57 camera_position[0] = 1323.0;
58 camera_position[1] = 1.0;
59 camera_position[2] = 1590.37;
60 float camera_rotation_h = 100;
61 float camera_rotation_v = -3;
62 float camera_fov = 0.85;
63 float camera_focus_distance = 0.0;
64 float camera_focus_streght = 0.0;
67 float character_distance = 2.25;
70 m_SceneCamera =
CameraCreate(camera_position, camera_rotation_h, camera_rotation_v, camera_fov, camera_focus_distance, camera_focus_streght);
77 m_CharacterPos = camera_position + ( cam_dir * character_distance );
81 float overcast = 0.42;
86 m_Weather.GetOvercast().SetLimits(overcast, overcast);
87 m_Weather.GetRain().SetLimits(rain, rain);
90 m_Weather.GetOvercast().Set(overcast, 0, 0);
107 g_Game.SetHudBrightness(
154 PPERequester_MenuEffects requester;
155 Class.
157 requester.SetVignetteIntensity(0.3);
158 PPERequesterBank.GetRequester(PPERequester_IntroChromAbb).Start();
198 vector pos_right = pos + (dir * 1.5);
199 vector pos_left = pos + (-dir * 1.5);
252 protected Camera CameraCreate(
vector cam_pos,
float cam_rot_h,
float cam_rot_v,
float cam_fov,
float cam_focus_dist,
float cam_focus_strg)
255 cam.SetOrientation(
Vector( cam_rot_h, cam_rot_v, 0) );
256 cam.SetFOV( cam_fov );
257 cam.SetFocus(cam_focus_dist, cam_focus_strg);
299 string character_name;
359 float pos_x = pos[0];
360 float pos_z = pos[2];
363 tmp_pos[1] = tmp_pos[1] + pos[1];
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
proto native owned string GetName()
proto native BiosUser GetSelectedUser()
Returns the currently selected user.
proto native float SurfaceY(float x, float z)
override ScriptCallQueue GetCallQueue(int call_category)
proto native Object CreateObject(string type, vector pos, bool create_local=false, bool init_ai=false, bool create_physics=true)
Creates object of certain type.
proto native BiosUserManager GetUserManager()
MenuDefaultCharacterData GetMenuDefaultCharacterData(bool fill_data=true)
proto native void ObjectDelete(Object obj)
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
vector SnapToGround(vector pos)
ref TStringArray m_CharShirtList
ref Timer m_TimerParticle
Camera CameraCreate(vector cam_pos, float cam_rot_h, float cam_rot_v, float cam_fov, float cam_focus_dist, float cam_focus_strg)
ref TStringArray m_CharPersonalityFemaleList
ref TStringArray m_CharShoesList
ref MenuEvaporation m_FXParticleStreamLeft
void CreateRandomCharacter()
ref TStringArray m_CharPantsList
ref TStringArray m_genderList
void ~DayZIntroSceneXbox()
ref MenuEvaporation m_FXParticleStreamRight
void CheckXboxClientUpdateLoopStart()
ref IntroSceneCharacter m_Character
bool CheckXboxClientUpdate()
void SetInitPostprocesses()
void UpdateCharacterPos()
void UpdateSelectedUserName()
void SaveCharName(string name)
ref TStringArray m_CharPersonalityMaleList
ref Timer m_TimerClientUpdate
void DayZIntroSceneXbox()
int m_LastPlayedCharacterID
IntroSceneCharacter GetIntroCharacter()
void CheckXboxClientUpdateLoopStop()
ref TStringArray m_AllCharacters
void SetCharacterFemale(bool fem)
ref MenuCarEngineSmoke m_FXParticleCarSmoke
void IntroSceneCharacter()
static bool CheckUpdate()
static PPEManager GetPPEManager()
Returns the manager instance singleton.
Static component of PPE manager, used to hold the instance.
Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead.
static int PlayInWorld(notnull Effect eff, vector pos)
Play an Effect.
static void DestroyEffect(Effect effect)
Unregisters, stops and frees the Effect.
Manager class for managing Effect (EffectParticle, EffectSound)
proto void Call(func fn, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
adds call into the queue with given parameters and arguments (arguments are held in memory until the ...
proto void CallLater(func fn, int delay=0, bool repeat=false, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
adds call into the queue with given parameters and arguments (arguments are held in memory until the ...
proto native CGame GetGame()
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
array< string > TStringArray
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.
static proto int RandomInt(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [exclusive].