Dayz 1.25
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Enforce script essentials

Структуры данных

class  Class
 Super root of all classes in Enforce script. Подробнее...
class  Managed
 TODO doc. Подробнее...
class  NonSerialized
 TODO doc. Подробнее...
class  ScriptModule
 Module containing compiled scripts. Подробнее...
class  EnScript
class  array< Class T >
class  set< Class T >
class  map< Class TKey, Class TValue >
 Associative array template
usage: Подробнее...

Определения типов

typedef int[] TypeID
 script representation for C++ RTTI types
typedef array< stringTStringArray
typedef array< floatTFloatArray
typedef array< intTIntArray
typedef array< boolTBoolArray
typedef array< ClassTClassArray
typedef array< ManagedTManagedArray
typedef array< ref ManagedTManagedRefArray
typedef array< vectorTVectorArray
typedef array< typenameTTypenameArray
typedef set< stringTStringSet
typedef set< floatTFloatSet
typedef set< intTIntSet
typedef set< ClassTClassSet
typedef set< ManagedTManagedSet
typedef set< ref ManagedTManagedRefSet
typedef set< typenameTTypenameSet
typedef int MapIterator
typedef map< int, floatTIntFloatMap
typedef map< int, intTIntIntMap
typedef map< int, stringTIntStringMap
typedef map< int, ClassTIntClassMap
typedef map< int, ManagedTIntManagedMap
typedef map< int, ref ManagedTIntManagedRefMap
typedef map< int, typenameTIntTypenameMap
typedef map< int, vectorTIntVectorMap
typedef map< string, floatTStringFloatMap
typedef map< string, intTStringIntMap
typedef map< string, stringTStringStringMap
typedef map< string, ClassTStringClassMap
typedef map< string, ManagedTStringManagedMap
typedef map< string, ref ManagedTStringManagedRefMap
typedef map< string, typenameTStringTypenameMap
typedef map< string, vectorTStringVectorMap
typedef map< Class, floatTClassFloatMap
typedef map< Class, intTClassIntMap
typedef map< Class, stringTClassStringMap
typedef map< Class, ClassTClassClassMap
typedef map< Class, ManagedTClassManagedMap
typedef map< Class, ref ManagedTClassManagedRefMap
typedef map< Class, typenameTClassTypenameMap
typedef map< Class, vectorTClassVectorMap
typedef map< typename, floatTTypeNameFloatMap
typedef map< typename, intTTypeNameIntMap
typedef map< typename, stringTTypeNameStringMap
typedef map< typename, ClassTTypeNameClassMap
typedef map< typename, ManagedTTypeNameManagedMap
typedef map< typename, ref ManagedTTypeNameManagedRefMap
typedef map< typename, typenameTTypeNameTypenameMap
typedef map< typename, vectorTTypeNameVectorMap
typedef map< Managed, floatTManagedFloatMap
typedef map< Managed, intTManagedIntMap
typedef map< Managed, stringTManagedStringMap
typedef map< Managed, ClassTManagedClassMap
typedef map< Managed, ManagedTManagedManagedMap
typedef map< Managed, ref ManagedTManagedManagedRefMap
typedef map< Managed, typenameTManagedTypenameMap
typedef map< Managed, vectorTManagedVectorMap
typedef map< ref Managed, floatTManagedRefFloatMap
typedef map< ref Managed, intTManagedRefIntMap
typedef map< ref Managed, stringTManagedRefStringMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ClassTManagedRefClassMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ManagedTManagedRefManagedMap
typedef map< ref Managed, ref ManagedTManagedRefManagedRefMap
typedef map< ref Managed, typenameTManagedRefTypenameMap
typedef map< ref Managed, vectorTManagedRefVectorMap


