76 identifier =
236 AddAsChild(obj, local_pos, local_ori, force_rotation_to_world);
256 p.
AddAsChild(obj, local_pos, local_ori, force_rotation_to_world);
358 super.SetCurrentParent(parent_obj, updateCached);
372 return Object.Cast(p.GetParent());
374 return super.GetParent();
384 super.SetCurrentPosition(pos, updateCached);
401 return p.GetPosition();
403 return super.GetPosition();
413 super.SetCurrentLocalPosition(pos, updateCached);
440 return parent.WorldToModel(p.GetPosition());
442 return p.GetPosition();
445 return super.GetLocalPosition();
480 p.SetOrientation(ori);
492 return p.GetOrientation();
518 return p.IsHierarchyPositionOnly();
532 return p.IsHierarchyPositionOnly();
Object m_ParentObject
Cached parent.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnEffectStarted
Event used when the actual effect started playing.
Enum to determine what type of effect the Effect is.
void SetParent(Object parent_obj)
Set parent of the Effect.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnEffectEnded
Event used when the actual effect stopped playing.
void SetLocalPosition(vector pos)
Set the local position of the Effect.
vector GetLocalPosition()
Get the local position of the Effect.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnStopped
Event used when Stop was called.
void SetAttachedLocalOri(vector ori)
Set local orientation for the Effectparticle to attach to when the Effect is started.
vector GetAttachedLocalOri()
Get the local orientation set by SetAttachedLocalOri.
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
override string GetDebugName()
Override when getting debug information.
override void Stop()
Stops all elements this effect consists of.
Particle GetParticle()
Gets the main particle which this Effect is managing.
int GetCurrentParticleID()
Gets the current id of the managed Particle.
vector GetOrientation()
Get the orientation of the EffectParticle.
override void Start()
Plays all elements this effect consists of.
bool m_ForceRotationRelativeToWorld
Orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
void ~EffectParticle()
void SetParticleID(int id)
Sets the id of the particle to be used.
void SetParticle(Particle p)
Sets the main particle which this Effect will manage.
void Event_OnPlayStarted()
Event which just simply exists (DEPRECATED)
override void ValidateStart()
Validation whether an effect truly started playing or if the Effect should stop as none is present.
void EffectParticle()
void SetCurrentOrientation(vector ori, bool updateCached=true)
Set the current orientation of the managed Particle.
int GetParticleID()
Gets the id of the particle to be used.
override void InitEffect()
vector GetCurrentOrientation()
Get the current orientation of the managed Particle.
bool IsParticleRotationRelativeToWorld()
Get the orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
Particle m_ParticleObj
The main Particle effect that this Effect wrapper manages.
void ReAttach()
Helper method to attach to parent using stored settings.
override Object GetCurrentParent()
Get the current parent of the managed Particle.
override void SetCurrentPosition(vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
Set the current world position of the managed Particle.
vector m_ParticleOrientation
void SetDecalOwner(Object o)
void Event_OnPlayStart()
Event which just simply exists (DEPRECATED)
override bool IsParticle()
Check whether the Effect is EffectParticle without casting.
override void SetCurrentParent(Object parent_obj, bool updateCached=true)
Set current parent of the managed Particle.
void ForceParticleRotationRelativeToWorld(bool state)
Set orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
override EffectType GetEffectType()
Get what type of effect the Effect is.
void AttachTo(Object obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_to_world=false)
Read Particle.AddAsChild.
bool IsParticleCurrentRotationRelativeToWorld()
Get the current orientation setting to be used by the managed Particle.
void AddAsChild(Object obj, vector local_pos, vector local_ori, bool force_rotation_to_world)
Helper method to attach to parent.
override vector GetCurrentPosition()
Get the current world position of the managed Particle.
void SetOrientation(vector ori)
Set orientation of the EffectParticle.
override vector GetCurrentLocalPosition()
Get the current local position of the managed Particle.
int m_ParticleID
The ID in the ParticleList to create Particle from.
override void SetCurrentLocalPosition(vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
Set the current local position of the managed Particle.
void SetCurrentParticleID(int id)
Sets the id of the particle to be used.
vector m_Orientation
Orientation set by SetOrientation.
void CheckLifeSpan()
Was never called and probably should never be called.
void SetSource(int particle_id)
Sets particle id.
void AddAsChild(Object parent, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_rotation_to_world=false)
Attaches this particle onto some object. If null value is provided then the particle will be detached...
int GetParticleID()
Gets particle id.
void Stop()
Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.14 and below.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnParticleStart
Called when particle starts playing.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnParticleStop
Called when particle stops playing.
Invokers for ParticleBase events, called from events.
Legacy way of using particles in the game.
proto bool Remove(func fn, int flags=EScriptInvokerRemoveFlags.ALL)
remove specific call from list
proto bool Insert(func fn, int flags=EScriptInvokerInsertFlags.IMMEDIATE)
insert method to list
class JsonUndergroundAreaTriggerData GetPosition
static proto string Format(string fmt, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
Gets n-th character from string.