DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ CreateParticles()

proto native int CreateParticles ( array< ParticleSource > particles,
string path,
notnull ParticlePropertiesArray properties,
int count = 1 )

Creates an amount of particles with the properties given.

particlesarray<ParticleSource> The resulting particles if an array is given
pathstring Path of particle effect
propertiesParticleProperties Properties of the particles created
countint Amount of particles to create with these properties
int Amount of particles created in this frame, if the ParticleManager is still allocating while this is called and virtual particles are enabled, the overflow particles will be virtual instead and not given in the out array

Перекрестные ссылки path.

Используется в CreateParticleById(), CreateParticleByPath(), CreateParticlesById() и CreateParticlesByIdArr().