DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
5 static const int COLORIZE_NV = 100;
8 static const float COLOR_SHOCK = 0.1;//shock color value (relative) //todo
10 //-------------------------------------------------------
12 //-------------------------------------------------------
13 static int m_BlurInventory;
14 static int m_BlurDrunk;
15 static int m_BlurFever;
16 static int m_BlurMenu;
17 static int m_BlurOptics;
18 static int m_BlurFlashbang;
19 static int m_BlurShock;
22 static int m_DyingEffect;
23 static int m_ShockEffect;
25 static int m_ChromAbbOptic;
26 //static int m_ChromAbbShock;
29 static int m_VignetteShock;
30 static int m_VignetteTunnel;
31 static int m_VignetteMenu;
33 static float m_BloodSaturation;
43 //static float m_UnconsciousVignetteColor[4];
44 //static float m_UnconsciousVignetteIntesity;
46 static float m_ColorValueTotal[4] = {0,0,0,0};
47 static float m_ColorOverlayTotal;
52 static void Init()
53 {
54 //Print("---Init PPEffects---");
55 if ( m_BlurValues )
56 {
57 delete m_BlurValues;
58 }
59 if ( m_ChromAbbValues )
60 {
61 delete m_ChromAbbValues;
62 }
64 {
65 delete m_VignetteEffects;
66 }
67 if ( m_VignetteValues )
68 {
69 delete m_VignetteValues;
70 }
71 if ( m_ColorEffect )
72 {
73 delete m_ColorEffect;
74 }
76 m_MatColors = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("graphics/materials/postprocess/glow");
77 m_RadialBlur = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("graphics/materials/postprocess/radialblur");
83 // add new blur effects here
91 // add chromatic abberation effects here
93 //m_ChromAbbShock = RegisterChromAbbEffect();
95 // add vignette effects here
104 // add new color effects here
109 // ------------------------NV-related stuff below------------------------
110 array<float> colorizeDefault = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
113 // colorize: r, g, b
114 // colorize effects registration
115 m_ColorizeEffects.Set(PPEffects.COLORIZE_NV, colorizeDefault);
116 //SetNVParams(1.0, 0.0, 2.35, 2.75); //default values
117 // ------------------------End of NV-related stuff------------------------
118 }
120 static void ResetBlurEffects()
121 {
122 if( m_BlurValues )
123 {
124 for ( int i = 0; i < m_BlurValues.Count(); ++i )
125 {
126 m_BlurValues[i] = 0;
127 }
128 UpdateBlur();
129 }
130 }
132 static void ResetRadialBlur()
133 {
134 SetRadialBlur(0,0,0,0);
135 }
137 static void SetBlurValue(int index, float value)
138 {
139 if ( m_BlurValues && index < m_BlurValues.Count() )
140 {
141 m_BlurValues[index] = value;
142 }
143 else
144 {
145 Print("Error: PPEffects: m_BlurValues with index: "+ index +" is not registered.");
146 }
147 }
150 {
151 return m_BlurValues.Insert(0);
152 }
154 //-------------------------------------------------------
156 static void SetRadialBlur(float powerX, float powerY, float offsetX, float offsetY )
157 {
158 if (GetGame())
159 {
160 m_RadialBlur.SetParam("PowerX", powerX);
161 m_RadialBlur.SetParam("PowerY", powerY);
162 m_RadialBlur.SetParam("OffsetX", offsetX);
163 m_RadialBlur.SetParam("OffsetY", offsetY);
164 }
165 }
166 //-------------------------------------------------------
168 static void SetBlur(float value)
169 {
170 if (GetGame())
171 {
172 Material mat_blur = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("graphics/materials/postprocess/gauss");
174 if (mat_blur)
175 {
176 mat_blur.SetParam("Intensity", value);
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 //-------------------------------------------------------
182 static void UpdateBlur()
183 {
184 float blur_value_total = 0;
185 if( m_BlurValues )
186 {
187 for ( int i = 0; i < m_BlurValues.Count(); ++i )
188 {
189 blur_value_total += m_BlurValues[i];
190 }
191 }
193 SetBlur( blur_value_total );
194 }
195 //-------------------------------------------------------
197 static void SetBlurInventory(float value)
198 {
200 UpdateBlur();
201 }
202 //-------------------------------------------------------
204 static void SetBlurDrunk(float value)
205 {
207 UpdateBlur();
208 }
210 //-------------------------------------------------------
212 static void SetBlurFever(float value)