proto native external bool IsInherited (typename type)
 Returns true when instance is of the type, or inherited one.
proto native owned external string ClassName ()
 Returns name of class-type.
string GetDebugName ()
proto native external Type ()
 Returns typename of object's class.
proto static external StaticType ()
 Returns typename of object's reference.
static StaticGetType (typename t)
 Returns typename of class even without a variable or instance.
proto external string ToString ()
static proto Class Cast (Class from)
 Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool CastTo (out Class to, Class from)
 Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool SafeCastType (Class type, out Class to, Class from)
 This function is for internal script usage.
void ~ScriptModule ()
proto volatile int Call (Class inst, string function, void parm)
proto volatile int CallFunction (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, void parm)
proto volatile int CallFunctionParams (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, Class parms)
proto native void Release ()
static proto native ScriptModule LoadScript (ScriptModule parentModule, string scriptFile, bool listing)
 Do load script and create ScriptModule for it.
void EnScript ()
void ~EnScript ()
static proto int GetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, out void result)
 Dynamic read of variable value by its name.
static proto int SetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, void input)
 Dynamic write to variable by its name.
static proto int SetVar (out void var, string value)
 Sets variable value by value in string.
static proto void Watch (void var, int flags)
 Debug tool for watching certain variable. Invokes debugger whenever is variable used.
proto void Sort (void param_array[], int num)
 Sorts static array of integers(ascendically) / floats(ascendically) / strings(alphabetically)
proto void reversearray (void param_array)
proto void copyarray (void destArray, void srcArray)
proto int ParseStringEx (inout string input, string token)
 Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
proto int ParseString (string input, out string tokens[])
 Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.
proto native int KillThread (Class owner, string name)
 Kills thread.
proto volatile void Idle ()
proto owned string ThreadFunction (Class owner, string name, int backtrace, out int linenumber)
 Debug function. Returns current function on stack of the thread.
string String (string s)
 Helper for passing string expression to functions with void parameter. Example: Print(String("Hello " + var));.
void PrintString (string s)
 Helper for printing out string expression. Example: PrintString("Hello " + var);.
proto native int Count ()
proto native void Clear ()
proto void Set (int n, T value)
proto int Find (T value)
proto T Get (int n)
proto int Insert (T value)
proto int InsertAt (T value, int index)
void InsertAll (notnull array< T > from)
 Inserts all elements from array.
proto native void Remove (int index)
proto native void RemoveOrdered (int index)
proto native void Resize (int newSize)
proto native void Reserve (int newSize)
proto native void Swap (notnull array< T > other)
proto native void Sort (bool reverse=false)
proto int Copy (notnull array< T > from)
proto int Init (T init[])
void RemoveItem (T value)
void RemoveItemUnOrdered (T value)
bool IsValidIndex (int index)
void Debug ()
 Print all elements in array.
int GetRandomIndex ()
 Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .
T GetRandomElement ()
 Returns a random element of array.
void SwapItems (int item1_index, int item2_index)
void InsertArray (array< T > other)
void Invert ()
int MoveIndex (int curr_index, int move_number)
 Returns a index in array moved by specific number.
void ShuffleArray ()
int DifferentAtPosition (array< T > pOtherArray)
 Returns an index where 2 arrays start to differ from each other.
proto native int Count ()
proto native void Clear ()
proto int Find (T value)
proto T Get (int n)
proto int Insert (T value)
proto int InsertAt (T value, int index)
proto native void Remove (int index)
proto int Copy (set< T > from)
proto native void Swap (set< T > other)
proto int Init (T init[])
void InsertSet (set< T > other)
void RemoveItem (T value)
void RemoveItems (set< T > other)
void Debug ()
proto native int Count ()
proto native void Clear ()
proto TValue Get (TKey key)
proto bool Find (TKey key, out TValue val)
proto TValue GetElement (int index)
proto TKey GetKey (int i)
proto void Set (TKey key, TValue value)
proto void Remove (TKey key)
proto void RemoveElement (int i)
proto bool Contains (TKey key)
proto bool Insert (TKey key, TValue value)
proto int Copy (map< TKey, TValue > from)
array< TKeyGetKeyArray ()
array< TValueGetValueArray ()
bool ReplaceKey (TKey old_key, TKey new_key)
TKey GetKeyByValue (TValue value)
bool GetKeyByValueChecked (TValue value, out TKey key)
proto native MapIterator Begin ()
proto native MapIterator End ()
proto native MapIterator Next (MapIterator it)
proto TKey GetIteratorKey (MapIterator it)
proto TValue GetIteratorElement (MapIterator it)

Подробное описание

float ftime; The deltaTime since last frame
float FLT_MAX; The maximum value for float
float FLT_MIN; The minimum value for float


◆ MapIterator

◆ TBoolArray

◆ TClassArray

◆ TClassClassMap

◆ TClassFloatMap

◆ TClassIntMap

◆ TClassManagedMap

◆ TClassManagedRefMap

◆ TClassSet

◆ TClassStringMap

◆ TClassTypenameMap

◆ TClassVectorMap

◆ TFloatArray

◆ TFloatSet

◆ TIntArray

◆ TIntClassMap

◆ TIntFloatMap

◆ TIntIntMap

◆ TIntManagedMap

◆ TIntManagedRefMap

◆ TIntSet

◆ TIntStringMap

◆ TIntTypenameMap

◆ TIntVectorMap

◆ TManagedArray

◆ TManagedClassMap

◆ TManagedFloatMap

◆ TManagedIntMap

◆ TManagedManagedMap

◆ TManagedManagedRefMap

◆ TManagedRefArray

◆ TManagedRefClassMap

◆ TManagedRefFloatMap

◆ TManagedRefIntMap

◆ TManagedRefManagedMap

◆ TManagedRefManagedRefMap

◆ TManagedRefSet

◆ TManagedRefStringMap

◆ TManagedRefTypenameMap

◆ TManagedRefVectorMap

◆ TManagedSet

◆ TManagedStringMap

◆ TManagedTypenameMap

◆ TManagedVectorMap

◆ TStringArray

◆ TStringClassMap

◆ TStringFloatMap

◆ TStringIntMap

◆ TStringManagedMap

◆ TStringManagedRefMap

◆ TStringSet

◆ TStringStringMap

◆ TStringTypenameMap

◆ TStringVectorMap

◆ TTypenameArray

◆ TTypeNameClassMap

◆ TTypeNameFloatMap

◆ TTypeNameIntMap

◆ TTypeNameManagedMap

◆ TTypeNameManagedRefMap

◆ TTypenameSet

◆ TTypeNameStringMap

◆ TTypeNameTypenameMap

◆ TTypeNameVectorMap

◆ TVectorArray

◆ TypeID

script representation for C++ RTTI types


◆ Begin()

proto native MapIterator Begin ( )

◆ Call()

proto volatile int Call ( Class inst,
string function,
void parm )

dynamic call of function when inst == NULL, it's global function call, otherwise it's method of class returns true, when success The call creates new thread, so it's legal to use sleep/wait

◆ CallFunction()

proto volatile int CallFunction ( Class inst,
string function,
out void returnVal,
void parm )

dynamic call of function when inst == NULL, it's global function call, otherwise it's method of class returns true, when success The call do not create new thread!!!!

Используется в CallQueueContext::CallParams().

◆ CallFunctionParams()

proto volatile int CallFunctionParams ( Class inst,
string function,
out void returnVal,
Class parms )

Используется в CallQueueContext::CallParams().

◆ Cast()

static proto Class Cast ( Class from)

Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.

down-casted 'from' pointer when cast is successfull (classes are related), or null if casting is invalid
// assume that Man inheites from Object
Object obj = g_Game.GetPlayer();
Man player = Man.Cast(obj);
if (player)
// horay!
DayZGame g_Game
Definition DayZGame.c:3746
Definition ObjectTyped.c:2
Definition EntityAI.c:95

◆ CastTo()

static proto bool CastTo ( out Class to,
Class from )

Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.

bool true when 'from' is not null and cast successfull, false when casting is not valid or 'from' is null
// assume that Man inheites from Object
Object obj = g_Game.GetPlayer();
Man player;
if (Class.CastTo(player, obj))
// horay!
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Definition EnScript.c:11
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.

