protected |
It should be impossible for juncture to be ran on remote
Serializer can be updated and re-written to when we may want to only correct the client instead of denying the inventory command
Only inform client about failure
General purpose serializer change from read to write here if the validation doesn't update it
Only send juncture back to client
См. определение в файле DayZPlayerInventory.c строка 1520
Перекрестные ссылки Serializer::CanWrite(), ScriptInputUserData::CopyFrom(), Error(), GetDayZPlayerOwner(), InventoryValidation::m_IsJuncture, InventoryValidation::m_IsRemote, InventoryValidation::m_Reason, InventoryValidation::m_Result, Serializer::Read(), DayZPlayerSyncJunctures::SJ_INVENTORY, DayZPlayerSyncJunctures::SJ_INVENTORY_FAILURE, StoreInputForRemotes(), ValidateHandEvent(), ValidateSwap(), ValidateSyncMove() и Serializer::Write().
Используется в OnHandleStoredInputUserData(), OnHandleStoredJunctureData(), OnInputUserDataForRemote() и OnServerInventoryCommand().