213 {
215 UpdateBlur();
216 }
218 //-------------------------------------------------------
220 static void SetBlurMenu(float value)
221 {
222 SetBlurValue(m_BlurMenu, value);
223 UpdateBlur();
224 }
226 //-------------------------------------------------------
228 static void SetBlurOptics(float value)
229 {
231 UpdateBlur();
232 }
234 //-------------------------------------------------------
236 static void SetBlurFlashbang(float value)
237 {
239 UpdateBlur();
240 }
242 static void SetBlurShock(float value)
243 {
245 UpdateBlur();
246 }
248 //-------------------------------------------------------
249 // BLUR END
250 //-------------------------------------------------------
252 //-------------------------------------------------------
254 //-------------------------------------------------------
256 {
257 return m_ChromAbbValues.Insert(0);
258 }
261 {
262 if( m_ChromAbbValues )
263 {
264 for ( int i = 0; i < m_ChromAbbValues.Count(); ++i )
265 {
266 m_ChromAbbValues[i] = 0;
267 }
269 }
270 }
272 static void SetChromAbbValue(int index, float value)
273 {
274 if ( m_ChromAbbValues && index < m_ChromAbbValues.Count() )
275 {
276 m_ChromAbbValues[index] = value;
277 }
278 else
279 {
280 Print("Error: PPEffects: m_ChromAbbValues with index: "+ index +" is not registered.");
281 }
282 }
284 static void SetChromAbb(float value)
285 {
286 if (GetGame())
287 {
288 if (m_MatColors)
289 {
290 //Print("SetChromAbb: " + value);
291 m_MatColors.SetParam("MaxChromAbberation", value);
292 //SetVignette(value,0,255,0);
293 }
294 }
295 }
296 //-------------------------------------------------------
298 static void UpdateChromAbb()
299 {
300 float chromabb_value_total = 0;
301 if( m_ChromAbbValues )
302 {
303 for ( int i = 0; i < m_ChromAbbValues.Count(); ++i )
304 {
305 chromabb_value_total += m_ChromAbbValues[i]; //currently additive!
306 }
307 }
309 SetChromAbb( chromabb_value_total );
310 }
312 static void SetChromAbbOptic(float value)
313 {
316 }
318 /*static void SetChromAbbShock(float value)
319 {
320 SetChromAbbValue(m_ChromAbbShock, value);
321 UpdateChromAbb();
322 }*/
324 //-------------------------------------------------------
326 //-------------------------------------------------------
328 /*
329 static void SetOverlayColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
330 {
331 Material matColors = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("graphics/materials/postprocess/glow");
333 m_Color[0] = r;
334 m_Color[1] = g;
335 m_Color[2] = b;
336 m_Color[3] = a;
338 matColors.SetParam("OverlayColor", m_Color);
339 matColors.SetParam("OverlayFactor", a);
341 }*/
343 static void ResetColorEffects()
344 {
345 if( m_ColorEffect )
346 {
347 for ( int i = 0; i < m_ColorEffect.Count(); ++i )
348 {
349 //m_ColorEffect[i] = 0;
350 m_ColorValues.Set(i,{0,0,0,0,0});
351 }
352 UpdateColor();
353 }
354 }
356 static void SetColorValue(int index, float r, float g, float b, float a, float overlay)
357 {
358 if ( index < m_ColorEffect.Count() )
359 {
360 array<float> values = {r,g,b,a,overlay};
362 m_ColorValues.Set(index, values);
363 }
364 else
365 {
366 Print("Error: PPEffects: m_ColorValues with index: "+ index +" is not registered.");
367 }
368 }
371 {
372 return m_ColorEffect.Insert(0);
373 }
375 static void UpdateColor()
376 {
377 float color_value_total[4] = {0,0,0,0};
378 float color_overlay;
379 /*
380 m_MatColors.ResetParam("OverlayColor");
381 m_MatColors.ResetParam("OverlayFactor");
382 */
383 if( !GetGame() || !GetGame().GetWorld() )
384 {
385 return;
386 }
388 for ( int i = 0; i < m_ColorValues.Count(); ++i )
389 {
390 int key = m_ColorValues.GetKey(i);
391 array<float> value = m_ColorValues.Get(key);
393 color_value_total[0] = color_value_total[0] + value[0];
394 color_value_total[1] = color_value_total[1] + value[1];
395 color_value_total[2] = color_value_total[2] + value[2];
396 color_value_total[3] = color_value_total[3] + value[3];
397 color_overlay += value[4];
398 }
400 m_ColorValueTotal = color_value_total;
401 m_ColorOverlayTotal = color_overlay;
402 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayColor", color_value_total);