Используется в AbortWeaponEvent(), ActionCarHornBase::ActionCondition(), ActionBuryBody::ActionCondition(), ActionCoverHeadTarget::ActionCondition(), ActionDigGardenPlot::ActionCondition(), ActionDigInStash::ActionCondition(), ActionCondition(), ActionDisinfectPlant::ActionCondition(), ActionEatFruit::ActionCondition(), ActionFertilizeSlot::ActionCondition(), ActionFillGeneratorTank::ActionCondition(), ActionFillObject::ActionCondition(), ActionGagTarget::ActionCondition(), ActionLockDoors::ActionCondition(), ActionRefuelTorch::ActionCondition(), ActionRepairShelter::ActionCondition(), ActionRepairTent::ActionCondition(), ActionRepairTentPart::ActionCondition(), ActionShaveTarget::ActionCondition(), ActionUncoverHeadTarget::ActionCondition(), ActionUngagTarget::ActionCondition(), ActionUnlockDoors::ActionCondition(), ActionViewBinoculars::ActionCondition(), ActionViewOptics::ActionCondition(), ActionDefibrilateBase::ActionCondition(), ActionCloseDoors::ActionCondition(), ActionEnterLadder::ActionCondition(), ActionGetInTransport::ActionCondition(), ActionHarvestCrops::ActionCondition(), ActionOpenDoors::ActionCondition(), ActionPickupChicken::ActionCondition(), ActionRemovePlant::ActionCondition(), ActionRemoveSeed::ActionCondition(), ActionAnimateCarSelection::ActionCondition(), ActionAnimateSeats::ActionCondition(), ActionCarDoors::ActionCondition(), ActionCarDoorsOutside::ActionCondition(), ActionSwitchLights::ActionCondition(), ActionClapBearTrapWithThisItem::ActionCondition(), ActionToggleNVMode::ActionCondition(), ActionZoomIn::ActionCondition(), ActionZoomOut::ActionCondition(), ActionStopEngine::ActionCondition(), ActionSwitchSeats::ActionCondition(), UIScriptedMenu::Apply(), Environment::ApplyDrynessToItemEx(), ApplyJumpOutDmg(), Environment::ApplyWetnessToItem(), Environment::BodyPartHeatProperties(), ManBase::BrokenLegForceProne(), CAContinuousEmptyMagazine::CalcAndSetQuantity(), CAContinuousTransferQuantity::CalcAndSetQuantity(), PluginBase::CalculateHealth(), ManBase::CalculateVisibilityForAI(), DayZPlayer::CameraHandler(), WeaponManager::CanAttachMagazine(), DayZPlayer::CanClimb(), Attachments::CanCombineAmmo(), VicinitySlotsContainer::CanCombineAmmo(), AttachmentCategoriesContainer::CanDisplayAnyCategory(), RecipeBase::CanDo(), ActionEmptyMagazine::CanEmpty(), ItemBase::CanLoadAttachment(), ActionLoadMagazine::CanLoadMagazine(), UIScriptedMenu::CanOpenMenu(), CanPlayEmote(), ItemBase::CanReceiveAttachment(), WeaponManager::CanSwapMagazine(), TrapBase::CauseVictimToStartLimping(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::CheckForActionWidgetOverrides(), ManBase::CheckForBurlap(), ManBase::CheckForGag(), ActionTargetsCursor::CheckRefresherFlagVisibility(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorRed(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorWhite(), ConnectionLost::ConnectionLost(), BreakLongWoodenStick::CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), UnboxLambda::CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), TorchLambda::CopyOldPropertiesToNew(), CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), ActionRepositionPluggedItem::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), ActionTakeArrowToHands::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), ActionTakeHybridAttachmentToHands::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), ActionTakeItemToHands::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), ActionTakeMaterialToHands::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), AnimatedActionBase::CreateAndSetupActionCallback(), MissionBase::CreateCharacter(), PlayerSpawnHandler::CreateChildItem(), CreateDamageTriggerEx(), CreateEmoteCallback(), CreateOrgan(), Hologram::CreateTrigger(), CreateTrigger(), EffectArea::CreateTrigger(), EffectAreaLoader::CreateZones(), DamageCrew(), DamageDealtEffect::DamageDealtEffect(), DayZIntroScene::DayZIntroScene(), DayZPlayerCameraBase::DayZPlayerCameraIronsights(), DayZPlayerImplementAiming::DayZPlayerImplementAiming(), InventoryActionHandler::DeactiveAction(), DeferredWeaponFailed(), ActionDefibrilateBase::DefibrillateServer(), StaminaHandler::DepleteStamina(), ActionDismantlePart::DismantleCondition(), Hud::DisplayBadge(), Hud::DisplayNotifier(), Hud::DisplayPresence(), Hud::DisplayStance(), Hud::DisplayTendencyNormal(), RecipeBase::Do(), ClosableContainer::DraggingOverHeader(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireCameraHybrid(), WeaponDebug::DrawLineOfFireMuzzleToHit(), ManBase::DropAllItems(), ActionDeployBase::DropDuringPlacing(), ManBase::EEItemIntoHands(), Mask_Base::EEItemLocationChanged(), InventoryItemSuper::EEKilled(), EffectRadial(), Trigger::EOnEnter(), Trigger::EOnLeave(), AreaDamageTriggerBase::EOnTouch(), Hologram::EvaluateCollision(), VicinityItemManager::ExcludeFromContainer_Phase1(), VicinityItemManager::ExcludeFromContainer_Phase2(), VicinityItemManager::ExcludeFromContainer_Phase3(), CAContinuousFertilizeGardenSlot::Execute(), CAContinuousMineWood::Execute(), CAContinuousRepeatStartEngine::Execute(), CAContinuousTransferQuantity::Execute(), CAContinuousWaterPlant::Execute(), CAContinuousWaterSlot::Execute(), FlashbangEffect::FlashbangEffect(), FloatingCrossHair(), GameplayEffectsDataImage(), GestureMenuItem(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetActionManager(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::GetActionManager(), GetActionManager(), CarScript::GetCarDoorsState(), HandsContainer::GetCombinationFlags(), ItemManager::GetCombinationFlags(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::GetCrosshairPosition(), QuantityConversions::GetItemQuantity(), QuantityConversions::GetItemQuantity(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetItemQuantity(), QuantityConversions::GetItemQuantityMax(), QuantityConversions::GetItemQuantityText(), GetMeleeTarget(), CAContinuousMineRock::GetMiningData(), CAContinuousMineWood::GetMiningData(), InventoryItem::GetNumberOfItems(), ActionHarvestCrops::GetPlantSlot(), ActionTargetsCursor::GetPlayer(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::GetPlayer(), GetPlayer(), DeveloperTeleport::GetPlayerRootForTeleporting(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::GetRadioFrequency(), Managed::GetRequester(), ActionWorldCraft::GetText(), CGame::GetUserFOVFromConfig(), WeaponDebug::GetWeaponInHands(), HandEventBase(), DayZPlayer::HandleDeath(), BaseBuildingBase::HandleDropAttachment(), HandleDropCartridge(), HandleEngineSound(), HandleInventory(), PlayerSpawnHandler::HandleNewItem(), HandlePlayerBody(), HandleStoreCartridge(), HandleWeaponEvents(), DayZPlayer::HandleWeapons(), QuantityConversions::HasItemQuantity(), UIScriptedMenu::Init(), Init(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Init(), Hud::Init(), Hud::InitBadgesAndNotifiers(), PPEMatClassParameterCommandData::InitDefaults(), IsAuthoritative(), IsEntityBehindEntityInAngle(), EntityAI::IsIgnoredObject(), HumanCommandVehicle::IsObjectIgnoredOnGettingOut(), IsOwner(), IsProxy(), VONManager::IsVoiceThresholdMinimum(), IsWearingBurlap(), ActionUncoverHeadTarget::IsWearingBurlap(), ActionUngagSelf::IsWearingGag(), ActionUngagTarget::IsWearingGag(), ManBase::IsWearingSplint(), LoadingScreen(), ActionLockDoors::LockDoor(), UIScriptedMenu::MarkSelected(), DayZCreature::ModCommandHandlerBefore(), ModifierBase(), ActionWorldCraft::OnActionInfoUpdate(), AKS74U::OnDebugSpawn(), Aug_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), Weapon_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), B95_base::OnDebugSpawn(), CZ550_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), RifleSingleShot_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), Mosin9130_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), Repeater::OnDebugSpawn(), Winchester70_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), Izh43Shotgun_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), Mp133Shotgun_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), VSS_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), CivilianBelt::OnDebugSpawn(), HelmetBase::OnDebugSpawn(), HipPack_ColorBase::OnDebugSpawn(), MilitaryBelt::OnDebugSpawn(), PlateCarrierVest::OnDebugSpawn(), Container_Base::OnDebugSpawn(), ItemBase::OnDebugSpawn(), CarScript::OnDebugSpawn(), AttachmentCategoriesRow::OnDropReceivedFromHeader(), ActionViewOptics::OnEndAnimationLoopClient(), ActionViewOptics::OnEndAnimationLoopServer(), ActionViewOptics::OnEndClient(), ActionContinuousBase::OnEndInput(), ActionViewOptics::OnEndServer(), ActionCollectBloodSelf::OnEndServer(), ActionCollectBloodTarget::OnEndServer(), ActionCollectSampleSelf::OnEndServer(), ActionCollectSampleTarget::OnEndServer(), OnEndServer(), ActionAnimateCarSelection::OnEndServer(), ActionZoomIn::OnEndServer(), ActionZoomOut::OnEndServer(), WeaponStateBase::OnEntry(), WeaponStartAction::OnEntry(), WeaponFire::OnEntry(), OnEntry(), CGame::OnEvent(), OnEvent(), MissionBase::OnEvent(), ActionAttachWheels::OnExecuteClient(), ActionEmptyMagazine::OnExecuteServer(), ActionLoadMagazine::OnExecuteServer(), ActionRefuelTorch::OnExecuteServer(), OnExecuteServer(), ActionSwitchLights::OnExecuteServer(), ActionAttachWheels::OnExecuteServer(), ActionClapBearTrapWithThisItem::OnExecuteServer(), ActionStopEngine::OnExecuteServer(), ActionFillObject::OnFinishProgressClient(), ActionDefibrilateSelf::OnFinishProgressClient(), ActionDefibrilateTarget::OnFinishProgressClient(), ActionBreakLongWoodenStick::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionCoverHeadSelf::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionCoverHeadTarget::OnFinishProgressServer(), OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionDigWorms::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionFillObject::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionGagSelf::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionGagTarget::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionRepairPart::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionRepairShelter::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionRepairTent::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionShaveTarget::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionStripCarrierVest::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionUngagSelf::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionUngagTarget::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionWorldCraft::OnFinishProgressServer(), ActionDefibrilateSelf::OnFinishProgressServer(), SymptomBase::OnInit(), ItemBase::OnInventoryEnter(), Weapon::OnItemLocationChanged(), Icon::OnPerformCombination(), HandsContainer::OnPerformCombination(), EntityPlacementCallback::OnQuery(), ManBase::OnQuickBarSingleUse(), TrapBase::OnServerSteppedOn(), EntityPlacementCallback::OnSetup(), OnShow(), OnStart(), ActionViewOptics::OnStartAnimationLoopClient(), ActionViewOptics::OnStartAnimationLoopServer(), ActionCloseDoors::OnStartServer(), OnStartServer(), ActionOpenDoors::OnStartServer(), ActionPullBodyFromTransport::OnStartServer(), ActionAnimateCarSelection::OnStartServer(), PPERequester_GameplayBase::OnStop(), InventoryItem::OnStoreLoad(), UngagSelfLambda::OnSuccess(), WeaponStartAction::OnUpdate(), OnUpdate(), WeaponFireMultiMuzzle::OnUpdate(), WeaponStateBase::OnUpdate(), ItemOptics::OnWasAttached(), HeadGear_Base::OnWasAttached(), ItemBase::OnWasAttached(), ItemOptics::OnWasDetached(), ItemBase::OnWasDetached(), Icon::PerformCombination(), Hologram::PlaceEntity(), ManBase::PredictiveSwapEntities(), DayZPlayer::ProcessWeaponEvent(), VicinityItemManager::RefreshVicinityItems(), GameplayEffectsData::RegisterData(), PPEClassBase::RegisterParameterColorEx(), PPEClassBase::RegisterParameterScalarFloatEx(), ManBase::ReloadWeapon(), ManBase::RemoveAllItems(), RemoveSplint(), ActionRepairTent::RepairDamageTransfer(), SelectStoreCartridge(), SendMessageToClient(), InventoryActionHandler::SetAction(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetActionWidget(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetActionWidget(), Weapon_Base::SetAttachmentsHealth(), ManBase::SetContaminatedEffectEx(), DayZIntroScenePC::SetInitPostprocesses(), DayZIntroSceneXbox::SetInitPostprocesses(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetInteractActionIcon(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetInteractActionIcon(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItemDesc(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemDesc(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemHealth(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItemHealth(), ActionTargetsCursor::SetItemQuantity(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetItemQuantity(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetRadioFrequency(), Hud::SetStamina(), CAContinuousCraft::Setup(), CAContinuousDisinfectPlant::Setup(), CAContinuousEmptyMagazine::Setup(), CAContinuousFertilizeGardenSlot::Setup(), CAContinuousFill::Setup(), CAContinuousFish::Setup(), CAContinuousLoadMagazine::Setup(), CAContinuousTransferQuantity::Setup(), CAContinuousWaterPlant::Setup(), CAContinuousWaterSlot::Setup(), ActionWorldCraft::SetupAction(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetValue(), Hud::SetWalkieTalkieText(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetWeaponModeAndZeroing(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SetWeaponQuantity(), SoftSkillManagerDebug(), ActionSortAmmoPile::SortAmmo(), SpawnAdditionalItems(), PlayerSpawnHandler::SpawnComplexChildrenItems(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityOnCursorDir(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityOnGroundPatternGrid(), PluginBase::SpawnEntityOnGroundPos(), PlayerSpawnHandler::SpawnSimpleChildrenItems(), ActionEnterLadder::Start(), ActionSwitchSeats::Start(), SwitchPreset(), SyncAnimState(), HandsContainer::TakeAsAttachment(), ClosableContainer::TakeAsAttachment(), DeveloperTeleport::TeleportAtCursor(), DeveloperTeleport::TeleportAtCursorEx(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::TextMapUpdateWidget(), PluginDayzPlayerDebug_Weapons::Tick(), DayZPlayer::TriggerPullPlayerOutOfVehicle(), Managed::TrySpawnNextDrop(), ActionUncoverHeadBase::UncoverHead(), ActionUnlockDoors::UnlockDoor(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Update(), GameplayEffectsData::Update(), Hud::UpdateBloodName(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateItemInfoQuantity(), MissionBase::UpdatePlayersStats(), ActionRepairCarChassis::WriteToContext(), WriteToContext(), ActionRepairPart::WriteToContext(), ActionRepairTent::WriteToContext() и ActionRepairTentPart::WriteToContext().

