DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Enforce script essentials

Структуры данных

class  Class
 Super root of all classes in Enforce script. Подробнее...
class  Managed
 TODO doc. Подробнее...
class  NonSerialized
 TODO doc. Подробнее...
class  ScriptModule
 Module containing compiled scripts. Подробнее...
class  EnScript
class  array< Class T >
class  set< Class T >
class  map< Class TKey, Class TValue >
 Associative array template
usage: Подробнее...

Определения типов

typedef int[] TypeID
 script representation for C++ RTTI types
typedef array< stringTStringArray
typedef array< floatTFloatArray
typedef array< intTIntArray
typedef array< boolTBoolArray
typedef array< ClassTClassArray
typedef array< ManagedTManagedArray
typedef array< ref ManagedTManagedRefArray
typedef array< vectorTVectorArray
typedef array< typenameTTypenameArray
typedef set< stringTStringSet
typedef set< floatTFloatSet
typedef set< intTIntSet
typedef set< ClassTClassSet
typedef set< ManagedTManagedSet
typedef set< ref ManagedTManagedRefSet
typedef set< typenameTTypenameSet
typedef int MapIterator
typedef map< int, floatTIntFloatMap
typedef map< int, intTIntIntMap
typedef map< int, stringTIntStringMap
typedef map< int, ClassTIntClassMap
typedef map< int, ManagedTIntManagedMap
typedef map< int, ref ManagedTIntManagedRefMap
typedef map< int, typenameTIntTypenameMap
typedef map< int, vectorTIntVectorMap
typedef map< string, floatTStringFloatMap
typedef map< string, intTStringIntMap
typedef map< string, stringTStringStringMap
typedef map< string, ClassTStringClassMap
typedef map< string, ManagedTStringManagedMap
typedef map< string, ref ManagedTStringManagedRefMap
typedef map< string, typenameTStringTypenameMap
typedef map< string, vectorTStringVectorMap
typedef map< Class, floatTClassFloatMap
typedef map< Class, intTClassIntMap
typedef map< Class, stringTClassStringMap
typedef map< Class, ClassTClassClassMap
typedef map< Class, ManagedTClassManagedMap
typedef map< Class, ref ManagedTClassManagedRefMap
typedef map< Class, typenameTClassTypenameMap
typedef map< Class, vectorTClassVectorMap
typedef map< typename, floatTTypeNameFloatMap
typedef map< typename, intTTypeNameIntMap
typedef map< typename, stringTTypeNameStringMap
typedef map< typename, ClassTTypeNameClassMap
typedef map< typename, ManagedTTypeNameManagedMap
typedef map< typename, ref ManagedTTypeNameManagedRefMap
typedef map< typename, typenameTTypeNameTypenameMap
typedef map< typename, vectorTTypeNameVectorMap
typedef map< Managed, floatTManagedFloatMap
typedef map< Managed, intTManagedIntMap
typedef map< Managed, stringTManagedStringMap
typedef map< Managed, ClassTManagedClassMap
typedef map< Managed, ManagedTManagedManagedMap
typedef map< Managed, ref ManagedTManagedManagedRefMap
typedef map< Managed, typenameTManagedTypenameMap
typedef map< Managed, vectorTManagedVectorMap
typedef map< ref Managed, floatTManagedRefFloatMap
typedef map< ref Managed, intTManagedRefIntMap
typedef map< ref Managed, stringTManagedRefStringMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ClassTManagedRefClassMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ManagedTManagedRefManagedMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ref ManagedTManagedRefManagedRefMap
typedef map< ref Managed, typenameTManagedRefTypenameMap
typedef map< ref Managed, vectorTManagedRefVectorMap


