18 m_Text =
47 action_data.m_Player.ServerReplaceItemInHandsWithNewElsewhere(lambda);
53 if ( player.GetInventory().FindAttachment(
InventorySlots.HEADGEAR) )
71 OverrideNewLocation(targetAtt);
class ActionTargets ActionTarget
ref CCIBase m_ConditionItem
bool CanReceiveAction(ActionTarget target)
ref CCTBase m_ConditionTarget
void ActionContinuousBase()
override void CreateConditionComponents()
override void OnFinishProgressServer(ActionData action_data)
bool IsWearingHeadgear(PlayerBase player)
void ActionCoverHeadTarget()
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
override void CreateActionComponent()
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
PlayerBase m_TargetPlayer
void CoverHeadOfTargetPlayerLambda(EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player)
proto native void SetAttachment(notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int slotId)
sets current inventory location type to Attachment with slot id set to <slotId>
provides access to slot configuration
defined in C++
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.