◆ ClassName()

proto native owned external string ClassName ( )

Returns name of class-type.

string class-type
Man player = g_Game.GetPlayer();
string className = player.ClassName();
>> className = 'Man'
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.

Используется в Class::GetDebugName().

◆ Clear() [1/3]

proto native void Clear ( )

Destroyes all elements of the array and sets the Count to 0. The underlying memory of the array is not freed.

◆ Clear() [2/3]

proto native void Clear ( )

◆ Clear() [3/3]

proto native void Clear ( )

Clears the hash map.

◆ Contains()

proto bool Contains ( TKey key)

Returns if map contains element with given key.

◆ Copy() [1/3]

proto int Copy ( map< TKey, TValue > from)

◆ Copy() [2/3]

proto int Copy ( notnull array< T > from)

Copes contents of from array to this array.

How many elements were copied

◆ Copy() [3/3]

proto int Copy ( set< T > from)

◆ copyarray()

proto void copyarray ( void destArray,
void srcArray )

◆ Count() [1/3]

proto native int Count ( )

O(1) complexity.

Number of elements of the array

◆ Count() [2/3]

proto native int Count ( )

◆ Count() [3/3]

proto native int Count ( )
The number of elements in the hashmap.

◆ Debug() [1/2]

void Debug ( )

Print all elements in array.

>> "One"
>> "Two"
>> "Three"
524 {
525 Print(string.Format("Array count: %1", Count()));
526 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
527 {
528 T item = Get(i);
529 Print(string.Format("[%1] => %2", i, item));
530 }
531 }
array< ref PlayerStatBase > Get()
Definition PlayerStatsPCO.c:103
proto native int Count()

Перекрестные ссылки Count, Get() и Print().