403 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayFactor", color_overlay);
404 }
413 static void SetLensEffect(float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
414 {
415 PerformSetLensEffect(lens, chromAbb, centerX, centerY);
416 }
419 static void PerformSetLensEffect(float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
420 {
421 m_MatColors.SetParam("LensDistort", lens);
422 SetChromAbbOptic(chromAbb);
423 m_MatColors.SetParam("LensCenterX", centerX);
424 m_MatColors.SetParam("LensCenterY", centerY);
425 }
434 static void SetVignette(float intensity, float R, float G, float B, float A)
435 {
436 float color[4];
437 color[0] = R;
438 color[1] = G;
439 color[2] = B;
440 color[3] = A;
442 m_MatColors.SetParam("Vignette", intensity);
443 m_MatColors.SetParam("VignetteColor", color);
444 }
446 static void SetVignetteEffectValue(int index, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, float a)
447 {
448 if ( index < m_VignetteEffects.Count() )
449 {
450 array<float> values = {intensity,r,g,b,a};
452 m_VignetteValues.Set(index, values);
453 }
454 else
455 {
456 Print("Error: PPEffects: m_ColorValues with index: "+ index +" is not registered.");
457 }
458 }
461 {
462 return m_VignetteEffects.Insert(0);
463 }
465 static void SetUnconsciousnessVignette(float value)
466 {
467 SetVignetteEffectValue(m_VignetteUnconscious, value, 0,0,0,0); //todo
469 }
471 static void SetShockVignette(float value)
472 {
473 SetVignetteEffectValue(m_VignetteShock, value, 0,0,0,0); //todo
475 }
477 static void SetTunnelVignette(float value)
478 {
479 SetVignetteEffectValue(m_VignetteTunnel, value, 0,0,0,0); //todo
481 }
483 static void SetMenuVignette(float value)
484 {
485 SetVignetteEffectValue(m_VignetteMenu, value, 0,0,0,0); //todo
487 }
489 static void ResetVignettes()
490 {
491 if( m_VignetteValues )
492 {
493 for ( int i = 0; i < m_VignetteValues.Count(); ++i )
494 {
495 array<float> values = {0,0,0,0,0};
497 m_VignetteValues.Set(i, values);
498 }
500 }
501 }
503 static void OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset)
504 {
505 GetGame().OverrideDOF(enable, focusDistance, focusLength, focusLengthNear, blur, focusDepthOffset);
506 }
508 static void AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur)
509 {
510 GetGame().AddPPMask(ndcX, ndcY, ndcRadius, ndcBlur);
511 }
513 static void ResetPPMask()
514 {
515 if( GetGame() ) GetGame().ResetPPMask();
516 }
518 static void ResetDOFOverride()
519 {
520 OverrideDOF(false,0,0,0,0,1);
521 }
523 static void ResetLensEffect()
524 {
525 SetLensEffect(0,0,0,0);
526 }
528 static void HitEffect(float value)
529 {
530 float m_HitEffectColor[4];
531 m_HitEffectColor[0] = Math.Lerp(Math.Clamp(m_ColorValueTotal[0],0,1), 1, value);
532 m_HitEffectColor[1] = 0;
533 m_HitEffectColor[2] = 0;
534 m_HitEffectColor[3] = Math.Lerp(Math.Clamp(m_ColorValueTotal[0],0,1), 1, value);
535 /*
536 Print("---------------------------");
537 Print("m_ColorValueTotal[0]: " + m_ColorValueTotal[0]);
538 Print("value: " + value);
539 Print("---------------------------");
540 Print("r: " + m_HitEffectColor[0]);
541 Print("g: " + m_HitEffectColor[1]);
542 Print("b: " + m_HitEffectColor[2]);
543 Print("a: " + m_HitEffectColor[3]);
544 */
545 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayColor", m_HitEffectColor);
546 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayFactor", 0.05);
547 }
549 static void SetShockEffectColor(float value)
550 {
551 if (value > 0)
553 else
554 SetColorValue(m_ShockEffect, 0, 0, 0, 1, value);
555 UpdateColor();
556 }
558 static void FlashbangEffect(float value)
559 {
560 float hitEffectColor[4];
561 hitEffectColor[0] = 1;
562 hitEffectColor[1] = 1;
563 hitEffectColor[2] = 1;
564 hitEffectColor[3] = Math.Lerp(Math.Clamp(m_ColorValueTotal[0],0,1), 1, value);
566 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayColor", hitEffectColor);
567 m_MatColors.SetParam("OverlayFactor", 0.75);
568 }
571 {
572 SetColorValue(m_BurlapBlindness, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1.0);
573 UpdateColor();
574 g_Game.SetEVValue(-5);
575 }
578 {
579 SetColorValue(m_BurlapBlindness, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0);