proto native external bool Class::IsInherited (typename type)
 Returns true when instance is of the type, or inherited one.
proto native owned external string Class::ClassName ()
 Returns name of class-type.
string Class::GetDebugName ()
proto native external Class::Type ()
 Returns typename of object's class.
proto static external Class::StaticType ()
 Returns typename of object's reference.
static Class::StaticGetType (typename t)
 Returns typename of class even without a variable or instance.
proto external string Class::ToString ()
static proto Class Class::Cast (Class from)
 Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool Class::CastTo (out Class to, Class from)
 Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool Class::SafeCastType (Class type, out Class to, Class from)
 This function is for internal script usage.
void ScriptModule::~ScriptModule ()
proto volatile int ScriptModule::Call (Class inst, string function, void parm)
proto volatile int ScriptModule::CallFunction (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, void parm)
proto volatile int ScriptModule::CallFunctionParams (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, Class parms)
proto native void ScriptModule::Release ()
static proto native ScriptModule ScriptModule::LoadScript (ScriptModule parentModule, string scriptFile, bool listing)
 Do load script and create ScriptModule for it.
void EnScript::EnScript ()
void EnScript::~EnScript ()
static proto int EnScript::GetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, out void result)
 Dynamic read of variable value by its name.
static proto int EnScript::SetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, void input)
 Dynamic write to variable by its name.
static proto int EnScript::SetVar (out void var, string value)
 Sets variable value by value in string.
static proto void EnScript::Watch (void var, int flags)
 Debug tool for watching certain variable. Invokes debugger whenever is variable used.
proto void Sort (void param_array[], int num)
 Sorts static array of integers(ascendically) / floats(ascendically) / strings(alphabetically)
proto void reversearray (void param_array)
proto void copyarray (void destArray, void srcArray)
proto int ParseStringEx (inout string input, string token)
 Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
proto int ParseString (string input, out string tokens[])
 Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.
proto native int KillThread (Class owner, string name)
 Kills thread.
proto volatile void Idle ()
proto owned string ThreadFunction (Class owner, string name, int backtrace, out int linenumber)
 Debug function. Returns current function on stack of the thread.
string String (string s)
 Helper for passing string expression to functions with void parameter. Example: Print(String("Hello " + var));.
void PrintString (string s)
 Helper for printing out string expression. Example: PrintString("Hello " + var);.
proto native int array< Class T >::Count ()
proto native void array< Class T >::Clear ()
proto void array< Class T >::Set (int n, T value)
proto int array< Class T >::Find (T value)
proto T array< Class T >::Get (int n)
proto int array< Class T >::Insert (T value)
proto int array< Class T >::InsertAt (T value, int index)
void array< Class T >::InsertAll (notnull array< T > from)
 Inserts all elements from array.
proto native void array< Class T >::Remove (int index)
proto native void array< Class T >::RemoveOrdered (int index)
proto native void array< Class T >::Resize (int newSize)
proto native void array< Class T >::Reserve (int newSize)
proto native void array< Class T >::Swap (notnull array< T > other)
proto native void array< Class T >::Sort (bool reverse=false)
proto int array< Class T >::Copy (notnull array< T > from)
proto int array< Class T >::Init (T init[])
void array< Class T >::RemoveItem (T value)
void array< Class T >::RemoveItemUnOrdered (T value)
bool array< Class T >::IsValidIndex (int index)
void array< Class T >::Debug ()
 Print all elements in array.
int array< Class T >::GetRandomIndex ()
 Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .
array< Class T >::GetRandomElement ()
 Returns a random element of array.
void array< Class T >::SwapItems (int item1_index, int item2_index)
void array< Class T >::InsertArray (array< T > other)
void array< Class T >::Invert ()
int array< Class T >::MoveIndex (int curr_index, int move_number)
 Returns a index in array moved by specific number.
void array< Class T >::ShuffleArray ()
int array< Class T >::DifferentAtPosition (array< T > pOtherArray)
 Returns an index where 2 arrays start to differ from each other.
proto native int set< Class T >::Count ()
proto native void set< Class T >::Clear ()
proto int set< Class T >::Find (T value)
proto T set< Class T >::Get (int n)
proto int set< Class T >::Insert (T value)
proto int set< Class T >::InsertAt (T value, int index)
proto native void set< Class T >::Remove (int index)
proto int set< Class T >::Copy (set< T > from)
proto native void set< Class T >::Swap (set< T > other)
proto int set< Class T >::Init (T init[])
void set< Class T >::InsertSet (set< T > other)
void set< Class T >::RemoveItem (T value)
void set< Class T >::RemoveItems (set< T > other)
void set< Class T >::Debug ()
proto native int map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Count ()
proto native void map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Clear ()
proto TValue map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Get (TKey key)
proto bool map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Find (TKey key, out TValue val)
proto TValue map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetElement (int index)
proto TKey map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKey (int i)
proto void map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Set (TKey key, TValue value)
proto void map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Remove (TKey key)
proto void map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::RemoveElement (int i)
proto bool map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Contains (TKey key)
proto bool map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Insert (TKey key, TValue value)
proto int map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Copy (map< TKey, TValue > from)
array< TKey > map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyArray ()
array< TValue > map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetValueArray ()
bool map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::ReplaceKey (TKey old_key, TKey new_key)
TKey map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyByValue (TValue value)
bool map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyByValueChecked (TValue value, out TKey key)
proto native MapIterator map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Begin ()
proto native MapIterator map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::End ()
proto native MapIterator map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Next (MapIterator it)
proto TKey map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetIteratorKey (MapIterator it)
proto TValue map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetIteratorElement (MapIterator it)

Подробное описание

float ftime; The deltaTime since last frame
float FLT_MAX; The maximum value for float
float FLT_MIN; The minimum value for float