Possible Error codes for bios API. This is the list of errors that can be returned from bios API....
array< ref BiosFriendInfo > BiosFriendInfoArray
string m_DisplayName
The Displayable nick name of the friend.
bool m_IsFavorite
Xbox: Is a favorite friend?
string m_Uid
The Uid of the friend.
bool m_IsFollowed
Xbox: Is this a two-way friendship?
static bool Compare(BiosFriendInfo a, BiosFriendInfo b)
BiosFriendInfo represents friend information.
proto native EBiosError GetFriendsAsync()
Query for friends list.
void OnFriendsAsync(BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error)
Async callback for GetFriendsAsync.
void OnUserProfileAsync(EBiosError error)
Async callback for ShowUserProfileAsync.
proto native EBiosError ShowUserProfileAsync(string uid_target)
Display small system UI profile for the target.
BiosSocialService is used to query friend list and other social features for the current user.
static void OnUserProfileAsync(EBiosError error)
static void OnFriendsAsync(BiosFriendInfoArray friend_list, EBiosError error)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.