DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл DayZPlayerInventory.c

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Структуры данных

class  DeferredEvent
class  DeferredSwapEntities
class  DeferredHandEvent


void DeferredTakeToDst (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
override bool ReserveInventory (HumanInventory inventory)
override void ClearInventoryReservation (HumanInventory inventory)
void DeferredForceSwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
void DeferredHandEvent (InventoryMode mode, HandEventBase e)
void DayZPlayerInventory ()
DayZPlayer GetDayZPlayerOwner ()
bool IsAuthoritative ()
bool IsOwner ()
bool IsProxy ()
override void Init ()
 Launched from 'DayZGame.DeferredInit' to make earlier access, use, and updates impossible (downside of a non-static system)
void CancelHandEvent ()
 cancels any handevents that will be executed this frame @NOTE: this is used in situations where the player performs an action that renders the event invalid exactly on the frame it will be executed
void CancelWeaponEvent ()
void AbortWeaponEvent ()
void PostWeaponEvent (WeaponEventBase e)
void DeferredWeaponFailed ()
void HandleWeaponEvents (float dt, out bool exitIronSights)
void HandleInventory (float dt)
void OnInputUserDataForRemote (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void OnServerInventoryCommand (ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool ValidateSyncMove (inout Serializer ctx, InventoryValidation validation)
bool ValidateHandEvent (inout Serializer ctx, InventoryValidation validation)
bool ValidateSwap (inout Serializer ctx, InventoryValidation validation)
bool ProcessInputData (ParamsReadContext ctx, bool isJuncture, bool isRemote)
void RemoveMovableOverride (EntityAI item)
void EnableMovableOverride (EntityAI item)
void CheckForRope (InventoryLocation src, InventoryLocation dst)
bool IsServerOrLocalPlayer ()
bool StoreInputForRemotes (bool handling_juncture, bool remote, ParamsReadContext ctx)
override bool TakeToDst (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
override bool PostDeferredEventTakeToDst (InventoryMode mode, notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
void HandleTakeToDst (DeferredEvent deferred_event)
override bool SwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2)
override bool PostDeferredForceSwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
void HandleSwapEntities (DeferredEvent deferred_event)
override bool ForceSwapEntities (InventoryMode mode, notnull EntityAI item1, notnull EntityAI item2, notnull InventoryLocation item2_dst)
void HandleForceSwapEntities (DeferredEvent deferred_event)
static void SendServerHandEventViaJuncture (notnull DayZPlayer player, HandEventBase e)
override void NetSyncCurrentStateID (int id)
override void OnAfterStoreLoad ()
bool OnEventForRemoteWeapon (ParamsReadContext ctx)
bool OnHandEventForRemote (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void SyncHandEventToRemote (HandEventBase e)
override void OnHandsExitedStableState (HandStateBase src, HandStateBase dst)
override void OnHandsEnteredStableState (HandStateBase src, HandStateBase dst)
override void OnHandsStateChanged (HandStateBase src, HandStateBase dst)
override bool HandEvent (InventoryMode mode, HandEventBase e)
void HandleHandEvent (DeferredEvent deferred_event)
override void HandleInventoryManipulation ()
bool IsProcessing ()
bool PlayerCheckRequestSrc (notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius)
bool PlayerCheckRequestDst (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst, float radius)
bool PlayerCheckSwapItemsRequest (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2, float radius)
bool PlayerCheckDropRequest (notnull InventoryLocation src, float radius)
bool MoveCheckExclusionMaskLocal (notnull InventoryLocation src, notnull InventoryLocation dst)
 Local, checks only stuff that is in guaranteed sync.
bool SwapCheckExclusionMaskLocal (notnull InventoryLocation src1, notnull InventoryLocation src2, notnull InventoryLocation dst1, notnull InventoryLocation dst2)
 Local, checks only stuff that is in guaranteed sync.
bool ValidateDestroy (inout Serializer ctx, InventoryValidation validation)
override bool OnInventoryJunctureFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override bool OnInventoryJunctureRepairFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void OnInventoryJunctureFailureFromServer (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override void OnInventoryFailure (InventoryCommandType type, InventoryValidationReason reason, InventoryLocation src, InventoryLocation dst)
void OnHandleStoredJunctureData (ParamsReadContext ctx)
proto native void StoreJunctureData (ParamsReadContext ctx)
override bool OnInputUserDataProcess (ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnHandleStoredInputUserData (ParamsReadContext ctx)
proto native void StoreInputUserData (ParamsReadContext ctx)


class DeferredEvent m_src
ref InventoryLocation m_dst
DeferredSwapEntities m_item1
EntityAI m_item2
ref InventoryLocation m_dst1
ref InventoryLocation m_dst2
ref HandEventBase m_event
 m_DeferredEvent = NULL
ref Timer m_DeferredWeaponTimer = new Timer
ref HandEventBase m_DeferredPostedHandEvent = NULL
ref WeaponEventBase m_DeferredWeaponEvent = NULL
 deferred hand event
ref HandAnimatedTakingFromAtt m_Taking
 deferred weapon event
ref HandAnimatedMovingToAtt m_MovingTo
ref HandAnimatedSwapping m_Swapping
ref HandAnimatedForceSwapping m_FSwapping
ref HandAnimatedForceSwapping_Inst m_FSwappingInst