DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ AttachTo()

void EffectParticle::AttachTo ( Object obj,
vector local_pos = "0 0 0",
vector local_ori = "0 0 0",
bool force_rotation_to_world = false )

Read Particle.AddAsChild.

См. определение в файле EffectParticle.c строка 227

228 {
229 // Update the cached variables...
230 SetParent(obj);
231 SetLocalPosition(local_pos);
232 SetAttachedLocalOri(local_ori);
233 ForceParticleRotationRelativeToWorld(force_rotation_to_world);
235 // Now attach it
236 AddAsChild(obj, local_pos, local_ori, force_rotation_to_world);
237 }
void SetParent(Object parent_obj)
Set parent of the Effect.
Определения Effect.c:396
void SetLocalPosition(vector pos)
Set the local position of the Effect.
Определения Effect.c:478
void SetAttachedLocalOri(vector ori)
Set local orientation for the Effectparticle to attach to when the Effect is started.
Определения Effect.c:603
void ForceParticleRotationRelativeToWorld(bool state)
Set orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
Определения EffectParticle.c:503
void AddAsChild(Object obj, vector local_pos, vector local_ori, bool force_rotation_to_world)
Helper method to attach to parent.
Определения EffectParticle.c:251

Перекрестные ссылки AddAsChild(), ForceParticleRotationRelativeToWorld(), SetAttachedLocalOri(), SetLocalPosition() и SetParent().