19 if ( !target )
return false;
21 Object target_object = target.GetObject();
22 string action_selection = target_object.GetActionComponentName( target.GetComponentIndex() );
25 if ( target_object && building && action_selection.
29 vector fire_point_pos_world, fire_point_rot_world;
30 int fire_point_index = OvenIndoor.GetFirePointIndex( action_selection );
31 if ( OvenIndoor.CanPlaceFireplaceInSelectedSpot( building, fire_point_index, fire_point_pos_world, fire_point_rot_world ) )
34 if ( building.HasSelection( OvenIndoor.OVENPOINT_PLACE_ROT + fire_point_index.ToString() ) )
36 vector diff = fire_point_rot_world - fire_point_pos_world;
39 float dotp =
"0 0 1" , diff );
41 if ( ( diff[0] < 0 ) && ( diff[2] < 0 ) )
42 rot_deg = 360.0 - rot_deg;
43 else if ( ( diff[0] < 0 ) && ( diff[2] > 0 ) )
44 rot_deg = 360.0 - rot_deg;
49 float fire_point_dist =
Distance( fire_point_pos_world, player.GetPosition() );
50 if ( fire_point_dist <= 2 )
52 player.SetLastFirePoint( fire_point_pos_world );
53 player.SetLastFirePointIndex( fire_point_index );
54 player.SetLastFirePointRot( rot_deg );
69 vector smoke_point_pos = action_data.m_Target.GetObject().GetSelectionPositionMS( OvenIndoor.OVENPOINT_SMOKE_POSITION +
m_FirePointIndex.ToString() );
70 vector smoke_point_pos_world = action_data.m_Target.GetObject().ModelToWorld( smoke_point_pos );
73 OvenIndoor fp_indoor = OvenIndoor.Cast( obj );
81 fp_indoor.SetOrientation( fprot );
83 fp_indoor.Synchronize();
89 action_data.m_Player.LocalTakeEntityToTargetAttachment(fp_indoor, action_data.m_MainItem);
92 action_data.m_Player.ServerTakeEntityToTargetAttachment(fp_indoor, action_data.m_MainItem);
ActionPlaceFireplaceIndoor m_FirePointIndex
class ActionTargets ActionTarget
bool IsInReach(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, float maxDistance=1.0)
ref CCIBase m_ConditionItem
void ClearInventoryReservationEx(ActionData action_data)
ref CCTBase m_ConditionTarget
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
override bool IsLockTargetOnUse()
void ActionCreateIndoorOven()
override void CreateConditionComponents()
override void OnExecuteServer(ActionData action_data)
void ActionSingleUseBase()
proto native Object CreateObjectEx(string type, vector pos, int iFlags, int iRotation=RF_DEFAULT)
Creates object of certain type.
static float Dot(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns Dot product of vector v1 and vector v2.
proto float Normalize()
Normalizes vector. Returns length.
static proto native float Distance(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the distance between tips of two 3D vectors.
defined in C++
proto native CGame GetGame()
static proto float Acos(float c)
Returns angle in radians from cosinus.
static const float RAD2DEG
bool Contains(string sample)
Returns true if sample is substring of string.