◆ Debug() [2/2]

void Debug ( )
764 {
765 Print(string.Format("Set count: %1", Count()));
766 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
767 {
768 T item = Get(i);
769 Print(string.Format("[%1] => %2", i, item));
770 }
771 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count, Get() и Print().

◆ DifferentAtPosition()

int DifferentAtPosition ( array< T > pOtherArray)

Returns an index where 2 arrays start to differ from each other.

int Index from where arrays differ
array<int> arr1 = {0,1,2,3};
array<int> arr2 = {0,1,3,2};
int differsAt = arr1.DifferentAtPosition(arr2);
>> 2
665 {
666 if (Count() != pOtherArray.Count())
667 {
668 ErrorEx("arrays are not the same size");
669 return -1;
670 }
672 for (int i = 0; i < pOtherArray.Count(); ++i)
673 {
674 if (Get(i) != pOtherArray.Get(i))
675 {
676 return i;
677 }
678 }
680 return -1;
681 }
enum ShapeType ErrorEx

Перекрестные ссылки Count, ErrorEx и Get().

◆ End()

proto native MapIterator End ( )

◆ EnScript()

void EnScript ( )

◆ Find() [1/3]

proto int Find ( T value)

Tries to find the first occurance of given value in the array.

Index of the first occurance of value if found, -1 otherwise

◆ Find() [2/3]

proto int Find ( T value)

Tries to find the first occurance of given value in the set.

Index of the first occurance of value if found, -1 otherwise

◆ Find() [3/3]

proto bool Find ( TKey key,
out TValue val )

Search for an element with the given key.

keyThe key of the element to find
valresult is stored to val
returns True if given key exist.

◆ Get() [1/3]

proto T Get ( int n)
Element at the index n

◆ Get() [2/3]

proto T Get ( int n)

◆ Get() [3/3]

proto TValue Get ( TKey key)

Search for an element with the given key.

keyThe key of the element to find
Pointer to element data if found, NULL otherwise.

◆ GetClassVar()

static proto int GetClassVar ( Class inst,
string varname,
int index,
out void result )

Dynamic read of variable value by its name.

instWhen inst == NULL, it's for global variable, otherwise it's class member
indexIs index when variable is array
[out]resultVariable must be of the same type!
int true when success
float count = 0;
bool success = EnScript.GetClassVar(myClass, "m_Counter", 0, count);
>> count = 5
>> success = 1
Definition EnScript.c:167
static proto int GetClassVar(Class inst, string varname, int index, out void result)
Dynamic read of variable value by its name.

◆ GetDebugName()

string GetDebugName ( )
39{ return ClassName(); }
proto native owned external string ClassName()
Returns name of class-type.

Перекрестные ссылки Class::ClassName().

◆ GetElement()

proto TValue GetElement ( int index)

Return the i:th element in the map. Note: This operation is O(n) complexity. Use with care!

indexThe position of the element in the map
The element on the i:th position

◆ GetIteratorElement()

proto TValue GetIteratorElement ( MapIterator it)

◆ GetIteratorKey()

proto TKey GetIteratorKey ( MapIterator it)

◆ GetKey()

proto TKey GetKey ( int i)

Return the i:th element key in the map. Note: This operation is O(n) complexity. Use with care!

iThe position of the element key in the map
Return key of i-th element

◆ GetKeyArray()

array< TKey > GetKeyArray ( )
884 {
886 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
887 {
888 keys.Insert( GetKey( i ) );
889 }
890 return keys;
891 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count.

◆ GetKeyByValue()

TKey GetKeyByValue ( TValue value)
915 {
916 TKey ret;
917 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
918 {
919 if (GetElement(i) == value)
920 {
921 ret = GetKey(i);
922 break;
923 }
924 }
926 return ret;
927 }
proto TValue GetElement(int index)

Перекрестные ссылки Count и GetElement().

◆ GetKeyByValueChecked()

bool GetKeyByValueChecked ( TValue value,
out TKey key )
930 {
931 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
932 {
933 if (GetElement(i) == value)
934 {
935 key = GetKey(i);
936 return true;
937 }
938 }
939 return false;
940 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count и GetElement().

◆ GetRandomElement()

T GetRandomElement ( )

Returns a random element of array.

int Random element of array
Print( my_array.GetRandomElement() );
>> "Three"
562 {
563 return Get(GetRandomIndex());
564 }
int GetRandomIndex()
Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .
Definition EnScript.c:542

Перекрестные ссылки Get().

◆ GetRandomIndex()

int GetRandomIndex ( )

Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .

int Random index of array
Print( my_array.GetRandomIndex() );
>> 2
543 {
544 if ( Count() > 0 )
545 {
546 return Math.RandomInt(0, Count());
547 }
549 return -1;
550 }
Definition EnMath.c:7
static proto int RandomInt(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [exclusive].

Перекрестные ссылки Count и Math::RandomInt().

◆ GetValueArray()

array< TValue > GetValueArray ( )
894 {
896 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
897 {
898 elements.Insert( GetElement( i ) );
899 }
900 return elements;
901 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count и GetElement().

◆ Idle()

proto volatile void Idle ( )

Yiels execution to other threads and then it continues. Obsolete...

◆ Init() [1/2]

proto int Init ( T init[])

◆ Init() [2/2]

proto int Init ( T init[])

◆ Insert() [1/3]

proto int Insert ( T value)

Inserts element at the end of array.

valueElement to be inserted
Position at which element is inserted

◆ Insert() [2/3]

proto int Insert ( T value)

Inserts element at the end of array.

valueElement to be inserted
Position at which element is inserted

◆ Insert() [3/3]

proto bool Insert ( TKey key,
TValue value )

Insert new element into hash map.

keyKey of element to be inserted.
valueData of element to be inserted.