580 UpdateColor();
581 g_Game.SetEVValue(0);
582 }
584 static void SetDeathDarkening(float value)
585 {
586 value = Math.Clamp(value,0,1);
587 SetColorValue(m_DyingEffect, 0, 0, 0, 1, value);
588 UpdateColor();
589 if (value > 0.99)
590 SetEVValuePP(-5); //additional "darkness" to avoid lens flare
591 else
592 SetEVValuePP(0);
593 }
595 static void UpdateSaturation()
596 {
597 m_MatColors.SetParam("Saturation", m_BloodSaturation/*+add_additional_modifiers_here*/);
598 }
600 static void UpdateVignette()
601 {
602 float color[4];
603 float intesity;
605 float intensity_value_total = 0; //use just the highest?
607 {
608 for ( int i = 0; i < m_VignetteEffects.Count(); ++i )
609 {
610 if (m_VignetteValues.Get(i))
611 {
612 /*color[0] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i)[1]; //red
613 color[1] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i)[2]; //green
614 color[2] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i)[3]; //blue
615 color[3] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i)[4]; //alpha*/
616 color[0] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i).Get(1); //red
617 color[1] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i).Get(2); //green
618 color[2] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i).Get(3); //blue
619 color[3] = m_VignetteValues.Get(i).Get(4); //alpha
621 intesity = m_VignetteValues.Get(i).Get(0);
622 intensity_value_total += intesity;
623 }
624 else
625 {
626 //Print("no m_VignetteValues");
627 }
628 }
629 }
631 /*color[0] = m_UnconsciousVignetteColor[0];
632 color[1] = m_UnconsciousVignetteColor[1];
633 color[2] = m_UnconsciousVignetteColor[2];
635 intesity = m_UnconsciousVignetteIntesity;*/
637 SetVignette( intensity_value_total, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] );
638 }
640 static void SetBloodSaturation(float value)
641 {
642 m_BloodSaturation = value;
644 }
646 /*static void SetUnconsciousnessVignette(float value)
647 {
648 m_UnconsciousVignetteIntesity = value;
649 UpdateVignette();
650 }
652 static void RemoveUnconsciousnessVignette()
653 {
654 m_UnconsciousVignetteIntesity = 0;
655 UpdateVignette();
656 }*/
658 // appropriate parts of the code will call these functions
659 static void SetColorizationNV(float r, float g, float b)
660 {
661 array<float> colorizeArray = {r, g, b};
662 m_ColorizeEffects.Set(PPEffects.COLORIZE_NV, colorizeArray);
664 }
666 static void UpdateColorize()
667 {
668 bool foundActiveEffect = false;
669 int lowestKey = 1000000;
670 array<float> chosenArray;
671 // search for active effect with highest priority (lower value of key better)
672 for (int i = 0; i < m_ColorizeEffects.Count(); i++)
673 {
674 int currentKey = m_ColorizeEffects.GetKey(i);
675 array<float> colorizeValues = m_ColorizeEffects.Get(currentKey);
676 // check for non-zero active effect
677 for (int j = 0; j < colorizeValues.Count(); j++)
678 {
679 if (colorizeValues[j] != 0.0)
680 {
681 if (currentKey < lowestKey)
682 {
683 chosenArray = colorizeValues;
684 lowestKey = currentKey;
685 foundActiveEffect = true;
686 break;
687 }
688 }
689 }
690 }
691 if (foundActiveEffect)
692 {
693 float color[4];
694 color[0] = chosenArray[0];
695 color[1] = chosenArray[1];
696 color[2] = chosenArray[2];
697 color[3] = 0;
698 m_MatColors.SetParam("ColorizationColor", color);
699 }
700 else
701 {
702 // no active event found, reset colorize effect
704 }
705 }
706 static void ResetColorize()
707 {
708 float color[4];
709 color[0] = 1.0;
710 color[1] = 1.0;
711 color[2] = 1.0;
712 color[3] = 0;
713 m_MatColors.SetParam("ColorizationColor", color);
714 }
716 // EV check for NV optics
717 static void SetEVValuePP(float value)
718 {
719 g_Game.SetEVValue(value);
720 }
722 // light multiplier and noise intensity (using filmgrainNV.emat!) for nvg
723 // added other parameters for filmgrainNV.emat, sharpness and grain size
724 static void SetNVParams(float light_mult, float noise_intensity, float sharpness, float grain_size)
725 {
726 Material matHDR = GetGame().GetWorld().GetMaterial("Graphics/Materials/postprocess/filmgrainNV");
728//worst-case scenario console fix!
