DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ GenerateAINoiseAtPosition()

static void GenerateAINoiseAtPosition ( vector position,
float lifeTime,
NoiseParams noiseParams )

См. определение в файле MiscGameplayFunctions.c строка 1740

1741 {
1742 if (GetGame().IsServer())
1743 {
1745 if (noise)
1746 {
1747 noise.AddNoiseTarget(position, lifeTime, noiseParams, NoiseAIEvaluate.GetNoiseReduction(GetGame().GetWeather()));
1748 }
1749 }
1750 }
proto native NoiseSystem GetNoiseSystem()
static float GetNoiseReduction(Weather weather)
Определения SensesAIEvaluate.c:18
proto void AddNoiseTarget(vector pos, float lifetime, NoiseParams noise_params, float external_strength_multiplier=1.0)
Will make a noise at that position which the AI will "see" for the duration of 'lifetime'.
Определения Noise.c:2
proto native CGame GetGame()

Перекрестные ссылки NoiseSystem::AddNoiseTarget(), GetGame(), NoiseAIEvaluate::GetNoiseReduction(), CGame::GetNoiseSystem() и NoiseParams().