◆ InsertAll()

void InsertAll ( notnull array< T > from)

Inserts all elements from array.

fromarray<T> array from which all elements will be added
arr1.Insert( "Dave" );
arr1.Insert( "Mark" );
arr1.Insert( "John" );
arr2.Insert( "Sarah" );
arr2.Insert( "Cate" );
for ( int i = 0; i < arr1.Count(); i++ )
Print( arr1.Get(i) );
delete arr2;
delete arr1;
>> "Dave"
>> "Mark"
>> "John"
>> "Sarah"
>> "Cate"
array< string > TStringArray
Definition EnScript.c:685
426 {
427 for ( int i = 0; i < from.Count(); i++ )
428 {
429 Insert( from.Get(i) );
430 }
431 }
proto int Insert(T value)

◆ InsertArray()

void InsertArray ( array< T > other)
574 {
575 for (int i = 0; i < other.Count(); i++)
576 {
577 T item = other.Get(i);
578 Insert(item);
579 }
580 }

◆ InsertAt() [1/2]

proto int InsertAt ( T value,
int index )

Inserts element at certain position and moves all elements behind this position by one.

valueElement to be inserted
indexPosition at which element is inserted. Must be less than Array::GetCardinality()
Number of elements after insertion

◆ InsertAt() [2/2]

proto int InsertAt ( T value,
int index )

Inserts element at certain position and moves all elements behind this position by one.

valueElement to be inserted
indexPosition at which element is inserted. Must be less than Array::GetCardinality()
Number of elements after insertion

◆ InsertSet()

void InsertSet ( set< T > other)
735 {
736 int count = other.Count();
737 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
738 {
739 T item = other[i];
740 Insert(item);
741 }
742 }

◆ Invert()

void Invert ( )
583 {
584 int left = 0;
585 int right = Count() - 1;
586 if (right > 0)
587 {
588 while (left < right)
589 {
590 T temp = Get(left);
591 Set(left++, Get(right));
592 Set(right--, temp);
593 }
594 }
595 }
proto void Set(int n, T value)

Перекрестные ссылки Count и Get().

◆ IsInherited()

proto native external bool IsInherited ( typename type )

Returns true when instance is of the type, or inherited one.

typeClass type
bool true when 'clType' is the same as 'type', or inherited one.
if (inst && inst.IsInherited(Widget))
Print("inst is inherited from Widget class!");
Definition EnWidgets.c:190

◆ IsValidIndex()

bool IsValidIndex ( int index)
498 {
499 return ( index > -1 && index < Count() );
500 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count.

◆ KillThread()

proto native int KillThread ( Class owner,
string name )

Kills thread.

ownerCan be NULL for global threads.
nameName of the first function on stack
int ???

◆ LoadScript()

static proto native ScriptModule LoadScript ( ScriptModule parentModule,
string scriptFile,
bool listing )

Do load script and create ScriptModule for it.

scriptFileScript path
ScriptModule Loaded scripted module

◆ MoveIndex()

int MoveIndex ( int curr_index,
int move_number )

Returns a index in array moved by specific number.

int Moved index in this array
Print( "Count: "+ my_array.Count() );
Print( "Moved 1:"+ my_array.MoveIndex(2, 1) );
Print( "Moved 3:"+ my_array.MoveIndex(2, 2) );
>> "Count: 4"
>> "Moved index 2 by 1: 3";
>> "Moved index 2 by 2: 0";
611 {
612 int count = Count();
613 int new_index = curr_index;
615 if ( move_number > 0 )
616 {
618 }
620 if ( move_number < 0 )
621 {
624 if ( new_index < 0 )
625 {
626 if ( new_index <= -count )
627 {
629 }
632 }
633 }
635 if ( new_index >= count )
636 {
638 }
640 // move_number is 0
641 return new_index;
642 }

Перекрестные ссылки Count.

◆ Next()

proto native MapIterator Next ( MapIterator it)

◆ ParseString()

proto int ParseString ( string input,
out string tokens[] )

Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.

inputstring String for parse
[out]tokensarray[] Parsed string in array
int Number of tokens
string token[2];
int result = ParseString("Hello World", token);
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
>> 'Hello'
>> 'World'
proto int ParseString(string input, out string tokens[])
Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.

◆ ParseStringEx()

proto int ParseStringEx ( inout string input,
string token )

Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.

[in,out]inputstring String for parse\ Output is without founded token
[out]tokenstring Founded string token
int Type of token
Token types:
 0 - error, no token
 1 - defined token (special characters etc. . / * )
 2 - quoted string. Quotes are removed -> TODO
 3 - alphabetic string
 4 - number
 5 - end of line -> TODO
string input = "Hello*World";
string token1;
string token2;
Print( String( "Token1 = '" + token1 + "' Type = " + result1.ToString() ) );
Print( String( "Token2 = '" + token2 + "' Type = " + result2.ToString() ) );
>> 'Toke1 = 'Hello' Type = 3'
>> 'Toke1 = '*' Type = 1'
proto int ParseStringEx(inout string input, string token)
Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned....
string String(string s)
Helper for passing string expression to functions with void parameter. Example: Print(String("Hello "...
Definition EnScript.c:339

◆ PrintString()

◆ Release()

proto native void Release ( )

◆ Remove() [1/3]

proto native void Remove ( int index)

Removes element from array. The empty position is replaced by last element, so removal is quite fast but do not retain order.

indexIndex of element to be removed

◆ Remove() [2/3]

proto native void Remove ( int index)

Removes element from array, but retain all elements ordered.

indexIndex of element to be removed

◆ Remove() [3/3]

proto void Remove ( TKey key)

Removes element with given key.

◆ RemoveElement()

proto void RemoveElement ( int i)

Removes i:th element with given key. Note: This operation is O(n) complexity. Use with care!

iThe position of the element key in the map

◆ RemoveItem() [1/2]

void RemoveItem ( T value)
478 {
479 int remove_index = Find(value);
481 if ( remove_index >= 0 )
482 {
484 }
485 }
proto int Find(T value)
proto native void RemoveOrdered(int index)

◆ RemoveItem() [2/2]

void RemoveItem ( T value)
745 {
746 int remove_index = Find(value);
747 if (remove_index >= 0)
748 {
750 }
751 }
proto native void Remove(int index)

Перекрестные ссылки Remove().