729 noise_intensity = 0.0;
731 g_Game.NightVissionLightParams(light_mult, noise_intensity);
732 matHDR.SetParam("Sharpness", sharpness);
733 matHDR.SetParam("GrainSize", grain_size);
734 }
736 // bloom PP, experimental stuff
737 static void SetBloom(float thres, float steep, float inten)
738 {
739 m_MatColors.SetParam("BloomThreshold", thres);
740 m_MatColors.SetParam("BloomSteepness", steep);
741 m_MatColors.SetParam("BloomIntensity", inten);
742 }
744 static void ResetAll()
745 {
749 ResetPPMask();
753 //RemoveUnconsciousnessVignette();
755 }
@ R
Определения Car.c:71
Определения ControlsXboxNew.c:4
DayZGame g_Game
Определения DayZGame.c:3868
proto native void ResetPPMask()
proto native void AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur)
proto native World GetWorld()
proto native void OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset)
proto bool SetParam(string propertyName, void value)
Определения proto.c:268
Определения EnMath.c:7
static int m_BlurFever
Определения PPEffects.c:15
static int m_BlurOptics
Определения PPEffects.c:17
static int m_BlurMenu
Определения PPEffects.c:16
static void ResetVignettes()
Определения PPEffects.c:489
static void SetChromAbbValue(int index, float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:272
static int RegisterVignetteEffect()
Определения PPEffects.c:460
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_VignetteValues
Определения PPEffects.c:38
static void AddPPMask(float ndcX, float ndcY, float ndcRadius, float ndcBlur)
Определения PPEffects.c:508
static void ResetDOFOverride()
Определения PPEffects.c:518
static void SetColorizationNV(float r, float g, float b)
Определения PPEffects.c:659
static void SetNVParams(float light_mult, float noise_intensity, float sharpness, float grain_size)
Определения PPEffects.c:724
static void ResetRadialBlur()
Определения PPEffects.c:132
static void ResetBlurEffects()
Определения PPEffects.c:120
static void ResetAll()
Определения PPEffects.c:744
static void ResetPPMask()
Определения PPEffects.c:513
static ref array< int > m_VignetteEffects
Определения PPEffects.c:37
static float m_BloodSaturation
Определения PPEffects.c:33
static void SetUnconsciousnessVignette(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:465
static Material m_MatColors
Определения PPEffects.c:49
static void SetVignette(float intensity, float R, float G, float B, float A)
Определения PPEffects.c:434
static const int COLORIZE_NV
Определения PPEffects.c:5
static void SetMenuVignette(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:483
static void SetLensEffect(float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
Определения PPEffects.c:413
static void SetBlur(float value)
sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1
Определения PPEffects.c:168
static void OverrideDOF(bool enable, float focusDistance, float focusLength, float focusLengthNear, float blur, float focusDepthOffset)
Определения PPEffects.c:503
static int m_VignetteMenu
Определения PPEffects.c:31
static int m_ShockEffect
Определения PPEffects.c:23
static void SetBlurFlashbang(float value)
Set blur flashbang hit effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:236
static int m_VignetteShock
Определения PPEffects.c:29
static int RegisterBlurEffect()
Определения PPEffects.c:149
static void ResetColorize()
Определения PPEffects.c:706
static void UpdateColorize()
Определения PPEffects.c:666
static int m_DyingEffect
Определения PPEffects.c:22
static int m_BlurFlashbang
Определения PPEffects.c:18
static void SetBlurInventory(float value)
Set blur inventory effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:197
static void SetBloodSaturation(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:640
static void SetShockVignette(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:471
static float m_ColorValueTotal[4]
Определения PPEffects.c:46
static void UpdateColor()
Определения PPEffects.c:375
static void SetShockEffectColor(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:549
static int m_BlurShock
Определения PPEffects.c:19
static void SetVignetteEffectValue(int index, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, float a)
Определения PPEffects.c:446
static ref array< float > m_ColorEffect
Определения PPEffects.c:40
static void SetBlurValue(int index, float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:137
static void UpdateBlur()
updates the blur post process effect where the resulting blur is an aggregate of all individual blur ...
