DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл ParticleManager.c

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Структуры данных

class  ParticleManagerConstants
 Class simply to have easily modded constants. Подробнее...
class  ParticleManagerEvents
 Invokers for ParticleManager events. Подробнее...


enum  ParticleManagerSettingsFlags {
 Flags for ParticleManagerSettings. Подробнее...


class ParticleManagerConstants ParticleManagerSettings (int poolSize, int flags=ParticleManagerSettingsFlags.NONE)
 Settings given to ParticleManager on creation (in ctor)
void ~ParticleManagerSettings ()
static ParticleManager GetInstance ()
 Access to the static ParticleManager.
static void CleanupInstance ()
 To clean it up properly before game closes.
void ParticleManager (ParticleManagerSettings settings)
 Constructor (ctor)
void ~ParticleManager ()
API for compatibility with Particle/ParticleSource create/play

Mimics the static Create and Play methods from Particle/ParticleSource

ParticleSource CreateParticle (int id, vector pos, bool playOnCreation=false, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, bool forceWorldRotation=false, Class owner=null)
 Create function.
ParticleSource CreateParticleEx (int id, vector pos, int flags=ParticlePropertiesFlags.NONE, Object parent=null, vector ori=vector.Zero, Class owner=null)
 Master create function.
ParticleSource CreateOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter and attaches it on the given object.
ParticleSource Create (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility.
ParticleSource CreateInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position.
ParticleSource Create (int particle_id, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Static play on creation

You can use the following Play(...) functions to create and activate a particle in 1 line of your script.

ParticleSource PlayOnObject (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
 Creates a particle emitter, attaches it on the given object and activates it.
ParticleSource Play (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector local_pos="0 0 0", vector local_ori="0 0 0")
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
ParticleSource PlayInWorld (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Creates a particle emitter on the given position and activates it.
ParticleSource PlayInWorldEx (int particle_id, Object parent_obj, vector global_pos, vector global_ori="0 0 0", bool force_world_rotation=false)
ParticleSource Play (int particle_id, vector global_pos)
 Legacy function for backwards compatibility with 1.01 and below.
Get Particles

API for creating, playing or obtaining particles from the pool

proto native int CreateParticles (array< ParticleSource > particles, string path, notnull ParticlePropertiesArray properties, int count=1)
 Creates an amount of particles with the properties given.
ParticleSource CreateParticleByPath (string path, notnull ParticleProperties properties)
 Create a particle.
int CreateParticlesById (int id, notnull ParticlePropertiesArray properties, int count)
 QoL function using script ParticleList, strongly recommend to read comments for CreateParticles as well.
array< ParticleSourceCreateParticlesByIdArr (int id, notnull ParticlePropertiesArray properties, int count)
 QoL function using script ParticleList, strongly recommend to read comments for CreateParticles as well.
ParticleSource CreateParticleById (int id, ParticleProperties properties)
 QoL function for when only one particle is needed using script ParticleList, strongly recommend to read comments for CreateParticles as well.
proto native int PlayParticles (out array< ParticleSource > particles, string path, notnull array< vector > positions, int count=1)
 QoL function for when wanting to play a particle at a position right away.
array< ParticleSourcePlayParticlesById (int id, array< vector > positions, int count)
 QoL function using script ParticleList, strongly recommend to read comments for PlayParticles as well.
ParticleSource PlayParticleById (int id, array< vector > position)
 QoL function for when only one particle is needed using script ParticleList, strongly recommend to read comments for PlayParticles as well.
proto native ParticleSource GetParticle (int index)
 Manually get the particle at index.
proto native int GetParticles (out array< ParticleSource > outArray, int startIndex, int count)
 Manually get a portion of the particles in the pool.
array< ParticleSourceGetParticlesEx (int startIndex, int count)
 Manually get a portion of the particles in the pool.

Identification functionality

proto native void SetName (string name)
 Set a name for the ParticleManager to identify it more easily.
proto string GetName ()
 Gets the name which is set for the ParticleManager, default is "ParticleSourceManager".
proto string GetDebugNameNative ()
 Gets the debug name for the ParticleManager.
override string GetDebugName ()
 Gets the debug name for the ParticleManager.
proto int GetCountID ()
 Gets the ID for the ParticleManager.
proto static native int GetStaticCount ()
 Gets the amount of ParticleManager that have been created since the start of the program.
proto static native int GetStaticActiveCount ()
 Gets the amount of ParticleManager that are currently existing.
Properties and state

Obtain information about the state of the ParticleManager

proto native int GetPoolSize ()
 Gets the fixed maximum size of the pool.
proto native int GetAllocatedCount ()
 Gets the amount of particles currently allocated.
proto native int GetVirtualCount ()
 Gets the amount of virtual particles.
proto native int GetPlayingCount ()
 Gets the amount of playing particles.
proto native bool IsFinishedAllocating ()
 Checks if the ParticleManager has allocated all slots in the pool.
Script Events API

Setting and getting of ScriptEvents

proto void SetScriptEvents (Managed events)
 Set the events.
proto Managed GetScriptEvents ()
 Get the events.
ParticleManagerEvents GetEvents ()
 Get the events.

Events called from C++

void OnAllocation (array< ParticleSource > allocatedParticles)
void OnAllocationEnd ()


class ParticleManagerEvents g_ParticleManager
 Has a fixed pool of precreated and reserved particles.
Global ParticleManager settings

Settings applied to the global ParticleManager

static const int POOL_SIZE = 10000
static const int FLAGS = ParticleManagerSettingsFlags.NONE