67 Error(
"out of bounds for notifier id: " + notifier_id);
111 if (notifier.IsActive() && notifier.IsTimeToTick(currentTime))
112 notifier.OnTick(currentTime);
void VirtualHud(PlayerBase player)
string m_System
the manager instance
void NotifiersManager(PlayerBase player)
ref VirtualHud m_VirtualHud
VirtualHud GetVirtualHud()
NotifierBase FindNotifier(int type)
enum eNotifiers MAX_COUNT
void DeactivateByType(int notifier, bool triggerEvent=true)
ref NotifierBase m_NotifiersStatic[MAX_COUNT]
ref array< ref NotifierBase > m_Notifiers
void RegisterItself(int notifier_id, NotifierBase modifier)
void ActivateByType(int notifier, bool triggerEvent=true)
proto int GetTime()
returns mission time in milliseconds
void SetActive(bool state)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto native CGame GetGame()
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.