DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat.c

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enum  EMeleeHitType {


void DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat (DayZPlayerImplement player)
void Init (DayZPlayerImplement player)
void ~DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat ()
EMeleeHitType GetHitType ()
void SetHitZoneIdx (int pHitZone)
EntityAI GetTargetEntity ()
void SetTargetObject (Object pTarget)
int GetHitZoneIdx ()
 component idx
vector GetHitPos ()
void SetHitPos (vector pHitPos)
int GetFinisherType ()
void SetFinisherType (int pFinisherType)
int GetWeaponMode ()
void Reset (InventoryItem weapon, EMeleeHitType hitMask, bool wasHitEvent=false)
void ResetTarget ()
void Update (InventoryItem weapon, EMeleeHitType hitMask, bool wasHitEvent=false)
void CheckMeleeItem ()
int SelectWeaponMode (InventoryItem weapon)
float GetWeaponRange (InventoryItem weapon, int weaponMode)
float GetRange ()
float GetAngle ()
void TargetSelection ()
int TrySelectFinisherType (InventoryItem weapon, EntityAI target)
 General condition for finisher attacks.
int DetermineSpecificFinisherType (ItemBase weapon)
void InternalResetTarget ()
void SetTarget (Object obj, vector hitPos, int hitZone)
bool CanObjectBeTargeted (Object obj, bool checkNonAligneAble=false)
bool HitZoneSelectionRaycastHelper (out vector hitPos, out int hitZone, out Object target)
bool HitZoneSelectionRaycast (out vector hitPos, out int hitZone, out Object target, bool useCamera)
void HitZoneSelection ()
bool IsObstructed (Object object)
 DEPRECATED - New function in MeleeTargeting.
bool IsEntityBehindEntityInAngle (EntityAI source, EntityAI target, float angle)


enum EMeleeHitType TARGETING_ANGLE_NORMAL = 30.0
 Target selection settings.
const float TARGETING_ANGLE_SPRINT = 15.0
 Second Pass: Half angle of cone during sprint.
const float TARGETING_MIN_HEIGHT = -2.0
 Second Pass: How deep the cone goes in meters from player position.
const float TARGETING_MAX_HEIGHT = 2.0
 Second Pass: How high the cone goes in meters from player position.
const float TARGETING_RAY_RADIUS_EX = 0.5
 Second Pass: Max distance from ray projected from player looking direction.
const float TARGETING_RAY_RADIUS = 0.25
 DEPRECATED: "HitZoneSelection".
const float TARGETING_RAY_DIST = 5.0
 DEPRECATED: "HitZoneSelection".
const float TARGETING_RAY_DIST_SHORT = 2.0
 DEPRECATED: "HitZoneSelection".
const float RANGE_EXTENDER_NORMAL = 0.65
 General range extension.
const float RANGE_EXTENDER_SPRINT = 1.35
 General range extension while in sprint.
const string DEFAULT_HIT_ZONE = "Torso"
 DEPRECATED: "HitZoneSelection".
ref MeleeTargeting m_MeleeTargeting
 Target selecting "component".
Object m_TargetObject
 Targets - types.
EMeleeTargetType m_TargetType
 DEPRECATED: Was added but never used..?
ref array< Objectm_AllTargetObjects
 All potential targets found during most recent TargetSelection.
ref array< typenamem_TargetableObjects
 Typenames of all directly/preferred targetable objects (1st Pass + 2nd Pass)
ref array< typenamem_NonAlignableObjects
 Typenames of objects that can be targeted, but are not a priority (3rd Pass)
ref array< stringm_BlacklistedDamageZones
 List of blacklisted damage zone names (cannot use indices due to the possible changes when p3d components are recalculated)
DayZPlayerImplement m_DZPlayer
InventoryItem m_Weapon
 Weapons - cache.
int m_WeaponMode
 WeaponMode used during most recent Update.
float m_WeaponRange
 WeaponRange used during most recent Update.
bool m_ForceUntargetable
 Misc - cache.
bool m_SprintAttack
 If most recent attack was a sprint attack.
bool m_WasHit
 If most recent attack was.
vector m_RayStart
 Start position of most recent HitZoneSelectionRaycast.
vector m_RayEnd
 End position of most recent HitZoneSelectionRaycast.
vector m_RayEndShort
 DEPRECATED: "HitZoneSelection".
EMeleeHitType m_HitType
 Hit type of the most recent attack.
int m_HitZoneIdx
 Hit result - cache.
int m_FinisherType
string m_HitZoneName
 Most recent target HitZone name.
vector m_HitPositionWS
 Most recent target position.
int m_DebugForcedFinisherType