DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл Effect.c

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enum  EffectType
 Enum to determine what type of effect the Effect is. Подробнее...



Information about what type of effect the Effect is, without the need for casting

EffectType GetEffectType ()
 Get what type of effect the Effect is.
bool IsSound ()
 Check whether the Effect is EffectSound without casting.
bool IsParticle ()
 Check whether the Effect is EffectParticle without casting.

Methods to Play/Stop Effect Generally, SEffectManager.Play methods are used instead of Start

void Start ()
 Plays all elements this effects consists of.
void ValidateStart ()
 Validation whether an effect truly started playing or if the Effect should stop as none is present.
void Stop ()
 Stops all elements this effect consists of.
bool IsPlaying ()
 Returns true when the Effect is playing, false otherwise.

Methods regarding automatic cleanup

void Destroy ()
 Cleans up the Effect, including unregistering if needed.
void SetAutodestroy (bool auto_destroy)
 Sets whether Effect automatically cleans up when it stops.
bool IsAutodestroy ()
 Get whether Effect automatically cleans up when it stops.
bool IsPendingDeletion ()
 Get whether the Effect is queued up for being cleaned up.
bool CanDestroy ()
 Get whether the Effect can be destroyed right now.
void SetEnableEventFrame (bool enable)
 Enable Event_OnFrameUpdate for the effect.

Various events that can be overriden for custom behaviour

void Event_OnFrameUpdate (float time_delta)
 Event called on frame when enabled by SetEnableEventFrame(true)
void Event_OnRegistered (int id)
 Event called from SEffectManager when the Effect is registered.
void Event_OnUnregistered ()
 Event called from SEffectManager when the Effect is unregistered.
void OnCheckUpdate ()
 Event used when EffectParticle.CheckLifeSpan was called (DEPRECATED)
Generic API

Setters and getters for generic data and properties

void SetParent (Object parent_obj)
 Set parent of the Effect.
Object GetParent ()
 Get parent of the Effect.
void SetCurrentParent (Object parent_obj, bool updateCached=true)
 Set current parent of the managed effect.
Object GetCurrentParent ()
 Get the current parent of the managed Effect.
void SetPosition (vector pos)
 Set the world position of the Effect.
vector GetPosition ()
 Get the world position of the Effect.
void SetCurrentPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current world position of the managed effect.
vector GetCurrentPosition ()
 Get the current world position of the managed effect.
void SetLocalPosition (vector pos)
 Set the local position of the Effect.
vector GetLocalPosition ()
 Get the local position of the Effect.
void SetCurrentLocalPosition (vector pos, bool updateCached=true)
 Set the current local position of the managed effect.
vector GetCurrentLocalPosition ()
 Get the current local position of the managed effect.
Effect ID

The ID of the effect when registered in SEffectManager

void SetID (int id)
 Set the ID registered in SEffectManager.
int GetID ()
 Get the ID registered in SEffectManager.
bool IsRegistered ()
 Get whether this Effect is registered in SEffectManager.
Attachment API

Data to attach an Effect to a parent Mostly replaced by equivalents without 'Attachment' in name Mildly deprecated, exist for backwards compatibility

void SetAttachmentParent (Object obj)
 Set parent for the Effect.
Object GetAttachmentParent ()
 Get the parent set by SetAttachmentParent.
void SetAttachedLocalPos (vector pos)
 Set local pos for the Effect relative to the parent.
vector GetAttachedLocalPos ()
 Get the local pos set by SetAttachedLocalPos.
void SetAttachedLocalOri (vector ori)
 Set local orientation for the Effectparticle to attach to when the Effect is started.
vector GetAttachedLocalOri ()
 Get the local orientation set by SetAttachedLocalOri.


 Plain Effect base.
Event invokers

Base wrapper class for managing effects (Particles, Sound) through SEffectManager

This is just a base class, not intended for direct usage

ScriptInvonkers for certain events

 Event_OnStarted () = new ScriptInvoker()
 Event used when Start was called.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnStopped () = new ScriptInvoker()
 Event used when Stop was called.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnEffectStarted () = new ScriptInvoker()
 Event used when the actual effect started playing.
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnEffectEnded () = new ScriptInvoker()
 Event used when the actual effect stopped playing.
Generic data

Generic data for the Effect

bool m_IsAutodestroy
 Whether the Effect cleans up after itself when stopped.
bool m_IsPendingDeletion
 Whether the Destroy process has already been called.
bool m_IsPlaying
 Whether the Effect is currently playing.
Object m_ParentObject
 Cached parent.
vector m_Position
 Cached world position.
SEffectManager data

Data filled in by SEffectManager to identify it when it is registered

int m_ID
 ID of effect, given by SEffectManager when registered (automatically done when playing through it)
bool m_IsRegistered
 Whether the effect is registered in SEffectManager.

Attachment data

Cached settings set through 'SetAttachment...' methods Does not necessarily reflect the current state when EffectParticle

vector m_LocalPos
 Cached local pos.
vector m_LocalOri
 Local orientation set by SetAttachedLocalOri, only used by EffectParticle.
void Effect ()
void ~Effect ()
void InitEffect ()