ref array< float > > positions)
static bool TeleportPlayerToSafeLocation3D (notnull PlayerBase player, vector safePos)
 'stupider' teleport method, does not touch flag management. Applies Y from the position as well!
static void GenerateAINoiseAtPosition (vector position, float lifeTime, NoiseParams noiseParams)
static float GetMinValue (array< float > pArray)
static float GetMaxValue (array< float > pArray)
static string GetItemDisplayName (string type)
static bool IsComponentInSelection (array< Selection > pSelection, string pCompName)
static int GetComponentIndex (array< Selection > pSelection, string pCompName)
static void RemoveAllAttachedChildrenByTypename (notnull EntityAI parent, array< typename > listOfTypenames)
static void DeleteAttachedChildrenByTypename (notnull EntityAI parent, array< typename > listOfTypenames)
static void GetAttachedChildren (IEntity parent, array< IEntity > outputObjects)
 Fills the provided array with all children entities in hierarchy of this entity.
static void SoakItemInsideParentContainingLiquidAboveThreshold (notnull ItemBase item, notnull ItemBase parent, float liquidQuantityThresholdPercentage=0.05)
static float GetCombinedSnowfallWindValue ()
void IsObjectObstructedCache (vector rayCastStart, int totalObjects)
void ClearCache ()


PlayerBase m_Player
EntityAI m_NewItem
 NONE = 0
 SPLIT = 1
DestroyItemInCorpsesHandsAndCreateNewOnGndLambda RaycastStart = "0 0 0"
int TotalObjects = 0
vector ObjectCenterPos = "0 0 0"
vector ObjectContactPos = "0 0 0"
vector ObjectContactDir = "0 0 0"
int ContactComponent = -1
ref array< ref RaycastRVResultHitProxyObjects = new array<ref RaycastRVResult>
ref set< ObjectHitObjects = new set<Object>