◆ RemoveItems()

void RemoveItems ( set< T > other)
754 {
755 int count = other.Count();
756 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
757 {
758 T item = other[i];
760 }
761 }
void RemoveItem(T value)
Definition EnScript.c:744

◆ RemoveItemUnOrdered()

void RemoveItemUnOrdered ( T value)
488 {
489 int remove_index = Find(value);
491 if ( remove_index >= 0 )
492 {
494 }
495 }

Перекрестные ссылки Remove().

◆ RemoveOrdered()

proto native void RemoveOrdered ( int index)

Removes element from array, but retain all elements ordered. It's slower than Remove

indexIndex of element to be removed

◆ ReplaceKey()

bool ReplaceKey ( TKey old_key,
TKey new_key )
904 {
905 if (Contains(old_key))
906 {
909 return true;
910 }
911 return false;
912 }
proto void Remove(TKey key)
proto void Set(TKey key, TValue value)
proto bool Contains(TKey key)

Перекрестные ссылки Get() и Remove().

◆ Reserve()

proto native void Reserve ( int newSize)

Resizes the array to given size internally. Is used for optimization purposes when the approx. size is known beforehand

◆ Resize()

proto native void Resize ( int newSize)

Resizes the array to given size. If the newSize is lower than current Count overflowing objects are destroyed. If the newSize is higher than current Count missing elements are initialized to zero (null).

◆ reversearray()

proto void reversearray ( void param_array)

◆ SafeCastType()

static proto bool SafeCastType ( Class type,
out Class to,
Class from )

This function is for internal script usage.

◆ Set() [1/2]

proto void Set ( int n,
T value )

Sets n-th element to given value.

◆ Set() [2/2]

proto void Set ( TKey key,
TValue value )

Sets value of element with given key. If element with key not exists, it is created. Note: creating new elements is faster using Insert function.

◆ SetClassVar()

static proto int SetClassVar ( Class inst,
string varname,
int index,
void input )

Dynamic write to variable by its name.

instwhen inst == NULL, it's for global variable, otherwise it's class member
indexIs index when variable is array
inputInput variable must be of the same type!
int Returns true(1) when success
>> m_Counter = 0
bool success = EnScript.SetClassVar(myClass, "m_Counter", 0, 5.0);
>> m_Counter = 5
>> success = 1
int m_Counter
Definition DayZGame.c:699
static proto int SetClassVar(Class inst, string varname, int index, void input)
Dynamic write to variable by its name.

◆ SetVar()

static proto int SetVar ( out void var,
string value )

Sets variable value by value in string.


◆ ShuffleArray()

void ShuffleArray ( )
645 {
646 for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
647 {
649 }
650 }
void SwapItems(int item1_index, int item2_index)
Definition EnScript.c:566

Перекрестные ссылки Count.

◆ Sort() [1/2]

proto native void Sort ( bool reverse = false)

Sorts elements of array, depends on underlaying type.

◆ Sort() [2/2]

proto void Sort ( void param_array[],
int num )

Sorts static array of integers(ascendically) / floats(ascendically) / strings(alphabetically)

param_arrayarray Array to sort
numint How many items will be sorted in array
string arrStr[3] = {"Dog", "Car", "Apple"};
for ( int x = 0; x < 3; x++ )
Print( arrStr[x] );
>> 'Car'
>> 'Dog'
>> 'Apple'
Icon x
proto void Sort(void param_array[], int num)
Sorts static array of integers(ascendically) / floats(ascendically) / strings(alphabetically)

Используется в ActionConstructor::ConstructActions() и EmoteConstructor::ConstructEmotes().

◆ StaticGetType()

static StaticGetType ( typename t )

Returns typename of class even without a variable or instance.

typename class-type
Definition Building.c:6
static StaticGetType(typename t)
Returns typename of class even without a variable or instance.
Definition EnScript.c:73
74 {
75 return t;
76 }

◆ StaticType()

proto static external StaticType ( )

Returns typename of object's reference.

typename class-type
>> 'EntityAI'

◆ String()

string String ( string s)

Helper for passing string expression to functions with void parameter. Example: Print(String("Hello " + var));.

341 return s;

Используется в ScriptConsoleEnfScriptTab::Add(), ScriptConsoleOutputTab::Add(), Hud::DisplayNotifier(), Hud::DisplayTendencyNormal(), Hud::DisplayTendencyTemp(), Hud::InitBadgesAndNotifiers(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Remove() и ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Show().

◆ Swap() [1/2]

proto native void Swap ( notnull array< T > other)

Swaps the contents of this and other arrays. Does not involve copying of the elements.

◆ Swap() [2/2]

proto native void Swap ( set< T > other)

◆ SwapItems()

void SwapItems ( int item1_index,
int item2_index )
567 {
571 }

Перекрестные ссылки Get().

◆ ThreadFunction()

proto owned string ThreadFunction ( Class owner,
string name,
int backtrace,
out int linenumber )

Debug function. Returns current function on stack of the thread.

ownerCan be NULL for global threads
nameName of the first function on stack
string ???

◆ ToString()

proto external string ToString ( )

◆ Type()

proto native external Type ( )

Returns typename of object's class.

typename class-type
Man player = g_Game.GetPlayer();
typename type = player.Type();
>> 'Man'

◆ Watch()

static proto void Watch ( void var,
int flags )

Debug tool for watching certain variable. Invokes debugger whenever is variable used.

varCertain variable for watching
flags= 1 means it will break even when not modified

◆ ~EnScript()

void ~EnScript ( )

◆ ~ScriptModule()

void ~ScriptModule ( )