43 if (item.GetQuantity() <= 0)
49 if (item.GetIsFrozen())
54 Car car = Car.Cast( target.GetParent() );
58 if (car.GetFluidFraction(
CarFluid.COOLANT ) >= 0.95)
62 target.GetObject().GetActionComponentNameList(target.GetComponentIndex(), selections);
71 if (CastTo(carAI, car))
74 if (radiator && !radiator.IsRuined())
76 for (
int s = 0; s < selections.Count(); s++)
78 if (selections[s] == carS.GetActionCompNameCoolant())
80 float dist =
Distance( carS.GetCoolantPtcPosWS(), player.GetPosition() );
82 if (dist < carS.GetActionDistanceCoolant())
class ActionTargets ActionTarget
Type of vehicle's fluid. (native, do not change or extend)
ref CCIBase m_ConditionItem
ref CCTBase m_ConditionTarget
void ActionContinuousBase()
override void CreateConditionComponents()
override bool IsUsingProxies()
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
const float TIME_TO_REPEAT
override void CreateActionComponent()
static proto native int GetSlotIdFromString(string slot_name)
converts string to slot_id
provides access to slot configuration
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
static proto native float Distance(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
defined in C++