typedef int[] | TypeID |
| script representation for C++ RTTI types
typedef array< string > | TStringArray |
typedef array< float > | TFloatArray |
typedef array< int > | TIntArray |
typedef array< bool > | TBoolArray |
typedef array< Class > | TClassArray |
typedef array< Managed > | TManagedArray |
typedef array< ref Managed > | TManagedRefArray |
typedef array< vector > | TVectorArray |
typedef array< typename > | TTypenameArray |
typedef set< string > | TStringSet |
typedef set< float > | TFloatSet |
typedef set< int > | TIntSet |
typedef set< Class > | TClassSet |
typedef set< Managed > | TManagedSet |
typedef set< ref Managed > | TManagedRefSet |
typedef set< typename > | TTypenameSet |
typedef int | MapIterator |
typedef map< int, float > | TIntFloatMap |
typedef map< int, int > | TIntIntMap |
typedef map< int, string > | TIntStringMap |
typedef map< int, Class > | TIntClassMap |
typedef map< int, Managed > | TIntManagedMap |
typedef map< int, ref Managed > | TIntManagedRefMap |
typedef map< int, typename > | TIntTypenameMap |
typedef map< int, vector > | TIntVectorMap |
typedef map< string, float > | TStringFloatMap |
typedef map< string, int > | TStringIntMap |
typedef map< string, string > | TStringStringMap |
typedef map< string, Class > | TStringClassMap |
typedef map< string, Managed > | TStringManagedMap |
typedef map< string, ref Managed > | TStringManagedRefMap |
typedef map< string, typename > | TStringTypenameMap |
typedef map< string, vector > | TStringVectorMap |
typedef map< Class, float > | TClassFloatMap |
typedef map< Class, int > | TClassIntMap |
typedef map< Class, string > | TClassStringMap |
typedef map< Class, Class > | TClassClassMap |
typedef map< Class, Managed > | TClassManagedMap |
typedef map< Class, ref Managed > | TClassManagedRefMap |
typedef map< Class, typename > | TClassTypenameMap |
typedef map< Class, vector > | TClassVectorMap |
typedef map< typename, float > | TTypeNameFloatMap |
typedef map< typename, int > | TTypeNameIntMap |
typedef map< typename, string > | TTypeNameStringMap |
typedef map< typename, Class > | TTypeNameClassMap |
typedef map< typename, Managed > | TTypeNameManagedMap |
typedef map< typename, ref Managed > | TTypeNameManagedRefMap |
typedef map< typename, typename > | TTypeNameTypenameMap |
typedef map< typename, vector > | TTypeNameVectorMap |
typedef map< Managed, float > | TManagedFloatMap |
typedef map< Managed, int > | TManagedIntMap |
typedef map< Managed, string > | TManagedStringMap |
typedef map< Managed, Class > | TManagedClassMap |
typedef map< Managed, Managed > | TManagedManagedMap |
typedef map< Managed, ref Managed > | TManagedManagedRefMap |
typedef map< Managed, typename > | TManagedTypenameMap |
typedef map< Managed, vector > | TManagedVectorMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, float > | TManagedRefFloatMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, int > | TManagedRefIntMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, string > | TManagedRefStringMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, Class > | TManagedRefClassMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, Managed > | TManagedRefManagedMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, ref Managed > | TManagedRefManagedRefMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, typename > | TManagedRefTypenameMap |
typedef map< ref Managed, vector > | TManagedRefVectorMap |
proto native external bool | Class::IsInherited (typename type) |
| Returns true when instance is of the type, or inherited one.
proto native owned external string | Class::ClassName () |
| Returns name of class-type.
string | Class::GetDebugName () |
proto native external | Class::Type () |
| Returns typename of object's class.
proto static external | Class::StaticType () |
| Returns typename of object's reference.
static | Class::StaticGetType (typename t) |
| Returns typename of class even without a variable or instance.
proto external string | Class::ToString () |
static proto Class | Class::Cast (Class from) |
| Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool | Class::CastTo (out Class to, Class from) |
| Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
static proto bool | Class::SafeCastType (Class type, out Class to, Class from) |
| This function is for internal script usage.
void | ScriptModule::~ScriptModule () |
proto volatile int | ScriptModule::Call (Class inst, string function, void parm) |
proto volatile int | ScriptModule::CallFunction (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, void parm) |
proto volatile int | ScriptModule::CallFunctionParams (Class inst, string function, out void returnVal, Class parms) |
proto native void | ScriptModule::Release () |
static proto native ScriptModule | ScriptModule::LoadScript (ScriptModule parentModule, string scriptFile, bool listing) |
| Do load script and create ScriptModule for it.
void | EnScript::EnScript () |
void | EnScript::~EnScript () |
static proto int | EnScript::GetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, out void result) |
| Dynamic read of variable value by its name.
