DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ Start()

override void EffectParticle::Start ( )

Plays all elements this effect consists of.

Is called by SEffectManager.Play methods

См. определение в файле EffectParticle.c строка 181

182 {
183 if (m_ParticleID > 0)
184 {
185 vector pos = GetPosition();
186 vector ori = GetOrientation();
188 if (m_ParentObject)
189 {
190 pos = GetLocalPosition();
191 ori = GetAttachedLocalOri();
192 }
194 SetParticle(ParticleManager.GetInstance().CreateParticle(m_ParticleID, pos, true, GetParent(), ori, IsParticleRotationRelativeToWorld()));
195 }
197 super.Start();
198 }
Object m_ParentObject
Cached parent.
Определения Effect.c:39
vector GetLocalPosition()
Get the local position of the Effect.
Определения Effect.c:488
vector GetAttachedLocalOri()
Get the local orientation set by SetAttachedLocalOri.
Определения Effect.c:613
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
Определения ParticleManager.c:88
vector GetOrientation()
Get the orientation of the EffectParticle.
Определения EffectParticle.c:463
void SetParticle(Particle p)
Sets the main particle which this Effect will manage.
Определения EffectParticle.c:134
bool IsParticleRotationRelativeToWorld()
Get the orientation setting to be used by the effect when the Effect starts.
Определения EffectParticle.c:513
int m_ParticleID
The ID in the ParticleList to create Particle from.
Определения EffectParticle.c:14
class JsonUndergroundAreaTriggerData GetPosition
Определения UndergroundAreaLoader.c:9
proto native Widget GetParent()
Get parent of the Effect.
Определения Effect.c:407

Перекрестные ссылки GetAttachedLocalOri(), GetLocalPosition(), GetOrientation(), GetParent(), GetPosition, IsParticleRotationRelativeToWorld(), m_ParentObject, m_ParticleID, ParticleManager() и SetParticle().

Используется в EOnPostSimulate(), SetParticle(), EffectBoatWaterBase::SetParticleState(), EffVehicleSmoke::SetParticleState(), EffWheelSmoke::SetParticleState() и EffectBoatWaterBase::Update().