Определения PPEffects.c:182
static int m_BurlapBlindness
Определения PPEffects.c:21
static void DisableBurlapSackBlindness()
Определения PPEffects.c:577
static void SetBloom(float thres, float steep, float inten)
Определения PPEffects.c:737
static void Init()
Определения PPEffects.c:52
static int RegisterColorEffect()
Определения PPEffects.c:370
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_ColorizeEffects
Определения PPEffects.c:41
static void SetEVValuePP(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:717
static void UpdateVignette()
Определения PPEffects.c:600
static void SetChromAbbOptic(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:312
static int m_BlurDrunk
Определения PPEffects.c:14
static void SetBlurOptics(float value)
Set optics and ironsights blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:228
static Material m_RadialBlur
Определения PPEffects.c:50
static ref array< float > m_ChromAbbValues
Определения PPEffects.c:36
static int m_ChromAbbOptic
Определения PPEffects.c:25
static void HitEffect(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:528
static void SetBlurDrunk(float value)
Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:204
static void ResetLensEffect()
Определения PPEffects.c:523
static void SetBlurShock(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:242
static void ResetColorEffects()
Определения PPEffects.c:343
static int m_VignetteTunnel
Определения PPEffects.c:30
static int RegisterChromAbbEffect()
Определения PPEffects.c:255
static void SetColorValue(int index, float r, float g, float b, float a, float overlay)
Определения PPEffects.c:356
static int m_VignetteUnconscious
Определения PPEffects.c:28
static void SetDeathDarkening(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:584
static void PerformSetLensEffect(float lens, float chromAbb, float centerX, float centerY)
added for convenience
Определения PPEffects.c:419
static ref array< float > m_BlurValues
Определения PPEffects.c:35
static void FlashbangEffect(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:558
static float m_ColorOverlayTotal
Определения PPEffects.c:47
static void EnableBurlapSackBlindness()
Определения PPEffects.c:570
static void SetBlurFever(float value)
Set blur drunk effect to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:212
static void UpdateChromAbb()
updates the chromatic abberation post process effect where the resulting chromabb is an aggregate of ...
Определения PPEffects.c:298
static void SetChromAbb(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:284
static void UpdateSaturation()
Определения PPEffects.c:595
static const float COLOR_SHOCK
Определения PPEffects.c:8
static ref map< int, ref array< float > > m_ColorValues
Определения PPEffects.c:39
static void ResetChromAbbEffects()
Определения PPEffects.c:260
static void SetTunnelVignette(float value)
Определения PPEffects.c:477
static void SetBlurMenu(float value)
Set menu blur to a specified 'value' between 0..1.
Определения PPEffects.c:220
static int m_BlurInventory
Определения PPEffects.c:13
static void SetRadialBlur(float powerX, float powerY, float offsetX, float offsetY)
sets blur effect to an absolute value between 0..1
Определения PPEffects.c:156
Deprecated; 'PPEManager' used instead.
Определения PPEffects.c:3
proto native Material GetMaterial(string materialName)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
@ B
Определения EnSystem.c:346
@ A
Определения EnSystem.c:345
static proto float Lerp(float a, float b, float time)
Linearly interpolates between 'a' and 'b' given 'time'.
static proto float Clamp(float value, float min, float max)
Clamps 'value' to 'min' if it is lower than 'min', or to 'max' if it is higher than 'max'.