static proto int | EnScript::SetClassVar (Class inst, string varname, int index, void input) |
| Dynamic write to variable by its name.
static proto int | EnScript::SetVar (out void var, string value) |
| Sets variable value by value in string.
static proto void | EnScript::Watch (void var, int flags) |
| Debug tool for watching certain variable. Invokes debugger whenever is variable used.
proto void | Sort (void param_array[], int num) |
| Sorts static array of integers(ascendically) / floats(ascendically) / strings(alphabetically)
proto void | reversearray (void param_array) |
proto void | copyarray (void destArray, void srcArray) |
proto int | ParseStringEx (inout string input, string token) |
| Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
proto int | ParseString (string input, out string tokens[]) |
| Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.
proto native int | KillThread (Class owner, string name) |
| Kills thread.
proto volatile void | Idle () |
proto owned string | ThreadFunction (Class owner, string name, int backtrace, out int linenumber) |
| Debug function. Returns current function on stack of the thread.
string | String (string s) |
| Helper for passing string expression to functions with void parameter. Example: Print(String("Hello " + var));.
void | PrintString (string s) |
| Helper for printing out string expression. Example: PrintString("Hello " + var);.
proto native int | array< Class T >::Count () |
proto native void | array< Class T >::Clear () |
proto void | array< Class T >::Set (int n, T value) |
proto int | array< Class T >::Find (T value) |
proto T | array< Class T >::Get (int n) |
proto int | array< Class T >::Insert (T value) |
proto int | array< Class T >::InsertAt (T value, int index) |
void | array< Class T >::InsertAll (notnull array< T > from) |
| Inserts all elements from array.
proto native void | array< Class T >::Remove (int index) |
proto native void | array< Class T >::RemoveOrdered (int index) |
proto native void | array< Class T >::Resize (int newSize) |
proto native void | array< Class T >::Reserve (int newSize) |
proto native void | array< Class T >::Swap (notnull array< T > other) |
proto native void | array< Class T >::Sort (bool reverse=false) |
proto int | array< Class T >::Copy (notnull array< T > from) |
proto int | array< Class T >::Init (T init[]) |
void | array< Class T >::RemoveItem (T value) |
void | array< Class T >::RemoveItemUnOrdered (T value) |
bool | array< Class T >::IsValidIndex (int index) |
void | array< Class T >::Debug () |
| Print all elements in array.
int | array< Class T >::GetRandomIndex () |
| Returns a random index of array. If Count is 0, return index is -1 .
T | array< Class T >::GetRandomElement () |
| Returns a random element of array.
void | array< Class T >::SwapItems (int item1_index, int item2_index) |
void | array< Class T >::InsertArray (array< T > other) |
void | array< Class T >::Invert () |
int | array< Class T >::MoveIndex (int curr_index, int move_number) |
| Returns a index in array moved by specific number.
void | array< Class T >::ShuffleArray () |
int | array< Class T >::DifferentAtPosition (array< T > pOtherArray) |
| Returns an index where 2 arrays start to differ from each other.
proto native int | set< Class T >::Count () |
proto native void | set< Class T >::Clear () |
proto int | set< Class T >::Find (T value) |
proto T | set< Class T >::Get (int n) |
proto int | set< Class T >::Insert (T value) |
proto int | set< Class T >::InsertAt (T value, int index) |
proto native void | set< Class T >::Remove (int index) |
proto int | set< Class T >::Copy (set< T > from) |
proto native void | set< Class T >::Swap (set< T > other) |
proto int | set< Class T >::Init (T init[]) |
void | set< Class T >::InsertSet (set< T > other) |
void | set< Class T >::RemoveItem (T value) |
void | set< Class T >::RemoveItems (set< T > other) |
void | set< Class T >::Debug () |
proto native int | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Count () |
proto native void | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Clear () |
proto TValue | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Get (TKey key) |
proto bool | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Find (TKey key, out TValue val) |
proto TValue | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetElement (int index) |
proto TKey | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKey (int i) |
proto void | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Set (TKey key, TValue value) |
proto void | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Remove (TKey key) |
proto void | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::RemoveElement (int i) |
proto bool | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Contains (TKey key) |
proto bool | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Insert (TKey key, TValue value) |
proto int | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Copy (map< TKey, TValue > from) |
array< TKey > | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyArray () |
array< TValue > | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetValueArray () |
bool | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::ReplaceKey (TKey old_key, TKey new_key) |
TKey | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyByValue (TValue value) |
bool | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetKeyByValueChecked (TValue value, out TKey key) |
proto native MapIterator | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Begin () |
proto native MapIterator | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::End () |
proto native MapIterator | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::Next (MapIterator it) |
proto TKey | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetIteratorKey (MapIterator it) |
proto TValue | map< Class TKey, Class TValue >::GetIteratorElement (MapIterator it) |