DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ PrepareDropEntityPos()

static proto native bool GameInventory::PrepareDropEntityPos ( EntityAI owner,
notnull EntityAI item,
out vector mat[4],
bool useValuesInMatrix = false,
int conflictCheckDepth = -1 )

Finds a transformation for the item to be dropped to If the initial transforation overlaps with another conflicting entity (i.e. car) then the transform will be snapped to the nearest outer edge. If no valid snapping transformation could be found, then the output from 'PlaceOnSurface' is used.

useValuesInMatrixIs ignored if transformation overlaps with possible conflicting entity. If no valid transform is found and this is false then the transform at the owner is used for 'PlaceOnSurface'
conflictCheckDepthIf -1 then no conflict depth check is performed, if 0 then it only checks to see if it conflicts but doesn't perform snapping
true if valid transformation found near owner

Используется в DropEquipAndDestroyRootLambda::CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), HandleDropMagazine(), ManBase::PredictiveDropEntity(), SetGroundPosByOwner() и SetGroundPosByTransform().